Grenzen, Chancen, Räume
Limits, Opportunities, Spaces
Contributor(s): Amela Ćurković (Editor), Alma Čović-Filipović (Editor)
Subject(s): Language studies, Foreign languages learning, Semiotics / Semiology, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, Political history, Syntax, Lexis, Semantics, Sociolinguistics, Austrian Literature, Western Slavic Languages, South Slavic Languages, History of Communism
Published by: Društvo germanista u Bosni i Hercegovini (DGuBiH) / Germanistenverband in Bosnien-Herzegowina (GViBH)
Keywords: Germanists; BiH; language; German language; literature; didactics; pedagogy; communism; censorship;
Summary/Abstract: Der Germanistenverband in Bosnien-Herzegowina veranstaltete in Zusammenarbeit mit der Philosopischen Fakultät der Universität Zenica vom 14. bis zum 16. September 2023 an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Zenica die 4. Germanistenkonferenz. Das Thema der Konferenz lautete „Grenzen, Chancen, Räume“. An dieser Konferenz haben 30 Vortragende aus BosnienHerzegowina, Deutschland, Kroatien, Polen und Tschechien teilgenommen. Der vorliegende Sammelband beinhaltet 11 Artikel (vier originelle wissenschaftliche Arbeiten, fünf wissenschaftliche Übersichtsartikel und zwei Fachartikel). Der Band spiegelt die Vielfalt der Beiträge wider und bietet einen umfassenden Einblick in die aktuellen Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen der Germanistik nicht nur in Bosnien-Herzegowina, sondern auch international. Von sprachwissenschaftlichen und literaturwissenschaftlichen Analysen bis hin zu methodisch-didaktischen Untersuchungen im DaF/DaZ-Bereich - die Bandbreite der Themen deckt die wichtigsten Fragestellungen zum Themenfeld Grenzen, Chancen, Räume ab. Die Beiträge wurden im Sammelband nach den Forschungsfeldern (Sprachwissenschaft, Literaturwissenschaft, Fremdsprachendidaktik) und alphabethisch nach den Namen der AutorInnen angeordnet.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-9926-8705-1-5
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-9926-8705-1-5
- Page Count: 198
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: German
Grenzen in Bild und Text oder Bild und Text ohne Grenzen? Versuch einer textlinguistischen und semiotischen Werbungsanalyse
Grenzen in Bild und Text oder Bild und Text ohne Grenzen? Versuch einer textlinguistischen und semiotischen Werbungsanalyse
(Boundaries in Image and Text or Image and Text Without Boundaries? An Attempt at a Text-Linguistic and Semiotic Analysis of Advertisements)
- Author(s):Ivana Jozić, Sara Ćavar
- Language:German
- Subject(s):Semiotics / Semiology, Theoretical Linguistics, Philology, Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:15-30
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:advertisement; text; image; text-linguistic and semiotic analysis of advertisements;
- Summary/Abstract:This article focuses on whether there is a clear boundary between text and image in advertisements or whether these boundaries are fluid. Advertising’s integral role in our daily lives leads the casual observer to perceive the advertisement as a whole, i.e., as a combination of linguistic and non-linguistic signs. But has it always been this way? The qualitative analysis of advertisements published in the newspaper “Slavonische Presse” from Osijek, written in German, spanning from 1895 to 1904, aims to reveal a gradual transition within the corpus. Focusing on advertisements for Kathreiner Kneipp Malzkaffee, these are identified as dominantly appellative texts that use both linguistic and non-linguistic signs for persuasive purposes. This diversity of signs makes advertisements a frequently analysed subject in a semiotic framework. Peirce’s categorisation of icons, indexes, and symbols aids in selecting advertisements with varied pictorial representations. The hypothesis suggests that the analysed advertisements contain elements in both text and image that mutually reference each other, transcending semantic boundaries despite being from distinct systems.
