Contributor(s): Aleksandar Pavlović (Editor), Adriana Zaharijević (Editor), Gazela Pudar Draško (Editor), Rigels Halili (Editor)
Subject(s): Media studies, Political history, Recent History (1900 till today), Comparative Study of Literature, Albanian Literature, Serbian Literature, Government/Political systems, Political behavior, Politics and communication, Politics and society, Comparative politics, State/Government and Education, Demography and human biology, Nationalism Studies, 18th Century, 19th Century, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Politics of History/Memory, Politics and Identity, Peace and Conflict Studies, Pedagogy
Published by: KPZ Beton
Keywords: Serbian-Albanian relations through history; Hostility between Serbia and Albania; Racism and Nationalism; Colonialism; Media and politics; Serbian-Albanian relations in school-books; Kosovo War; Serbian and Albanian literature;
Summary/Abstract: Ideja o pisanju knjige i pokretanju projekta o srpsko-albanskim odnosima javila se, kako to na Balkanu često biva, u kafani (koja je, doduše, u neposrednoj blizini Narodne biblioteke Srbije). Pošto su se u Betonu pojavili tekstovi Milana Miljkovića o predstavljanju Albanaca u srpskoj štampi i Aleksandra Pavlovića o figuri Turčina kao neprijatelja, Milan je uz čašicu predložio da se inicira projekat koji bi okupio srpske i albanske intelektualce, teoretičare i teoretičarke u oblasti društvenih nauka koji bi zajedno obrađivali srpsko-albanske odnose. Verovatno je najčešći način borbe protiv politika neprijateljstva začudna i retka politika prijateljstva. Tako je bilo i u slučaju Aleksandra Pavlovića i Rigelsa Halilija, koji su zbog sličnosti u naučnim temama i interesovanjima najpre uspostavili „naučno pobratimstvo“, a ubrzo došli i do nekolicine drugih srpskih i albanskih kolega zainteresovanih da učestvuju u ovom projektu. Da sve ne ostane na kafanskoj priči (što na Balkanu takođe često biva) zasluga je i urednikā Betona, prevashodno Saše Ćirića, koji je kumovao projektu i knjizi predloživši njen naziv Figura neprijatelja: preosmišljavanje srpsko-albanskih odnosa, a obezbedio je i pomoć prevodilačke mreže Traduki koja je odmah prihvatila da sufinansira prevođenje tekstova sa srpskog na albanski jezik i obrnuto. Usledilo je nekoliko neuspelih inicijativa sa domaćim institucijama – naši prijatelji iz albanskog Ministarstva kulture rekli su nam da misle da za ovako nešto još nije vreme, a na konkursu srpskog Ministarstva kulture uprkos obimnoj dokumentaciji koju smo poslali u traženih 7 (i slovima sedam) primeraka (!), projekat na godišnjem konkursu nije dobio ni dinara. Za razliku od rečenih institucija, kolege iz Instituta za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, pogotovo sadašnje koordinatorke projekta i kourednice ove knjige Gazela Pudar Draško i Adriana Zaharijević, uz mentorstvo Petra Bojanića, založile su se za projekat i značajno ojačale prvobitnu aplikaciju, koja je zatim podržana u okviru švajcarskog Programa za promociju istraživanja na zapadnom Balkanu koji finansira Švajcarska agencija za razvoj i saradnju, na čemu im dugujemo veliku zahvalnost. Pored IFDT-a i KPZ Beton, saradnici na projektu su i „Ćendra multimedija“ („Quendra Multimedia“) iz Prištine, koja je 2011. godine zajedno sa KPZ Beton objavila antologije Iz Prištine, s ljubavlju (o savremenoj kosovskoj literaturi na albanskom jeziku) i Iz Beograda, s ljubavlju (o savremenoj prozi mlađih autora u Srbiji), i „Poeteka“ iz Tirane, ugledni izdavački i kulturni centar koji kontinuirano objavljuje prevode savremene i ranije srpske književnosti na albanski jezik.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-86-82417-86-6
- Page Count: 470
- Publication Year: 2015
- Language: Serbian
Od junaka do divljaka: Albanci u srpskom herojskom i nacionalnom diskursu od sredine osamnaestog do početka dvadesetog veka
Od junaka do divljaka: Albanci u srpskom herojskom i nacionalnom diskursu od sredine osamnaestog do početka dvadesetog veka
(From Heroes to Savages: the Albanians in Serbian Heroic and National Discourse from the Mid-Eighteenth to Early Twentieth century)
- Author(s):Aleksandar Pavlović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Oral history, 18th Century, 19th Century, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Inter-Ethnic Relations, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:15-33
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Hostility; Oral Epic Tradition; Marko Kraljević; Marko Miljanov; “Albanism”;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper argues that the proper origin of Serbian-Albanian hostility had been established in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. In the first part, the paper offers examples of positive mutual perceptions between Serbs and Albanians in the oral tradition, early Balkan ethnography and historiography from mid-eighteenth to mid-nineteenth century. It is contended that the appreciation for Albanian heroes found in Serbian/Montenegrin folk oral songs and narratives stems from a similar social background and shared patriarchal values among the two ethnic groups. In the second part, the paper follows the change in their perceptions from the later part of the nineteenth century onwards, influenced by the Eastern Crisis of 1875-1878, formation of the Albanian national movement, weakening of the Ottoman rule and territorial disputes over the present-day Kosovo and Northern Albania. It is argued that these tendencies gradually led to the establishment of Serbian-Albanian hostility, which became cemented on the eve of the Balkan Wars of 1912 and 1913. In the last instance, the article focuses on positive examples of Serbian intellectuals who contested such approach and advocates for the re-affirmation of these narratives that emphasize similarities and promote friendship between Serbs and Albanians.
