Обичаји животног циклуса у градској средини
Customs of Life-Cycle in Urban Surrounding
Author(s): Author Not Specified
Subject(s): Anthropology, Social Sciences, Customs / Folklore, Sociology, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure , Family and social welfare
Published by: Етнографски институт САНУ
- Print-ISBN-10: 86-7587-024-8
- Page Count: 408
- Publication Year: 2002
- Language: English, Bulgarian, Serbian
Празници в съвременната българска семейна фирма
Празници в съвременната българска семейна фирма
(Holidays in Contemporary Bulgarian Family Business)
- Author(s):Ivanka Petrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Customs / Folklore
- Page Range:15-24
- No. of Pages:10
- Summary/Abstract:Investigation of the cultural forms emerged from the usual common labour makes possible analysing the cultural values in the contemporary firms in Bulgaria. The paper concentrates on exploring the one of the firm culture important part, on the holidays celebrated by the firm employees. The role and the place of the holiday in the usual labouring and the meanings ascribed to it by the owners and the employees are analysed on the case of a family business in the smalltown of Belogradtchik. The holidays are considerd in the concrete context of the firm where they are planned, organized and practised.
Прежици матријархатског културног модела у ритуалима прелаза, посебно приликом рођења и свадбе
Прежици матријархатског културног модела у ритуалима прелаза, посебно приликом рођења и свадбе
(Matriarchat Model Survivals in Rites of Passage, Especially in Birth and Wedding)
- Author(s):Sreten Petrović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Culture and social structure
- Page Range:25-38
- No. of Pages:14
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the paper is to demonstrate that two relatively compact socioanthropological behaviouring models could be observed within global Serbian cultural areal in the "rites of passage": a) the matriarchy one – east of Velika Morava and b) the patrairchy one – west of Velika Morava, including the rituality of people inhabiting Serbian Krayinas in the west of Balkan. The theoretical idea will be enriched by the contemporary and the traditional ritual praxis examples considering birth and wedding.
Испит као ритуални чин
Испит као ритуални чин
(Exam as Ritual Act)
- Author(s):Dušan Bandić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Culture and social structure , Higher Education
- Page Range:39-53
- No. of Pages:15
- Summary/Abstract:The exam is the step which makes student closer to obtaining diploma and subsequently to gaining the new social status. The unfoldment of this act follows the strict rules which could be proclaimed or unproclamied, providing the exam with ritualistic characteristics. This paper is an attempt of answering the question: what are the meanings and the functions of the exam rituals, considering nowdays students of the University of Bеlgrade. The research was based on the inquiry made on 40 students at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Philosophy faculty in Belgrade.
Обреди прелаза код Пољака у југословенским земљама
Обреди прелаза код Пољака у југословенским земљама
(Rites of Passage of Polish in Yugoslav Countries)
- Author(s):Dušan Drljača
- Language:Albanian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Customs / Folklore, Culture and social structure , Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:55-65
- No. of Pages:11
- Summary/Abstract:Some of the family customs of the life cycle of Polish (in Former Yugoslavia, in Poland and in diaspora) are discussed as the rites of passage, with the special consideration on the traditional and contemporary ritual model, both rural and urban. The selectivness of the elements in diaspora is indicated, as well as the vitality and the continuity of those the most important; the influences of the indigenous and of the other ethnics are also indicated.
Съвременни градски обреди в случай на личен неуспех
Съвременни градски обреди в случай на личен неуспех
(Contemporary Urban Rituals on Personal Failure)
- Author(s):Slavka Grebenarova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure
- Page Range:67-76
- No. of Pages:10
- Summary/Abstract:Rituals of the life cycle concernig personal failure of the contemporary Sofia inhabitants have been discussing in this paper: not having children, being unmarried (considered as a problem but not as a personal choice), sickness, unemployment, accidents etc. The person of failure or his/her closest friends/relatives sometimes turn in such cases to the well-know traditional folk rituality. This kind of ritual practise is still extremely vivid although sometimes changing and developing. On the other hand, a certain colaboration with Bulgarian Orthodox Church is more and more observable concerning these matters. Rituals almost forgotten in the last fifty years are again being practised at Orthodox churches and monasteries, while new kinds of practising input by modern life are also emerging. Those new practising kinds are "inventions" both by clergy and by ordinary people who seek help from the Orthodox Church. Both clergy and ordinaries are under the influence of the wide information front in this process, and it means that they are influenced by variouse world cultures.
