New Direction Interpretation of the 19th Century Czech Opera (Using Examples of the Productions of Hubička by Smolík and Rusalka by Nekvasil... Cover Image

Nové režij né výklady českej opery 19. storočia. (Na príkladoch Smolíkovej inscenácie Hubičky a Nekvasilovej Rusalky v SND)
New Direction Interpretation of the 19th Century Czech Opera (Using Examples of the Productions of Hubička by Smolík and Rusalka by Nekvasil...

Author(s): Miloslav Blahynka
Subject(s): Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts
Published by: Ústav divadelnej a filmovej vedy SAV

Summary/Abstract: New Direction Interpretation of the 19th Century Czech Opera (Using Examples of the Productions of Hubička by Smolík and Rusalka by Nekvasil in the Slovak National Theatre Opera) The paper analyzes two production approaches to the interpretation of the 19th century Czech opera: to Smetana‘s Hubička (The Kiss, 1876), directed by Pavel Smolík in the Slovak National Theatre Opera, in 2003, and to Dvořák‘s Rusalka (1901), directed by Jiří Nekvasil in the Slovak National Theatre Opera, in 2005. Both the directors have had a lucky hand in bringing the interpretation of these two operatic pieces up to date using the tools of modern direction theatre in opera. Both productions show a connection between the perception past of these operas and their contemporary interpretation, both production presuppose a critical involvement of the audiences who interpret the stage form on the basis of the perception past of these two operas. The stage forms of Hubička and Rusalka capitalize on the diversity of relations between the text and their stage forms, thus opening new prospects for other production interpretations.

  • Issue Year: 56/2008
  • Issue No: 03
  • Page Range: 345-351
  • Page Count: 7
  • Language: Slovak
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