Симеон Милутиновић Сарајлија и Александар Фјодорович Гиљфердинг (прилог питању о руско-српским културним прожимањима)
Simeon Milutinović Sarajlija and Alexander Fyodorovich Gilferding (A Contribution on the Issue of Russo-Serbian Cultural Liasons)
Author(s): Jelena V. JanjićSubject(s): History, Eastern Slavic Languages, South Slavic Languages, Philology
Published by: Филолошки факултет Универзитета у Бањој Луци
Keywords: Simeon Milutinović Sarajlija; Alexander Hilferding; travelogues; cultural history; Serbia - Russia cultural relations;
Summary/Abstract: The cultural relations between Serbian poet Simeon Milutinović Sarajlija (1791–1847) and Russia and Russian culture are critically discussed in the first part of this paper, considering a section from Simeon's little known travelogue about Russia published in 1847. The second part of the paper concerns Slavist Alexander Hilferding (1831–1872), the first Russian Consul in Bosnia, the author of Travel around Herzegovina, Bosnia and Old Serbia (1859) and his relations with Serbian culture. A section of this travelogue is presented in the paper. Travelogues belong to the same epoch(XIX century) and they represent a rich historical record on how a famous Serbian sees Russia and how a famous Russian sees Serbian countries. These two travelogues represent an inexhaustible source for various research.
Journal: Филолог – часопис за језик, књижевност и културу
- Issue Year: 2021
- Issue No: 23
- Page Range: 283-306
- Page Count: 22
- Language: Serbian