Dantzig et quelques aspects du Problème Germano-Polonais
Danzig and some aspects of the German-Polish Problem
Contributor(s): Earle B. Babcock (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939)
Published by: CEEOL Digital Reproductions / Collections
Summary/Abstract: The question of Danzig and the Polish "corridor" is still very topical. Despite all that has been written on the subject by experts from the nations directly concerned and those who, belonging to distant countries, have been able to have a relative objectivity, no solution has put an end to the debates. The European Centre for the Carnegie Endowment has recognized the importance of the problem and on several occasions has requested the assistance of technicians and specialists in the field to deal with this subject. It seems interesting today to collect the conferences and the articles thus obtained. // [PUBLISHED in 1932 by the European Centre of the Carnegie Foundation, Department for International Relations and Education (Paris) as issue of the series „Publications for International Conciliation“ ]
- Page Count: 316
- Publication Year: 1932
- Language: French
Dantzig, port de la Pologne
Dantzig, port de la Pologne
(Danzig, Port of Poland)
- Author(s):Henri Strasburger
- Language:French
- Subject(s):International relations/trade, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939)
- Page Range:1-15
- No. of Pages:15
- Price: 4.50 €
Les Conditions de l’apaisement Germano-Polonais
Les Conditions de l’apaisement Germano-Polonais
(The Conditions of German-Polish Appeasement)
- Author(s):Casimir Smogorzewski
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Interwar Period (1920 - 1939)
- Page Range:17-88
- No. of Pages:72
- Keywords:German-Polisg relations in 1930s;
- Summary/Abstract:People who follow international politics closely are generally of the opinion that, among the national conflicts currently manifesting themselves in the world, the tension observed on the German-Polish border must be considered one of the most acute. Some foreign observers think that nothing can ever bridge the abyss that ten centuries of open or hidden struggles have dug be-tween two neighbouring nations. This view seems to be corroborated by voices which rise on both sides of the border, and which assure that the Ger-man-Polish antagonism, carved in the ground and rooted in souls, will always remain, at least for a very long time to come. // We do not share these pes-simistic views. We believe that the German-Polish appeasement, necessary for Europe and beneficial to the higher interests of both countries, is achieva-ble. But whoever is looking for the means and the conditions to bring about reconciliation between Germany and Poland, it is above all important to dis-cern the causes of the oppositions which divide these two great nations.
- Price: 6.00 €
Les Relations Germano-Polonaises
Les Relations Germano-Polonaises
(The German-Polish Relations)
- Author(s):Otto Hoetzsch
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Diplomatic history, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939)
- Page Range:88-105
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:German Polish relations during 1930s;
- Summary/Abstract:It was with great interest that I read, in the July issue of this journal, the article concerning "the conditions of a German-Polish understanding" by Casimir Smogorzewski, including the works: „Poalnd restored and the "Corridor", are well known to me. He, no doubt, too, starts from the idea that after the adoption of the Young Plan and the financial regulations, also valid for Poland, and after the evacuation of the Rhine territories, a new period of world politics begins, and that it is time, therefore, to discuss at least the Eastern problems. This is how I myself, in the January issue of the „Europäische Gespräche“, in which the editor of this review, A. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, and Georg Cleinow have studied very seriously the question of a German-Polish settlement. Smogorzewski is wrong when he presents the question of the "corridor" as if Germany were the only one to complain about it and that "none of the other signatories of the Treaty of Versailles were of our opinion". (by the author)
- Price: 5.00 €
A propos du “ Corridor ” de Dantzig
A propos du “ Corridor ” de Dantzig
(About the Danzig “Corridor”)
- Author(s):Wladimir d’Ormesson
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Political history, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939)
- Page Range:107-122
- No. of Pages:16
- Summary/Abstract:Two political writers, perfectly qualified to expose and to defend the points of view of their countries, Mr. Casimir Smogorzewski and Mr. Professor Hoetzsch, former member of the Reichstag, have, in turn, treated in this review, and with an entire frankness, the important question of German-Polish relations, considered in their details and as a whole. To tell the truth, their theses collide on more than one point; and especially when they approach, in their courteous discussion, the subject of the “Dantzig Corridor”, one measures the depth of the abyss which separates them. However, both Mr. Casimir Smogorzewski and Professor Hoetzsch insist, in the conclusions of their interesting articles, on the need for Germany and Poland to maintain good relations and they underline the fact that the state of these relations determines, to a large extent, the very situation of Europe. It is from the angle of this axiom that we will place ourselves to examine here, in all objectivity, what must be thought of at present of the controversy of which the former province of Pomerelia — now commonly called the "corridor" — is the object.
- Price: 4.50 €
Le Conflit Germano-Polonais est-il soluble ?
Le Conflit Germano-Polonais est-il soluble ?
(The German-Polish – is it solvable?)
