“Everything Was Banned, Yet So Much Could Be Done.” The Ninety-year Mission of Father Bohumil Kolář Cover Image

„Všechno bylo zakázáno, a přesto se toho dalo tolik dělat“. Devadesátiletá pouť P. Bohumila Koláře
“Everything Was Banned, Yet So Much Could Be Done.” The Ninety-year Mission of Father Bohumil Kolář

Author(s): Stanislava Vodičková
Subject(s): WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989)
Published by: Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů
Keywords: Bohumil Kolář; catholic church; Czechoslovakia; nacism; communism;

Summary/Abstract: Father Bohumil Kolář is a member of the generation of clergy whose life stories reflect the fate of the Czech Catholic Church during the Nazi and then communist regime. He experienced many turning points and historical milestones he had not reckoned on, and which had a strong influence on his career of a priest. During his ministry work, he experienced moments when a priest faces undeserved hatred as well as undeserved love. On the occasion of his 90th birthday, he confirmed the veracity of these words, merely adding that there was much, much more love than hatred.

  • Issue Year: VIII/2014
  • Issue No: 03
  • Page Range: 92-99
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Czech
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