Style życia w perspektywie zrównoważonego rozwoju
Lifestyles in the perspective of sustainable development
Contributor(s): Jolanta Klimczak (Editor), Katarzyna Ponikowska (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Sociology, Social development, Environmental interactions
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Summary/Abstract: By presenting this book to the public, we intend to enter a stream of reflection about sustainable development. The point of reference which we embrace has to do with a sociological interest in lifestyles.Ecology is a ubiquitous and fashionable concept. For supporters of harmonious functioning of man and the environment, this phenomenon may seem to be desirable and one that realises in an optimistic manner their vision of the world. According to sceptics, the widespread use of this concept contributes to its blurring, and also to its employment as simulation of reality, which actually is not ecological in nature.For sociology, the tracing of such manifestations of “ecologisation” of both everyday and institutional life, which is characterised not only by superficial application of the principles of shallow ecology but above all the consistent adherence to the premises of deep ecology, seems to be an inspirational endeavour.The idea of sustainable development, featured in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, whose purpose is to design and to implement such conditions of life which will considerably improve its quality, not only in terms of economy, is strictly associated with alternative lifestyles, which attempt to regulate the relations between the individual, the society and the environment. These lifestyles are referred to as alternative due to the various instances of challenging modern manifestations of life characterised by excessive consumerism, Hektik and departure from any forms of spiritual development. The manifestations of this vision of reality include inter alia activities such as downshifting, holistic simplification, culture jamming or behaviour known as freegan. One of such ideas, comprehended in a certain institutional system, is also the idea of the slow life movement, the slowing down of life in all its manifestations. Such an approach is supposed to enable man to indulge in reflection about the condition of the quality of his life and the possibilities of improving it on levels which require such improvement. One of the manifestations of this approach is the emerging network of the cittàslow, initiated in Italy, and which now brings together Polish cities, such as Reszel or Bisztynek, as well. The development of a new quality of life of the residents is a desirable manifestation of developmental success for these cities.
Series: Nauki społeczne
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-946-7
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-945-0
- Page Count: 178
- Publication Year: 2016
- Language: Polish
Zrównoważony rozwój a style życia w teorii i praktyce społecznej. Słowo wstępne
Zrównoważony rozwój a style życia w teorii i praktyce społecznej. Słowo wstępne
(Sustainable development and lifestyles in theory and social practice. Introduction)
- Author(s):Jolanta Klimczak, Katarzyna Ponikowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Social development, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:9-16
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:sustainable development; lifestyles
- Summary/Abstract:The object of our attention is sustainable development, the definitions andinterpretations of, the history of ideas and the dimensions of the deployment. The mainprospect, which draw attention to the lifestyle and the consequences for its changes inconnection with the popularization of sustainable development perspective.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zrównoważone style życia – ujęcie teoretyczne
Zrównoważone style życia – ujęcie teoretyczne
(Sustainable lifestyles – theoretical approach)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Ponikowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Social development, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:17-26
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:lifestyle; consumption; quality of life
- Summary/Abstract:In a globalized world a chosen, by an individual or a group, lifestyle doesnot make a constatnt element of existance, but just an option, that might be picked onthe basis of social situation, historical moment or geographical placement. Depending onthe fact how deep it is rooted in a recognised value system it may form a less or morepermament shape of everyday life. This rule refers also to lifestyles defined as sustainableor ecological ones. The process of their creation is linked to a deeper reflection onwhat we buy, how we consume and how we organize our everyday activities. It alsodepends on a social and cultural capital of groups and individuals. In their analysis,a reflection on dependence between social and class location of people and a qualityof natural environment they live in appears. A lifestyle, among others, includes suchdimensions of everyday life as: level and character of consumption, ways of spendingfree time, character of social contacts or activities connected with health care and wellness.In the following text chosen aspects of the above are discussed.