Proizvođenje Stare Srbije: stopama putopisca, tragom folklora
Proizvođenje Stare Srbije: stopama putopisca, tragom folklora
(Production of Old Serbia: Following the Travel-Writers, Tracing the Folklore)
- Author(s):Srđan Atanasovski
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Customs / Folklore, Serbian Literature, Nationalism Studies, 19th Century
- Page Range:35-53
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Serbian nationalism; Old Serbia; Macedonia; travelogues; ethnography;
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper I analyse the travelogues from Old Serbia, which were a developed literary genre in Serbia at the end of the long nineteenth century, as a mechanism of vindicating the territorial claims of the discourse of Serbian nationalism. In the period when the portrayed lands were under Ottoman rule and deemed inaccessible to most of the Serbian population, which regarded them as the core of their national territory, these travelogues were unique way for the public to gain first-hand information about these lands. After a brief historical overview of the development of the genre, I analyse the literary mechanism through which these lands were efficiently labeled as Serbian. I particularly discuss the importance of scientific data copiously provided in the travelogues, on the issues of languages, customs, etc.
Prilog analizi medijskih predstava o Albancima u srpskoj štampi 1912–1913
Prilog analizi medijskih predstava o Albancima u srpskoj štampi 1912–1913
(A Contribution to the Analysis of Media Images of Albanians in Serbian Periodicals (1912-1913))
- Author(s):Milan Miljković
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Media studies, Nationalism Studies, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Inter-Ethnic Relations, Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:55-73
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:First Balkan War; Serbian periodicals; representation; stereotypes; Albanians; nationalism;
- Summary/Abstract:In the time of the First Balkan War 1912–1913, there was a significant number of articles published in Serbian general and literary periodicals, which presented various images of the Albanian population, its cultural, social and political irrelevance in the context of new territorial division after the end of the First Balkan War. The aim of this paper is to describe and analyze these media representations in order to determine the level of ideological and thematic coherence among the images, and to evaluate the extent to which these images corresponded to the official rhetoric of the Serbian government regarding the national aspirations of the Albanians. I will attempt to map the most dominant tendencies and narratives in the production of stereotypes about the Albanian ethnic, cultural and political identity; also, the paper will raise certain questions related to the issue of fictional and documentary aspects of articles in Serbian periodicals, and the way these aspects shaped the public opinion. The analysis of the articles focuses on a chosen representative sample, taken from the most important periodicals of the time in Serbia: Politika, Radničke novine, Srpski književni glasnik, Delo, Ilustrovana ratna kronika (Beograd), Ilustrovana ratna kronika (Novi Sad).
„Balkan balkanskim narodima“: evolucionizam, rasizam i kolonijalizam u srpskim naučnim i političkim diskursima pre Drugog svetskog rata
„Balkan balkanskim narodima“: evolucionizam, rasizam i kolonijalizam u srpskim naučnim i političkim diskursima pre Drugog svetskog rata
(“The Balkans to the Balkan Peoples“: Evolutionism, Racism and Colonialism in Serbian Scholarly and Political Discourses before World War II)
- Author(s):Ana Petrov
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Politics and society, Nationalism Studies, 19th Century, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Politics and Identity
- Page Range:75-93
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:scientific imperialism; Serbs; Albanians; colonization of Kosovo; social type;
- Summary/Abstract:This article focuses on the ways the scientific imperialism was manifested in Serbian ‘scholarly’ discourses from the end of the nineteenth century until the World War II. The leading ethnographers, geographers, cultural historians and writers promulgated the idea that the Serbs represented one ‘race’ marked by similar physical and psychological features and customs. Joined together by the same ‘blood’, territory and history, the Serbs were presented as the dominant ‘race’ in the Balkans, thus being ‘superior’ in comparison to the other peoples, especially the Albanians. The discourse was theoretically promoted in the scholarly works at the end of the nineteenth century and just before the World War II proposals for colonization of Kosovo and extermination of the Albanians were made (in Vaso Čubrilović’s writing Isterivanje Arnauta and in the claim, supported by Ivo Andrić, that ‘the Balkans should be given to the Balkan people’). I here argue that the concept of ‘social type’ helped the leading intellectuals in the promotion of the idea that the division of the Balkans should be made according to current scientific paradigms about the supremacy of the Serbs.
