Hivatalnok értelmiség a kora újkori Erdélyben
Officialdom in Early Modern Transylvania
Contributor(s): Zsolt Bogdándi (Editor), Tamás Fejér (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Modern Age, 16th Century, 17th Century
ISSN: 2068-309X
Published by: Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület
Keywords: Officialdom; Transylvania;
Summary/Abstract: This volume contains the texts of the papers presented at the conference "Officialdom in Early Modern Transylvania" held in October 2015 in Cluj (Kolozsvár). Written on the basis of archival sources the essays particularly deal with the lives, careers and competences of the clerks of the central government of the Transylvanian Principality.
Series: Erdélyi Tudományos Füzetek
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-606-739-074-2
- Page Count: 158
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Hungarian
Az erdélyi és a partiumi jogügyigazgatók a 16. század második felében
Az erdélyi és a partiumi jogügyigazgatók a 16. század második felében
(The Directores Causarum of Transylvania and Partium in the Second Half of the 16th Century)
- Author(s):Zsolt Bogdándi
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):16th Century
- Page Range:9-24
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:directores causarum; 16th Century; judicial reorganization; Royal (Princely) Table (Tabula, Sedria)
- Summary/Abstract:The establishment of the institution of the directores causarum lies on medieval backgrounds having in mind the fact that the first directores appeared under the reign of king Sigismund. They were charged to represent the king and it’s treasury during the lawsuit. After the judicial reorganization of Transylvania which took place starting with 1556, a Royal (Princely) Table (Tabula, Sedria) had been established with paid assessores and two protonotaries were also appointed, initially one for the Partium and one for Transylvania. This model has been used also in the case of the directores as two persons were appointed for this function. They were charged to take action in cases which didn’t involve private accusation so their activity was focused on one hand on the crimes that endangered the public order (charges of treason, blasphemy, etc.), on the other hand they represented the princes in the sedria and in the field in trials concerning the treasuries belongings, especially in cases regarding the estates without heirs. The present article offers the complete list of the directores which hold this office untill the end of the 16th century.
- Price: 4.50 €
Cubicularius, követ, áruló (?). A marosjárai Bálintffyak a 17. század közepéig
Cubicularius, követ, áruló (?). A marosjárai Bálintffyak a 17. század közepéig
(Cubicularius, Envoy, Traitor (?). The Bálintffys of Marosjára up until the Mid-17th Century)
- Author(s):Dáné Veronka
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):16th Century, 17th Century
- Page Range:28-42
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:cubicularii; Bálintffy family of Marosjára
- Summary/Abstract:The paper continues the inquiries concerning the cubicularii, started by Zsolt Trócsányi – expert researcher of the central government of the Principality of Transylvania –, through the presentation of the lives and careers a family which held the office almost in a hereditary manner: the Bálintffys of Marosjára. Although Trócsányi knew certain members of the Bálintffy family (landowners in Marosjára, Torda County) – a father and two sons –, but since they used different (family) names, he did not manage to connect them. Owing to the investigations of the author, it was revealed that the family’s rise was launched by Bálint/Valentinus litteratus from Marosvásárhely, who came from a commoner family– called Kötélverő/Köteles, later Vásárhelyi – which had been granted nobility. First, he became a notary at the Minor Chancery (cancellaria minor), then, at the peak of his career, he served as the praefectus of the treasury. The second generation is represented by his two sons, Kristóf and István, who converted to Catholicism. They both became cubicularii, but, despite possessing the same title, they fulfilled absolutely different roles. István – who had been a student at Vienna, then died at a young age – dealt with several of the Prince’s confidential affairs, while Kristóf can be considered as a true expert of finance: the peak of his career was the office of generalis perceptor. Their favourable marriages also helped them become established in the central government: Bálint/Valentinus litteratus and Kristóf both married within the “guild”, marrying the sisters of his colleagues from renowned, wealthy burgher families of Kolozsvár (Balásfi, Bornemisza), becoming related to the Lisbona family of mining contractors. Thus, they came to possess not only the land in Marosjára but also real estate and capital in Kolozsvár and Gyulafehérvár. The career of this highly promising dynasty of state officials was broken by Prince György Rákóczi I, who started proceedings against Kristóf – confidential adherent of Gábor Bethlen – under the pretext of “misappropriation”. Out of the three sons of Kristóf (deceased during the proceedings), two were pushed out not only of office but of the country as well. The case of the Bálintffys does not only exemplify the origins and career of people in finance management, it also clearly points out that the term cubicularius indicated different offices. The clarification and precise definition of its range of functions require further research.
