Prawna konstrukcja „spółek” w państwach arabskich na przykładzie Zjednoczonych Emiratach Arabskich
Legal Structure of “Partnerships” in Arab States on the Example of the United Arab Emirates
Author(s): Mieszko ŁukaszewiczSubject(s): Economy, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Polskie Towarzystwo Orientalistyczne
Keywords: UAE; company law; sharia law; partnerships; companies
Summary/Abstract: This paper aims to present construction of partnerships and companies in United Arab Emirates and compares them with partnerships and companies existing in Poland. Paper starts from description of historical backgrounds of partnerships and companies in Europe and in Sharia. Later, based on legal acts, it includes a presentation of companies and partnerships existing in Poland and UAE. Conclusions show origins of companies and partnerships in UAE, as well as similarities and differences between companies and partnerships in Poland and UAE.
Journal: Przegląd Orientalistyczny
- Issue Year: 274/2020
- Issue No: 2-3
- Page Range: 203-212
- Page Count: 10
- Language: English, Polish