„Rekonkvista Stare Srbije“: o kontinuitetu teritorijalne i demografske politike na Kosovu
„Rekonkvista Stare Srbije“: o kontinuitetu teritorijalne i demografske politike na Kosovu
(“Reconquista of Old Serbia”: On Continuity of Territorial and Demographic Policies in Kosovo)
- Author(s):Vladan Z. Jovanović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Political history, Government/Political systems, Demography and human biology, Nationalism Studies, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Migration Studies, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:95-113
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Kosovo; Serbia; Yugoslavia; administrative status; colonization; emigration;
- Summary/Abstract:Since the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, Serbia used to be focused on the political status of its territorial gains (Kosovo, Macedonia, Sandzak), rather than on the social reality in these areas. The very reputation of the Serbian army, which occupied/liberated Kosovo in 1912, induced distrust of non-Slavic population towards the new state. Serbian military attempt to reach the Adriatic via northern parts of Albania (1912/13), as well as the treatment of Albanian civilians during these actions largely compromised the international reception of Serbian ‘liberation intentions’. That is one of the reasons why the Serb-Albanian conflict was difficult to be channelled during the first Yugoslav state. Instead of focusing on how to basically modernize the almost feudal society in its ‘Southern province’, the new government resorted to the territorial and demographic re-composition of the area, which was wedged between the myths of autochthonous people and the claims for ethnic and historical rights. It soon became clear that the ‘Albanian national question’ could not have been solved by inventing the ‘historical provinces’, nor by splitting Kosovo into three territorial units. Following the idea of ‘balancing’ the ethnic composition of Kosovo in favor of the Serbs, the Yugoslav kingdom acceded to the controversial project of agrarian reform and colonization, which resulted in settling 20,000 families in 1000 colonies throughout the ‘southern regions’. At the same time, Belgrade regime ‘offered’ an institutional framework for chaotic Muslim exodus (initialised after the Great Eastern Crisis), which elaborated practical ideas about emigration of ’disloyal’ Albanians. In order to colonize its eastern area, Turkey was ready to receive 200,000 Yugoslavs of ‘Turkish culture’, which was stipulated by the Yugoslav-Turkish Convention in 1938. The absurdity of territorial and demographic experiments came to the fore during the Second World War, when Kosovo fell under several various occupying regimes. An urgent request of German commander for Southeast to immediately stop the emigration of the Serbs ‘because it was bringing Kosovo to the brink of an anarchy’, ironically demystifies the very nature of demographic solutions resorted to since 1912, even after the creation of socialist Yugoslavia. After the establishment of military rule in Kosovo in early 1945, which very much resembled the early-1920s, the Communist authorities revised the interwar colonization, returning to the Albanian owners one-fifth of land, seized by the Yugoslav monarchist regime. However, dissatisfaction with the situation in Kosovo was still evident among its population, which triggered new migratory waves to Turkey. According to their volume, they far exceeded the pre-war Muslim emigration. The Yugoslav state was active in supporting the process of expatriation of Albanians as in previous times. The spiral of alternate demographic shifts and continuous administrative-territorial redefinition of space did not have positive effects on social cohesion in Kosovo.
Novine u državnoj i nacionalnoj službi
Novine u državnoj i nacionalnoj službi
(Newspaper in the Service of the State and Nationalism)
- Author(s):Agron Bajrami
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Media studies, Military history, Political history, Politics and communication, Nationalism Studies, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Inter-Ethnic Relations
- Page Range:117-129
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Politika; Rilindja; First Balkan War; First World War; Kelmendi case;
- Summary/Abstract:In this article I analyze the reporting of two daily newspapers, one Serbian (Politika) and the other one Albanian (Rilindja), in the context of a historical dispute between the Serbs and Albanians. The article focuses on the ways that these nations were represented in these newspapers in the early twentieth century, at the time of the Balkan wars, Albanian independence and the First World War, and towards the end of that century, during the late 1980s and early 1990s and the dissolution of the socialist Yugoslavia. The study is limited to the analysis of the reporting in the Belgrade-based newspaper Politika at the time of the declaration of independence of Albania (1912), prior to the establishment of newspaper in Kosovo in Albanian language, as well as on the reporting of Politika and Prishtina-based Rilindja in September 1987, during a crisis caused by the death of five soldiers at the Yugoslav Army fort in the town of Paraćin in Central Serbia. Taking into consideration an abundance of historical arguments about a peaceful of Serbs and Albanians in the Balkans, I infer that one-sided journalism full of prejudices, stereotypes and even racism (Rilindja) was one of the crucial factors in creating negative attitudes towards „the Other“. I also conclude that such reporting apparently aided in creating a rift between the two nations, and therefore claim that promoting a different kind of journalism, led by professional standards and best practices instead of stereotypes, prejudices or political benefits, would have great role in bridging this rift.
