Niedokończone tożsamości społeczne – szkice socjologiczne
Unfinished social identities - sociological sketches
Contributor(s): Jacek Wódz (Editor), Grzegorz Libor (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Sociology
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: social identities; sociological sketches
Summary/Abstract: Niniejsza monografia to efekt rozważań pracowników Zakładu Socjologii Polityki Instytutu Socjologii Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach oraz zaproszonych gości nad kwestią przemian zachodzących w obrębie tożsamości nie tylko jednostkowej, ale także grupowej. Przemian, które sprawiają, że niektóre rodzaje tożsamości uznać można z pewnością za niedokończone. Wśród nich autorzy niniejszego opracowania wymieniają polską tożsamość narodową, francuską tożsamość metropolitalną, walijską tożsamość seksualną, gliwicką tożsamość miejską, tożsamość społeczeństwa sieci oraz tożsamość ekologiczną. Pytanie o to, kim jesteśmy oraz w jaki sposób definiujemy samych siebie, wydaje się w dzisiejszym „świecie na rozdrożu” szczególnie istotne. Również związek tożsamości z innymi pojęciami, takimi jak chociażby habitus, zmiana czy też klasa, nie umknął uwadze autorów niniejszego opracowania, podobnie jak wpływ czynników historycznych.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-462-2
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-461-5
- Page Count: 176
- Publication Year: 2015
- Language: Polish
Niedokończone tożsamości polityczne. Kilka słów o polskiej niedokończonej tożsamości narodowej
Niedokończone tożsamości polityczne. Kilka słów o polskiej niedokończonej tożsamości narodowej
(Incomplete political identities. A few words on the Polish incomplete national identity)
- Author(s):Jacek Wódz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:11-34
- No. of Pages:24
- Summary/Abstract:The article aims to present the main assumptions of the author’s hypothesis concerning theexistence of incomplete political identities on the example of Poland. The hypothesis assumesthat such identities do exist, and due to the lack of the developed and stable model of socialization(in this case a model of political socialization) they are subject to transformations; however,not only to those that today are the result and the aftermath of globalization. The lack of the developedmodel of political socialization in the case of Poland, and thus an incomplete characterof Polish political identity, is the aftermath of such, and no other, history of our country — thatis, annexations, wars, communism or transformation. The consequences of this status quo aremultiple, both to the quality of the elites and to decisions they make (those that concern decentralizationand regionalization of the country in the main) as well as to the level of politicalparticipation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Francuskie metropolie jako przykład „władzy nieukończonej”. Wstęp do analizy kształtowania się metropolitalnych tożsamości politycznych we Francji
Francuskie metropolie jako przykład „władzy nieukończonej”. Wstęp do analizy kształtowania się metropolitalnych tożsamości politycznych we Francji
(French metropolises as examples of the “incomplete power”. Introduction to the analysis of the shaping of metropolitan political identities in France)
- Author(s):Robert Pyka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:35-51
- No. of Pages:17
- Summary/Abstract:Powszechny system ochrony praw człowieka. Podsumowanie dekadThe author makes an attempt at explaining the process of shaping of political identity of metropolitanareas that are regarded as a sign of “new territorialities”, emerging due to globalizationas well as metropolization of modern states. Also, the author emphasizes that following by democraticinstitutions (and thus political identity and subjectivity) the reforms of territorial structuresanctioning new areas of shaping social reality plays an important role in proper functioning ofthe democratic country. Modern France, as well as territorial reforms undertaken in 2010—2014,constitutes the area of analyses and inquiries. Using a constructivist concept of political identity,the author advances a thesis that citizens’ political identity is the aftermath of the emergence ofpolitical market — a space for debate, competition and rivalry, whose settlement comes with thepolitical power. The emergence of autonomic public space in metropolitan areas must thereforebe the result of the political power being located on this level. Since the “power of the metropolis”in France still remains incomplete, the metropolitan identity is at an early state of development.Nonetheless, the reform effected in 2014 by the MAPTAM act, as well as the transformation ofthe Metropolis of Lyon into a fully-fledged unit of territorial government prove that the empowermentof major urban and metropolitan areas has already become a constant vector of transformationswithin the French system of territorial organization, which will be accompanied withnew territorial political identities in the future.
