Priručnik kritike
Criticism Manual
Contributor(s): Marjan Ivković (Editor), Željko Radinković (Editor)
Subject(s): History of Philosophy, Epistemology, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Ontology
Published by: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
Keywords: Fundamental concepts; Semantic richness; Critical thinking; Judgment and discernment; Historical development of critique; Filological critique; Normative inquiry; Political implications; Critical reflection; Interdisciplinary approach
Summary/Abstract: Basic concepts in the humanities and social sciences are often characterized by a certain semantic redundancy, the possibility of constantly infusing new meanings into a certain concept, as the most diverse actors recognize it as a determinant that significantly defines their actions and accordingly modify its existing meaning, i.e. articulate more one of its variations. That process, however, does not result in the meaninglessness and dissolution of the term itself — reaching the point where there would no longer be any "family resemblances" in the content of its numerous variations — but, on the contrary, in its enrichment...
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-86-82324-46-1
- Page Count: 601
- Publication Year: 2023
- Language: Serbian
Dijalog i kritika
Dijalog i kritika
(Dialogue and Criticism)
- Author(s):Željko Radinković, Ivan Nišavić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Epistemology
- Page Range:15-38
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:Ancient Greek philosophy; Dialogue in philosophy; Plato's dialogues; Cicero; Saint Augustine; Denis Diderot; David Hume; Friedrich Schelling; Paul Feyerabend; Iris Murdoch; Philosophical truth; Explic
- Summary/Abstract:Philosophy has historically been explored through dialogue, beginning with ancient Greek thought, notably in Plato's dialogues, and later used by thinkers such as Cicero, Saint Augustine, Diderot, Hume, Schelling, and modern authors like Feyerabend and Murdoch. Beyond its form, the dialogic nature of philosophy itself is a deeper question, emphasizing the processual and mediated aspects of philosophical argumentation and truth. This connection is evident in Plato's "Socratic dialogues" and is further developed in modern concepts like Gadamer's Philosophical Hermeneutics, Buber's theory of intersubjectivity, and Habermas' concept of free communication. These approaches highlight a distinction between dialogic and monologic methods of philosophical inquiry, particularly in the discovery of truth.
Prosvetiteljska kritika
Prosvetiteljska kritika
(Enlightenment Criticism)
- Author(s):Predrag Krstić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Epistemology, Early Modern Philosophy, Pragmatism, Philosophy of Science, Phenomenology, Ontology
- Page Range:39-69
- No. of Pages:30
- Keywords:Enlightenment; Critique;Rationality; Pierre Bayle; Jean Le Clerc; Baruch Spinoza; Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle; Voltaire; Denis Diderot; Critique of Tradition; John Locke; Public Debate; Intellectu
- Summary/Abstract:Although "Enlightenment" and "critique" may seem self-explanatory and redundant at first glance, a closer examination reveals their complex, evolving meanings in the context of modernity. This dual perspective highlights how the Enlightenment era redefined critique as a rational tool for challenging tradition, deconstructing myths, and fostering an intellectual revolution across philosophy, history, and science.
Transcendentalna kritika
Transcendentalna kritika
(Transcendental Criticism)
- Author(s):Igor Cvejić, Olga Nikolić, Željko Radinković
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):19th Century Philosophy, German Idealism
- Page Range:71-98
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:Transcendental Critique; Immanuel Kant; Transcendental Philosophy; Critique of Metaphysics; A Priori Knowledge; Wilhelm Dilthey; Edmund Husserl
- Summary/Abstract:In this chapter, we will outline the development of the transcendental-critical approach in philosophy, starting with Kant's critical enterprise, which lays the foundation for transcendental philosophy by returning to the question of the constitutive conditions of the possibility of experience. Transcendental criticism was taken in new directions by neo-Kantians, Wilhelm Dilthey and Edmund Husserl, raising issues of criticism of scientific knowledge, separation of natural and spiritual sciences based on essential methodological differences (criticism of positivism, naturalism, psychologism...) and an adequate method for foundation of sciences. The sections dedicated to them also map the transformations of the transcendental method through its application to new fields, efforts for its adequate foundation, but also discrepancies in the way of understanding and applying the transcendental method. Finally, the limits of the transcendental approach, which become visible in Heidegger's (Martin Heidegger) philosophy, are discussed, offering a critical review of the possibilities and limitations of transcendental philosophy in understanding human existence and experience.