Viđeni tuđim očima: reprodukcija orijentalizama i interni balkanizam među Albancima i Južnim Slovenima u bivšoj Jugoslaviji
Viđeni tuđim očima: reprodukcija orijentalizama i interni balkanizam među Albancima i Južnim Slovenima u bivšoj Jugoslaviji
(Seeing Each Other: Nesting Orientalisms and Internal Balkanism among the Albanians and South Slavs in the Former Yugoslavia self-perceptions)
- Author(s):Atdhe Hetemi
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Political history, Politics and society, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Politics and Identity, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:131-151
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Albanians; Balkanism; Former Yugoslavia; Orientalism; Serbs; West;
- Summary/Abstract:The article examines the role of the Orientalist and Balkanist discourse in the Former Yugoslavia with a particular focus on Albanians. Here, Western Orientalist and Balkanist stereotypes of the Former Yugoslavia are examined arguing that the Orientalism and Balkanism of peoples living in the Former Yugoslavia is and was viewed differently from Western standards and by the peoples living in the Former Yugoslavia in the way how they perceive each other. In addition, this article analyzes the perceptions of Albanians living in the Former Yugoslavia, both in the sense of how they defined themselves and how they were viewed by the South Slavic majority. Methodologically, the article relies on three seminal works that shall serve as pillars of this theoretical analysis: concepts of Edward Said’s “Orientalism, ”Milica Bakic-Hayden’s theories on “nesting Orientalisms” in the Balkans, and Maria Todorova’s analysis of the external practices of representation of the Balkans.It is argued that these authors provide a useful theoretical framework for exploring the distribution of the Orientalist and Balkanist discourses in Former Yugoslavia.
Srpsko-albanski odnosi u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji: protesti na Kosovu i teret sistemske legitimizacije
Srpsko-albanski odnosi u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji: protesti na Kosovu i teret sistemske legitimizacije
(Serbian-Albanian Relations in Socialist Yugoslavia: Protests in Kosovo and the Burden of Systemic Legitimization)
- Author(s):Marjan Ivković , Tamara Petrović Trifunović, Srđan Prodanović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Media studies, Political history, Government/Political systems, Politics and society, Nationalism Studies, Post-War period (1950 - 1989), History of Communism, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Ethnic Minorities Studies, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:153-173
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Yugoslavia; Serbian-Albanian relations; system legitimization; protests; discourse Analysis;
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper we examine to which extent was egalitarian vocabulary of Yugoslav socialism able to provide an alternative framework for interpretation of Serbian-Albanian relations. Our initial hypothesis is that – due to the experimental nature of Yugoslav self-management socialism, which implied certain compromises with liberal capitalism – the Yugoslav elite was structurally bound to systematically negate the social aspect of protests that took place in Kosovo in 1968, 1981 and 1988. Using critical discourse analysis on daily newspapers (Politika, Večernje novosti and Borba), we show how the nomenclature treated the complex social-political aspects of the social uprisings exclusively as a manifestation of nationalism. To the actors involved, this discursive strategy suggested that nationalism is a common denominator for economic, political and ethnic equality. Final consequences of these discursive strategies will be shown through analysis of media coverage of protests in Kosovo and the “Brotherhood and Unity” meeting that took place Belgrade in 1988, wherein we can see that there is little space left for non-nationalistic interpretation of any kind of social uprising, both in media and actors’ perspective.
Albanci i srpsko-albanski odnosi u srpskim udžbenicima (1887-1987)
Albanci i srpsko-albanski odnosi u srpskim udžbenicima (1887-1987)
(Albanians and Serbian-Albanian Relations in Serbian Textbooks (1878-1989))
- Author(s):Aleksandra Ilić Rajković
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), School education, History of Education, State/Government and Education, Nationalism Studies, 19th Century, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Peace and Conflict Studies, Sociology of Literature
- Page Range:177-195
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Serbian-Albanian relations; Serbs; Albanians; textbooks; history; us-others;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper represents an attempt to overview the dynamics of the development of ideas about the Albanians and Serbian-Albanian relations in Serbian textbooks since the 1880s to the 1980s. The subjects of analysis were history and geography textbooks for both elementary and high school. Several topics were taken into consideration: Slovenian migrations to Balkans, Stara Srbija, First Balkan war, Second World War and The Resolution of the Communist Information Bureau (Informbiro). The paper shows that the data framed by these topics was insufficient for students to build up clear reflections based on a critique of the presentation of neighbors and to understand the relations between the two countries. The contents of the textbooks were in the function of the ruling political discourse, and the topics which surpassed their areas of interest were not considered valuable. For this reason contents which would enable better understanding of the other side, its contexts and their circumstances, were put aside. The paper thus points to the multiple questions which were elaborated incompletely, or were thematically neglected. This leads to a conclusion that the ignorance about the “other” has been “accumulated” over the generations, which presents itself as the fertile ground for embedded prejudices and all forms of manipulation.
