Етнички односи Срба са другим народима и етничким заједницама
Ethnic Relations between the Serbs and other Peoples and Ethnic Communities
Contributor(s): Nikola Pantelić (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Sociology, Demography and human biology, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Ethnic Minorities Studies, Politics of History/Memory, Politics and Identity, Identity of Collectives
Published by: Етнографски институт САНУ
- Print-ISBN-10: 86-7587-023-X
- Page Count: 307
- Publication Year: 1998
- Language: English, Slovenian, Serbian
Етнички односи Срба са другим народима и етничким заједницама. Реч на отварању скупа
Етнички односи Срба са другим народима и етничким заједницама. Реч на отварању скупа
(Ethnic Relations Between the Serbs and Other Peoples and Ethnic Communities. Introductory Lecture)
- Author(s):Nikola Pantelić
- Language:English, Serbian
- Subject(s):Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:9-19
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:ethos; nations; migrations; contacts / relations; culture
- Summary/Abstract:This exposure is directed to the necessity of research of et hnic/national relations and understanding of important processes and cultures both in the past and present. There have been many migrations, which were continuous, and many contacts have been made by the Serbian people during history. The significance of forming ethnical and national identity of the Serbs and their cul ture is also pointed out.
Колективно памћење у етничким односима и етнички сукоб. на примеру етничког конфликта у Босни и Херцеговини
Колективно памћење у етничким односима и етнички сукоб. на примеру етничког конфликта у Босни и Херцеговини
(Colective Memory in Ethnic Relations and Ethnic Conflict. The model of ethnic conflict in Bosnia and Hercegovina)
- Author(s):Dušan Drljača
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Inter-Ethnic Relations, Politics of History/Memory, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:21-37
- No. of Pages:17
- Summary/Abstract:In contemporary conditions of ethnic and national revival, the Serbs are referred to review their relations with other people. We should accede to these tasks reliably and truthfully, bearing in mind scientific ethos and maturity of the people we belong to. Serbian great migrations should make us be always aware of possibilities of making big synthesis: between our own culture and civilisations of the countries we live in. All the nations of the world are unequally overtaken by processes of speeding up uniqueness and searching, i.e. globalisation and mondialisation of the culture. Different nations accepted these processes in different ways. For example national minorities and some parts of the same nation did not react equally on the very same impetus. If we accept the fact that the main characteristics of the ethnic entity is direction towards past, and that that past is not only the concern of the historical science, but everything realised by collective memory, we shall for example reveal ethnic tolerance in the Middle aged Serbia, live dialogue with other nations. We shall also reveal irrational "Serbophobia" in Austria at the beginning of the 19th century. We cannot deny the fact that the main difficulties in the process of national integrity of the Serbs really happened. They are happening, too, because of powerful Serbian national identity developed under the influence of different cultural and religious surroundings. Serbian people, with highly developed national consciousness, particularly their edged part, did not - according to Western opinions - expose certain amount of exact "co-operation". Imposing parting with epic, "mythological" past is in severe conflict with collective memory of Serbian people, primarily in the Western parts of the ethnic area. Considering ethnic / national relations of the Serbs and other people, we shall not neglect different historical and social context in which these processes developed and are developing. It is shown how possible it is without any time distance to change character of those relations in recent couple of years. Ethnic conflict in Bosnia and Hercegovina, as an aspect of social conflict, has its social and cultural foundation. Confessional background (ethnic conflicts, concerning religious and cultural cohesion, are often religious wars) is very similar to conflicts in border area and it is powerfully coloured with different "historical memory". Two sides ethnic conflict inside Bosnia is followed by inter ethnic conflicts (Muslim: Muslims, Serbs: Serbs). Bosnian conflict must unavoidably be considered within Yugoslavia in general, in context of continuous clashes and new ethnic sharing in Europe and elsewhere. The last war in Bosnia, as it is known, ended by signing defrauded peace agreement. As it always happens, in any war, peace talks were preceded by the defeat of the sides in war, claiming its ethnic space and disarming. The other side also feels defeated, because initial and rising ambitions have not been fulfilled. Some 60% of the today's Union of Bosnia and Hercegovina are pronounced refugees. They all agree that there was "foreign hand" in legal state in former Yugoslav republic. Peace agreement was signed, but real peace, as it is shown, is still far away. Own collective memory is formed and it is developing in every entity. And it is known that each nation in Bosnia and Hercegovina had, from different periods of time, examples of "own" historical memory concerning others, mostly with negative connotation. Only were someone else's crimes remembered and retold. In the period of "opening" at the end of the eighties, patriotism was shown on different sides. Soon after, it was transformed into a sort of emotive nationalism. Our researchers added the adjective "resantimanski" to this kind of Serbian nationalism. It was not the same type of nationalism, as the others in our area. The worst of all is the fact that national matter was placed in former context, connected with the wars for territory (moving of borders) and tending towards ethnic homogenisation (moving of people). Theoretically speaking, secessionism could only be the consequence of regardless manipulation of masses. The occurrences in Yugoslavia and Bosnia had been smouldering for centuries. Although, ethnic clashes were not the product of inherent intolerance, there was much "silence fulfilled with contents" in our case. Model of secessionism is almost the very same in highly developed countries of the unique Europe and it has many elements. In separate tendencies, majority is sometimes activated, and sometimes only one or two elements are put into the first plan. Mostly rich North refuses to invest in development of the poor South, but there are variations (Cypress, Azunija). There are also no investments in the army proportionally to income. Not only people do abandon the mutual state, but also small ethnic communities taken by this. In this way "atomisation" spreads over ethnic groups. In the end some post conflict difficulties in functioning new state organisms in Bosnia are shown. There are examples of Muslim - Croatian misunderstanding in mutual federal state, and deliberate avoiding of mentioning Serbs, as if they did not live there.
