O čemu govorimo kad govorimo o (post)istini
What are we talking about when we talk about (post) truth
Author(s): Predrag Krstić
Subject(s): Philosophy, Philosophical Traditions, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism
Published by: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
Summary/Abstract: The book convincingly demonstrates not only that the understanding and position of "truth" is always historically and culturally contextualized, but also that truth itself has its own history, the history of its affirmations and its denials. Its current moment clearly appears only with regard to this historical consciousness. After all the experiences, spiritual and others, with the apotheosis and criticism of one Truth, we live today, as in many other periods, in a dual relationship to the truth: it can also be the harsh God of the Old Testament if it is prescribed by those who are convinced that they are in its sovereign possession, and giving it up and putting it on the soulless market of media products may be too high a price to pay in the coin of losing every standard, every reliability and every trust.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-86-82324-14-0
- Page Count: 195
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: Serbian
- eBook-PDF
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