Albansko-jugoslovenski odnosi (1945-1948) i njihovo predstavljanje u albanskim udžbenicima za osnovnu i srednju školu
Albansko-jugoslovenski odnosi (1945-1948) i njihovo predstavljanje u albanskim udžbenicima za osnovnu i srednju školu
(Albanian-Yugoslav Relations (1945-1948) and their Presentation in School History Textbooks)
- Author(s):Esilda Luku
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Diplomatic history, Economic history, Political history, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade, School education, History of Education, State/Government and Education, Nationalism Studies, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Inter-Ethnic Relations
- Page Range:197-209
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:history textbooks; Albanian-Yugoslav relations; economic and political agreements; ethnocentrism; political narrative;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper aims to analyze the economic and political relations between Albania and Yugoslavia after the Second World War and their presentation on primary and secondary school history textbooks, by offering comparative approach of the way Albanian-Yugoslav relations are treated by different schools of historiography. On July 9, 1946 the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance was signed between the Albanian Prime Minister, Enver Hoxha and the Foreign Minister of Yugoslavia, Stanoje Simic. According to it, the two countries would take the necessary measures to ensure their independence and territorial integrity in case of aggression. They engaged to collaborate for the protection of international peace and security in conformity with the principles of the United Nations and confirmed their friendship by furthering the economic and cultural cooperation. The textbooks authors described the bilateral relationship as a result of the political intentions of Beograd to turn Albania into the seventh republic of Yugoslavia. It was perceived as “the other” in regard to Yugoslav efforts to exploit the weakness of the Albanian state and the risk of domination by a foreign power, claiming to represent it diplomatically. The inclusion of Albania in the Yugoslav Federation was argued in favor of solving the difficult problem of ethnic Albanians in the Yugoslavian state. Tito insisted on the impossibility to recognize the rights of Kosovo to self-determination because of the strengthening of Serb reaction. Due to the Yugoslav pressure, the Albanian leadership under the direction of Enver Hoxha was declared against the unification of Kosovo and Albania. History schoolbooks of both socialist and post-socialist period described the deterioration of the bilateral relations when the Albanian delegation headed by Enver Hoxha and the Soviet government ended an agreement in Moscow for the development of agriculture and industry and Albania received a Soviet loan. The Yugoslav leadership accused the Central Committee of the Albanian Communist Party of the anti-Yugoslav position, putting under pressure the government of Tirana. But it was the information about the Soviet Union Central Committee’s letters, criticizing the Yugoslav leadership for its domestic and foreign policy in deviation from the Marxist principles that helped the Albanian government deal with the pressure of Yugoslav authorities. It adopted unanimously the resolution of the Information Bureau of the Communist Parties, which broke off the Yugoslav-Albanian diplomatic relations in 1948 and shifted to the pro-Soviet orientation of the Albanian government.
Školstvo na albanskom jeziku na Kosovu i jugu Srbije (1945-2015)
Školstvo na albanskom jeziku na Kosovu i jugu Srbije (1945-2015)
(Education System in Albanian Language in Kosova/o and South of Serbia (1945-2015))
- Author(s):Naile Mala-Imami
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):School education, History of Education, State/Government and Education, Nationalism Studies, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), Inter-Ethnic Relations, Pedagogy
- Page Range:211-227
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:School system in Albanian; Kosovo; South of Serbia; Serbia; Educational policy;
- Summary/Abstract:Purpose of this paper is to provide historical overview of the development of school system in Albanian language from 1945 to 2015 in Kosovo and South of Serbia, in municipalities of Presheva, Bujanovac and Medvedja. After the Second World War and establishment of socialist socio-economic relations, historical injustice against the Albanian people who did not have the right for education in their mother tongue during the Kingdom of Serbs Croats and Slovenians has been corrected. Year after year, despite numerous problems, education in Albanian language was spread systematically in primary and secondary education system while in 1960 foundations for university studies were laid down. Development in school system in Albanian language in Kosovo at all levels by 1990, despite ideological and political constraints, has had tangible results in the education of many generations of Albanians. After 1999 Kosovo has developed an independent education system while Albanians from South of Serbia partially exercise the right to treat some of topics that relate to their nation.
Rat na Kosovu 1998-1999. u udžbenicima istorije na Kosovu i u Srbiji
Rat na Kosovu 1998-1999. u udžbenicima istorije na Kosovu i u Srbiji
(The Kosovo War During 1998-1999 in the History Textbooks in Kosovo and Serbia)
- Author(s):Shkëlzen Gashi
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):International Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Military policy, State/Government and Education, Studies in violence and power, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Inter-Ethnic Relations, Peace and Conflict Studies, Sociology of Literature
- Page Range:229-239
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Kosovo textbooks; Serbian textbooks; War Crimes; Rambouillet Conference; NATO’s intervention;
- Summary/Abstract:This article focuses on the way the most important events during the war in Kosovo (1998-1999) are presented in the primary and high history textbooks in Kosovo. The article aims to analyse the presentation of the political/military groups of Kosovo Albanians during the war, their political goals, the meetings, agreements, and collaboration of the political and military representatives of the Albanians with their Serb counterparts, and the war crimes committed by both sides. The article is divided in four parts: the peaceful and the military factions; war crimes, the Rambouillet Conference; and the NATO intervention. The primary and high history textbooks of Kosovo and Serbia, published by the Libri Shkollorpublishing house (Prishtina), and by Zavod za udžbenike (Belgrade), approved by the respective ministries of education, serve as the primary source for this article. In addition to that, works by foreign scholars, who have analysed the events in Kosovo in this period are taken into consideration with their respective arguments.