Међуетнички односи Срба и Арбанаса
Међуетнички односи Срба и Арбанаса
(Inter Ethnic Relations Between the Serbs and Arbanas)
- Author(s):Mirko Barjaktarović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Inter-Ethnic Relations, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:39-65
- No. of Pages:27
- Summary/Abstract:First relations between the Serbs and Arbanas occurred mostly at peaceful times but during Serbian predominance. Northern parts of present Albania and the territory of the Serbs of the Zeta in the Middle ages, which became Montenegro are meant by this. That is why inter cultural relations occurred. In organised states of Zeta and Hercegovina, there were making Serbians particularly among cattle raisers belonging to Arbanas groups /Krici, Matarige, Macure/. Among northern Arbanas (Catholics) and Montenegrans in the period of foreign (Turkish) rule, there was the very same local social home rule (tribes). There were almost no Arbanas in another Serbian state - Raska (or Serbia) in the Middle Ages. They would particularly inhabit Kosovo and Metohija in the last two centuries of Turkish occupation. They adopted Islam religion in great numbers, and in that way they became privileged. Through Islam religion, certain numbers of Serbs were made Arbanas. That is why in traditional Serbian culture and in occasional opportunities in old Serbia, inhabited by Arbanas people, there were few inter cultural integrations. There were more between Montenegians and Arbanas people. But repressing Serbs and multiplication of the Arbanas people in the regions of Kosovo and Metohija are the cause of political problems of mutual life of the Arbanas people who are in greater numbers and the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija.
Срби, Албанци и остали етницитети на Косову и Метохији, са освртом на појаве међуетничке флоантности и њихову условљеност. Етнички састав становништва Косова и Метохије 1991. године
Срби, Албанци и остали етницитети на Косову и Метохији, са освртом на појаве међуетничке флоантности и њихову условљеност. Етнички састав становништва Косова и Метохије 1991. године
(The Serbs, the Albanians and Other Ethnicity on Kosovo and Metohija with the View Over the Occurances of Inter Ethnic Frontality and Their Conditioning. Ethnic Composition of the Population of Kosovo and Metohija in 1991)
- Author(s):Milovan Radovanović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Demography and human biology, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Ethnic Minorities Studies, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:67-93
- No. of Pages:27
- Summary/Abstract:The structure of inhabitants of Kosovo and Metohija in 1991 has already been shown statistically. There is the review of ethnic and ethno demographic changes on Kosovo and Metohija in the period 1921 - 1991, based on the data of written statistics and evaluation of explorers and experts at demographic statistics. Conditions and circumstances that were the cause of ethnic changes and fluctuations on Kosovo and Metohihja in the period between 1921 - 1991 are shown in this exposure. This work shows exact data and comes to problems of contemporary social and ethnic situation in the region of Kosovo and Metohija.
Етнички процеси и етничка симбиоза становништва североисточне Србије
Етнички процеси и етничка симбиоза становништва североисточне Србије
(On the Ethnic Processes and Ethnic Symbiosis of the Population of Northeastern Serbia)
- Author(s):Petar Vlahović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Demography and human biology, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:95-106
- No. of Pages:12
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this exposure is to indicate some significant ethnic processes and symbiosis of the inhabitants of northern - eastern Serbia that occurred during history, and owing to research having been done until now. Stating ethno - genesis of particular ethnic communities of local and wider significance, in contemporary conditions, has certain social, historical and very often political significance.
Турци у нашем огледалу. "Ропче моје, змијо од Турака"!