- Price: 4.50 €
(Nie)zrównoważone style życia na praskich Szmulkach
(Nie)zrównoważone style życia na praskich Szmulkach
((Un)sustainable lifestyles in Szmulki‑Praga district in Warsaw)
- Author(s):Iwona Anna Oliwińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Social development, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:27-35
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:lifestyle; capital; consumption; choices; non‑legislative actions
- Summary/Abstract:The text is based on the results of a comparative study of lifestyles presentedby selected residents of Szmulki part of Praga district in Warsaw. The material for descriptionwas collected by means of narrative interviews, overt and covert observationsand also perceptions recorded in the researcher’s log. The examples of changes in stylesof life in view of such factors as: occupational and personal conditioning of the respondents,their capital reserves, age or family situation. The results of the choices they made(being aware or not) are new configurations in the cultural space signifying a degree ofbalance between particular spheres of respondents’ everyday lives.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ekożycie w miejskim domu. O doświadczeniach kobiet i mężczyzn w zamieszkiwaniu
Ekożycie w miejskim domu. O doświadczeniach kobiet i mężczyzn w zamieszkiwaniu
(Eco‑living in an urban home. The experiences of women and men in the dwelling)
- Author(s):Jolanta Klimczak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Social development, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:37-47
- No. of Pages:11
- Summary/Abstract:This text is devoted to the description of selected elements of lifestyle, directly and indirectly referring to the concept of sustainable development as part of the experience of city dwellers industrial. I draw the attention to the similarities and differences in socio‑culturalpractices of women and men looking for their specificity. I refer to research carried out under the project on the ideas and practices of living, conducted in Katowice.
- Price: 4.50 €
Fuel poverty a ekologiczny styl życia na przykładzie współczesnej Walii
Fuel poverty a ekologiczny styl życia na przykładzie współczesnej Walii
(Fuel poverty and ecological lifestyle on the example of modern Wales)
- Author(s):Grzegorz Libor
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Social development, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:49-59
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:fuel poverty; devolution; Wales; ecology
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of the article is to analyze the phenomenon of fuel poverty andits specificity on the example of Wales, as well as the actions taken by the Welsh Governmentand regional actors to reduce its scope and negative effects and consequences.Particular emphasis has been putted on the role and importance of eco‑lifestyles offamilies and individuals affected by the fuel poverty. The decision to choose Wales asmatière à penser was not accidental. The concept of the fuel poverty has appeared for thefirst time in the UK, and the institutional and legal frameworks within which it is solvedare determined in the case of Wales by the phenomenon of power devolution.
- Price: 4.50 €
Konieczność czy świadomy wybór? Rozważania o prosumpcyjnych wzorach zachowań konsumentów ubogich w świetle kryzysu ekonomicznego
Konieczność czy świadomy wybór? Rozważania o prosumpcyjnych wzorach zachowań konsumentów ubogich w świetle kryzysu ekonomicznego
(Necessity or a conscious choice? Reflections on prosumption patterns of consumer behavior in the poor light of the economic crisis)
- Author(s):Dorota Nowalska-Kapuścik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Social development, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:61-71
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:economic crisis; consumption; presumption; poverty
- Summary/Abstract:The text deals with the phenomenon of prosumption in the context of theeconomic crisis. It presents the social determinants and consequences of this phenomenon.Pays special attention to the category of poor and monitors practices and consumerprosumption the poor.
