Nespokojení (ne)demokraté? Analýza politické nespokojenosti v české společnosti
Dissatisfied (Non)Democrats? An Analysis of Political Dissatisfaction in Czech Society
Author(s): Kateřina ZymováSubject(s): Governance, Political behavior, Political psychology, Politics and communication, Sociology of Politics
Published by: Sociologický ústav - Slovenská akadémia vied
Keywords: Political support; political dissatisfaction; Czech society;
Summary/Abstract: The article focuses on feelings of political dissatisfaction in Czech society. In the context of widespread citizens disaffection in countries around the world, different explanations about its sources and possible consequences for democracies have appeared. Hence, some studies have pointed out that there may be different types of dissatisfaction that should be analyzed separately. Based on this assumption, five types of attitudes are identified in Czech society which are called satisfied, distrustful, apathetic, estranged, and disenchanted. The analysis of characteristics related to those attitudes suggests that compared to satisfied one, others may be characterized by lower willingness to participate in politics or lower levels of democratic support. This is especially important to consider when we look for possible solution of dissatisfaction for example in expanding opportunities for political participation.
Journal: Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review
- Issue Year: 53/2021
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 400-419
- Page Count: 20
- Language: Czech