Турци у нашем огледалу. "Ропче моје, змијо од Турака"!
(The Turks in our Mirror. "My hands, the serpent of the Turks"!)
- Author(s):Olga Zirojević
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Ethnic Minorities Studies, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:107-113
- No. of Pages:7
- Summary/Abstract:Identification of the Turks and a snake is stressed in this work. Folk singer equals the Turks with the animal with such a demonic character. He glorifies them both into the same mythological sphere, and at the same time gives them certain mythical character. Connection between a snake and water brings to another mythical animal - the dragon. There is no permanence in using the term a snake - a dragon. But, snakes are mostly the Turks, and dragons are mostly the Serbs.
Срби и Немци у Војводини и Мађаризација
Срби и Немци у Војводини и Мађаризација
(The Serbs and the Germans in Vojvodina and the Process of Becoming Hungarians)
- Author(s):Zoran Janjetović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Migration Studies, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:115-132
- No. of Pages:18
- Summary/Abstract:It is obvious that Hungarian people showed toughness of their ethnic identity and big assimilation ability during one thousand one hundred years of life in the Pannonian lowland. There are statistical data which tell in favour of Hungarian statement. In this work, we are concerned about spiritual abilities of the Hungarians, Germans and Serbs, because we are aware that they contributed to mixing members of one nation to the other. The Serbs and the Hungarians showed bigger similarities concerning temperament, so it could have been expected that they would enlarge prospects for the process for Serbs becoming Hungarians. The Serbs were close to the Hungarians because of the temperament, and way of thinking. The Germans were close to the Hungarians because of the same cultural circus and above all Catholic religion. Religion played an important part as barrage for the Serbs becoming Hungarians. This same religion became one of the ways for Germans to become Hungarians in the second half of the nineteenth century. During many centuries of life in the territory of Hungary, both the Serbs and the Germans were exposed to the process of assimilation into Hungarian people. This process was not held in one direction. Forcible process of becoming Hungarians appears in the second half of the nineteenth century by an attempt of pronouncing Hungarian language as the only official language. Owing to higher national consciousness, nourished by Serbian Orthodox Church, and royal privileges they gained during the Great migration, the Serbs were more capable to reject those attempts of losing their national identity from the "Svabe", which were not coherent owing to their different background. Those Germans were also nationally weak because they belonged to the Catholic Church, and above all they were interested in material gaining. In spite all the differences in temperament and mentality, it helped them to become Hungarians more easily. It is important to be noticed that stimulation for voluntary assimilation was getting higher in the walks of life. The Serbs cared less about this than the Germans (although their Serbian nobility became Hungarians in early days).
О разлици између етничког и културног идентитета Мађара у источној Бачкој
О разлици између етничког и културног идентитета Мађара у источној Бачкој
(On Difference Between Ethnic and Cultural Identity of Eastern Bačka Hungarians)
- Author(s):Bojan Žikić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Inter-Ethnic Relations, Ethnic Minorities Studies, Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:133-144
- No. of Pages:12
- Summary/Abstract:Identity is presumed as a composed structure of various elements of personal interests and motives. Ethnic identity is decsribed as a relation of ethnic ascripti on and ethnic description (which is ethnic ascription of group A member by a group B member), while cultural identity is found to be set of cultural preferen ces in the totality of interpersonal communication. The tendence was to show how infact ethnic identity could be determined by the cultural preferences in mat ters of ethnic ascrption and ethnic description.
Етнички односи Срба и Румуна у Банату
Етнички односи Срба и Румуна у Банату
(Ethnic Relations Between the Serbs and Rumanians in Banat)
- Author(s):Mirjana Maluckov
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Inter-Ethnic Relations, Ethnic Minorities Studies, Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:145-156
- No. of Pages:12
- Summary/Abstract:The Serbs and the Romans have been living together for centuries in a very close neighbourhood. They managed to preserve the two main features of their national entities: different languages and the same religion. Rumanians lived in bigger or smaller numbers in 37 villages and towns in Banat in the middle of the 19th century. Those are: Bela Crkva, Kovin, Pan~evo, Vr{ac, Zrenjanin and later Novi Sad. According to background of some groups, Rumanians in Banat can be called Bana}ani, Kri{ano - Erdeljci and Oltenci. Inhabitants of some settlements in the neigbourhood of Vr{ac are mostly Rumanian, and they are considerd to be the oldest part of Rumanian inhabitants in this area. Both Serbs and Rumanians had different names for smaller groups of inhabitants. Those names were pottery makers, police and peasants. Most Rumanians and elderly Rumanian women speak today both Rumanian and Serbian. If there is only one person who is Serbian, they do it as a rule. Different attitudes towards organization of church life were coordinated after gaining independence of the Rumanian Orthodox Church (1864). In Arabian - Rumanian settlements there are two Orthodox Churches in each settlement (each for one nationality), and they cooperate well. As a minority, the Rumanians kept inter ethnic endogamy concerning marriage relationships. But, there were also cases when Rumanian daughters - in - law changed the ethnic look of Serbian village and vice versa. There was endogamy in some Rumanian ethnic groups concerning marriage as a result of specifications in folk costume, diet etc. In the last few decades, structure qualification of Rumanians from Banat has been changed: there is smaller percentage of farmers and bigger percentage of tradesmen and intellectuals educated in Rumania. There are many Rumanians from Banat who moved to the USA, searching for better life. But that has nothing to do with the relation between them and the Serbs.
