Romania 1945-1989: Encyclopedia of the Communist Regime. Resistance, Opposition, Dissent. Biographical Dictionary Cover Image
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România 1945-1989: Enciclopedia regimului comunist - rezistenţă, opoziţie, disidenţă. Dicţionar biografic
Romania 1945-1989: Encyclopedia of the Communist Regime. Resistance, Opposition, Dissent. Biographical Dictionary

Author(s): Flori Bălănescu
Subject(s): Cultural history, Civil Society, History of ideas, Political history, Social history
Published by: Institutul National pentru Studiul Totalitarismului
Keywords: Communism; Resistance; Opposition; Romania; Dissent; Biography
Summary/Abstract: The biographical dictionary brings together the biographies of people involved in armed resistance actions or who formed opposition or dissent nuclei to the communist regime in Romania. Through the microbiographies and „life stories" it proposes, the volume is an attempt to present the credible picture of an entire historical period, short on the scale of history, but so consistent from the perspective of ideological content. The „painting” is presented to the reader from close to close, like a puzzle, so that at the end it opens a broad perspective that offers various interpretive directions - ideological, political, social, cultural, economic, religious, anthropological - on the repression practiced by the Romanian communist regime. Among the biographies you will find personalities such as: Acterian Arșavir, Aldea Aurel, Anania Bartolomeu, Andreescu Gabriel, Antohi Sorin, Antonesei Liviu, Argetoianu Constantin, Arnăuțoiu Toma, Arnăuțoiu Petre, Babeș Liviu Corneliu, Balotă Nicolae, Batzaria Nicolae, Benvenisti Mișu, Bergel Hans, Bernard Noel, Botez Mihai, Brătianu Constantin I.C., Caraion Ion, Cioran Emil, Ciuceanu Radu, Coposu Corneliu, Cornea Doina Maria, Crainic this volumein this volume

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-606-9053-20-1
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-606-9053-18-8
  • Page Count: 580
  • Publication Year: 2023
  • Language: Romanian
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