Migratory Stratifications. A New Perspective on Migration and Social Change through the Italian Lens
Migratory Stratifications. A New Perspective on Migration and Social Change through the Italian Lens
Contributor(s): Francesco Della Puppa (Editor), Giuliana Sanò (Editor), Giulia Storato (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy, Literary Texts, Psychology, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, General Reference Works, Geography, Regional studies, Library and Information Science, Sociology
Published by: Transnational Press London
Keywords: Migration series; anti-racism; Argentina; Italian rap; Italy; migrant literatures; migration; Monfalcone; social change; stratification; Tunisians in Italy; Veneto region
Summary/Abstract: This groundbreaking edited book offers an innovative lens to explore how migration and social change are intertwined, moving beyond sensationalized media narratives and political agendas. It introduces the concept of “migratory stratification,” challenging researchers to focus on the long-lasting effects of migration rather than fleeting, superficial headlines. By investigating immigrant labour dynamics, migration policies, and socio-historical contexts, the book delves into the structural forces that shape migration and the working-class struggles that emerge. Featuring in-depth case studies from Italy, it reveals migration’s deep social impact on labour, politics, and urban spaces, providing fresh insights into contemporary migration studies.Ideal for academics, policymakers, and readers interested in a nuanced, long-term view of migration, Migratory Stratifications sheds light on the stratification processes that influence both immigrants and the societies they reshape.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-1-80135-189-8
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-1-80135-188-1
- Page Count: 223
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: English
Migratory stratifications. A New Perspective to Observe the Intersection Between Migration and Social Change
Migratory stratifications. A New Perspective to Observe the Intersection Between Migration and Social Change
(Migratory stratifications. A New Perspective to Observe the Intersection Between Migration and Social Change)
- Author(s):Andrea Caroselli, Andrea Ruben Pomella
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies
- Page Range:29-45
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Migratory stratifications; a new perspective; observe; intersection; migration; social change; article; historical; Italy; national politics; anti-racist;
- Summary/Abstract:In this article, we will present a concise historical recollection of some of the most significant anti-racist struggles that occurred in Italy over the past three decades. Our objective is to illustrate the emergence of a post-colonial subjectivity that exists outside what we refer to as the “white field” of national politics (Khiari, 2006). While local historical and sociological research has been addressing the issue of ‘colonial removal’ for some time now, we believe that it is not merely the migrant, post-migrant, and racialised presence that remains invisible today, but rather their agency, subjectivity, and historical significance. In other words, the discourse of the anti-racist grassroot movements align with the dominant public narrative, implicitly assuming an urgent temporality characterised by the continuous construction of moral panics (Cohen, 2002; Maneri and Quassoli, 2021). Within this framework, we argue that what is being promoted by the anti-racist public discourse is a “history-less” and, very often, “subject-less” anti-racism.
- Price: 4.60 €
Migratory Stratification in Prison. An Overview of the Italian Context
Migratory Stratification in Prison. An Overview of the Italian Context
(Migratory Stratification in Prison. An Overview of the Italian Context)
- Author(s):Alesandro Maculan, Luca Sterchele
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Penology, Migration Studies
- Page Range:47-61
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Migratory; stratification; prison; overview; Italian context; migratory stratifications;
- Summary/Abstract:In this chapter, we aim to challenge the concept of “migratory stratifications” as outlined by the editors in the introduction to this book – the sedimentation and overlap of various migratory moments persisting within the same social context – as Della Puppa, Sanò, and Storato conceptualized in the introduction of this book –, concerning the dynamics and flows that have characterized the Italian penitentiary system over the last 30 years (Colucci, 2018). This undertaking does not merely entail a thorough examination to test the concept’s validity at a specific, situated level, presumed to possess exceptional characteristics compared to other social and institutional contexts. Instead, building on previous studies that have shaped the trajectory of Critical Prison Studies (see Sbraccia and Vianello, 2016), this contribution regards the prison as a perspective angle, an observation point from which to examine the processes affecting the incarcerated population beyond confinement, where these processes often undergo significant solidification.
- Price: 4.60 €
Migratory Stratifications and Social Ageing. Disentangling Change in a Tunisian Community in Italy
Migratory Stratifications and Social Ageing. Disentangling Change in a Tunisian Community in Italy
(Migratory Stratifications and Social Ageing. Disentangling Change in a Tunisian Community in Italy)
- Author(s):Andrea Calabretta, Vincenzo Romania
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies
- Page Range:65-78
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Migratory Stratifications; social ageing; disentangling; change; Tunisian community; Italy; pivotal; established; outsiders;
- Summary/Abstract:In their pivotal The Established and the Outsiders (1994 [1965]), Elias and Scotson showed how the eldest members of Winston Parva community, although sharing religion, skin colour, and occupation with newcomers settling in a different town area, tried to maintain their material and symbolic power vis-à-vis the newcomers, accused of not sharing the cultural codes of the original group and of leaning towards deviance. To be considered part of an «old» family, in social and not biological terms, meant for the old residents «a claim to social distinction and superiority» (Elias and Scotson, 1994 [1965]: 151) that fed several strategies of exclusion towards the newcomers, ranging from gossip to refusal of physical contact.