Srpsko-albanski mešoviti brakovi: kada patrijarhalnost lomi barijere nacionalizma
Srpsko-albanski mešoviti brakovi: kada patrijarhalnost lomi barijere nacionalizma
(Serbian-Albanian Mixed Marriages: When Patriarchy Breaks the Barriers of Nationalism)
- Author(s):Armanda Hysa
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Family and social welfare, Nationalism Studies, Sociology of Culture, Inter-Ethnic Relations
- Page Range:243-259
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:patriarchy; nationalism; mixed marriages; Sandžak;
- Summary/Abstract:This article deals with an interesting social phenomenon, namely the mixed marriages between Serbian men and Albanian women from Albania. The article is based on fieldwork in the region of Sandžak. However, the examination od this phenomenon transcends both geographical and theoretical scope of this article, and tries to offer a new approach to the study of links between patriarchy and nationalism.
Jezik i etno-politički sukob: Slučaj albanskog u savremenom Beogradu
Jezik i etno-politički sukob: Slučaj albanskog u savremenom Beogradu
(Language Use and Ethno-political Conflict: The Case of Albanian in Contemporary Belgrade)
- Author(s):Marija Mandić, Ana Sivački
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Sociolinguistics, Studies in violence and power, Demography and human biology, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Ethnic Minorities Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:261-281
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:sociolinguistics; conflict studies; Albanian language; Belgrade; language use; language ideology; conflict in Kosovo; multilingualism;
- Summary/Abstract:The use of Albanian in Belgrade and particularly its dependency on the Serbian-Albanian conflict in Kosovo is discussed herein. The paper initially gives an overview of the Albanian minority in Serbia, its demographics, institutions and language use. Drawing on the results of the sociolinguistic survey carried out among the Albanian speakers in Belgrade, the paper then analyses use of Albanian and its dependence on the ethnopolitical conflict.
Srpsko-crnogorska manjina u Skadru: izazovi identiteta
Srpsko-crnogorska manjina u Skadru: izazovi identiteta
(Serbian-Montenegrin Minority of Shkodra: a Contested Identity)
- Author(s):Inis Shkreli
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Politics and religion, Nationalism Studies, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Ethnic Minorities Studies, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:283-297
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Serbo-Montenegrins; Albania; Shkodra; Minorities; Identity;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper presents the historical and present situation of the Serbian and Montenegrin minority in the district of Shkodra in Albania. The paper focuses on components that form the collective identity: (1) language that is a strong reference to ethnic identity; (2) religion and self-stereotypes that play an important role in defining the boundaries of the group and also create the categories (sub-groups) inside the Slav speaking community in Shkodra. The second part of the paper focuses on the chaotic transition from communism in Albania, which influenced migratory movements of Serbians-Montenegrins towards the origin country, Yugoslavia. Ultimately, I discuss the 2011 Albanian Census, praised as the first Albanian census after 80 years to include the questions on religion and ethnicity, and argue that it was not fully representative when it comes to Serbs or Montenegrins and other minorities due to some discriminatory elements towards them which it involved.
„Mi, sinovi nacije“ – intelektualci kao generatori albanskih i srpskih nacionalnih ideja i programa
„Mi, sinovi nacije“ – intelektualci kao generatori albanskih i srpskih nacionalnih ideja i programa
(“We, the Sons of the Nation“ – Intellectuals as Generators of Albanian and Serbian National Ideas and Programs)
- Author(s):Rigels Halili
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Higher Education , Nationalism Studies, Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Inter-Ethnic Relations, Sociology of Politics, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:301-317
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:intellectuals; nationalism; political ideas; political programmes;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper offers a historical and textual comparative analysis of two very important documents: the Memorandum of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts written in 1986, and the Platform for the Solution of the National Albanian Question presented by the Albanian Academy of Sciences in 1998. On this basis, the paper inquires on the role of intellectuals as generators of national ideas, ideologies and programs. The article provides a detailed analysis of both documents and thereafter offers an analysis of the socio-political contexts, in which both texts were produced. Simultaneoulsy, the article tried to contextualise both these documents in the Serbian and Albanian nationalist discourses respectively.
Intelektualna obrada „Kosova“: srpske recepcije, rezignacije i reakcije
Intelektualna obrada „Kosova“: srpske recepcije, rezignacije i reakcije
(Intellectual Processing of “Kosovo”: Serbian Receptions, Resignations and Reactions)
- Author(s):Predrag Krstić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Government/Political systems, Political behavior, Politics and society, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Geopolitics, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:319-335
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Kosovo; Serbian intellectuals; emotional reactions; Gnostic vision; critical understanding; role of intelligentsia;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper follows the reactions of Serbian professional, cultural and intellectual public on the developments in Kosovo and about Kosovo in the last three decades, focusing in particular on the period of its unilateral declaration of independence. The first part of the article expose emotional responses to the challenge that the events in Kosovo provoked. The central section is devoted to explanations or rationalizations that tend theoretically to interpreted them, with special emphasis on two characteristic models of understanding of „Kosovo“: the “Gnostic” and the “critical” one. The conclusion suggests that the impenetrability of rival discursive systems and argumentative flows of an already predefined conflict does not provide the hope not only for reconciliation, but even for a responsible dialogue among them.