- Price: 4.50 €
Tożsamość korsykańska a wartości republikańskie we Francji
Tożsamość korsykańska a wartości republikańskie we Francji
(Corsican identity and the republican values in France)
- Author(s):Renata Jankowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:53-65
- No. of Pages:13
- Summary/Abstract:The Jacobean concept of état-nation is an important element of the republican model of theFrench state. Constitutional guarantee of the integrity of the Republic (with a simultaneous occurrenceof a significant number of minorities) is confronted with the idea of regionalism anda need to recognize regional identities. Corsica comprises a unique example. The region enjoysa special status, which, however, does not limit the aspirations of the Corsican terrorist separatistmovements trying to win further concessions from the Center for the peripheral region. It seemsthat further concessions have weakened the situation in the country in the eyes of other regionswhich demand respect for their rights as well; nonetheless, they strive for that in completely differentways than the nationalist movements in Corsica.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wyzwoliciele, sojusznicy czy okupanci? Armia Czerwona na niemieckim Górnym Śląsku w 1945 roku w świetle współczesnych badań historycznych
Wyzwoliciele, sojusznicy czy okupanci? Armia Czerwona na niemieckim Górnym Śląsku w 1945 roku w świetle współczesnych badań historycznych
(Liberators, allies, or invaders? The Red Army on the German Upper Silesia in 1945 in light of contemporary historical studies)
- Author(s):Ryszard Kaczmarek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:67-77
- No. of Pages:11
- Summary/Abstract:Upper Silesia was a unique region in 1945, for before World War II its part (Opole Silesia)belonged to the Third Reich, while another part (the Silesian voivodeship) to the Polish State.The consequences of the Red Army entering Upper Silesia are interpreted according to the representedpolitical perspective: in the two extreme cases either as an element of the anti-Nazicoalition’s fight with Nazism (in which case the Red Army is seen as a liberating army), or asa part of the process of building the Soviet empire after the war in Middle-Eastern Europe (theArmy is viewed in Upper Silesia as an invading enemy army). This dispute, however, is not entirelyhistorical in character; rather, it is still relevant in the political context. It refers to questionsfundamental in the entire post-war history of Poland, that is, the interpretation of thesovereignty of the Polish People’s Republic, as well as to the ways of settling issues of nationalityin post-war Poland. The article makes an attempt at answering these questions from the historicalperspective.
- Price: 4.50 €
Tożsamość w świecie na rozdrożu
Tożsamość w świecie na rozdrożu
(Identity in the world at the crosswords)
- Author(s):Marek S. Szczepański, Anna Śliz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:79-96
- No. of Pages:18
- Summary/Abstract:Identity is an awareness of oneself — that is, the result of an entanglement of a social playerin a network of diverse relations that in a process of interaction shape a man along with the biologicaldimension. Owing to this fact, an individual is a continuum of his or her own experience,as well as an unrepeatable one, or a subjectively constructed configuration of values, historicalfacts, and cultural patters. Identity forms itself through discourse, and the modern world keepsredefining it with regards to the pluralism of cultural worlds in which a man is entangled. Theimpermanence of the world demands constant modifications of identity, which is not a givenconstruct once and for all, but is in the process of becoming in a certain time and space. Individualidentity refers us to the social one, although it is not easily reduced to my self, but ratherrefers to experiencing and familiarizing tradition, the present time, as well as defining the future,which is common to a group. Social identity serves to confirm individual identity in its actualshape. The liquidity of the twenty-first century world reconstructs social structures and modernidentities, which broke stable human relationships, as well as vertical and horizontal belonging toa place. The modern world, which glorifies individualism and collectivism, has created a way ofshaping identity as a form of obligation. A modern man is the one who is shaping his or hr ownidentity in a culturally varied environment, and in opposition to identity that was formed in relationto a place as well as national character of social and cultural structures.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pomiędzy klasą a tożsamością: habitus, emocje i zmiana. Koncepcja structure of feeling Raymonda Williamsa w perspektywie teorii klasowej Pierre’a Bourdieu
Pomiędzy klasą a tożsamością: habitus, emocje i zmiana. Koncepcja structure of feeling Raymonda Williamsa w perspektywie teorii klasowej Pierre’a Bourdieu
(Between class and identity: habitus, emotions, and change. Raymond Williams’s concept of structure of feeling in the light of Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of class)
- Author(s):Monika Gnieciak, Kazimiera Wódz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:97-112
- No. of Pages:16
- Summary/Abstract:In social theory of the last several years, there has been a return to the category of class:its definition, range, and meaning have been analyzed. The authors of this article deal with thepart of the discussion whose key element is cultural practice that delineates class distinctions onthe level of unconscious reproduction of social inequalities. The concepts, inspired by Bourdieu’stheory, are embedded in class inequalities — constantly renewed through a hierarchically variedcharacter of social tastes that work beyond the level of consciousness and will. The articleattempts at proposing the broadening of thus understood class, undertaken by John Kirk, a researcherof British working class, and linking it with the category of the habitus and emotionaland moral aspects. In his theory, Kirk paid attention to the fact how Bourdieu’s theory of classand Williams’s theory of structure of feelings complemented each other. The theory of structureof feelings is a sense of deep community which enables favorable communication, that is, it pointsto the ways of identifying values in a given community, as well as enables to grasp their relationswith the already institutionalized and systematized beliefs. Similarly to habitus, it is formed onthe basis of a sense of community that does not have to be aware of itself in terms that are usuallyascribed to class awareness, and at the same time, it provides evidence on significant life experiences(as well as attitudes towards them) of groups or communities in a certain time by definingthe meaning of particular social events in the process of historical change and continuity.
