Emocje w kontekście podróży literackich Andrzeja Stasiuka na Wschód: smutek, strach, nostalgia
Emotions in the Context of Andrzej Stasiuk’s Literary Journeys to the East: Sadness, Fear, Nostalgia
Author(s): Tatiana KanaszSubject(s): Polish Literature
Published by: Collegium Civitas
Keywords: sociology; emotions; literature; journey; Andrzej Stasiuk; East; feeling rules;
Summary/Abstract: The aim of the article is to interpret Andrzej Stasiuk's literary journeys to the East from the perspective of the sociology of emotions. Motives of the journey, the names of feelings that Stasiuk uses in his journey to the East and the emotions he assigns to the Other, as well as the manner of their expression and contextualization were examined. The imagined and experienced East is presented in relation to sadness, fear and nostalgia, which fits in the context of experiencing communism and traveling to peripheral, non-touristic places. The findings motivate treating literature as a culturally significant source of data for exploring feeling rules and emotional regimes expressed by the author and characters.
Journal: Zoon Politikon
- Issue Year: 12/2021
- Issue No: 12
- Page Range: 1-28
- Page Count: 28
- Language: Polish