Erinnerungen gegen den Krieg / Не убить Человека
Memories Against Wart
Contributor(s): Fred Dorn (Editor), Leonid Jekel (Editor), V. Ignatowitsch (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, History, Social Sciences, Sociology of Culture, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Politics of History/Memory
Published by: CEEOL Digital Reproductions / Collections
Keywords: Belarusian-German relation; WW II;
Summary/Abstract: This volume written and published by German and Belarusian authors attempts to philosophically address the ban on killing a human being. Aleš Adamovich and other authors examine the human soul not killed by war and consider how the killing itself could be eliminated. The issue of war and peace is closely intertwined with the Chernobyl theme here. The book talks about how bridges of mutual understanding and humanism are being built between the German and Belarusian people.
- Page Count: 340
- Publication Year: 1995
- Language: German, Belarusian
Selbstreinigung durch Wahrheit / Самоочищение Правдой
Selbstreinigung durch Wahrheit / Самоочищение Правдой
(Self-Purification by Truth)
- Author(s):Leonid Jekel
- Language:German, Belarusian
- Subject(s):Social Philosophy, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Politics of History/Memory
- Page Range:20-31
- No. of Pages:12
- Price: 4.50 €
Um einer gemeinsamen Zukunft willen / Ради Общего Будущего
Um einer gemeinsamen Zukunft willen / Ради Общего Будущего
(For the Sake of a Common Future)
- Author(s):Fred Dorn
- Language:German, Belarusian
- Subject(s):International relations/trade, Politics of History/Memory
- Page Range:32-41
- No. of Pages:10
- Summary/Abstract:Fifty years after the end of the Second World War, in which Germany wanted to use military force to impose a new “order” on Europe, the question of a compatible European - and thus world-order is not only being raised anew; it is also subject to the commandment that this can only be achieved in a peaceful manner.
- Price: 4.50 €
Das geschenkte Leben / Подаренная Жизнь
Das geschenkte Leben / Подаренная Жизнь
(Gifted Life)
- Author(s):Vasil Uladzimiravič Bykaŭ
- Language:German, Belarusian
- Subject(s):WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Politics of History/Memory
- Page Range:42-49
- No. of Pages:8
- Summary/Abstract:There are incidents in life whose meaning does not become apparent immediately, but only gradually, through the density of years, and which is only understood over the course of an entire life. Those that initially seem important and significant soon lose their significance; the others only gain it after years. And only a few remain unchanged in their imperative value. I want to tell you about one such case, more than half a century after it happened.
- Price: 4.50 €
Gebrochene Geschichte — Der Streit um die Erinnerung / Порушенная История — Спор о Памяти
Gebrochene Geschichte — Der Streit um die Erinnerung / Порушенная История — Спор о Памяти
(Broken History — The Dispute about Memory)
- Author(s):Cordelia Kopsch
- Language:German, Belarusian
- Subject(s):Sociology of Culture, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Politics of History/Memory
- Page Range:50-63
- No. of Pages:14
- Price: 4.50 €
Die “Neuordnung” Europas im 2. Weltkrieg und ihre Auswirkungen bis heute / “Новый Порядок” в Европе во время второй Мировой Войны и его последствия до сегодняшнего дня
Die “Neuordnung” Europas im 2. Weltkrieg und ihre Auswirkungen bis heute / “Новый Порядок” в Европе во время второй Мировой Войны и его последствия до сегодняшнего дня
(The "New Order" in Europe during the Second World War and its Consequences to the Present Day)
- Author(s):Fred Dorn
- Language:German, Belarusian
- Subject(s):WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Politics of History/Memory
- Page Range:64-87
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:WW II; memorization of WW II;
- Summary/Abstract:The following introductory article presents in a revised form the results of a project to research our own history, which was organized in 1989 by the Office for Adult Education of the Evangelical Church of Hesse and Nassau (EKHN). The interest was focused on forced labor, on the fact that 10 million people were deported to Germany during the war and forced to work - and that this was not talked about long after the war. This was a project to search for clues both locally and in the countries to which those who had been forcibly deported had returned. After an introductory reflection on remembering as discovery, the focus turned to the situation in Europe - especially in the Soviet Union - after the German defeat in Stalingrad. In the article by Vasily Boikachev, edited by Leonid Jekel, it becomes clear what consequences this development had for the then 15-year-old boy from the Gomel region of the Belarusian Soviet Republic. The German war participant Alfred Kollmannsperger describes his experiences in this context.
