Stjepan Tomašević (1461-1463): Fall of Bosnian Kingdom - Proceedings Cover Image
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Stjepan Tomašević (1461.-1463.) - slom srednjovjekovnoga Bosanskog Kraljevstva - Zbornik radova
Stjepan Tomašević (1461-1463): Fall of Bosnian Kingdom - Proceedings

Contributor(s): Ante Birin (Editor)
Subject(s): History of Church(es), Local History / Microhistory, Military history, Political history, Social history, Government/Political systems, Security and defense, Military policy, Political behavior, Politics and society, Culture and social structure , 15th Century, The Ottoman Empire, Peace and Conflict Studies
Published by: Hrvatski institut za povijest
Keywords: Bosnia; Middle Ages; fall of Bosnia; Ottomans;
Summary/Abstract: On the occasion of the 550th anniversary of the coronation of the last Bosnian king, Stjepan Tomašević, by the papal legates in November 1461 in Jajce, the Croatian Institute of History from Zagreb and the Catholic Faculty of Theology from Sarajevo marked this event in 2011 with a special scientific conference. This event, which soon proved to be a direct prelude to the collapse of the medieval Bosnian Kingdom, was commemorated with the aim of gaining new insights and deepening knowledge about this historiographical topic. Although both Stjepan Tomašević himself and the collapse of the medieval Bosnian Kingdom have been subjects of interest in Croatian, Bosnian-Herzegovinian, and Serbian historiography, as evidenced by numerous previously published works, the mentioned anniversary provided an opportunity for a fresh examination and deepening of understanding of this historical theme. The international scientific conference "Stjepan Tomašević (1461-1463) - The Collapse of the Medieval Bosnian Kingdom," held on November 11th and 12th, 2011 in Jajce, gathered distinguished scholars from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Hungary. Their presentations, collected in this anthology, constitute four comprehensive thematic sections.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-953-7840-22-8
  • Page Count: 297
  • Publication Year: 2013
  • Language: Croatian
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The Political Background in Hungary of the Campaign of Jajce in 1463
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