Црквени ритуали животног циклуса: крштење и венчање
Црквени ритуали животног циклуса: крштење и венчање
(Ecclestiastical Life Cycle Rituals: Baptism and Wedding)
- Author(s):Lidija Radulović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure , Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:77-93
- No. of Pages:17
- Summary/Abstract:Ecclestiastical wedding and baptism have been researched as the cultural phenomena with the change in their meanings. The adoption of the ecclestiastical meaning, the change, the reducement and the completely abandonment of the religious meanings could be observed on the individual, interpretative level. I have singled out the meaning of the (spiritual and physical) purification and of the healing considering the ritual of baptism, beside the expected meaning of the formal iniciation to the Orthodox religion. The baptism and the ecclestiastical wedding present in a great deal a confirmation of a national identity, as well the ritual conformism. Wedding "witnessed by God" is considered as the guarantee of the successfulness and of the longevity of the marriage. The wedding ce remony religious contents are fullfilled with the esthetic meanings of stressing an essential moment in life. One can reach the basic charateristics of the reli giousness by "reading" religious rituals in the perspective of the individual mea nings. The contemporary religiousness is characterized by a certain eclecticism.
Обреди животног циклуса Срба избеглих из Хрватске
Обреди животног циклуса Срба избеглих из Хрватске
(Life Cycle Rituals of Serbian Refugees from Croatia)
- Author(s):Desanka Nikolić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure
- Page Range:95-102
- No. of Pages:8
- Summary/Abstract:The paper deals with the reports on the research of the life cycle rituals (birth, marriage, death) of Serbian refugees from Croatia inhabited in Sopot and in the other Belgrade suburbia since 1995. The accent is put on the cultural contacts of the newcomers and the population already lived there, especially on the refugees adaptation to the new socio-cultural environment.
Селищните и семейните празници – общностни маркери
Селищните и семейните празници – общностни маркери
(Rural and Family Holidays – Social Markers)
- Author(s):Petko Hristov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Customs / Folklore, Family and social welfare, Rural and urban sociology
- Page Range:103-114
- No. of Pages:12
- Summary/Abstract:The common rural and family holidays (sabor, svetetz, obrok, village and personal slava, zavetina) in Bulgars and Serbs which are impotrant for social and personal identification as the part of the life holiday cycle and of the family holiday cycle are analysed in this paper basing on the relevant literature and on the personal fieldwork. The role of the individual becomes the meaning of the marker of his/her belonging to certain territorial and family community. This holiday category clearly designs both social status and social prestige and also the exogamy and the endogamy matrimonial circle of the individual in the traditional society.
Крштење одраслих и деце у Србији у последњој деценији двадесетог века
Крштење одраслих и деце у Србији у последњој деценији двадесетог века
(Adult and Infant Baptism in Serbia During the Last Decade of 20th Century)
- Author(s):Bojan Žikić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Eastern Orthodoxy, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:115-128
- No. of Pages:14
- Summary/Abstract:This paper presents the attempt of answering the question if there is a change of the initiants’ status and what is the nature of such change, based on the fieldwork done in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Bečej. The broader sociocultural frame is orientated by Serbian urban Orthodox population, and the narrow one by the distinction between the "active" worshipers and the "declarative" ones, as well by the age groups of adults and infants.
Сиротиште као пример дерегулације обичаја животног циклуса – период кризе
Сиротиште као пример дерегулације обичаја животног циклуса – период кризе
(Orphanage as Example of Life Cycle Deregulation – Period of Crisis)
- Author(s):Lasta Đapović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Culture and social structure , Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:129-144
- No. of Pages:16
- Summary/Abstract:The orphanage founding is connected to a whole set of the social relations and of the social representations. This paper deals with: founding of the orphanage; the ambiguitius representations of the children born out of wedlock; relation of the traditional society toward the mother of the bastard; infanticide; believes on the destiny of the nonbaptized children soul; state’s care of the unlawfuly begotten children, abandoned infants and orphans in Serbia in last two centuries; crisis-war; rape; orphans.