- Price: 4.50 €
Proekologiczne zachowania młodych konsumentów jako styl życia współczesnego pokolenia Europejczyków (na podstawie wyników badań bezpośrednich w wybranych krajach UE)
Proekologiczne zachowania młodych konsumentów jako styl życia współczesnego pokolenia Europejczyków (na podstawie wyników badań bezpośrednich w wybranych krajach UE)
(Eco‑attitudes of young European consumers as their lifestyle (results of surveys amongst young consumers from chosen EU countries))
- Author(s):Anna Sobczyk-Kolbuch
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Social development, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:73-88
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:consumer behavior; ecomarketing; ecology; lifestyles; young consumers
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents a part of research that has been conducted amongst young consumers (mostly full‑time and part‑time students up to 35 years) in chosenEuropean Union countries, e.g. Poland, UK, Belgium, Finland, Denmark, Czech Republicand Slovenia during recent seven years. The main goal of that paper is to present theecological and pro‑environmental attitudes that are evinced by young consumers inPoland and chosen EU countries. The Author focuses on similarities and differencesin ways of thinking about recycling, reusing and other activities that have the positiveinfluence on environment. Nowadays sustainable development and sustainable marketingare getting more and more important for individual consumers. As companies tryto compete on market with different tools and using different competitive advantages,the role of sustainable marketing is growing also as a result of changes in fashion thatyounger consumers present. This article presents also one of the pro‑ecologicalProjects – Eco Talent 2013 that was introduced to younger consumers (students up to 35) who had some ideas on developing their business in a pro‑environmental way. For this segment it is important to act with a sustainable development attitude and eco‑entrepreneurshipway of business.The detailed research results on this topic were presented in different papers. The articleshows Eco Talent Project as an example of involving the younger groups of consumersinto sustainable economy.
- Price: 4.50 €
Geneza i realizacja strategii gender mainstreaming we Francji. Wybrane aspekty
Geneza i realizacja strategii gender mainstreaming we Francji. Wybrane aspekty
(Genesis and implementation of the gender mainstreaming strategy in France. Selected issues)
- Author(s):Renata Jankowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Social development, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:89-101
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Gender mainstreaming; parit; policy of France; gender equality
- Summary/Abstract:The problem of gender equality is one of the most important issues raised in the public space of France. But we should not forget that the struggle for recognition of rights, initially political, began long before the Fifth French Republic, as dates back to the French Revolution.Implementation of recognition of the principle of gender equality through the introductionof parity in politics is one of the most progressive in Europe. Established in 2012. Ministry. Women’s Rights, and mainly act on real equality between women and men (LOI n° 2014‑873du 4 août 2014 pour l’égalité réelle entre les femmes et les hommes) show that gender streategia mainstreaming is not a theory but it certainly has a practical dimension.
- Price: 4.50 €
Sfera Autonomiczna jako podstawa zrównoważonego rozwoju
Sfera Autonomiczna jako podstawa zrównoważonego rozwoju
(Autonomous sphere as the basis for sustainable development)
- Author(s):Łukasz Moll
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Social development, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:103-111
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:autonomous sphere; political ecology; sustainable lifestyles; sustainable development
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the concept of “autonomous sphere”, which in the discourseof political ecology often operates as an alternative to including state structures and market “heteronomous sphere” – the basis for the consolidation of a sustainable society. In the sphere of discourse autonomous functions as an overt or covert basis for solutions that are presented as a tool for building a sustainable society. This article will discuss ways in which you can build up the value of the sphere at the expense of autonomous heteronomous and the potential benefits that can be achieved in this way for the evolution of lifestyles towards more ecologically responsible and builds social ties patterns of behavior.
- Price: 4.50 €
Dobre rządzenie jako element zrównoważonego rozwoju
Dobre rządzenie jako element zrównoważonego rozwoju
(Good governance as an element of sustainable development)
- Author(s):Bogdan Nowosad
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Social development, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:113-123
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:good governance; sustainable development; an indicator of good governance; good administration practice
- Summary/Abstract:The concept of good governance is derived from the discourse of the World Bankon the development strategies of the 80s aimed at fighting poverty in developing countries.In time the good governance has become a category of evaluating the effectiveness of publicsector activities generally for business purposes and as part of the strategy for sustainabledevelopment. The good governance, and its most instanced area – good administrativepractice is considered, in fact, for the fourth, horizontal pillar of sustainable development,next to the pillars of environmental, social and economic. The objective of good governanceis to build social cohesion, strengthening of democracy and human rights, contributeto environmental protection, sustainable management of human resources. Strategies forgood governance alleviate social tensions through dialogue, participation, broader accessto information, including through scientific progress, educational activities for sustainabledevelopment, including through public debate and reflection related to her. There is nouniversal set of elements of good governance. Many institutions and organizations topromote their own models, which show a large variation in this respect, but it seems to bethe leading model of the World Bank. Since the 90’s was developed a set of indicators forassessing and determining the levels of good governance, but the lack of a uniform andfully reliable system of assessment, but these data are seen as an important cognitive andserve as a reference framework of implemented strategies for sustainable development.