Simbolika nemoći: intelektualci i srpsko-albanski odnosi u postjugoslovenskom kontekstu
Simbolika nemoći: intelektualci i srpsko-albanski odnosi u postjugoslovenskom kontekstu
(The Symbolism of Powerlessness: Intellectuals and Serbian-Albanian Relations in the post-Yugoslav Context)
- Author(s):Gazela Pudar Draško
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Diplomatic history, Political history, International relations/trade, Politics and communication, Nationalism Studies, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), Inter-Ethnic Relations, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:337-355
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Intellectuals; figure of the Other; discursive strategies; Kosovo; nation;
- Summary/Abstract:This article explores the attitudes of Serbian intellectuals in relation to Kosovo as a geographic area that gain special status and importance by being infused by symbolic meanings. The article aims at identifying and operationalizing discursive strategies through which the intellectuals use the notion of Kosovo and/or the metaphor "enemy/ the “Other“ figure“. The analysis of statements and writings of the intellectuals focuses on three seminal events of the post-Yugoslav, i.e. post-Milosević’s period, which marked the process of Kosovo independence. The events in question have are the “Kosovo pogrom“ from 2004, Kosovo declaration of independence in 2008 and the signing of the Brussels Agreement in 2013. The article should testify about the dilemmas (or the lack of thereof) among the intellectuals “by fate“ interested or provoked to publicly express their views on “the Kosovo question“ – does by being intellectual one is indebted above all to be loyal to his/her nation and to fight for its “rights“ through intellectual means, or actually to protest against the national and other euphoria and to promote universal values?
Figura drugog kao otvoreni projekat, na primeru albanskih autora iz Albanije i sa Kosova
Figura drugog kao otvoreni projekat, na primeru albanskih autora iz Albanije i sa Kosova
(The Figure of Other as an Open Project, as Exemplified by Albanian Writers from Albania and Kosovo)
- Author(s):Saša Ćirić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Comparative Study of Literature, Albanian Literature, International relations/trade, Translation Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:359-373
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:political other; ethnic other; Kosovo poetry; Kosovo theatre; other as enemy; minority identities; Serbian-Albanian conflict;
- Summary/Abstract:This article offers a comparative analysis of literary works of authors from Albania and Kosovo translated into Serbian in the period after 2000. It detects the notions of the figure of the other by making recourse to cultural and political references to the conflict situations found in these books. The article is divided into sections according to the literary genres of the analysed books (novels, short fiction, poetry, drama) and the region that the authors refer to (Albania and Kosovo). The crucial distinction between the authors from Albania and Kosovo is the domination of political other for the former in comparison to the ethnic other for the latter. The authors from Albania are preoccupied by the phenomenon of auto-isolationistic Albanian totalitarianism, while the authors from Kosovo are obsessed by the trauma of Serbian-Albanian war 1998-1999 war at Kosovo. Serbian-Albanian relations are presented as relations of collective distance and deep mistrust, with no examples of achieved interethnic friendship or love affairs. Another feature characteristics for the works of the authors analysed in this article is the resistance to the political authoritarianism and patriarchal conservatism in the form of a satire, as well as examples of religious tolerance and rejecting revanchism.
Neprijatelji i ljudi
Neprijatelji i ljudi
(Enemies and Men)
- Author(s):Basri Çapriqi
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Comparative Study of Literature, Albanian Literature, Serbian Literature, Nationalism Studies, Politics and Identity, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:375-389
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Balkan; enemies; Balkan identity; writers and conflict;
- Summary/Abstract:In the first part, this article embraces the idea of a common Balkan identity that has roots in Antiquity and of linguistic and cultural Balkan unity following from the Ancient Greek culture. It then follows the demise of this Balkan identity during the rise of nationalism in the nineteenth century, and advocates that it is the time to leave the conflict in the past and to pacify and reunite the Balkans in the European Union. The second part of the article discusses negative influence of writers on promoting the conflicts in the Balkans, to emphasize several authors and literary works that by its pacifism and humanism stand out from the main current: The Immigrants – the Songs of Ali Binak by Radovan Zogović, Ali Podrimja’s Happy Ending, Predrag Lucić’s Ići Mići Ahmići and The Elite Worse Than the Crowd by Mirko Kovač.