- Price: 4.50 €
Párhuzamos életrajzok: Thomas Bomelius és Matthias Fronius
Párhuzamos életrajzok: Thomas Bomelius és Matthias Fronius
(Parallel Lives: Thomas Bomelius and Matthias Fronius)
- Author(s):Julia Derzsi
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):16th Century
- Page Range:43-61
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Thomas Bomelius; Matthias Fronius; biography; Transylvanian Saxons ; Statuta jurium municipalium Saxonum in Transsylvania
- Summary/Abstract:The study aims to present a parallel biography of two of the most important personalities of the Transylvanian Saxons’ public life in 16th century and thereby to delineate the contemporary model of career building of intellectuals in urban milieu. Thomas Bomelius and Matthias Fronius have become known especially for their work. They were the authors of the Statuta jurium municipalium Saxonum in Transsylvania (1583), a 16th-century codification of Transylvanian Saxon law. This legal code compilled by the former/Bomelius was complemented and finished by the latter/Fronius. The study will detail how they worked as clerks, how they contributed to the renewal of the urban institutions and public life, the knowlegde they accumulated and used and the methods they worked with. Accordingly, we focus on the effects their activity had on reforming urban administration in early modern Brașov and Sibiu.
- Price: 4.50 €
Királyfalvi János (†1603) ítélőmester hivatali pályája
Királyfalvi János (†1603) ítélőmester hivatali pályája
(The Career of Protonotarius János Királyfalvi (†1603))
- Author(s):Tamás Fejér
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):16th Century
- Page Range:63-79
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Királyfalvi János; career;bibiliography;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this paper is to present on the basis of archival sources the two-decade long career of protonotarius János Királyfalvi spent in the service of central government institutions of the Transylvanian Principality. The study focuses especially on those aspects of his career, which will facilitate the compilation of the archontology of chancellery staff. Királyfalvi began his career as a scribe in the princely chancellery in 1581, from 1588 to 1591 he appears in sources as secretary, and in 1589–1591 as assessor of princely Table. From 1592 he held the so-called director causarum office, and from 1600 until his death occured in the spring of 1603 in Prague, he functioned as protonotarius. A part of his possessions acquired throughout his career were in the Fehér county, another part in Szeklerland. Considering that he operated mainly in the capital of the Principality, he tried to acquire estates nearby Gyulafehérvár, where otherwise he possessed a house. By his wife, Borbála Szász, he had two children, but they did not followed their father’s example, namely they didn’t held offices in the institutions of central government.
- Price: 4.50 €
Tiszttartók és udvarbírák, avagy a gyulafehérvári uradalom jószágkormányzata a 16. század második felében
Tiszttartók és udvarbírák, avagy a gyulafehérvári uradalom jószágkormányzata a 16. század második felében
(The Bailiffs (officiales) and Administrators (provisores) of the Princely Estate of Alba Iulia (Gyulafehérvár) in the Second Half of the 16th Century)
- Author(s):Emőke Gálfi
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):16th Century
- Page Range:81-96
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Princely Estate of Alba Iulia; officiales; provisores
- Summary/Abstract:The princely estate of Alba Iulia (Gyulafehérvár) has been established in the middle of the sixteenth century. The landlords of the estate were partly the Bishops of Transylvania before 1542, and the Chapter of Transylvania before 1556. After the secularization (1556) the role of these possessions situated around the capital of Principality, was to supply the princely court of Alba Iulia. The princely estate have been managed by the administrators (provisores) and by the bailiffs (officiales) with regulated duties and competences. The administrators had judicial, administrative and financial duties, and they were usually the prince’s men of confidence such as Imre Szikszai.
