Филологическото познание и изборът на специалност сред учениците от средното училище (анкетно проучване)
Philological Knowledge and the Choice of Major among Secondary School Students (Questionnaire Survey)
Author(s): Elena Azmanova-Rudarska, Lachezar Perchekliyski, Kristina Baltova-Ivanova, Tsvetelina MitovaSubject(s): Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Education, Sociology, School education, Higher Education , Educational Psychology, Evaluation research, Family and social welfare, Globalization, Pedagogy
Published by: Национално издателство за образование и наука „Аз-буки“
Keywords: survey; Bulgarian language and literature; Bulgarian philology; motivation for learning
Summary/Abstract: The article presents the results of a questionnaire survey conducted in high schools in some Western and Southwestern Bulgarian towns. The survey includes questions related to the motivation for learning, the students' interest in the subjects studied at school, and their preferences for different scientific fields in higher education. The text gives an example of good practice of interaction between a high school and a Bulgarian university, which attempts to bridge the gap in communication between the two levels of Bulgarian education. Conclusions are made about the place and authority of the philology (in particular – Bulgarian philology) in the modern educational situation.
Journal: Български език и литература
- Issue Year: 63/2021
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 430-438
- Page Count: 9
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF