Семантични студии. Синтактично и семантично описание на български глаголи
Semantic studies: syntactic and semantic description of Bulgarian verbs
Author(s): Svetla Koeva, Svetlozara Leseva, Ivelina Stoyanova, Hristina Kukova, Valentina Stefanova, Maria Todorova, Tsvetana Dimitrova
Contributor(s): Svetla Koeva (Editor)
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Syntax, Lexis, Semantics, Comparative Linguistics, Computational linguistics, Descriptive linguistics, Philology
Published by: Институт за български език „Проф. Любомир Андрейчин“, Българска академия на науките
Keywords: verbs; Bulgarian language; semantics; syntax; FrameNet; WordNet; semantic frames; conceptual frames
Summary/Abstract: The volume “Semantic Studies: Syntactic and Semantic Description of Bulgarian Verbs” is developed as part of the project “Enriching the Semantic Network WordNet with Conceptual Frames”, funded by the Bulgarian National Science Fund under the Program for Funding Fundamental Research (Grant Agreement No. KP-06-N50/1 of 2020).
- Print-ISBN-10: 78-619-245-44
- Page Count: 180
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: English, Bulgarian
Семантични студии. Синтактично и семантично описание на български глаголи. Предговор
Семантични студии. Синтактично и семантично описание на български глаголи. Предговор
(Semantic studies: syntactic and semantic description of Bulgarian verbs. Introduction)
- Author(s):Svetla Koeva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Syntax, Lexis, Semantics, Comparative Linguistics
- Page Range:7-13
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:verbs; Bulgarian language; semantic; syntax; semantic frames; FrameNet; WordNet; conceptual frames
Extended ontology of noun semantic classes
Extended ontology of noun semantic classes
(Extended ontology of noun semantic classes)
- Author(s):Svetla Koeva
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Syntax, Lexis, Semantics, Cognitive linguistics, Computational linguistics, Descriptive linguistics
- Page Range:12-45
- No. of Pages:34
- Keywords:semantic class; semantic type; selectional preferences; conceptual frame; frame element
- Summary/Abstract:The primary aim of this study is to propose an effective approach for characterising the frame elements of conceptual frames within the Bulgarian FrameNet using noun classes. This approach will facilitate the prediction of comprehensive and semantically valid combinations between verbal lexical units that evoke conceptual frames and appropriate nouns. The study provides a concise overview of the semantic classifications of nouns in WordNet, Corpus Pattern Analysis, FrameNet, and VerbAtlas, emphasising their significance in predicting verb-noun compatibility. The structure of the Bulgarian FrameNet (BulFrame) is presented, containing components adapted from FrameNet for Bulgarian along with a substantial amount of lexical, morphological, syntactic, and semantic information specific to the Bulgarian language. One distinctive feature of the Bulgarian FrameNet is the specification of noun classes, indicating appropriate nouns for the lexical realisation of frame elements. By aligning synonym sets from WordNet with the semantic types of Corpus Pattern Analysis and FrameNet, as well as with the selective preferences of VerbAtlas, the foundational structure of the Extended Ontology of Noun Semantic Classes is established. The Ontology concepts are linked, not exclusively, to synonym sets from WordNet and thereby to sets of nouns suitable for combination with verbal lexical units that evoke the corresponding conceptual frames. The contribution of this development lies in detailing the steps for selecting semantic classes (concepts) and constructing the structure of the Extended Ontology of Noun Semantic Classes.
Част на тялото като семантична характеристика
Част на тялото като семантична характеристика
(Body part as a semantic feature)
- Author(s):Valentina Stefanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Syntax, Lexis, Semantics, Cognitive linguistics, Computational linguistics, Descriptive linguistics
- Page Range:46-73
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:semantic frame; frame element; semantic type; body part
- Summary/Abstract:This study focuses on the analysis of the frame element Body part as a semantic feature to describe semantic frames according to the hierarchical structure in FrameNet. The aim is a semantical description and a methodological presentation for information extraction and analysis of a group of verbs according to the presence of a specific frame element. The research is part of the development of the Bulgarian FrameNet (BulFrame), a system for visualisation and editing of conceptual frames that are defined in the system (Koeva, Doychev 2022). The analysis is carried out by extracting verbs that are conceptually described by semantic frames with the core frame element Body Part. Semantic resources that are created for the purpose of semantic, syntactic and conceptual knowledge of verbs are used in the study. Mapping with verb synsets from the Bulgarian WordNet is made for the observation. The nouns that the verb conjuncts are considered with respect to distinct synsets and semantic types as a possible realisation of the verb. As a result, a grouping of nouns associated with semantic types from Corpus Pattern Analysis (CPA) is proposed.
Verbs of communication: validation of conceptual frames in corpus data
Verbs of communication: validation of conceptual frames in corpus data
(Verbs of communication: validation of conceptual frames in corpus data)
- Author(s):Svetlozara Leseva, Ivelina Stoyanova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Syntax, Lexis, Semantics, Comparative Linguistics, Cognitive linguistics, Computational linguistics, Descriptive linguistics
- Page Range:74-116
- No. of Pages:43
- Keywords:verbs of communication; WordNet; FrameNet; valence patterns; corpus
- Summary/Abstract:The chapter outlines the properties of the semantic class of verbs of communication in terms of the most representative FrameNet frames of higher frequency and the syntactic realisation of the frame elements in different valence patterns in English and Bulgarian. For the purposes of the study we employ two large lexical-semantic resources: (a) the Princeton WordNet (Fellbaum 1998b), and the Bulgarian WordNet (Koeva 2021), and (b) FrameNet (Baker et al. 1998). In particular, the analysis is centred on the information included in each of the resources and how it can be used towards their mutual enrichment and the extension of their coverage. We discuss the general organisation of the verb lexis representing the domain of communication: the prototypical frame Communication and frames inheriting from it, focusing on the frames Statement and Telling as two of the most representative frames of verbal communication. The objective is to validate the realisation of semantic frames in corpus data using the semantically annotated corpora SemCor (Miller et al. 1993b) and BulSemCor (Koeva et al. 2006). While we use resources for English and Bulgarian, we discuss the universal and language-specific aspects of this description and the transferability of knowledge across languages. The observations made on the valence patterns and the syntactic expression of the core frame elements are used to verify the validity of the assigned frame, while also highlighting the similarities and differences both between verbs from the same domain in one language (Bulgarian) and between equivalent/similar senses across languages (Bulgarian and English).
За природата на притежателите
За природата на притежателите
(On the nature of possessors)
- Author(s):Tsvetana Dimitrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Syntax, Lexis, Semantics, Descriptive linguistics
- Page Range:117-133
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:possession; WordNet; FrameNet
- Summary/Abstract:The article reviews the expression of possessors with nouns referring to entities that may satisfy the requirements of frame elements which are part of the semantic frames in FrameNet. The frame elements realised with the main verbs for transfer of possession in a limited number of corpus examples are considered. Apart from the frame element (referring to the object of the transfer) and the two entities between which/whom the transfer of possession takes place, non-core frame elements are also explicitly realised. The sets of appropriate nouns and their features are defined based on the realisation of the frame elements in the corpus examples.
За семантичния клас глаголи за контакт чрез преместване
За семантичния клас глаголи за контакт чрез преместване
(On the semantic class of verbs of contact and displacement)
- Author(s):Maria Todorova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Syntax, Lexis, Semantics, Cognitive linguistics, Computational linguistics, Descriptive linguistics
- Page Range:134-153
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:verbs of contact and displacement; semantic-syntactic description
- Summary/Abstract:The study offers a description of a group of verbs from WordNet with the semantic class (primitive) “verbs for contact”, which belong to the set of commonly used vocabulary in Bulgarian. The description focuses on verbs of contact combined with displacement, which include verbs for attaching, detaching, placing, removing, filling, and emptying. A semantic-syntactic description is proposed, which covers the frame elements of the corresponding FrameNet semantic frame and their corresponding syntactic implementations. Situations represented by the semantic frames Attachment, Detachment, Filling, Emptying, Manipulation and Touching are considered. The analyzed information is based on manual verification, editing and addition of the semi-automatic correlation of two large semantic language resources — WordNet and FrameNet. Subclasses of motion contact verbs have been proposed according to the location of physical contact.
Основни фреймове за перцепция и комплексно представяне на семантико-синтактична информация
Основни фреймове за перцепция и комплексно представяне на семантико-синтактична информация
(Main perception frames and complex presentation of semantic and syntactic information)
- Author(s):Hristina Kukova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Syntax, Lexis, Semantics, Cognitive linguistics, Computational linguistics, Descriptive linguistics
- Page Range:154-178
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:perception verbs; semantic frames; frame elements
- Summary/Abstract:The research focuses on verbs of perception and their conceptual descriptions in Bulgarian. An analytical review of previous theoretical generalisations as well as scientifically applied research is presented. The variety of constructions and syntactic realisations that the representatives of this class of predicates project onto their sentential surroundings serves as a starting point for the present study. The analysis is based on semantic and partly morphological information about the lexical units from WordNet (Fellbaum 1998; Koeva 2021a), as well as on semantic-syntactic specificities by which the lexical units under study are represented in FrameNet (Baker et al. 1998; Ruppenhofer et al. 2016). Seven frames are considered, which demonstrate high frequency and a wide variety of verbal lexical units. The description includes grammatical features of the verbs, semantic and syntactic constraints that the verbal lexical units impose on their frame elements, mapping of the frame elements to a certain synonym set or semantic class of WordNet nouns that corresponds to the properties of the elements in the frame. The status of the frame elements is also adopted from FrameNet, which is essential for the realisation of the given lexical unit.