- Price: 4.50 €
Bekenntnis des Ostarbeiters Nr. 997 / Исповедь Остарбайтера N 997
Bekenntnis des Ostarbeiters Nr. 997 / Исповедь Остарбайтера N 997
(Confession of Ostarbeiter Nr 997)
- Author(s):Leonid Jekel
- Language:German, Belarusian
- Subject(s):WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), History of the Holocaust, Politics of History/Memory
- Page Range:88-113
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:forcved labour und Nazism;
- Summary/Abstract:For half a century already, Vasily Semyonovich Boykachev is carrying pain in his heart like a splinter in his body. As a fifteen-year-old boy, he was deported to Germany for forced labor. He worked in a war factory where bullets were manufactured. He never told anything about it, not even to the wife and son who are closest to him. A strong feeling of guilt towards his wife, who was a front-line doctor, towards relatives, fellow villagers and simply unknown people because of his forced participation in the human-killing work always tormented him like a terrible nightmare. He thought with a pounding heart that the deadly bullets, which his child labor had also been involved in making, could have injured or killed his future bride, or killed or maimed his compatriots who were fighting for their homeland. For half a century he asks the Lord God to forgive him and take away this sin from him...
- Price: 4.50 €
Deutsch-Weissrussische Annäherung / Немецко-Белорусское Сближение
Deutsch-Weissrussische Annäherung / Немецко-Белорусское Сближение
(German-Belarusian Approach)
- Author(s):Alfred Kollmansperger
- Language:German, Belarusian
- Subject(s):WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Politics of History/Memory
- Page Range:114-131
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:memorization of WW II;
- Summary/Abstract:Let us learn by remembering a past of which “we old people” (and I am one of them) were a part, and today - as survivors - can still be viewed and felt like a material display in a “museum of the great war”... Who would not have stood in front of such a silent witness of that time - a cannon, a captured enemy bayonet perhaps, or the ID card of a fallen soldier, and felt the depressing inkling of a meaning that could no longer be found, the dark air of suffering and death? Now, we survivors are not “witnesses” to that past, we are not simply uninvolved observers of events that have passed away; We were actors, we were the producers of that reality, the consequences of which extend to all of us today, which weigh on our souls and often enough hurt our bodies, a past reality that therefore cannot be removed from the world by forgetting; We are not silent either. Unlike the lifeless museum exhibits, we can answer questions that are asked of us. What's more, it is our duty to answer them because we don't have much time left. And we will do it, and we will tell the truth, because only the truth and remembering gives our existence meaning and value for the future.
- Price: 4.50 €
Das Verbot ist ein Staudamm / Запрет — Плотина
Das Verbot ist ein Staudamm / Запрет — Плотина
(Prohibition is a Dam)
- Author(s):Ales Adamovich
- Language:German, Belarusian
- Subject(s):Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Sociology of Culture
- Page Range:132-201
- No. of Pages:70
- Summary/Abstract:All his life Ales Adamowitsch thought about and never tired of writing that the most important and fundamental idea at the end of the 20th century was: Why does one person kill another person? His novellas, essays and literary journalism spoke of this. In this article, which we present to the reader and in which he analyzes the novels “Breast Sign 'Ost” and “The Dam” by the well-known Russian writer Vitaly Sjomin, he repeatedly returns to his constant theme: How can thoughts of murder as such be erased from human mind?
- Price: 4.50 €
Und der Dritte Weltkrieg heisst Tschernobyl... / А Третья Мировая Война — Чернобыль...
Und der Dritte Weltkrieg heisst Tschernobyl... / А Третья Мировая Война — Чернобыль...
(And the Third World War — Will it be Chernobyl...?)
