Orzekanie o administracyjnych karach pieniężnych w związku z naruszeniem tzw. ustaw i rozporządzeń covidowych a odpowiedzialność za wykroczenie (w perspektywie zasady ne bis in idem)
Adjudication of Financial Administrative Sanctions in the Context of the Violation of the So-Called COVID Acts and Regulations, and Liability for Petty Offenses (in the View of the ne bis in idem Principle)
Author(s): Ewa Grzęda, Milena GarwolSubject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law, Health and medicine and law, Penal Policy
Published by: Polska Akademia Umiejętności / Krakowski Instytut Prawa Karnego Fundacja
Keywords: ne bis in idem principle; coercive liability; financial administrative sanctions; petty offenses; COVID-19 legislation;
Summary/Abstract: The article concerns the concurrence of administrative responsibility and petty offenses liability in the cases of the violation of the so-called COVID acts (that is to say Article 48a of the Act on Preventing and Combating Infections and Infectious Diseases in Humans and Article 54 of the Polish Code of Petty Offenses). Because of the purpose of the legal provisions in question and the height of provided sanctions, in both cases adopted legal solutions can be considered coercive. This leads to the conclusion that adjudication of the same behavior by the public administration body and criminal court breaches the ne bis in idem principle.
Journal: Czasopismo Prawa Karnego i Nauk Penalnych
- Issue Year: 24/2020
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 49-67
- Page Count: 19
- Language: Polish