- Price: 4.50 €
Przestrzeń miejska a styl życia w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju
Przestrzeń miejska a styl życia w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju
(Urban space and lifestyle in the context of sustainable development)
- Author(s):Marek Janik, Agnieszka Bugno-Janik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Social development, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:125-133
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:sustainable development; space; city
- Summary/Abstract:The basic notion of sustainable development is inter‑ and intragenerationjustice being realized in a framework of longtime efficiency of the earth ecosystem. The process of sustainable development has to take place simultanously on a local and a global scale. Modern cities have become the focal point of the problem as places under the most unsustainable development, as the same point being the most populated ones. Urban areas may and should stimulate changes in lifestyles which become in a natural way sustainable and at the same time attractive. In the article we would like to focuse on issues conneted with creating urban space friendly for this type of lifestyle.
- Price: 4.50 €
Feministyczna krytyka polityk dotyczących środowiska naturalnego – na przykładzie stanowiska Any Isli wobec programów realizowanych na Kostaryce
Feministyczna krytyka polityk dotyczących środowiska naturalnego – na przykładzie stanowiska Any Isli wobec programów realizowanych na Kostaryce
(Feminist criticism of policies related to the natural environment – on the basis of position of Any Isli toward programs implemented in Costa Rica)
- Author(s):Izabela Desperak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Social development, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:135-139
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Feminism; neo‑colonialism; environmentalism
- Summary/Abstract:The text presents the critique of activities related to environmental protection, which de facto serve the interests of economic and political. The author exemplifies her thesis, following the example of Costa Rica and its people.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zamrożeni czy ugotowani? Analiza dyskursu medialnego o zmianach klimatu na podstawie artykułów w „Newsweeku” i „Polityce” 2010–2014
Zamrożeni czy ugotowani? Analiza dyskursu medialnego o zmianach klimatu na podstawie artykułów w „Newsweeku” i „Polityce” 2010–2014
(Frozen or cooked? The analysis of media discourse on climate changes in the “Newsweek” and “Polityka” 2010–2014)
- Author(s):Daniela Dzienniak-Pulina
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Social development, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:141-157
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:climat change; analysis of media discourse; media ideologization
- Summary/Abstract:This article aims to reconstruct fragments of discourse on climate changepresented in two Polish influential magazines: 'Nesweek' and 'Polityka' and on the Internet.The author through the analysis of both written (magazines) and visual (Internet)content tries to demonstrate what questions do the editors ask themselves describing theproblem and what are the visions and effects of climate change they expect. Is actuallyEarth's climate cooling or warming? Furthermore, the author analyzing the visualizationof the effects of cooling or Warming tries to indicato visions of the effects of climatExchange imposed on media recipients.
- Price: 4.50 €
Przejawy rozwoju zrównoważonego w tradycyjnym życiu społeczności wiejskiej – na przykładzie analizy wzorców postulowanych w tekstach z XIX i XX wieku
Przejawy rozwoju zrównoważonego w tradycyjnym życiu społeczności wiejskiej – na przykładzie analizy wzorców postulowanych w tekstach z XIX i XX wieku
(Manifestations of sustainable development in the traditional life of the rural community – the analysis of patterns postulated in texts from the nineteenth and the twentieth century)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Popiel
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Social development, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:159-176
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:countryside; agriculture; lifestyles; ecology; sustainable development
- Summary/Abstract:The present article handles about considers ecology in traditional ruralcommunity life, although ecology in an unusual sense, and the description refers totwo dimensions of sustainable development agricultural land development and rurallifestyle. The analysis is based on a collection of texts about agricultural and rural areas,from the beginning of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Contemporary ecology‑relatedconcepts have been incorporated into the literature analysis. The texts are boththe scientific postulates and the community’s narratives.
- Price: 4.50 €