Árpád Papp (editor and author of the introductory essay): South Slavs in Paris. A Chronicle and Documents of the Drawing of a Border Section Cover Image

Papp Árpád (szerk. és a bevezető tanulmányt írta): Délszlávok Párizsban. Egy határszakasz megrajzolásának krónikája és dokumentumai
Árpád Papp (editor and author of the introductory essay): South Slavs in Paris. A Chronicle and Documents of the Drawing of a Border Section

Author(s): Péter Vataščin
Subject(s): Book-Review
Published by: Fórum Kisebbségkutató Intézet
Keywords: Trianon; national politics;borders; South Slavic perspective; South Slavic political aspirations; Jovan Cvijić (1865–1927)

Summary/Abstract: The ethnographer summarises the development of the Yugoslav–Romanian and Yugoslav–Hungarian borders through an analysis of the negotiations and discussions leading up to their formation, based on primary sources, including previously unknown ones.

  • Issue Year: XXIII/2021
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 168-169
  • Page Count: 2
  • Language: Hungarian
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