Lexikographische Abgrenzung bei Paronymen in fachsprachlichen Diskursen
Lexikographische Abgrenzung bei Paronymen in fachsprachlichen Diskursen
(Lexicographic Demarcation of Paronyms in Specialized Discourses in the Bilingual Bosnian-German Universal Dictionary)
- Author(s):Alma Čović-Filipović, Minka Džanko
- Language:German
- Subject(s):Language studies, Lexis, South Slavic Languages, Translation Studies
- Page Range:31-53
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:bilingual dictionary; paronymy; specialized language; microstructure; semantic demarcation;
- Summary/Abstract:The phenomenon of paronymy has received little attention in linguistics in general and in bilingual lexicography in particular. Isolated studies and initial attempts at definition provide an overview of the structure and functioning of these lexemes, but, as Mell, Schnörch, and Storjohann (2019) rightly state, they are not based on empirical analyses. Paronyms are considered easily confused words due to their orthographic, morphological, and semantic similarities. These similarities can result in uncertainties in usage in both German and Bosnian, leading to confusion among both German learners and native speakers. In this article, using language usage-based findings from the electronic paronym dictionary of the German Language Institute Mannheim, we examine how the same pairs and groups of lexemes are presented lexicographically in existing bilingual dictionaries. The aim of this study is to describe paronyms used in specialized discourses in the microstructure of the Bosnian-German universal dictionary, focusing on meaning, conceptualization, and referential reference in order to delineate their uses and differences in a user-friendly manner. The pairs “illegitimate/non-marital/extramarital” and “method/methodic/methodically” were used as examples. One of the lexicographic suggestions is that, in the case of paronyms, priority should be given to the principle of understandability over the principle of economy. Therefore, instead of a null label for general language use, the label “općenito” (Eng. general usage) should be used.
Stadtzeichen – Deutsche Sprache im öffentlichen Raum in Bosnien-Herzegowina
Stadtzeichen – Deutsche Sprache im öffentlichen Raum in Bosnien-Herzegowina
(City Signs – German Language in Public Spaces in Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author(s):Amela Ćurković, Almina Lisičić-Hedžić
- Language:German
- Subject(s):Language studies, Sociolinguistics, Rural and urban sociology
- Page Range:54-71
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:city signs; linguistic landscape; German language; public spaces; Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper aims to analyze signs containing the German language present in public spaces in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is motivated by the fact that cultural and economic ties between Bosnia and Herzegovina and German-speaking countries have existed for many years. The corpus comprises signs in the broadest sense, serving various functions, including historic-cultural, informational (tourism), commercial and random, unintentional signs. Accordingly, city signs are defined as representational, multimodal, mostly multilingual, and context-bound texts that are present in public spaces and must be understood as signs and indicators of certain cultural and social characteristics. This includes inscriptions of various kinds, posters, stickers and information boards. The data collection area primarily covers the cities of Sarajevo and Zenica, but also other locations and streets throughout Bosnia and Herzegowina where relevant material could be found. Our guiding question is where and why such signs occur. Consequently, the aim of the paper is to identify the historically, economically and sociologically determined occurrence, distribution, and design of various texts with German-language elements in public spaces in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The goal of this qualitative analysis is to collect, systematically classify, and evaluate the material. For this purpose, four categories of city signs are identified. The ultimate result will reveal the causes and purposes behind the visualization of the German language in the public sphere of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Ehemalige deutsche Sprachinsel in der heutigen Sprachlandschaft am Beispiel von Schönwald in Schlesien
Ehemalige deutsche Sprachinsel in der heutigen Sprachlandschaft am Beispiel von Schönwald in Schlesien
(Former German Language Island in Today’s Linguistic Landscape: The Example of Schönwald in Silesia)
- Author(s):Artur Tworek
- Language:German
- Subject(s):Language studies, Sociolinguistics, Western Slavic Languages
- Page Range:72-86
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:German language island; Silesia; German-Polish language contacts; linguistic landscape;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the following article is to show how traces of the former German language island are manifested within the modern linguistic landscape of Schönwald/Bojków, an Upper Silesian settlement, in the context of the dominant Polish language. This village, which functioned as a German language island until the end of the Second World War, is now a district of Gliwice in the Upper Silesian industrial region of southern Poland. Both potential historical remnants and contemporary manifestations are analyzed.
Jurij Lotmans erzähltheoretische Raumsemantik am Beispiel von Raphaela Edelbauers Roman Das flüssige Land
Jurij Lotmans erzähltheoretische Raumsemantik am Beispiel von Raphaela Edelbauers Roman Das flüssige Land
(Jurij Lotman’s Narrative Theory of Spatial Semantics Illustrated by Raphaela Edelbauer’s Novel Das flüssige Land)
- Author(s):Goran Lovrić
- Language:German
- Subject(s):Semiotics / Semiology, Studies of Literature, Semantics, Austrian Literature
- Page Range:89-100
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Jurij Lotman; spatial semantics; complementary subspaces; boundary; liminality;
- Summary/Abstract:The theoretical basis of this article is Jurij Lotman’s narrative theory of spatial semantics, in which literary space is defined as a constitutive part of the narrated world. The narrated world consists of complementary subspaces that are separated by a boundary, which the protagonist crosses, thereby bringing dynamism to an otherwise static system. The novel becomes a ‘subject-like’ text with a revolutionary subject when the existing spatial order is changed, or a ‘restitution scheme’ emerges when the existing spatial order is confirmed. Raphaela Edelbauer’s novel Das flüssige Land (2019), whose partly surreal plot takes place in the Austrian provinces, is analyzed as an example. The alternating area appears like a boundary between different spatial and temporal dimensions, with the complementary subspaces taking on a metaphorical meaning.
