The Effect of Variables on Club Image, Brand Efangelism, Team Loyalty and Team Identification in the Choice of Licensed Products in Sports Marketing Cover Image

Spor Pazarlamasında Lisanslı Ürünlerin Tercihinde, Kulüp İmajı, Marka Efangelizmi, Takım Sadakati ve Takımla Özdeşleşme Değişkenlerinin Etkisi
The Effect of Variables on Club Image, Brand Efangelism, Team Loyalty and Team Identification in the Choice of Licensed Products in Sports Marketing

Author(s): Şaban Altin, Leyla Bezgin Ediş, İlknur Tüfekçi, Behiye Altın
Subject(s): Business Economy / Management, Social psychology and group interaction, Sports Studies, Marketing / Advertising
Published by: Orhan Sağçolak
Keywords: Club Image; eFANgelism; Team Identification; Team Loyalty; Purchase Intention;

Summary/Abstract: Purpose – Licensed products, which are a product of the sports industry, increased in the Turkish market as well as all over the world, started to be used as an economic tool and turned into an important income item for the sports clubs. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of club image, brand eFANgelism and team identification levels on fans' intention to purchase licensed products. The mediating role of team loyalty was also considered while determining this effect. Design/methodology/approach – In this context, an online questionnaire was applied to 294 people determined by judicial sampling method in Çorum province. The data obtained as a result of the survey were analyzed using descriptive and predictive statistical methods. Confirmatory factor analysis for structural validity of variables and structural equation model for testing research hypotheses were used in data analysis. Findings – According to the results of the analysis, a relationship was observed between club image, team identification and brand eFANgelism. While the image of the clubs had an effect on team loyalty, brand eFANgelism and team identification, no effect was determined on purchase intention. It was determined that the brand eFANgelism perceptions of the fans affect their team loyalty and purchase intention. It was found out that the fans' level of team identification did not affect the team loyalty, but had an influence on the purchase intention. Furthermore, it is observed that team loyalty has a positive and direct effect on purchase intention. When the results regarding the mediation effect are considered, the mediating effect of team loyalty cannot be mentioned as the club image does not have a significant effect on the purchase intention of the fans. In addition to this, there is no mediation effect since the team identification level does not have a direct effect on team loyalty. It was determined that the variable of team loyalty had a partial mediating effect on the effect of fans' eFANgelism perceptions on the purchase intention variable. Discussion – It is seen that if the club image is increased, the team loyalty of the fans, their brand efficacy perception and their level of identification with the team will also increase, and in this case, the purchase intention of the fans will increase. If sports clubs want their licensed products to be in greater demand, they must strengthen their level of identification with their fans and turn them into a strong advocate (effangelism).

  • Issue Year: 12/2020
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 3759-3775
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Turkish
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