- Author(s):Astrid Sahm
- Language:German, Belarusian
- Subject(s):Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Politics of History/Memory
- Page Range:202-227
- No. of Pages:26
- Summary/Abstract:on the connection between war memory and disaster processing in Belarus and Germany
- Price: 4.50 €
Die Erde der Toten / Земля Мертвых
Die Erde der Toten / Земля Мертвых
(Land of the Dead)
- Author(s):Svetlana Alexievich
- Language:German, Belarusian
- Subject(s):Literary Texts, Politics of History/Memory
- Page Range:228-257
- No. of Pages:30
- Price: 4.50 €
Erlangung der Hoffnung oder Zeilen aus einem Pädagogischen Poem / Обретение Надежды, или Строки из Педагогической Поэмы
Erlangung der Hoffnung oder Zeilen aus einem Pädagogischen Poem / Обретение Надежды, или Строки из Педагогической Поэмы
(The Finding of Hope, or Lines from a Pedagogical Poem)
- Author(s):Leonid Jekel
- Language:German, Belarusian
- Subject(s):Health and medicine and law, Victimology
- Page Range:258-279
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Post-Chernobyl rehabilitation;
- Summary/Abstract:ABout the "Nadeshda" Center - Center of post-Chernobyl rehabiitation of children
- Price: 4.50 €
Akademiemitglied Petrjaew: Seuche des 20. Jahrhunderts: Tschernobyl / Академик Петряев: Чернобыль — Это Чума XX Века
Akademiemitglied Petrjaew: Seuche des 20. Jahrhunderts: Tschernobyl / Академик Петряев: Чернобыль — Это Чума XX Века
(Member of Academy Petriaev: Chernobyl is the Plague of the 20th Century)
- Author(s):Leonid Jekel
- Language:German, Belarusian
- Subject(s):Energy and Environmental Studies, Politics of History/Memory
- Page Range:280-301
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Chernobyl;
- Summary/Abstract:...Before I ask you, a well-known scholar and the chairman of the “Life after Chernobyl” foundation, questions about what life after Chernobyl is like and what awaits us in the near future, I, Yevgeny Petrovich, would like to refer to my long-ago interview with Ales Adamovich come. It was published in the magazine “Rodnik” in 1989. It was .Adamovich's letter to M.S. Gorbachev. A month after the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Ales Adamovich said in his letter what no one dared to say. In his letter he described the dimensions of the disaster in Belarus in reality, in contrast to what was reported to Moscow. That this tragedy is more terrible than that which the Belarusian people experienced in 1941-1944. He cited compelling evidence as to what measures should be taken immediately to save the nation. Because “...every day and every hour of delay is an unpardonable sin against the future of the people. Our sick descendants will not forgive us for any justifications or explanations. We will not be able to forgive ourselves for unfounded sacrifices.” He spoke of the terrible misfortune into which the monopoly of truth in science plunges people. The authorities' efforts to conceal the extent of the disaster and its consequences...
- Price: 4.50 €
Wie der deutsche Johannes für viele Belarussische Kinder zum Opa Iwan wurde / Как немец Йоханес стал для многих Белорусских детей Дедушкой Иваном
Wie der deutsche Johannes für viele Belarussische Kinder zum Opa Iwan wurde / Как немец Йоханес стал для многих Белорусских детей Дедушкой Иваном
(How German Johannes became Grandpa Ivan for many Belarusian Children)
- Author(s):Miachail Schimanski
- Language:German, Belarusian
- Subject(s):Present Times (2010 - today)
- Page Range:302-315
- No. of Pages:14
- Price: 4.50 €
Die internationale Bildungs- und Begegnungsstätte Minsk - ein Zentrum für den west-östlichen Dialog / Минский международный Образовательно-Культурный Центр — Центр Диалога между Западом и Востоком
Die internationale Bildungs- und Begegnungsstätte Minsk - ein Zentrum für den west-östlichen Dialog / Минский международный Образовательно-Культурный Центр — Центр Диалога между Западом и Востоком
(Minsk international Educational and Cultural Center — Center for Dialogue between the West and the East)
- Author(s):Peter Junge-Wentrup
- Language:German, Belarusian
- Subject(s):International relations/trade, Human Ecology
- Page Range:316-333
- No. of Pages:18
- Price: 4.50 €