Memy internetowe na stronach Classical Art Memes i Sztuczne Fiołki w opinii użytkowników portalu Facebook
Internet memes on Classical Art Memes and Sztuczne Fiołki sites in the opinion of internet users
Author(s): Jolanta KokoszkaSubject(s): Library and Information Science, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: Classical Art Memes; Paintings; Mem; Internet Memes; Sztuczne Fiołki
Summary/Abstract: Discussed the results of survey conducted from May 5th to 9th, 2020 among 178 members of three Facebook groups: Sekcja Estetyczna, Dictator of good taste and Jak będzie na płótnie? The goal of this survey was to analyze the knowledge among users about two Facebook pages – Classical Art Memes and Sztuczne Fiołki. Questions from the survey were supposed to establish how often users visit, comment and share posts published on the pages and at the same time ask the participants if they recognize authors of the original paintings and how they evaluate the content on these pages. Conducted examination was supposed to show the interest in memes among users and to answer the key question – what is their reception of the memes based on the peace of art and if so, could they become an element of art education?
Journal: Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Librorum
- Issue Year: 32/2021
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 69-97
- Page Count: 29
- Language: Polish