- Price: 4.50 €
Dylematy tożsamości w społeczeństwie sieciowym. Szkic socjologiczny
Dylematy tożsamości w społeczeństwie sieciowym. Szkic socjologiczny
(Dilemmas of identity in network society. A sociological sketch)
- Author(s):Agata Zygmunt
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:113-131
- No. of Pages:19
- Summary/Abstract:The article deals with a complex issue of identity, and situates it in the context of network society.The author analyses modern identity dilemmas, focuses on its multidimensional character,dissemination, and dynamic transformations identity undergoes. By making references to modernconcepts of identity, the author points to a set of determinants of creating the “I”, whereasthe activity within the Internet space has been treated as one of the key factors of the identity ofmodern man. The text unveils the specificity of identities created in the virtual world. Moreover,it discusses the possibilities that the Internet offers in this matter. Anonymity, which the Internetprovides, favors experimenting with identity, or the “identity tourism”, whose aim is providinga best possible definition of “I”. The relations between identities online and offline have also beenanalyzed.
- Price: 4.50 €
Tożsamość ekologiczna. Refleksja socjologiczna
Tożsamość ekologiczna. Refleksja socjologiczna
(Ecological identity. Sociological reflection)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Ponikowska-Cichoń
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:133-144
- No. of Pages:12
- Summary/Abstract:Defining the concept of ecological identity constitutes a certain intellectual challenge due toits multifaceted nature, as well as the popularity of the term “ecology” itself. The author refers tothe concept of ecological identity, based on theoretical assumptions, among others, Naess’s, Thomashow’s,Urry’s, or Singer’s, who present eco- or biocentric views. However, identity based onthe relation between man and hi or her environment does not always underlie a deeper reflection,spirituality, or conscious axiological system. Aside from the signs, expressed for example in theactivity of ecological movements, or lifestyles embedded in deep relation with nature, the articlealso provides patterns of behavior of consumers who are responsible for modern, enthusiastictrend to be attracted by all that is natural, while, at the same time, bearing signs of ephemeridand transience. Expressions of ecological identity can thus be found on different levels of activityboth of individuals, as well as social groups. Their form and content may be regarded as an interestingsource of sociological reflection.
- Price: 4.50 €
Trudna mediacja. Kilka socjologicznych refleksji o tożsamości Gliwic i gliwiczan
Trudna mediacja. Kilka socjologicznych refleksji o tożsamości Gliwic i gliwiczan
(Difficult mediation. Some sociological remarks on the identity of Gliwice and its residents)
- Author(s):Tomasz Nawrocki
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:145-163
- No. of Pages:19
- Summary/Abstract:Gliwice is an Upper Silesian city whose history remains complex. Its identity has been builtwithin a difficult mediation between that which is Polish and that which is German; that whichwas brought by its native residents and that which people settling there had to offer. Therefore,identity of this city makes a complex puzzle. It offers a challenge to a sociologist with interest inidentities of Upper Silesian towns and cities, thus the author makes an attempt to research thisissue of Gliwice and its residents. On the basis of the results from questionnaire surveys, theauthor has analyzed identity dilemmas of the city and people who dwell in the city. The resultsshow the lack of any distinctly defined identity of Gliwice. Moreover, they show that the spaceof the city allows for embedding there its residents’ identity only to a certain extent. In spite ofearlier predictions, the identity of Gliwice residents is not determined by space in any significantway. They identify themselves with the city; however, it is not the space of the city that playsan important role here. Gliwice residents seem not to be entirely on their own ground; they areyet on their way to grasp their identity of the city. This grasping is only to a very small degreebased on the relation to space and the past. The past of the city, respected by its dwellers though,has not been recognized as their own. Those who are not familiar with the history of the citytend to be more connected with the events that take place there rather than with the awarenessof its legacy.
- Price: 4.50 €
Tożsamość seksualna jako element tworzącej się tożsamości narodowej Walijczyków
Tożsamość seksualna jako element tworzącej się tożsamości narodowej Walijczyków
(Sexual identity as an element of Welsh the national identity in the making)
- Author(s):Grzegorz Libor
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology
- Page Range:165-174
- No. of Pages:10
- Summary/Abstract:The article aims at acquiring answers to questions on how the Welsh identity can constitutean element of their own identity, which is separate from the English, Scotch, or Irish nationalidentities. Till this day what has made the Welsh different form other nations has beentheir language, as well as, though to a lesser extent, different customs, and also religion — apartfrom more and more conspicuous and negative to institutionalized and traditional forms, consequencesof secularization. As a result of the process of devolution of power that began in themid-1990s, institutions established at that time started to be seen as an element of such identity,for example, National Assembly for Wales and Welsh government. Any attempt to view humansexuality through the prism of national identity is thus considered as a certain novum in suchdiscussions. Apart from that, it seems that the thesis claimed in the paper is confirmed in thestatistical data.
- Price: 4.50 €