Criterii folosite în elaborarea dicţionarului bio-bibliografic
Oameni de ştiinţă mureşeni
Criteria Used in Order to Edit the Bio-Bibliographical Dictionary Scientists from Mureş County
Author(s): Ana TodeaSubject(s): Library and Information Science, Other
Published by: Biblioteca Județeană Mureș
Keywords: Libraria; Biblioteca Județeană Mureș; biblioteconomie; bibliologie; carte veche; carte bibliofilă; istorie locală; servicii de bibliotecă; Biblioteca Teleki; carte veche românească;
Summary/Abstract: The purpose of this work is to realize an information source in order to facilitate a better knowledge and a better revaluation of scientific and technic work of scientists from Mureş County. The bio-bibliographical dictionary will include the scientists that were born or have worked sometimes, during their professional activity, in Mureş County. The period it reffers to is quite large: from medieval times up to our days, more precisely, up to december 31, 2003.The main criterion is very simple: the people we have chosen must be specialized in different scientific domains: maths, economics, physics, biology, medicine, chemistry etc; concerning the older times, we also introduced priests and historians, who had scientific studies. But all of them have at least one published book.Every person from dictionary has a personal record that includes two parts: the first part reffers to biographical facts; the second includes bibliographical informations and contains: published works and different written references. We use the informations offered by the persons included in the dictionary or by their families, or data found in different dictionaires, lexicons etc.
Journal: Libraria. Studii și cercetări de bibliologie
- Issue Year: II/2003
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 335-339
- Page Count: 5
- Language: Romanian