The Chivalric Code in Culture. Traditions and Continuations. Vol. II. Sarmatism and its Traditions Cover Image
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Ethos rycerski w kulturze. Tradycje i kontynuacje. T. II: Ethos sarmacki i jego tradycje
The Chivalric Code in Culture. Traditions and Continuations. Vol. II. Sarmatism and its Traditions

Contributor(s): Teresa Banaś-Korniak (Editor), Beata Stuchlik-Surowiak (Editor), Magdalena Komenda, (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Philology
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: Sarmatism; 16th/17th century Polish army; Sarmatian traditions and Polish culture
Summary/Abstract: The second volume of this multiauthored monograph concerning the chivalric code aims to draw attention of those interested in the culture of Sarmatism and its traditions. The contributors include prominent literary and cultural scholars working on the Polish Republic of Nobles [szlachta]. Polish nobles were fascinated with the values originating in the ancient Rome and considered themselves as their rightful heirs. Even though the heroic acts among the Polish army in the 16th and 17th centuries were noted, the everyday life of the militaries back then was often detached from the high ideals derived from the chivalric code. Most of the contributions are concerned with the vernacular culture, literature, and writings in the 16th and 17th centuries; still, this work also consists of the chapters devoted to the traditions of Sarmatism recurring throughout the epochs much closer to our contemporary position.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3277-2
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3276-5
  • Page Count: 208
  • Publication Year: 2017
  • Language: Polish
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Ideał wodza w Hetmanie Bartosza Paprockiego wobec ethosu rycerskiego XVI‑wiecznej szlachty polskiej
(The Ideal Commander in Bartosz Paprocki’s Hetman (Head Commander) in Regard to the Chivalric Ethos of the 16th‑Century Polish Nobility)

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„Rycerz mężny Ostoja, który roty wodzieł”. Cnoty herbowe rodu Ostojczyków w literaturze panegirycznej XVI–XVIII wieku
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„Cne Lachy wszędy sława wiekopomna głosi”. Wartości rycerskie w świetle literatury okolicznościowej, poświęconej bitwie chocimskiej 1621 roku

„Cne Lachy wszędy sława wiekopomna głosi”. Wartości rycerskie w świetle literatury okolicznościowej, poświęconej bitwie chocimskiej 1621 roku
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Rycerz chrześcijański wobec zjawiska niewoli tatarsko‑tureckiej. Na podstawie wybranych utworów staropolskich
(The Christian Knight in Regard to Tatar‑Turkish Captivity. Based on Selected Works of Old Polish Literature)

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Ostatnie rycerstwo Europy. Husaria w utworach Wespazjana Kochowskiego
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Antywzór sarmackiej rycerskości. Coś nowego Łukasza Opalińskiego
(The Anti‑Standard of Sarmatian Chivalry. Coś nowego (Something New) by Łukasz Opaliński)

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Ethos rycerski w Zawiszy Czarnym Juliusza Słowackiego
(The Chivalric Ethos in Zawisza Czarny (Zawisza the Black) by Juliusz Słowacki)

  • Price: 4.50 €
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