Židé v Čechách 5 - Sborník příspěvků ze semináře konaného 1. a 2. října 2014 v Teplicích
Jews in Bohemia 5 - Collection of papers from the seminar held on October 1 and 2, 2014 in Teplice
Contributor(s): Vlastimila Hamáčková (Editor), Monika Hanková (Editor)
Subject(s): Jewish studies, Museology & Heritage Studies, Economic history, Ethnohistory, Political history, Modern Age, Recent History (1900 till today), History of Judaism, Fascism, Nazism and WW II, History of the Holocaust, History of Antisemitism, Migration Studies
Published by: Židovské Muzeum v Praze
Keywords: Jews; cemeteries; heritage; modern age; 20th century; Czechoslovakia; Czech Republic; minorities; demography;:
Summary/Abstract: On October 1-2, 2014 in Teplice, the Jewish Museum in Prague, in collaboration with the Regional Museum in Teplice, hosted the fifth meeting of archivists, historians, and regional museum workers focused on Jewish history in the Czech Republic, particularly modern issues and border regions' history. The seminar emphasized analyzing sources that trace the fate of Jews from border areas after Nazi Germany's occupation, leading to the creation of databases documenting Jewish populations from the 1930s to the end of World War II. Contributions also covered the role of Jews in trade and business development, along with other regional topics. An evening program was dedicated to documenting immovable monuments. The next seminar was planned for autumn 2016 in Kadaň, with a focus on post-1945 Jewish history in the Czech Republic. The authors are responsible for their studies' content, and the spelling of "žid" or "Žid" is left to their discretion.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-80-87366-51-6
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-80-87366-51-6
- Page Count: 188
- Publication Year: 2015
- Language: Czech
Jak trestat Židy? Příspěvek k vrchnostenské soudní praxi 1. poloviny 18. století
Jak trestat Židy? Příspěvek k vrchnostenské soudní praxi 1. poloviny 18. století
(How to punish Jews? A contribution to the court practice of the nobility in the first half of the 18th century)
- Author(s):Hana Legnerová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Political history, Social history, 18th Century, Penal Policy
- Page Range:3-8
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:judicial practices; Červený Hrádek; punitive device; anti-Jewish decrees; Emperor Charles VI; Jewish self-defense;
- Summary/Abstract:The document examines the judicial practices involving Jews in the estate of Červený Hrádek in the early 18th century. It highlights a specific case from 1726, where a wooden pig was used as a punitive device for Jews, reflecting the discriminatory measures of the time. The text details the administrative correspondence between local authorities and the central government, emphasizing the enforcement of anti-Jewish decrees by Emperor Charles VI. It also discusses the broader context of Jewish life under noble protection, including population records and restrictions on Jewish activities. The document underscores the symbolic and physical punishments imposed on Jews, such as the prohibition of hiring Christian servants and the regulation of Jewish marriages. The narrative concludes with reflections on the mechanisms of Jewish self-defense and the role of Jewish deputies in advocating for their community's rights.
- Price: 4.50 €
Židé v Tachově v roce 1930. Demografická sonda o stavu židovské komunity v Tachově II
Židé v Tachově v roce 1930. Demografická sonda o stavu židovské komunity v Tachově II
(Jews in Tachov in 1930. Demographic survey on the state of the Jewish community in Tachov II)
- Author(s):Jan Edl
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), Demography and human biology, Interwar Period (1920 - 1939)
- Page Range:9-36
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:Jewish community; Tachov; census data; economic activities; World War I; heritage preservation;
- Summary/Abstract:The document provides a demographic analysis of the Jewish community in Tachov in 1930, based on census data and other archival sources. It highlights the age distribution, family structures, and economic activities of the Jewish population, noting a significant decline in numbers over the years. The study also examines the living conditions, including housing and employment, and the impact of historical events such as World War I and the subsequent economic crises. The document discusses the challenges in tracing the community's history due to the loss of many original records and the importance of preserving Jewish heritage. It concludes with reflections on the contributions of the Jewish community to the local economy and culture, despite the adversities they faced.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Sériové dokumenty” v SOkA Pardubice a možnosti jejich využití pro dějiny židovského osídlení
„Sériové dokumenty” v SOkA Pardubice a možnosti jejich využití pro dějiny židovského osídlení
(“Serial documents” in SOkA Pardubice and the possibilities of their use for the history of Jewish settlement)
- Author(s):Renáta Růžičková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Archiving, Preservation, Ethnohistory
- Page Range:37-47
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Jewish settlement; Pardubice; archival materials; exhibition; heritage preservation; databases;
- Summary/Abstract:The document discusses the utilization of archival materials from the State District Archive in Pardubice for studying the history of Jewish settlement in the region. It highlights the 2012 exhibition "Under the Star of David," which commemorated the 70th anniversary of Jewish transports to Terezín. The exhibition featured contributions from over 20 institutions and individuals, showcasing documents, photographs, and personal items. The text details the archival sources used, including records from Jewish schools, religious communities, and various local organizations. It also emphasizes the importance of preserving Jewish heritage and the challenges faced in documenting the community's history due to the loss of many original records. The document concludes with reflections on the ongoing efforts to create databases and catalog archival materials to facilitate future research.
