Grzech relacji homoseksualnych w Piśmie Świętym. Medialne oskarżenia a rzeczywiste przesłanie dokumentu Papieskiej Komisji Biblijnej „Czym jest człowiek? (Ps 8,5)”. Zarys antropologii biblijnej (2019)
The Sin of Homosexual Relations in the Sacred Scripture. Media Accusations and Real Message of the Pontifical Biblical Commission’s “What is Man?” (Ps 8:5). An Itinerary of Biblical Anthropology (2019)
Author(s): Henryk WitczykSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Gender Studies, Media studies, Philosophy of Religion, Hermeneutics, Sociology of Religion
Published by: Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II - Wydział Teologii
Keywords: Pontifical Biblical Commission’s Document (2019); homosexuality; teleology of creation; order of creation; “body for the Lord”;
Summary/Abstract: On December 16, 2019, the Pontifical Biblical Commission released a document entitled What is man? (Ps 8:5). A Journey through Biblical Anthropology. Almost immediately, many media sources began misrepresenting its content, their misstatements stemming largely from a superficial and fragmentary reading of the work. However, the document is rich in content that deserves an honest hearing. Therefore, the present article has two main aims. First, it seeks to present and critically evaluate the media commentaries dealing with the document. Secondly, taking into consideration the literary genre of this type of pontifical publication, the article synthetically presents the Catholic interpretation of the main texts in Scripture that speak of female and male homosexual relationships (Gen 19; Judg 19; Lev 18:22 and 20:13; 1 Cor 6:9-10; 1 Tim 1:9-10; and Rom 1: 26-28). The author concludes that the Pontifical Biblical Commission has objectively interpreted the biblical assessment of these acts as being antithetical to revealed truth, along multiple dimensions: the plan (teleology) of creation (Gen 1:26-28); the revealed law of God (Lev 18:22 and 20:13); the truth inscribed within the nature of creatures (Rom 1:26-27); and the Christology, pneumatology and ecclesiology present in the New Testament (1 Cor 6:9-10; 1 Tim 1:9-10).
Journal: Verbum Vitae
- Issue Year: 39/2021
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 5-24
- Page Count: 20
- Language: Polish