Književnost kao ratni diskurs Albanski i srpski pisci u „ratu rečima“
Književnost kao ratni diskurs Albanski i srpski pisci u „ratu rečima“
(Literature as a War Discourse: Albanian and Serbian Writers in “the War of the Words”)
- Author(s):Anton Berishaj
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Comparative Study of Literature, Albanian Literature, Serbian Literature, Theory of Literature, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:391-405
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:discourse; literary war discourse; counterdiscourse; model of communication; figures of power;
- Summary/Abstract:This essay offers theoretical and explanatory model of the literary war discourse, which is described thorough its three seminal features: 1. Literary war discourse is a discourse that by necessity creates special referential relations with a particular contexts, that is with the real and symbolic power, politics and its actors, by way of replicating textual functions into context and particular rhetorical and semantic strategies, and thus by establishing a specific model of communication; 2. Literary war discourse is pervasive – in itself, under “its aegis”, it can encompass particular discourses – theoretical, religious, scientific, legal, politico-historical etc. Literary war discourse, as the war discourse in general, appears as overarching discourse, aiming (and to the large extend succeeding) to reach even to the infinitesimal point of communicational space – and one which rules this space excluding the Other from it, depriving the Other actors and Different discursive action (that would enable for the projection and creation of different political decisions) from their space; 3. Literary war discourse is a cannibalistic discourse – discourse that symbolically eats its “subject”, as well as other texts and discursive subjects whose decisions do not belong to the field of war discourse, by creating a pervasive referential framework (Goodman, 1978), always, of course, taken in the relations and functional proportions under 1 and 2. The real “subject” of this discourse is the destruction of Other, devouring the life of Others and finding jouissance and eros (Barthes, 1975) in that “devouring”.
Kulturna baština na Kosovu: Isključivanje manjina kroz inkluzivno zakonodavstvo
Kulturna baština na Kosovu: Isključivanje manjina kroz inkluzivno zakonodavstvo
(Cultural Heritage in Kosovo: Strengthening Exclusion through Inclusive Legislation)
- Author(s):Jelena Lončar
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Government/Political systems, Politics and law, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:409-427
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:inter-ethnic relations; cultural heritage; legislative process; Kosovo;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper focuses on inter-ethnic relations in Kosovo by analysing the process of adoption of two relevant minority-laws in Kosovo: the Law on Historic Centre of Prizren and the Law on the Village of Velika Hoča/ Hoce e Madhe. Using critical frame analysis, the paper examines what is going on during legislative process, what representations are made of the issues on the agenda, beneficiaries of the law and other actors involved in the process. The findings show that even minority favourable legislation can serve as an exclusion mechanism. While legislative framework in Kosovo guarantees full protection of minority rights, political institutions in Kosovo encourage ethnic cleavages and inter-ethnic tensions.
„Licem u lice“: srpsko-albanska kulturna saradnja u medijskom diskursu
„Licem u lice“: srpsko-albanska kulturna saradnja u medijskom diskursu
(„Face to Face“: Serbian-Albanian Cultural Cooperation in the Media Discourse)
- Author(s):Ana Birešev
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Media studies, Sociology of Culture, Sociology of Art
- Page Range:429-447
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Serbia; Kosovo; art; collaboration; symbolic struggles; discourse;
- Summary/Abstract:Since 2008 several literary, theatrical and art events have been organized in collaboration with Albanian artists. This paper analyses discourses produced in Serbian media on the occasion of these events. It is examined to what extent (if any) did the given discourses reproduce the logic and instruments of discourses identified in the previous research on the symbolic struggles in Serbia, and how a specific topic – art – influenced the form and the content of the messages. My study found four types of discourses: one, mainly characterized by its reliance on the matrices of inellectual-political positioning established in the prior symbolic struggles; second, based on the argument that art can, and should, be socially engaged; third, the one that raises art above the daily politics and defends the principle of the autonomy and creative freedoms; fourth, the discourse in which art has been given the role of the mediator for discovering the ’real life’ and the problems people are facing in everyday life. The analysis of these discourses includes the assessment of their influence on the change of the society’s relation towards cultural, but also other kinds of cooperation between Kosovo and Serbia.
Zajednica rasposedovanih: Ženska mirovna koalicija
Zajednica rasposedovanih: Ženska mirovna koalicija
(The Community of the Dispossessed: Women’s Peace Coalition)
- Author(s):Adriana Zaharijević
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Sociology of Politics, Identity of Collectives, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:449-465
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:community; dispossesion; Women’s Peace Coalition; Kosovo Women’s Network; Women in Black;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper delves into the possibility of constituting and preserving the alternative forms of communities, here exemplified by the Women’s Peace Coalition formed by Kosova Women’s Network and Women in Black network (Serbia). The principal question which paper puts forward is whether communities that surpass identitarian belonging can exist, and what is their relation to ‘communities’ defined by territoriality, nation (or nation-state), as well as to artificial and symbolic supra-national communities. The main aim of the paper is to examine the political potential of a community which seeks to ground itself within the logic of peace and refusal of the logic of possession (under the slogan: People, not territories). The community of feminist activists is defined as the community of the dispossessed, and the concept of dispossession is taken from Judith Butler’s and Athena Athanasiou’s work and contextualised. The introduction of this concept enables a different approach to a context of ambivalent, divided, inoperative state, where the wounds of war are still festering.