Politics and Public Administration: Challenges and Synergies. Contributions to the 16th NISPOAcee Conference in Bratislava, 2008 Cover Image

Politika dhe Administrimi Publik: Sfida dhe Sinergji. Kumtesa të zgjedhura nga Konferenca e 16-të vjetore e NISPAcee Bratislavë 2008
Politics and Public Administration: Challenges and Synergies. Contributions to the 16th NISPOAcee Conference in Bratislava, 2008

Contributor(s): Katarina Staronova (Editor), László Vass (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Economy, Governance, Public Administration, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: ASET Albanian Socio - Economic Think - Tank
Keywords: Public administration; Decentralization process; Transition process; E-Government; Cultural Iatrogenesis;
Summary/Abstract: This book is important for at least three reasons. First, it gives a general overview of the transition countries - some are part of the EU, others not yet. Although the initial position, economic capacity and political direction are quite different, they have geographical and historical unity. The closing chapter summarizes and demonstrates the convergent and diverging evolution of countries that have made significant efforts for their transformation. One second reason is that as many sites are being analyzed using a standard format, the more interesting it becomes. This can lead to further knowledge about transferring methods, techniques and models. One third reason is that this book raises many questions. How can we make irreversible reforms? Of what is made a successful or failed reform? Why do some of the solutions do not fit? How does culture affect? What change does the leadership do? These are scientific problems with practical consequences. Can CEE (Central and Eastern European) countries learn from Portugal and Spain?

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-9928-05-011-3
  • Page Count: 253
  • Publication Year: 2009
  • Language: Albanian
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