Mowa misyjna Jezusa (Mt 10,1-11,1). Realizacja kerygmatu w liturgii
The Missionary Discourse of Jesus (Mt 10, 1-11,1). The Realization of the Kerygma in the Liturgy
Author(s): Damian ChrzanowskiSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Pastoral Theology
Published by: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Keywords: Mission Discourse; liturgy; homilist; kerygma of the 11th, 12th and 13th Sunday in the A year cycle; homily
Summary/Abstract: As a liturgical act, the homily aims to direct the faithful to experience the full saving power of the Word of God. This, in fact, reveals the mystagogical function of the homily that cannot be ignored. This article deals with the issue of the liturgical actualization of the kerygma of the missionary discourse. First, he presents the liturgy as a place to experience the saving power of the Word of God, present in the mysteries of Christ. Then he presents Holy Communion as a moment of accessing the saving grace of the mystery, in order to finally interpret and connect the kerygma of the missionary discourse with liturgical signs that are to help the participants of the celebration discover the presence of the mystery of Christ in the missionary discourse. The indicated issues may constitute the substantive basis for the further development of liturgical theology and the practical application of broadly understood liturgical signs in the context of homily proclamation.
Journal: Roczniki Teologiczne
- Issue Year: 68/2021
- Issue No: 8
- Page Range: 15-28
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Polish