Collection of papers "Legal Gaps and the Completeness of Law" Vol V Cover Image

Зборник радова "Правне празнине и пуноћа права" Том V
Collection of papers "Legal Gaps and the Completeness of Law" Vol V

Contributor(s): Dimitrije Ćeranić (Editor), Radislav Lale (Editor), Svjetlana Ivanović (Editor), Đorđe Marilović (Editor), Samir Aličić (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Summary/Abstract: We present to the scientific public the Proceedings “Legal gaps and the completeness of law”, which is the result of the scientific conference held for the twelfth time on the occasion of the Day of the Faculty of Law. At the conference held in October 2023, 206 authors and co-authors, from three continents and 23 countries (Russia, Greece, China, Italy, Hungary, Spain, Cuba, Mexico, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia, Moldova, Cyprus, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Serbia, North Macedonia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina with authors from the Republika Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina), presented 162 reports in Serbian, Russian, English, Italian, Spanish that is, in their native languages. This was the largest conference held in the field of law in Southeast Europe, as well as one of the largest, perhaps the largest one, in Europe in 2023.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-99938-57-87-7
  • Page Count: 404
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: English, Serbian, Italian
Relation Between the Mileševa Transcript and the Morača Transcript of the Nomocanon of Saint Sava

Relation Between the Mileševa Transcript and the Morača Transcript of the Nomocanon of Saint Sava
(Relation Between the Mileševa Transcript and the Morača Transcript of the Nomocanon of Saint Sava)

Some Aspects of the Formation and Content of Medieval Statutes - Legal Gaps and Legal Fullness

Some Aspects of the Formation and Content of Medieval Statutes - Legal Gaps and Legal Fullness
(Some Aspects of the Formation and Content of Medieval Statutes - Legal Gaps and Legal Fullness)

Il problema della legittimazione attiva all'uso dell' actio damni iniuriae nel caso della distruzione o del danneggiamento di un bene-oggetto di prestazione

Il problema della legittimazione attiva all'uso dell' actio damni iniuriae nel caso della distruzione o del danneggiamento di un bene-oggetto di prestazione
(The Problem of the Active Legitimation for Use of the Aquilian Lawsuit in the Case of Destruction of Damaging of an Object of Prestation)

Judicial Discretion in Canary Islands In Early Modern Age. The Spanish Criminal Justice in a Border Place

Judicial Discretion in Canary Islands In Early Modern Age. The Spanish Criminal Justice in a Border Place
(Judicial Discretion in Canary Islands In Early Modern Age. The Spanish Criminal Justice in a Border Place)

"Viam muniunto": Sull'onere di mantenimento del terreno d'uso comune a carico dei proprietari contigui: dalle XII tavole a una novella del codice edile russo e alle legislazioni regionali in Russia

"Viam muniunto": Sull'onere di mantenimento del terreno d'uso comune a carico dei proprietari contigui: dalle XII tavole a una novella del codice edile russo e alle legislazioni regionali in Russia
("Viam muniunto": On the Burden of Maintaining Common Land on Adjacent Owners: From the XII Tables to a New Version of the Russian Building Code and Regional Legislation in Russia)

Аграрно питање у Босни и Херцеговини за време аустроугарске управе

Аграрно питање у Босни и Херцеговини за време аустроугарске управе
(Agrarian Question in Bosnia and Herzegovina During the Austrian-Hungarian Administration)

Legal Culture of the Third Reich

Legal Culture of the Third Reich
(Legal Culture of the Third Reich)

Oralità e scrittura, limite e innovazione della legge nei diritti del Mediterraneo antico. Alle origini della codificazione

Oralità e scrittura, limite e innovazione della legge nei diritti del Mediterraneo antico. Alle origini della codificazione
(Orality, Writing, Law, Limit and Innovation in the Rights of the Ancient Mediterranean: The Origins of Codification)

Interpretationes sacerdotali tra ius publicum e ius sacrum: le procedure di nomina dei magistrati repubblicani

Interpretationes sacerdotali tra ius publicum e ius sacrum: le procedure di nomina dei magistrati repubblicani
(Priestly Interpretations Between Ius publicum and Ius sacrum: the Appointment Procedures of Republican Magistrates)

Komparativna analiza instituta miraza u rimskom pravu i pravu u Bosni i Hercegovini za vrijeme austro-ugarske uprave

Komparativna analiza instituta miraza u rimskom pravu i pravu u Bosni i Hercegovini za vrijeme austro-ugarske uprave
(Comparative Analysis of the Dowry Institute in Roman Law and Law in Bosnia and Herzegovina During the Austro-Hungarian Administration)

Sardegna "un'isola al centro del Mediterraneo". Valore della insularità e sue tradizioni politiche-giuridiche

Sardegna "un'isola al centro del Mediterraneo". Valore della insularità e sue tradizioni politiche-giuridiche
(Sardinia "An Island in the Center of the Mediterranean". The Importance of the Island Character and Political and Legal Tradition)

Sovrascrittura della rappresentanza sul mandato. 1. Dal Leviatano al sistema del diritto romano odierno

Sovrascrittura della rappresentanza sul mandato. 1. Dal Leviatano al sistema del diritto romano odierno
(Attribution of the Origin of the Institution of Representation to the Institution of Order (Mandate). From Leviathan to Today's System of Roman Law)

Утицај одлука државне власти на црквено-правни положај епископа - случај Епископа скадарског Виктора Михаиловића

Утицај одлука државне власти на црквено-правни положај епископа - случај Епископа скадарског Виктора Михаиловића
(The Impact of the State Authority Decisions on Ecclesiastical and Legal Position of the Bishops - the Case of Bishop of Skadar Viktor Mihailović)

Декарбонизација у Босни и Херцеговини - неки друштвени, економски и технолошки аспекти и улога природног гаса

Декарбонизација у Босни и Херцеговини - неки друштвени, економски и технолошки аспекти и улога природног гаса
(Decarbonization in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Some Social, Economic and Technical Aspects With Role of Natural Gas)

Спровођење поступка државне ревизије

Спровођење поступка државне ревизије
(Implementation of the State Audit Procedure)

Нова перспектива управљања пореском дисциплином обвезника пореза

Нова перспектива управљања пореском дисциплином обвезника пореза
(A New Perspective of Managing Tax Discipline of Taxpayers)

Концепт државе благостања у правном систему Босне и Херцеговине

Концепт државе благостања у правном систему Босне и Херцеговине
(The Concept of the Welfare State in the Legal System of Bosnia and Herzegovina)

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