- Price: 4.50 €
A szigeti Bartos család: társadalmi felemelkedés az erdélyi fejedelmi hivatalnokság alsó rétegében a 16–17. század fordulóján
A szigeti Bartos család: társadalmi felemelkedés az erdélyi
fejedelmi hivatalnokság alsó rétegében a 16–17. század fordulóján
(The Bartos de Sziget Family: Upward Mobility in the Lower Class of Princely Officials in Transylvania at the Turn of the 16th and 17th Centuries)
- Author(s):László Glück
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):16th Century, 17th Century
- Page Range:97-109
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Bartos de Sziget Family; Princely Officials
- Summary/Abstract:The service of the king played a particular role in upward social mobility in premodern Hungary, as the monarchs – thanks to the specific sovereign rights – had opportunities not comparable with that of the other members of society to reward subjects dear to them. Many commoners also managed to acquire nobility or seigneurial rights in the 15th and 16th centuries, thanks to their erudition (literacy and proficiency in Latin) which made it possible for them to be employed in the monarchic administration. The government of the Principality of Transylvania, a new state that emerged in the eastern part of Hungary in the mid-16th century, played a similar role. The present study gives the history of a family as an example of this.The father lived in Sziget, a small town in the north-eastern region of Hungary, and his profession possibly was that of a saddler. His sons were given an education. Péter started working at the Princely Treasury as an auditor (rationista), György supposedly served in the Princely Chancellery as a scribe, and István had been the private secretary to lords, and then worked as a scribe of the Princely Chancellery. The father already had been ennobled by a charter (this was usual among craftsmen from the end of the 16th century), and his sons were granted exemption for their plots in Sziget by the Prince. After the untimely death of the two elderly brothers, only István remained alive; he was awarded with estate donations as well by the Prince, and then entered into a marriage with a noblewoman from a well-to-do seigneurial family, inheriting landed properties by his marriage as well. After all, he used the cash from his father’s heritage or his court service to purchase the landed properties from different landlords being in difficulties. He attached great importance to good farming on the acquired landed properties. Old seigneurial families immediately accepted him, the homo novus, as one of them: this is clearly shown by the marriages of István and his children.
- Price: 4.50 €
Fejedelmi aranybeváltók a Báthory-korszakban.
Fejedelmi aranybeváltók a Báthory-korszakban.
(The Mining Administration under the Báthory Area –)
- Author(s):Petra Mátyás-Rausch
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):16th Century, 17th Century
- Page Range:111-123
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Mining Administration;Báthory family;
- Summary/Abstract:The study examines the mining administration, especially the gold changing in the area under family Báthory. In these times the gold changing belonged to the mining chamber of Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca) and the mining chamber of Nagyszeben (Sibiu), besides the miners could exchange by the gold-changer their gold and silver, who works at the princely treasury. From the gold-changers Gergely Gyarmati had the most successful career; he was the leader of treasury between 1590 and 1593. After his fall the prince, Zsigmond Báthory, terminated this position, and instructed the prefect of mining chamber in Kolozsvár to exchange exploited gold and silver.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pesthy Ferenc (†1575 körül) felső-magyarországi jövedelemigazgató hivatalnoki pályafutása a Magyar Kamara kötelékében
Pesthy Ferenc (†1575 körül) felső-magyarországi jövedelemigazgató hivatalnoki pályafutása a Magyar Kamara kötelékében
(The Career of Ferenc Pesthy as Royal Estate Administrator of Upper Hungary in the Royal Chamber)
- Author(s):Ágnes Póka
- Language:Hungarian
- Subject(s):16th Century
- Page Range:125-147
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:Pesthy Ferenc; bibliography;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper treats the career of Ferenc Pesthy in the Royal Chamber, detailing his responsibilities too. Pesthy offered his services to the Habsburg king Ferdinand in early 1552, immediately after the murder of George Martinuzzi. Ferdinand entrusted him the office of the tax collector (dicator) of the county Bihar and from 1553 that of the mustramester. From 1557 on he served as the coadiutor, i.e. assistant, of the royal estate manager of Upper Hungary, Zsigmond Torda, whom he followed in the position. The paper details the range of tasks performed by Ferenc Pesthy in his various offices, which, besides collecting the royal revenues, included recruiting subordinate administrative personnel, informing the monarch about the political and military actions, and contributing to the administration of the counties.
- Price: 4.50 €