Von „unseren Schlesischen Alpen“ zur Euroregion – die Sudeten als Grenzgebirge einst und heute
Von „unseren Schlesischen Alpen“ zur Euroregion – die Sudeten als Grenzgebirge einst und heute
(From “Our Silesian Alps” to the Euroregion – The Sudetes as a Border Mountain Range Then and Now)
- Author(s):Jan Pacholski
- Language:German
- Subject(s):Language studies, Regional Geography, Sociolinguistics, Sociology of Literature
- Page Range:101-113
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Sudetes; Giant Mountains; history; border; language; literature;
- Summary/Abstract:The Sudetes and their highest mountain range, the Giant Mountains (German: Riesengebirge, Czech: Krkonoše, Polish: Karkonosze), form a natural border between Bohemia and Silesia, and today serve as the border between the Czech Republic and Poland. This paper presents the history of this border, from the Middle Ages through the early modern period to the Enlightenment. During this time, the border was not a language boundary, but it still played an important dividing role. In recent times, it has become the Czech-Polish language border, yet it now seems to unite rather than divide. The conclusion is that the language border does not always divide more than a political one.
Der Migrationsdiskurs in ausgewählten Werken von Alma Hadžibeganović
Der Migrationsdiskurs in ausgewählten Werken von Alma Hadžibeganović
(The Migration Discourse in Selected Works by Alma Hadžibeganović)
- Author(s):Ivica Petrović
- Language:German
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Bosnian Literature, Migration Studies, Identity of Collectives, Sociology of Literature
- Page Range:114-125
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Alma Hadžibeganović; migration literature; identity; memory; culture;
- Summary/Abstract:Since the 1980s, authors with a migrant background have increasingly voiced their perspectives in Germany and Austria. Their texts have been labeled with various terms, including guest worker literature, foreigner literature, migrant literature, intercultural literature. However, there is still no consensus on a generally accepted definition of the term. In this article, migration literature is viewed as an important phenomenon in a world characterized by multiculturalism and globalization, where cultural border crossings, experiences of foreignness, questions of identity, language use, and other aspects are discussed. In this context, the selected works of Alma Hadžibeganović are analyzed. Born in Brčko in 1972, Hadžibeganović fled to Vienna during the 1990s and subsequently established herself as a recognized author in Austria. The aim is to explore how the author addresses important topics in migration discourse, such as identity and memory, how she navigates dichotomies like nationalism and globalization, and how her texts contribute to cross-border cultural understanding and exchange.
Zur literarischen Zensur und Funktion von Paratexten in der Tschechoslowakei zwischen 1948-1989 am Beispiel der Rezeption von Werken von Peter Handke
Zur literarischen Zensur und Funktion von Paratexten in der Tschechoslowakei zwischen 1948-1989 am Beispiel der Rezeption von Werken von Peter Handke
(The Literary Censorship and Function of Paratexts in Czechoslovakia Between 1948 and 1989: The Reception of Works by Peter Handke)
- Author(s):Petr Pytlík
- Language:German
- Subject(s):Recent History (1900 till today), Austrian Literature, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), History of Communism, Sociology of Literature
- Page Range:126-138
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:paratexts; communist censorship; Peter Handke; literary interpretation; totalitarian regime;
- Summary/Abstract:This article explores the paratexts created by Czech literary critics and translators during the socialist totalitarian regime in Czechoslovakia for Peter Handke’s texts. It analyzes the impact of communist censorship on shaping the form and content of these paratexts and examines the strategies used by authors to present Handke’s work within the prevailing political context. Despite the challenges, some authors of paratexts sought to convey the complexity and significance of Handke’s work to the Czechoslovak readership. The article highlights the varied interpretations of Handke, ranging from being viewed as a representative of an undesirable literary trend in the 1970s to a deconstructor of manipulative narratives in the 1980s and beyond.