Kritički racionalizam
Kritički racionalizam
(Critical Rationalism)
- Author(s):Predrag Krstić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Epistemology, Political Philosophy
- Page Range:99-126
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:Critical rationalism; Karl Popper; Political point of view; Scientific objectivity; Argumentation; Tolerance; Irrationalism; Freedom of thought; Democratic reforms
- Summary/Abstract:"Critical rationalism" is the code by which Karl Popper defined his own theoretical — and not only theoretical — position. It was conceived as an epistemological, as well as a political standpoint, which could not only affirm and testify to Popper's effort to connect the philosophy of science and the theory of society in a coherent way, but also to enable their joint foundation with his own contribution.
Istorijsko-materijalistička kritika
Istorijsko-materijalistička kritika
(Historical-materialist Criticism)
- Author(s):Đorđe Hristov, Mark Losoncz, Ivica Mladenović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:127-155
- No. of Pages:29
- Keywords:Criticism; Marxism; Dialectic; Revolution; Praxis; Materialism; Political economy
- Summary/Abstract:Although the demand for criticality among social scientists and philosophers is presented as part of a professional calling, Karl Marx is, along with Immanuel Kant and Pierre Bourdieu, probably the most influential social thinker whose entire intellectual oeuvre is immanently marked by the term criticism. Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Law, Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, Critique of the Gothic Program, Capital: Critique of Political Economy, as well as the first co-authored work with Friedrich Engels, The Holy Family or Critique of Critical Criticism, are just some of the titles of his books. although each of his works contains a specific critical model in relation to a specific issue, as well as the period of creation. Because, as shown by certain Marxists (Renault 1999: 181), the concept of criticism is polysemic in Marx, that is, it concerns: the goals of the discourse — when he criticizes other discourses that legitimize the established order; forms of discourse — when criticism is opposed to non-critical, dogmatic or doctrinal approaches; of discourse content — opposing critical political economy to traditional classical economy; finally, criticism is also applied in the domain of praxis — in the context of criticism of practice...
Škola sumnje
Škola sumnje
(School of Doubt)
- Author(s):Igor Cvejić, Đorđe Hristov, Predrag Krstić, Andrea Perunović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Marxism, Hermeneutics
- Page Range:157-189
- No. of Pages:33
- Keywords:School of Doubt; Interpretation Strategy; Radical Critique; Hermeneutics; Demystification; Genealogy of Morals; Ideology Theory; Unconscious Interpretation
- Summary/Abstract:"School of doubt" is a phrase of Paul Ricoeur, by which he means a type or strategy of interpretation that applies doubt and "reduces the illusions and lies of consciousness". As its "masters" and "teachers", he names three thinkers, "seemingly incompatible with each other": Marx (Karl Marx), Nietzsche (Friedrich Nietzsche) and Freud (Sigmund Freud). Namely, in their always different applications of doubt, there is no single method of demystification, but their commonality is reflected, according to Riker, in a radical opposition to "the phenomenology of the sacred and the whole hermeneutics, understood as gathering meaning and as the memory of being" (Riker 2010: 42-43, 45). According to this interpretation, the great interpreters share, albeit in different registers, the same "intention" or "decision" — to "first consider consciousness as a whole as a 'false' consciousness", to get to the heart of the Cartesian fortress of consciousness, which remains unsuspected while doubting in all the things that are shown to her, she introduces doubt: "After doubting the thing, we moved on to doubting consciousness" (Riker 2010: 43).