Agonistička kritika deliberativne i pluralističke demokratije u delu Šantal Muf
Agonistic critique of deliberative and pluralist democracy in the work of Chantal Mouffe
Author(s): Kristina VasićSubject(s): Political Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism
Published by: Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci
Keywords: agonism; Chantal Mouffe; deliberative democracy; pluralism;
Summary/Abstract: Agonism, which emphasizes the importance of conflict in politics, can be opposed to classical pluralism and deliberative democracy, although there are attempts at its reconciliation with the deliberative model. The aim of this essay is the analysis of political theory, which emphasizes agon (contest, Greek) as an inherent characteristic of politics, which should not be eradicated or suppressed into the private domain, but rather acknowledged and treated within the framework of liberal democracy. I will focus on the agonistic model of democracy offered by Chantal Mouffe, as one of the most influential theoreticians in this area. This essay will concentrate on the agonistic critique of the two mentioned models of democracy, questioning its justifiability and considering the alternative presented as agonism. Finally, I will present an attempt at integration of deliberative and agonistic democracy.
Journal: Sineza
- Issue Year: 2/2021
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 35-48
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Serbian