- Price: 4.50 €
Mostečtí Židé a nacistická persekuce v letech 1938-1945
Mostečtí Židé a nacistická persekuce v letech 1938-1945
(The Jews of Mostec and the Nazi persecution in the years 1938–1945)
- Author(s):Jana Sýkorová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Recent History (1900 till today), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Fascism, Nazism and WW II, History of the Holocaust, History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:48-61
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Jewish persecution; Most; Nazi occupation; Holocaust; property confiscation; Kristallnacht;
- Summary/Abstract:The document examines the persecution of Jews in Most during the Nazi occupation from 1938 to 1945. It highlights the lack of research on the Jewish minority in Most since the 1930s and the need to document their history, especially during the Holocaust. The study uses various sources, including home registration records, school catalogs, and voter lists, to create a comprehensive database of Jewish residents. It details the impact of the Nuremberg Laws, the destruction of the Most synagogue during Kristallnacht, and the subsequent liquidation of Jewish organizations. The document also discusses the confiscation of Jewish property, the forced emigration of Jewish residents, and the tragic fate of those who were deported to concentration camps. It concludes with reflections on the importance of preserving Jewish heritage and the ongoing efforts to document the community's history.
- Price: 4.50 €
Poslední židé v Plané u Mariánských Lázní
Poslední židé v Plané u Mariánských Lázní
(The last Jews in Planá u Mariánských Lázní)
- Author(s):Markéta Novotná
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), History of the Holocaust, History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:62-102
- No. of Pages:41
- Keywords:Jewish settlement; Planá; Holocaust; Munich Agreement; archival records; property reclamation;
- Summary/Abstract:The document explores the history of the Jewish settlement in Planá near Mariánské Lázně, highlighting its rich yet somewhat forgotten past. The Jewish religious community, which peaked at 109 members in 1910, gradually declined due to worsening conditions after Hitler's rise to power. Following the Munich Agreement, most Jews left the town, with only a few remaining by October 1938. Archival records from the Planá town archive list the names of the last Jewish residents and businesses, many of which were abandoned or confiscated. The document also details the tragic fate of these individuals during the Holocaust, with most perishing in concentration camps. Post-war, the few surviving family members faced significant challenges in reclaiming their property. The narrative concludes with reflections on the lasting impact of the Jewish community on Planá's history and the importance of preserving their memory.
- Price: 4.50 €
Útok na židovskou modlitebnu v Plzni 7. března 1939. Nezdařený vlajkařský pokus s tragickými následky
Útok na židovskou modlitebnu v Plzni 7. března 1939. Nezdařený vlajkařský pokus s tragickými následky
(The attack on the Jewish prayer house in Pilsen on March 7, 1939. A failed flag-raising attempt with tragic consequences)
- Author(s):Karel Řeháček
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, History of Judaism, Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), Fascism, Nazism and WW II
- Page Range:103-117
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Jewish prayer hall; Pilsen; Vlajka movement; anti-Semitism; explosive devices; post-war trials;
- Summary/Abstract:Attack on a Jewish prayer hall in Pilsen on March 7, 1939, was orchestrated by the Vlajka movement amid rising anti-Semitic sentiments in Czechoslovakia. It describes the socio-political climate of the late 1930s, marked by economic and national crises, and the increasing radicalization of the German minority influenced by Nazi Germany. The attack involved the use of explosive devices, resulting in the deaths of two perpetrators due to a premature explosion. The investigation revealed the involvement of local authorities and the broader anti-Semitic activities of the Vlajka movement. The document also covers the post-war trials of the perpetrators, highlighting the challenges in prosecuting them due to the political changes and the onset of World War II. It concludes with reflections on the significance of this event as a reminder of the dangers of extremist ideologies and the importance of preserving historical memory.
- Price: 4.50 €
Životní příběh kdyňského lékaře MUDr. Lva Hartmana
Životní příběh kdyňského lékaře MUDr. Lva Hartmana
(The life story of the doctor MUDr. Lev Hartman from Kdyně)
- Author(s):Radka Kinkorová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Recent History (1900 till today), Health and medicine and law, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Fascism, Nazism and WW II, History of the Holocaust, History of Antisemitism
- Page Range:118-124
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Lev Hartman; Kdyně; World War II; Nazi occupation; resistance; medical practice;
- Summary/Abstract:Dr. Lev Hartman, a Jewish physician from Kdyně faced significant hardships during World War II. Born in 1905, Hartman pursued a medical career despite financial difficulties and graduated from Charles University in 1931. He established a successful practice in Kdyně, becoming a beloved community figure. However, the Nazi occupation led to the revocation of his medical license in 1940, forcing him into manual labor. Hartman actively participated in the anti-Nazi resistance, narrowly escaping deportation by hiding with the help of Jan Fleischmann. After the war, he resumed his medical practice and contributed to public health efforts. Hartman's story is a testament to resilience and the impact of supportive allies during times of persecution.