Vox adolescentiae: мој јавни живот и спектакли
Vox adolescentiae: мој јавни живот и спектакли
(Vox Adolescentiae: My Public Life and Spectacles)
- Author(s):Miroslava Lukić-Krstanović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure
- Page Range:145-161
- No. of Pages:17
- Summary/Abstract:The individual life cycle and the public life represent the relevant coordinates of the social reality, especially in crisis. Young people who just have stepped into the adolescence become the significant agents in the planes of public life, customs, rituals, ceremonies (from the immatriculations and the celebrations of the end of the school, going out and having fun with the friends, internet communication, to their presence and engagement at various mass-happenings, such like the sport manifestations, the musical spectacles and the political meetings). My intention in this paper is to point out the significance of the public gatherings for the process of high-school students getting mature, and respectively to point out the way the entering the public sphere experiencely marks the creation of the life-style and of the cultural concepts, especially in the time of social crisis and transition. I did the researches amongst girls and boys living in Belgrade during 2001 (over 70 high-school students underwent the questonarie, while part of them took part in the open discussions on this topic). The adolescent personality was identificaly marked according the affinities, the image, the cognitive thought, and the cultural and the ideological destinations in the complex network of spatial, temporal and ritual interactions. Such network indicates multifarious strucutre of cultural and social stratification, which either function parallely or which are mutualy exclusive on the symbolic level. The image, the behaviour, the language of mass in the system of the symbolic meaning, all could be obesrved based on the analogies of the cultural styles and of the centres of power which design the public scene; they also could be observed based on the homologies as the agreements of fashion, music, behaviour and slang.
Жената-птица в семейните обреди на българите
Жената-птица в семейните обреди на българите
(Woman-Bird in Bulgar Family Rituals)
- Author(s):Valentina Vaseva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure , Family and social welfare
- Page Range:163-197
- No. of Pages:35
- Summary/Abstract:This paper is an attempt to generalize the huge ethnographic and linguistic material required for the reconstruction of the women’s bird symbolism in the family rituals. Bird symbolism of husband was presented in the evolutive process from the birth to the full sexual maturity in the first part, while bird symbolism of wife was constructed in synchronic perspective, embracing the group of all women in reproductive age. Using of the bird symbols characterizes the highest reproductive processes in human society, so they are becoming comparable both to the process of cosmogenesis and to the process of reproduction in bird species. The paper accents the symbolic representation of menstruacy, concepcion, pregnancy and birth through the images of the hen, of the magpie, of the partridge, of the crow and of the other birds. The role of the woman-bird symbol at the moment of death has also been investigated. That is the way the image of woman, incarnated in bird, is the most clear at two important moments framing the human life – in the act of birth and in the act of death.
Менопауза – последња мистерија крви
Менопауза – последња мистерија крви
(Menopause – The Last Mystery of Blood)
- Author(s):Miroslava Malešević
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Gerontology
- Page Range:199-215
- No. of Pages:17
- Summary/Abstract:The paper deals with the women transition into the third age of life and with the role of the menopause in that process. The scope is on the ways the women face the aging in this culture, on the shifting of the others’ relations toward them, and on defining the new role for a women to be tаken after the period of fertility is once over. The cultural attitudes towards the menopause are of an extremely negative kind, although the menopause is primarly deifined in the terms of hormonal activity, as the definitive extinguishing of the ovaries function. ''Klimakteruša'' (woman in climax) is an ordinary term for the ill-balanced person who can't control the own behaviour; the fifty-year old woman suddenly becomes nonat tractive and useless “old witch”, just like there are no phases and nuances in between the maturity and the aging. Losing the functions of an erotic object and of the fertility looks to the most of the women like entering terrae incognita in the culture obsessed by youth and by the youthfully values. The paper is based on the answers the author collected from about thirty female friends and coevals from Belgrade and from a village near city of Šabac, concerning their experiences on this radical life turnover.
Жените в малкия български град (ХІХ – началото на ХХ в.)