- Author(s):William Martin
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Political history, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939)
- Page Range:123-147
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:Germany' Eastern border:
- Summary/Abstract:I do not need, at the beginning, to underline the importance of the problem which I am going to speak about. You all know like me that at Locarno, Germany formally recognized its western borders; the question of Alsace-Lorraine no longer exists either legally or even morally; the real center of international conflicting interests is the question of Germany's eastern borders; because if Germany has undertaken not to resort to force to modify them, it has not refrained from pursuing their modification by other means. This statement is of considerable importance and I believe that the press sometimes underestimates its importance. // But the fact that the Germans did not rule out the application of peaceful means, and in particular of article 19 of the Covenant, with a view to obtaining the modification of their eastern frontiers, has, for the international situation, serious consequences. disadvantages. The main thing is that, psychologically, Germany tends to demonstrate that the current situation is untenable, that the Treaties are "inapplicable", according to the terms of article 19 of the pact, and for this reason to make certain situations perhaps more difficult than they would naturally be.
- Price: 6.00 €
Un problème de politique Européenne : Dantzig
Un problème de politique Européenne : Dantzig
(A Problem of European Politics: Gdańsk)
- Author(s):Ernst Ziehm
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939)
- Page Range:149-173
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:Dantzig; Danzig; Gdańsk;
- Summary/Abstract:It is an honor for me to be allowed to speak in a publication of the Carnegie Institute on the subject formulated above. The Carnegie Institute, by its destination and by its action, serves the goals of peace and all that can avoid a new war. The Free City of Danzig, which was constituted as an independent state under the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles, is placed under the protection of the League of Nations. The League of Nations is itself destined to serve peace between peoples. This is why the purpose of clearly exposing the Danzig problem in a publication of the Carnegie Institute does not need to be particularly justified. If I am allowed to speak, I owe it to my official position as head of the government of the Free State of Danzig. But the fact that I was born in the territory of the Free State and that my family owned and still owns landed properties in this territory, and in the so-called "Polish Corridor", additionally gives me a right to express myself on the issues concerning my homeland.
- Price: 8.00 €
Un Problème Européen : le Couloir Polonais
Un Problème Européen : le Couloir Polonais
(A European Problem: The Polish Corridor)
- Author(s):Carl Budding
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939)
- Page Range:175-231
- No. of Pages:57
- Keywords:Polish corridor; Upper Silesia;
- Summary/Abstract:We shall refrain from discussing here the difficult and complex chapter of Upper Silesia. It will suffice to point out the close links which unite the problem of Upper Silesia with that of the corridor. It suffices to think of the names of Gdingen and Kattowitz and of the "coal line" intended to unite these two economic regions, to show that, not only from the economic point of view, but even if the question is considered from a purely political point of view, the attribution to Poland of the greater part of the industrial region of Upper Silesia, made Upper Silesia part of the problem of the corridor. The Corridor and Upper Silesia depend on each other, but it is the Corridor that has the right of priority. This is the heart of the whole problem of Eastern Europe.
- Price: 8.00 €
La cause et le remède de la guerre dans la question du Couloir Polonais
La cause et le remède de la guerre dans la question du Couloir Polonais
(The Cause and Remedy of War in the Question of the Polish Corridor)
- Author(s):Rachel-Conrad Nason
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939)
- Page Range:233-272
- No. of Pages:40
- Summary/Abstract:First, is the Polish Corridor a cause of war? Second, is it possible to fix it? Simple as these questions may seem, they include a region embittered by a centuries-long conflict between the Poles and Prussia and currently the victim of the greatest disillusionment in history — the world war. Most of you know that the so-called Corridor is the narrow strip of land given to Poland by the Treaty of Versailles as a route to the sea, and Germany resents this because that it cut its territory in two, isolating the province of East Prussia from the rest of the German Reich. The Corridor is an attack on the pride of the Germans, outraged today in defeat; it is the object, on the other hand, of the resolution of the Poles, joyful in the ardour of their regained independence. It is only incidentally a study of economics; it is, above all, a study of populations. I can only give you here a brief overview of my investigation, because for five very full months I questioned, on both sides of the border, statesmen, industrialists, journalists, bankers, writers, professors, men, women and even members of the new generation, about the Polish Corridor, and while proving to be rich in positive information, these talks were everywhere a school of mutual understanding.
- Price: 8.00 €
Observations et Suggestions au sujet de Danzig et le “ Corridor Polonais ” formant un effort impartial et objectif vers la suppression pacifique d’une dangereuse cause de trouble en Europe
Observations et Suggestions au sujet de Danzig et le “ Corridor Polonais ” formant un effort impartial et objectif vers la suppression pacifique d’une dangereuse cause de trouble en Europe
(Observations and Suggestions respecting Danzig and the “Polish Corridor” forming an impartial and objective effort towards the peaceful suppression of a dangerous cause of trouble in Europe)
- Author(s):Joost Adriaan van Hamel
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939)
- Page Range:273-315
- No. of Pages:43
- Summary/Abstract:Everyone has recently (= 1932) realized how important the question of Danzig and what is called the Polish Corridor is from the point of view of peace or war, of harmony or misunderstanding between the nations. So strong are the passions which perpetuate this problem, and their waves are tossed about so furiously, that one can fear the most unfortunate consequences, unless an immediate effort is made to smooth out the difficulties. Improvement can only be expected if international attention is focused on this issue and if, in one form or another, we go to international conferences in search of a solution that is honorable for all parties in cause.
- Price: 8.00 €