- Price: 4.60 €
Periods of Educational Welfare and Migratory Stratification. The City of Padua as a Case Study
Periods of Educational Welfare and Migratory Stratification. The City of Padua as a Case Study
(Periods of Educational Welfare and Migratory Stratification. The City of Padua as a Case Study)
- Author(s):Giulia Maria Cavaletto, Martina Visentin
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Education, Migration Studies
- Page Range:79-96
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Periods; educational; welfare; migratory; stratification; city; Padua; case study;
- Summary/Abstract:At the heart of EU recommendations and strategies on education (European Council 2000 Lisbon Strategy; Recommendation n. 16/2022; Council Resolution on a strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training towards the European Education Area and beyond (2021-2030) 2021/C 66/01) lies the concept of lifelong learning and the increasingly necessary interpenetration between curricular cognitive competences and extra-curricular socio-emotional competences, with a view to constructing the knowledge society and developing human capital as a ‘social engine’ driving a better society (Ferrera, 2013). On the one hand, this new period of education can be traced back to the transformation of welfare systems, which began moving more toward active policies, along with a weakening of the neo-liberal Keynesian approach, and the definition of local welfare strategies and stronger links between social and educational policies (Ferrera, 2006) — policies that have historically been few, or neglected. The strengthening of educational policies would thus respond to new social needs: not only for competitiveness and wealth production, but also for social inclusion and genuinely equal opportunities for all. From this perspective, investments made by welfare states in education became an equitable measure affecting the opportunities and outcomes enjoyed by individual (especially as regards school-to-work transition, early adult years, and efforts to reduce inequalities based on ascribed variables).
- Price: 2.00 €
Migrant Literatures Between Italy and Argentina
Migrant Literatures Between Italy and Argentina
(Migrant Literatures Between Italy and Argentina)
- Author(s):Susanna Regazzoni, Ricciarda Ricorda
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies
- Page Range:97-112
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:ability; literature; provide; narrative; migration; reveal; particular; overlapping;
- Summary/Abstract:The ability of literature to provide a narrative of migration, to reveal, in its specific ways, what lies behind official historical truths, and to thus be a fundamental tool for knowledge, emerges clearly in the migratory dynamics between Italy and Argentina, and in particular in the overlapping of different migratory movements over time. First Italian emigrants crossed the Atlantic, writing literary testimonies in Spanish, the language of their destination country, while more recently Argentinians have emigrated to Italy and written texts in Italian.
- Price: 4.60 €
Migration Stratifications in the Italian Labour Market: The Case of the Veneto Region
Migration Stratifications in the Italian Labour Market: The Case of the Veneto Region
(Migration Stratifications in the Italian Labour Market: The Case of the Veneto Region)
- Author(s):Davide Girardi, Ilaria Rocco
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Labor relations, Migration Studies
- Page Range:115-133
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Migration stratifications; Italian; labour; market; case; veneto region; Italian labour market; migratory; scenario; characterised;
- Summary/Abstract:The Italian migratory scenario has been characterised, especially during the last decade, by dynamics of change that have profoundly modified its features. These changes have affected both the structure of the immigrant component present in Italy and the social context, with a reciprocal conditioning and strengthening of the two aspects (Osservatorio Regionale sull’immigrazione del Veneto, 2010; 2021).
- Price: 4.60 €
The Stratification of the Frontier. Perspectives from the Shipyard Town of Monfalcone
The Stratification of the Frontier. Perspectives from the Shipyard Town of Monfalcone
(The Stratification of the Frontier. Perspectives from the Shipyard Town of Monfalcone)
- Author(s):Giuseppe Grimaldi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies
- Page Range:135-151
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Stratification; frontier; perspectives; shipyard town; Monfalcone; concentrate on a process;
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper, I will concentrate on a process that can be described as the “stratification of the frontier”. Utilizing insights from an action-research project conducted in a professional secondary school in Monfalcone, a town situated at the border between Italy and Slovenia which revolves around the largest shipyard in Europe, I aim to analyze how various social dynamics inherent in a frontier intermingle and manifest within the same social space. Specifically, while working with the children of shipyard workers – the majority of whom have migrant backgrounds – enrolled in this school geared towards preparing students for jobs in the shipyard, my goal is to illustrate how the stratifications of this frontier affect the lives of the younger generation in Monfaclone.