Жените в малкия български град (ХІХ – началото на ХХ в.)
(Women in Bulgarian Smalltown (XIX-Till the Middle of XX))
- Author(s):Ana Luleva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Social history, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, 19th Century
- Page Range:217-226
- No. of Pages:10
- Summary/Abstract:The paper discusses family and social realisation of women in Bulgarian smalltown from the end of 19th century til the middle of 20th century. Matrimonial model in such town after 1878 has been stressed: marriaging age, family structure and household structure, inheritance, gender relations.
Комшијски "ритуали"
Комшијски "ритуали"
(Neighbouring "Rituals")
- Author(s):Zorica Divac
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Culture and social structure , Rural and urban sociology
- Page Range:227-234
- No. of Pages:8
- Summary/Abstract:Neighbourhood is a certain relational type which arised from the proximity of the dwelling, from the everyday encountering and from the common space using requirements. This is a kind of a complex institution in the contemporary Serbian urban culture which couldn’t be described as neither the kinship, nor the friendship, but as something in between those two categories. The negihbouring relations take part in mutual visitings, everyday favours and in the exchange of information. Their realisation follows the basic rules minimum, so it is a matter of an institutionalized relationship with inherent functions, contents and rituals. The neighbouring rituals, although not of the life cycle kind, are in constant perpetuation in the whole life of an individual, just like the patterns of behavoir established and shaped by the tradition. The neighbouring rituals follow the evereday rhythm of occuring, but their occuring is the most intense during the family crisis situations or during the social ones. The strenghtening and the developing of the neighbouring relations are affected by hardness of life circumstances, by incredible social experiences – from scarcity to bombing.
Сватбените дарове в българското социалистическо село – между разточителството и контрола
Сватбените дарове в българското социалистическо село – между разточителството и контрола
(Wedding Gifts in Bulgarian Socialist Village – between Wastefulness and Control)
- Author(s):Galin Georgiev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Customs / Folklore, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Rural and urban sociology
- Page Range:235-246
- No. of Pages:12
- Summary/Abstract:The paper deals with the broadly discussed topic in Bulgarian socialist society public in the 20th century’s last decade: the splendour wedding, the money and the gift squandering, the demonstration of the material wealth and of the social status. Various forms of the gift exchange are analysed, considering their traditional prototypes and the former tendencies of constructing the rituals. Filedwork ethnographic data suggest "inner" points of view on these phenomena. The attempt of investigating the motives beyond them is made through analysing "the interpretations from the first hand".
Градската сватба – проблеми на развитието и състоянието й днес
Градската сватба – проблеми на развитието и състоянието й днес
(Contemporary Urban Wedding)
- Author(s):Radost Ivanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Rural and urban sociology
- Page Range:247-259
- No. of Pages:13
- Summary/Abstract:This paper deals with the weddings in smalltown. Those weddings are likely to urban weddings in general by being formed as the complexuality of the traditional elements, foreign affections and amplifying presence of the secular rituals and the Orthоdox ones. The presence of the tradition as well as the acceptance of the new and of the foreign elements are observable in these weddings unlike those in some larger cities. The way of how crisis and pauperisation affects the nowdays marriaging and the image of the contemporary wedding is to be considered with the special accent.
Горанска свадба у деведесетим годинама двадесетог века
Горанска свадба у деведесетим годинама двадесетог века
(Gorans Wedding in 20th Century 90’s)
- Author(s):Miljana Radovanović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Sociology of Culture, Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:261-265
- No. of Pages:5
- Summary/Abstract:Contemporary Gorans wedding is discussed in the light of the attending and of the preserving of a several century old tradition in rural communities of župa (ancient district) Gora in the Šara Mountain, based on personal fieldwork notes. It is well-known that Gorans have been inhabiting in the cities as "pečalbars" (season labourers) for more than 150 years and that they have been returning to Gora every year for St. George's day and for the weddings.
