Health care system and health services reform as a challenge for public authorities in Poland
Health care system and health services reform as a challenge for public authorities in Poland
Author(s): Piotr LizakowskiSubject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Fundacja Instytut Nauki o Polityce
Keywords: health care, administration; health security;commercialization;
Summary/Abstract: The health care system in Poland is an important element ofthe activities of state authorities. Public opinion polls confirmthe need for reforms in this area. The health sector compriseshealthcare, public health and health-related social welfare activities and as a whole requires operational improvement. Wellplanned activities should improve health security in general.One of the ways to improve the effectiveness of healthcare entities is commercialization of independent public healthcareinstitutions. It is in line with the generally observed tendencyto more and more frequently outsource tasks to external entities by public administration. In this way, the traditional tasksof public administration, so far performed mainly by the publicfinance sector, are entrusted to private entities. However, thisdoes not change the scope of public authorities’ responsibilityfor the functioning of healthcare security.
Journal: Polish Journal of Political Science
- Issue Year: 5/2019
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 7-25
- Page Count: 17
- Language: English