U istom čamcu
In the Same Boat
Essays on Hyperpolitics
Author(s): Peter Sloterdijk
Contributor(s): Aleksandra Kostić (Translator)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Existentialism, Culture and social structure , Sociology of Culture
Published by: Beogradski krug
Keywords: hyperpolitics; community; Heidegger; humanism; culture; politics
Summary/Abstract: Here Sloterdijk analyzes some of the basic concepts of political philosophy. These are: origin of culture, and cultural conflicts in contemporary societies; the status of community, emergence of the people, of nation and nationalism, problem of the masses; question of humanism, etc. Entire analysis is carried out, as the author puts it, from the standpoint of “hyperpolitics”.
- Print-ISBN-10: 86-82299-39-9
- Page Count: 219
- Publication Year: 2001
- Language: Serbian
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