Църковният брак в България след 1989 г. – традиция или мода
Църковният брак в България след 1989 г. – традиция или мода
(Ecclestiastical Matrimony in Bulgars after 1989 – Tradition or Fashion)
- Author(s):Evgeniya Krsteva-Blagoeva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:267-278
- No. of Pages:12
- Summary/Abstract:The basic aim of this paper is to determine the most important motivation responsible for young Bulgars’ decision whether to take the ecclestiastical matrimony or not during the first ten years of so called democracy period. The answer is to be seeked on how much the post-1989 ecclestiastical matrimonies "boom" could be observed as a returning to tradition which was banned and rejected during a totalitarism period, or it is a matter of the fashion which concerns certain prestige inherent to all of the contemporary religious manifestations. The main problem to be interpreted is how the level of being religious (real or imagined) affects the decision for the ecclestiastical matrimony; what is the way the marriaging couple understand the essence of sacrament they’re iniciated to; what are their personal experience of that moment etc. Several models of ecclestiastical matrimony – mostly dependable on family education – will be analysed: cathegorical rejection of the matrimony, which is the most common among people from the Communist Party supporting families, who look negatively towards those wedding in church without being in true faith; the transitional variant of not being married in church, but going there for lighting a candle after the civil ceremony and before the celebration party in the restaurant; the most common variant is that young people without infact being religious make decisions for ecclestiastical matrimony considering it more solemnly and more prestigous; the group of young people who seriously take their Orthodoxy and who insist on testamony infront the God is not numerous. The certain hierarchy of the prestigousness of Orthodox churches in Sofia will be considerd according to the question of their desirability for making a matrimony at them. The greatest pressure of young couples to be married at is on the Cathedral church of St. Alexander Nevskiy where the weddings are mostly forbidden, which is the main reason of desiring to be married at that church for people who ceremony consider at most as a prestige.
Склапање брака у савременом српском друштву. два обреда и њихова анализа
Склапање брака у савременом српском друштву. два обреда и њихова анализа
(Getting Married in Contemporary Serbian Society. Two Rituals and their Analysis)
- Author(s):Aleksandra Pavićević
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure
- Page Range:279-290
- No. of Pages:12
- Summary/Abstract:The revitalization of the part that Orthodox Church makes in public life is obvious in the period of crisis. Young couples the most likely take both the civil ceremony and the ecclestiastical matrimony. The similarities and the differences between these two rituals, the way of the approachment to both of them, as well the data of (non)taking part in the life of Church of those taking ecclestiastical matrimony, all of them present an interesting mirror for the social occurance.
Савремена свадба. Прича о идентитету
Савремена свадба. Прича о идентитету
(Contemporary Wedding. A Story of Identity)
- Author(s):Sanja Zlatanović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure
- Page Range:291-301
- No. of Pages:11
- Summary/Abstract:The main theme of the contemporary wedding (Vranje 1990-2001), that is being worked out both throught the ritual itself and throught the informant′s tellings is the problem of identity. The notion of identity is inseparably connected to the notion of ritual, because rituals are built in the identity of the community, and both notions are inseparably connected to the notion of tradition, the late conoting the past and the transmission of the values from one generation to another. The contemporary wedding is considered as the intersection of these three notions being very suitable by its form, content and importance to be interconnected to the tradition and as a device of the own identity questioning.
Свадбена фотографија као извор за тумачење елемената материјалне културе
Свадбена фотографија као извор за тумачење елемената материјалне културе
(Wedding Photographs as Material Elements Interpretation Source)
- Author(s):Vesna Dušković
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Photography, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:303-319
- No. of Pages:17
- Summary/Abstract:Wedding photographs make obligatory part of the family photo gallery. They are collected and kept in photo-albums, bearing not just the function of the document but also the ritual and the symbolic ones. They make the idealistic picture of family harmony and continuity in all of the families. For the researcher in culture they also make the unlimitted field for analysing social relations, status of the individual in the society or wedding attribute symbolism, like the clothing or the flowers. The paper presents an attempt of a shorter analises of changes in fashion and in social trends in some hundred years.
