Contagious Error: Psychoanalytic Studies, Articles and Reviews: 1925-1941 Cover Image

Zarazna omaška : psihoanalitičke studije, članci i kritike : 1925-1941
Contagious Error: Psychoanalytic Studies, Articles and Reviews: 1925-1941

Author(s): Nikola Mikloš Šugar
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Psychology, History of Psychology, Neuropsychology, Psychoanalysis
Published by: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
Keywords: Psychoanalysis; Sex; Mental hygiene ; Sigmund Freud; Social Psychology; Homosexuality;
Summary/Abstract: This book contains the works of Nikola Miklos Šugar, central figures in the circle of the first psychoanalysts in Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the first and for a long time the only educator of psychoanalysis before WWII, which operated in Subotica and Belgrade until 1940s. After being interned in labor camps in 1944, Šugar died at the very end of the war in 1945. His pre-war therapeutic practice and papers in psychoanalysis, written in German and Hungarian language, they remained almost completely unknown even in the professional world circles of psychiatrists, psychoanalysts and psychologists until 1980s.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-86-82324-61-4
  • Page Count: 218
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: Serbian
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