România 1945-1989: Enciclopedia regimului comunist - rezistenţă, opoziţie, disidenţă. Dicţionar biografic
Romania 1945-1989: Encyclopedia of the Communist Regime. Resistance, Opposition, Dissent. Biographical Dictionary
Author(s): Flori Bălănescu
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Education, Social history, Recent History (1900 till today)
Published by: Institutul National pentru Studiul Totalitarismului
Keywords: Communism; biographies; resistance; opposition; dissidents; Romania
Summary/Abstract: Among the personalities presented in this volume we mention: Aurel Decei, Camil Demetrescu, Radu Demetrescu-Gyr, Ion Diaconescu, Adrian Dimitriu, Mircea Dinescu, Stefan Augustin Doinas, Traian Dorz, Silviu Dragomir, Anton Durcovici, Radu Filipescu, Victor Frunza, Constantin Galeriu, Vladimir Ghika, Constantin C. Giurescu, Paul Goma, Pantelimon Halippa, Iuliu Hossu, Virgil Ierunca, Dumitru Iuga, Iosif Jumanca, Kirill Kelley, Monica Lovinescu. “With the second volume, the dictionary's structure of ʻa story within storyʼ is more evident, in which the various themes naturally find their place in a vast and still insufficiently explored historiography territory, in which the main networks of armed resistance, opposition, but also the large or less known individual cases of opposition, dissent and resistance, whose common denominator is the ideological regime, with the great waves of arrests, investigations, harassment, pressure, internment in psychiatric asylums, etc. are outlined. The reader meets Orthodox, Catholics and Greek Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Jews, from all nationalities living throughout Romania, the entire interwar political spectrum uniformed by communism, including Romanian Communist Party members or sympathizers, etc. Through objectives and methodology, the two volumes of the dictionary build links with other encyclopedic projects that appeared at NIST, such as ʻRepressive Mechanisms in Romania 1945-1989. Biographical Dictionaryʼ (9 vols., 2001-2011) or ʻRomania 1945-1989. Encyclopedia of the Communist Regime. The Repressionʼ (5 vols., 2011-2024).” (Flori Bălănescu)
- E-ISBN-13: 978-606-9053-37-9
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-606-9053-55-3
- Page Count: 590
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: Romanian
- eBook-PDF
- Table of Content
- Sample-PDF
- Introduction