A zsidók utolsó kiűzése Bécsből és Alsó-Ausztriából
The Last Expulsion of the Jews from Vienna and Lower-Austria
Author(s): Dávid Kaufmann
Subject(s): Jewish studies, 17th Century
Published by: Múlt és Jövő
Summary/Abstract: David Kaufmann’s most important historical monograph "Die Letzte Vertreibung der Juden aus Wien, Ihre Vorgeschichte (1625-70) und Ihre Opfer" (Vienna, 1889; also in Hungarian) deals with the history of the Jews in Austria in the 17th century and provides also a deep outlook on the history of the Jews in the neighboring countries.
- Print-ISBN-10: 963-917-173-5
- Page Count: 240
- Publication Year: 2002
- Language: Hungarian
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