Visoko and its Surroundings through History 2 Cover Image

Visoko i okolina kroz historiju 2
Visoko and its Surroundings through History 2

Contributor(s): Lejla Gazić (Editor)
Subject(s): Cultural history, Customs / Folklore, Visual Arts, Public Administration, Economic history, Political history, Modern Age, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Demography and human biology, 15th Century, The Ottoman Empire, History of Art
Published by: JU Zavičajni muzej – Visoko
Keywords: Visoko; Ottoman period; history; cultural history; architecture; culture of life;
Summary/Abstract: The book “Visoko and the Surroundings through History II - The Ottoman Period” offers a comprehensive exploration of the history, cultural history, and architecture of Visoko during the Ottoman period. It delves into the region's urban development, governance, education, and cultural life, highlighting traditions, customs, and the creativity of all communities. The book also examines Ottoman-period architecture, including sacred, utilitarian, and residential buildings, while shedding light on the culture of life, such as traditional costumes and textile handicrafts. Based on original Ottoman Turkish archival materials, professional literature, and field research, the book provides an in-depth look at Visoko’s historical and cultural legacy during the Ottoman era.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-9926-8494-2-9
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-9926-8494-2-9
  • Page Count: 360
  • Publication Year: 2021
  • Language: Bosnian
Visoko i okolina u vrijeme Osmanske vladavine: upravna organizacija, konfesionalne, demografske i privredne prilike

Visoko i okolina u vrijeme Osmanske vladavine: upravna organizacija, konfesionalne, demografske i privredne prilike
(Visoko and the Environment during the Ottoman Rule: Administrative Organization, Confessional, Demographic and Economic Opportunities)

Kulturni život u Visokom u Osmanskom periodu: obrazovanje i pisana riječ: književnost, umjetnost, znanost

Kulturni život u Visokom u Osmanskom periodu: obrazovanje i pisana riječ: književnost, umjetnost, znanost
(Cultural Life at High in the Ottoman Period: Education and the Written Word: Literature, Art, Science)

Arhitektura Visokog i okoline u periodu Osmanske vlasti

Arhitektura Visokog i okoline u periodu Osmanske vlasti
(Architecture of Visoko and the Surroundings in the Period of Ottoman Rule)

Bošnjačka nošnja u Visokom u posljednjem stoljeću Osmanske uprave

Bošnjačka nošnja u Visokom u posljednjem stoljeću Osmanske uprave
(Bosnian Costume in Visoko in the Last Century of Ottoman Administration)

Tekstilne rukotvorine u Visokom

Tekstilne rukotvorine u Visokom
(Textile Handicrafts in Visoko)

Običaji i predaje visočkog kraja

Običaji i predaje visočkog kraja
(Customs and Traditions of the Visoko Area)

Indeks ličnih imena

Indeks ličnih imena
(Index of Personal Names)

Indeks geograskih pojmova

Indeks geograskih pojmova
(Index of Geographical Terms)

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