- Price: 4.50 €
Rodina Aschermannů, podnikatelů a obchodníků v Kolíně
Rodina Aschermannů, podnikatelů a obchodníků v Kolíně
(The Aschermann family, entrepreneurs and merchants in Kolín)
- Author(s):Ladislav Jouza, Miroslava Jouzová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Economic history, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today)
- Page Range:125-150
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:Aschermann family; Kolín; textile industry; Czech-Jewish movement; World War II; Terezín;
- Summary/Abstract:The document chronicles the lives of the Aschermann family, Jewish entrepreneurs and merchants in Kolín, from the early 20th century. Hugo and Emil Aschermann moved to Kolín to establish their businesses in the textile industry, becoming prominent members of the local Jewish community. The narrative details their family history, business ventures, and social contributions, including Hugo's involvement in the Czech-Jewish movement and Emil's leadership in various Jewish organizations. The text also covers the impact of World War II, including the closure of their businesses, deportation to Terezín, and the tragic fate of many family members in concentration camps. Post-war, surviving members faced challenges in reclaiming their property and rebuilding their lives. The document concludes with reflections on the lasting impact of the Aschermann family on Kolín's industrial and cultural landscape.
- Price: 4.50 €
Židovské obyvatelstvo Žacléřska od nejstarších písemných zpráv do druhé světové války
Židovské obyvatelstvo Žacléřska od nejstarších písemných zpráv do druhé světové války
(The Jewish population of the Žacléř region from the oldest written records to the Second World War)
- Author(s):Vlastimil Málek
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Regional Geography, Economic history, Ethnohistory, History of the Holocaust
- Page Range:151-178
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:Jewish population; Žacléř; economic activities; Holocaust; forced labor camps; Gross-Rosen;
- Summary/Abstract:The document explores the history of the Jewish population in the Žacléř region from the earliest written records to World War II. It highlights the establishment of Jewish communities, their economic activities, and the challenges they faced, including anti-Semitic measures and the impact of the Holocaust. The text details the presence of Jewish families, their contributions to local industries, and the establishment of Jewish institutions such as synagogues and cemeteries. It also discusses the forced labor camps for Jews during World War II and the transformation of these camps into branches of the Gross-Rosen concentration camp in 1944. The document concludes with reflections on the significant yet often overlooked role of the Jewish community in the region's history and the importance of preserving their memory.
- Price: 4.50 €
Židovský hřbitov v Teplicích
Židovský hřbitov v Teplicích
(The Jewish cemetery in Teplice)
- Author(s):Lucie B. Petrusová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Jewish studies, Museology & Heritage Studies, Ethnohistory, Recent History (1900 till today), 19th Century, Fascism, Nazism and WW II
- Page Range:179-185
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Jewish cemetery; Teplice; Nazi occupation; gravestones; preservation; cultural monument;
- Summary/Abstract:The Jewish cemetery in Teplice, has been established in 1862 and still in use until today. It details the existence of two older cemeteries in the town, with the first dating back to the late 15th century and located southeast of the town walls. The second cemetery, known as the "old cemetery," was used from 1669 until its closure in 1862 due to capacity issues and urban expansion. The document highlights the destruction of these cemeteries during the Nazi occupation, with many gravestones repurposed or lost. The current cemetery, part of a multi-denominational municipal cemetery, features a variety of gravestones, including traditional Jewish symbols and influences from classicism and Art Nouveau. The text emphasizes the importance of preserving this historical site, which contains over three thousand gravestones and serves as a significant cultural monument in the region.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ediční poznámka
Ediční poznámka
(Editorial note)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Jewish studies, Ethnohistory, Editorial
- Page Range:186-186
- No. of Pages:1
- Keywords:editorial;
- Summary/Abstract:V říjnu 2014 uspořádalo Židovské muzeum v Praze ve spolupráci s Regionálním muzeem v Teplicích páté setkání archivářů, historiků a pracovníků regionálních muzeí, kteří se zabývají dějinami Židů v Cechách se zaměřením na novodobou problematiku a historii pohraničních oblastí.
Seznam autorů
Seznam autorů
(List of authors)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Scientific Life
- Page Range:187-187
- No. of Pages:1
- Keywords:about authors;