Zur Didaktik der Fachsprachen und der Fachkommunikation im universitären DaF-Unterricht (ein Erfahrungsbericht)
Zur Didaktik der Fachsprachen und der Fachkommunikation im universitären DaF-Unterricht (ein Erfahrungsbericht)
(On the LSP Teaching and Professional Communication in University GFL Courses: An Experience Report)
- Author(s):Edyta Błachut
- Language:German
- Subject(s):Language studies, Foreign languages learning, Communication studies
- Page Range:141-153
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Foreign German Studies; Language for Special Purposes (LSP); Professional Communication;
- Summary/Abstract:The contribution focuses on the teaching of LSP (Language for Special Purposes) and professional communication for foreign-language students in German studies. It aims to justify the importance of acquiring knowledge about the formal and functional characteristics of German for special purposes (GSP) at the levels of vocabulary, grammar, and text as a crucial goal in supporting the education of students in foreign language philology. It introduces an academic course titled “German in Professional Communication” implemented at the Institute of German Studies at the University of Wroclaw (Poland), with the aim of enhancing the attractiveness of the predominantly classical philology study program. The article highlights the motivation, underlying assumptions, and objectives behind the introduction of this new course. Additionally, it retrospectively reflects on the views of students involved in the course over the past four years.
Stellungseigenschaften der Funktionsverbgefüge als DaF-didaktisch relevantes Kriterium und deren Abgrenzung von anderen Phraseologismen
Stellungseigenschaften der Funktionsverbgefüge als DaF-didaktisch relevantes Kriterium und deren Abgrenzung von anderen Phraseologismen
(Topological Features of Light Verb Constructions and Other Noun-Verb-Phrases: Similarities, Differences, and Their Role in the Didactics of German as a Foreign Language)
- Author(s):Ireneusz Gaworski
- Language:German
- Subject(s):Education, Foreign languages learning, Syntax, Pedagogy
- Page Range:154-164
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:contemporary German; syntax; word order; noun-verb phrases; light verb constructions; German as a foreign language;
- Summary/Abstract:Light verb constructions (LVCs) are complex predicates consisting of a semantically light verb, which has lost its lexical meaning and serves only a functional role, and an abstract noun derived from a verb. LVCs are semantically a specific category of noun-verb-phrases that lie between idioms and collocations because they share characteristics of both categories. The syntactic function and topological features of the LVC noun are subjects of much controversy in grammatical descriptions and may cause language mistakes or even errors. Nevertheless, LVCs are perhaps the most underrated category of verb-noun phrases in the didactics of German as a foreign language. The paper outlines the topological properties of LVCs compared to collocations. Following linguistic descriptions of LVCs, attention is directed towards the linear position of the noun and its pragmatic and stylistic potential.
DaF-Lehrwerke für die fünfte Klasse im Kanton Sarajevo: Inhaltliche Konzeption, Förderung der Sprachfertigkeiten und methodisch-didaktische Prinzipien
DaF-Lehrwerke für die fünfte Klasse im Kanton Sarajevo: Inhaltliche Konzeption, Förderung der Sprachfertigkeiten und methodisch-didaktische Prinzipien
(DaF Textbooks for the Fifth Grade in the Canton of Sarajevo: Content Concept, Promotion of Language Skills, and Methodological-Didactic Principles)
- Author(s):Nedim Livnjak
- Language:German
- Subject(s):Language studies, Education, Foreign languages learning, Pedagogy
- Page Range:165-197
- No. of Pages:33
- Keywords:early DaF learning; textbook analysis; curricular guidelines; content conception; language skills; methodological-didactic principles;
- Summary/Abstract:This article analyzes two German as a Foreign Language Textbooks approved for fifth grade in the Canton of Sarajevo: the local textbook “Maglajlija (2009): Njemački jezik za 6. razred devetogodišnje osnovne škole” and the German textbook “Bovermann, Georgiakaki, and Zschärlich (2017): Paul, Lisa & Co (Starter): Deutsch für Kinder: Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch”. It examines whether these textbooks comply with curricular guidelines, how they promote language skills, and what didactic principles they reflect. The analysis reveals that both textbooks largely meet the curricular requirements but vary in their didactic conception. The local textbook focuses on writing, while the German textbook shows a more balanced approach to language skills and a stronger integration of interactive and playful elements.
Angaben zu den AutorInnen
Angaben zu den AutorInnen
(Information about the authors)
- Author(s):Not Specified Author
- Language:German
- Subject(s):Scientific Life
- Page Range:198-198
- No. of Pages:1
- Keywords:about authors;
- Summary/Abstract:Information about the Authors