- Price: 4.60 €
Ethnoscape, Migratory Stratifications and Multicultural Neighbourhoods
Ethnoscape, Migratory Stratifications and Multicultural Neighbourhoods
(Ethnoscape, Migratory Stratifications and Multicultural Neighbourhoods)
- Author(s):Alfredo Alietti, Claudia Mantovan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies
- Page Range:155-171
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Ethnoscape; migratory stratifications; multicultural; neighbourhoods; migration dynamics; Italian metropolitan;
- Summary/Abstract:Over time, migration dynamics in Italian metropolitan areas have profoundly changed symbolically and materially the social, economic and cultural landscape of the settlement neighbourhoods through a migratory stratification characterised over time by commercial activities, daily relations in public spaces and exchanges in domestic spaces. If the concept of ‘social stratification’ is related to social inequality, indicating the division of society into different social strata (or social classes), the concept of ‘migratory stratification’ refers to the progressive overlapping of different migratory movements in the same socio-territorial context.
- Price: 4.60 €
“Lasciatemi cantare la vita che fa un immigrato vero”: Images and Imagery of the Migration Experience in Italian Rap and Trap Lyrics
“Lasciatemi cantare la vita che fa un immigrato vero”: Images and Imagery of the Migration Experience in Italian Rap and Trap Lyrics
(“Lasciatemi cantare la vita che fa un immigrato vero”: Images and Imagery of the Migration Experience in Italian Rap and Trap Lyrics)
- Author(s):Tommaso Sarti, Fabio Bertoni
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies
- Page Range:173-193
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Lasciatemi; cantare; immigrato; vero; images; imagery; migration; experience; Italian rap; trap lyrics; migrant; experience;
- Summary/Abstract:Referring to migration as a total social phenomenon, Sayad (2004) underscores the need for a comprehensive assessment of the entirety of its components to grasp the migrant experience fully. Therefore, the production of music within specific genres, such as rap and its variations, constitutes an additional lens through which to analyse migration and its stratifications. Embracing the perspectives of cultural studies (Chambers, 1985; Parmar, 2010) and popular music studies (Kruse, 1993; Bennett, 2000; 2017), we can view both the production and consumption of music as «a means of cultural evocative, capable of narrating stories and embodying narratives of both individual and collective identities» (Midolo, 2008: 153). This expressive and representational potential permits to shape a non-representational space without borders (Frith, 1996).
- Price: 4.60 €
The Taste of Home Migrants’ Food in the Making Between Continuity and Change
The Taste of Home Migrants’ Food in the Making Between Continuity and Change
(The Taste of Home Migrants’ Food in the Making Between Continuity and Change)
- Author(s):Marzia Mauriello
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Migration Studies
- Page Range:195-213
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Taste; home migrants; food; change; powerful; tool; identity; both; individual; collective;
- Summary/Abstract:Food is a powerful tool of identity, both individual and collective. Food and identity are deeply linked, and both can be seen at least partially as the outcome of processes of stratification. It is in terms of stratifications – a term/concept that serves as a guide and reference in this volume – that identities can be conceptualized as the outcome of a constant overlap of social, cultural, and symbolic elements which, over time, albeit always in processual terms, constitute individuals. In migrant contexts – the other central issue in this volume – these dynamics of stratification become even more alive and present at an identity level, with food practices serving as a mirror of these material and symbolic processes. Exploring migratory stratifications through the lens of food, encompassing both production and consumption, can contribute significantly to comprehending the trends, impacts, and meanings of migration in places of arrival. Indeed, the relationship between food and identity manifests in diverse ways and can be interpreted from various perspectives. With reference to intersubjective interaction, food can act as both a centrifugal and a centripetal force, acting as a pushing or pulling factor. It can be instrumentally used, both from emic and etic perspectives, to mark a difference in cultural and ethnic terms (Abbots, 2016; Renne, 2007; Bonfanti et al., 2019; Della Puppa and Segalla, 2018), and it can also be the key to constructing collectivities by overcoming differences of whatever kind: social, cultural, ethnic. Food is a powerful tool of identity, both individual and collective. Food and identity are deeply linked, and both can be seen at least partially as the outcome of processes of stratification. It is in terms of stratifications – a term/concept that serves as a guide and reference in this volume – that identities can be conceptualized as the outcome of a constant overlap of social, cultural, and symbolic elements which, over time, albeit always in processual terms, constitute individuals. In migrant contexts – the other central issue in this volume – these dynamics of stratification become even more alive and present at an identity level, with food practices serving as a mirror of these material and symbolic processes. Exploring migratory stratifications through the lens of food, encompassing both production and consumption, can contribute significantly to comprehending the trends, impacts, and meanings of migration in places of arrival. Indeed, the relationship between food and identity manifests in diverse ways and can be interpreted from various perspectives. With reference to intersubjective interaction, food can act as both a centrifugal and a centripetal force, acting as a pushing or pulling factor. It can be instrumentally used, both from emic and etic perspectives, to mark a difference in cultural and ethnic terms (Abbots, 2016; Renne, 2007; Bonfanti et al., 2019; Della Puppa and Segalla, 2018), and it can also be the key to constructing collectivities by overcoming differences of whatever kind: social, cultural, ethnic.
- Price: 2.00 €