Зооморфният кôд в погребалните представи на българите (конете на св. Тодор)
Зооморфният кôд в погребалните представи на българите (конете на св. Тодор)
(Zoomorphic Code in Bulgar Funeral Rituality)
- Author(s):Ratschko Popov
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:321-327
- No. of Pages:7
- Summary/Abstract:Bulgarian folk believes and representations concerning the animal world in relation to the traditional funerals and commemorations are discussed in this paper. The attention is to be paid to the activities concerning domestic animals during death and funeral, to the animals of demonic nature considering vampires believes, to the birds as the souls of the dead and to the animal sacrificing during death and commemoration due to animal sex and colour.
"Погребение – сватба" – идея и об редна практика
"Погребение – сватба" – идея и об редна практика
("Funeral-Wedding" – Idea and Ritual Practice)
- Author(s):Vanya Nikolova
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure
- Page Range:329-339
- No. of Pages:11
- Summary/Abstract:The matter of issue is the wedding of the young unmarried defuncts which is considered as a "funeral-wedding" in the relevant literature. Mythologic reason and basic idea of the "funeral-wedding" are looking for at the intersection of the two fundamental traditional life cycle rituals mythological planes – the wedding and the funeral. The comparison between the traditional ethnographic data and those from the period of the transition is made on the thematic level with the aim of finding their mutual relation and reasons for this phenomenon’s survivle.
Промени в надгробните знаци по време на преход
Промени в надгробните знаци по време на преход
(Funerary Signs Changings in Period of Transition)
- Author(s):Stanka Yaneva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:341-353
- No. of Pages:13
- Summary/Abstract:Political, economic and value-system changings in the society in the period of the transition also affect relatively stabile practices as a funeral ritual. Signs designing the defunct’s eternal home are more likely to be the subject of the change compared to the stability of the funeral ritual itself. The traditional funeray signs designing sex and profession are gradually replaced by the other signs, especially at the cemetries of the larger cities. Those signs are in the accordance to the importance of the defunct and to the attitude of his/her closest ones, and they reflect the social status of the defunct, his/her political or religious appurtenance, material property of the defunct, the cause of death and sometimes even fashion tendencies in funerary styling.
Читуље и памћење предака
Читуље и памћење предака
(Obituaries and Ancestral Rememberance)
- Author(s):Miroslav Niškanović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Culture and social structure
- Page Range:355-362
- No. of Pages:8
- Summary/Abstract:The role of čitulja (obituary) is discussed in the paper, in the traditional and in the contemporary society, in the context of religiousness renewed, re turning to church and returning to tradition. The obituary is considered as the list of the defuncts from the one family or from the one kin, where the de functs were listed by the chronology of their death, with the purpose of menti oning in family rituals.
Промене у односима сродника услед смрти члана породице
Промене у односима сродника услед смрти члана породице
(Changes in Relatives Relations due to Death of Family Member)
- Author(s):Jadranka Đorđević-Crnobrnja
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Culture and social structure , Family and social welfare
- Page Range:363-374
- No. of Pages:12
- Summary/Abstract:The causal-consenquential link between the death, the inheritance and the kinship relations is indicated in the paper. The death of the individual who was the owner of the one part or of the major part of family property during his/her life is a cause for heritage partitioning, while reorganization of "forces and powers" within the kinship structure is the consequence of this partitioning. The city of Vranje with its near area spatialy frames the subject of issue, while the 20th century last decade does it temporaly.
На кога личе деца: сродство код Срба и принципи перцепције сличности међу сродницима
На кога личе деца: сродство код Срба и принципи перцепције сличности међу сродницима
(Who do Children take after: Serbian Kinship and Principles of Perceiving the Resemblance between Kins)
- Author(s):Zorica Ivanović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Culture and social structure , Family and social welfare
- Page Range:375-408
- No. of Pages:34
- Summary/Abstract:Contemporary anthropological research show that an understanding of the body and personality characteristics including perceptions of their origin and means of their transmission is to be seen as an integral part of the structure of a kinship system. This article is concerned with the question of the use of the body and identity of a child in the process of managing power relations within the traditional and the modern Serbian kinship systems. It examines principles that regulate the perception of physical and psychological resemblance between children and their parents and other kins as well as rules that shape the choice of a name. The aim of exploring ideas about the origin and ways of transmitting phisical and personality characteristics of children is to gain the insight into complex relationships between different aspects of the kinship system and to unravel the mechanisms of its transformation or continuity.