Criteria Used in Order to Edit the Bio-Bibliographical Dictionary Scientists from Mureş County Cover Image

Criterii folosite în elaborarea dicţionarului bio-bibliografic Oameni de ştiinţă mureşeni
Criteria Used in Order to Edit the Bio-Bibliographical Dictionary Scientists from Mureş County


Author(s): Ana Todea
Subject(s): Library and Information Science, Other
Published by: Biblioteca Județeană Mureș
Keywords: Libraria; Biblioteca Județeană Mureș; biblioteconomie; bibliologie; carte veche; carte bibliofilă; istorie locală; servicii de bibliotecă; Biblioteca Teleki; carte veche românească;

Summary/Abstract: The purpose of this work is to realize an information source in order to facilitate a better knowledge and a better revaluation of scientific and technic work of scientists from Mureş County. The bio-bibliographical dictionary will include the scientists that were born or have worked sometimes, during their professional activity, in Mureş County. The period it reffers to is quite large: from medieval times up to our days, more precisely, up to december 31, 2003.The main criterion is very simple: the people we have chosen must be specialized in different scientific domains: maths, economics, physics, biology, medicine, chemistry etc; concerning the older times, we also introduced priests and historians, who had scientific studies. But all of them have at least one published book.Every person from dictionary has a personal record that includes two parts: the first part reffers to biographical facts; the second includes bibliographical informations and contains: published works and different written references. We use the informations offered by the persons included in the dictionary or by their families, or data found in different dictionaires, lexicons etc.

  • Issue Year: II/2003
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 335-339
  • Page Count: 5
  • Language: Romanian
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