Уметност живљења уз ине. Искуства са територије данашње Румуније
Уметност живљења уз ине. Искуства са територије данашње Румуније
(The Art of Living with Other People - Experiences from the Territory of Today's Rumania)
- Author(s):Stevan Bugarski
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Inter-Ethnic Relations, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:157-174
- No. of Pages:18
- Summary/Abstract:Presence of the Serbs on the territory of today's Rumania has been lasting for centuries. Not only in Banat did this presence exist. Traces of Serbs on the territory of today's Rumania date from the sixth century. Serbian presence can be noted in documents and they have been confirmed in every historical province since the beginning of this millenium. Serbs were acknowledged as highly respected, and this was a sort of a counter argument towards anti Serbian treatment of some Rumanian societies. These treatments consisted both of formal acts and folk tradition (ethnic stereotypes). Sudden inhabiting of dozens of thousands refugees during the Great migration (1690) changed the balance of the Serbian form in Rumanian countries. This balance was also changed with aboriginal, Rumanian inhabitants. Serbs and Rumanians were "together" against German and Hungarian rule. The Serbs often stressed who was there "dominant". "Jerarhic" sharing in 1864 brought many sorts of dissidence and dissension. Serbian priests were on service to the people of other religions. Repulsive feelings towards the "[vabe" were seen in many different things and they were expressed in folk tradition. The Serbs assimilated and they were assimilated, but it must be noted that these sorts of assimilating were never final. Nationally mixed marriages were equal threat for both marriage parts. The Serbs in Rumania live according to the slogan: You should trust no one to the end and you should never make enemies. Living with other people is not bad itself. Finally the question can be asked. Is there any minimum "of being Serbian" which any Serb living in multinational community should have?
Етнички састав становништва Бањалуке крајем XIX века и почеком XX века
Етнички састав становништва Бањалуке крајем XIX века и почеком XX века
(Ethnic Composition of the Inhabitants of Banja Luka in the End of the 19th Century and at the Beginning of the 20th Century)
- Author(s):Miroslav Niškanović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Demography and human biology, Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:175-186
- No. of Pages:12
- Summary/Abstract:During the forty years of Austrian - Hungarian rule, ethnic composition of the inhabitants of Banja Luka changed a lot. Muslim community became smaller, and in the end of the period it had 40% of total population. Serbian community still had 20% of the population. Planned emigration caused the number of Catholics to be larger, and in the end of period it had 25% of entire population. Considering social - economic and political relations, complex social structure of the inhabitants was made. Inside it we can notice existence of heterogeneous social groups. They can be formed according to ethnic, religious, cultural, class, social background.
Досељавање и живот Срба на подручју данашње Словеније од XV до почетка XX века
Досељавање и живот Срба на подручју данашње Словеније од XV до почетка XX века
(Inhabiting and Life of the Serbs in the Area of Today's Slovenia in the Period Between the 15th Century and the Beginning of the 20th Century)
- Author(s):Nikola Milovančev
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Ethnohistory, Social history, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:187-205
- No. of Pages:19
- Summary/Abstract:Medieval migrations of Serbs caused by Turkish progression were one of the reasons for mass inhabiting of the Serbs in the areas of today's Slovenia and neighbouring regions (Istra, Venice, Julianska Krajina). Estates of the counts of Celje were visited by Serbian squires. They were also inhabited by the Serbs from Lika and family traditions can tell about this. The writer has some data concerning these counts and they refer to the existence of Orthodox people in Pounje and Lika before Turkish progression. There was mass moving of the Serbs from Bosnia and Dalmatia to @umberak, Bela Krajina and [tajerska in the 16th century. Some old toponims and inhabited places have names divided from etonims Rac = Ra~ani, the Serb. The appearance of Orthodox religion in Dolenjska held up partly inhabited Serbs. Spreading of the union (Greek - Catholic) was done carefully. Assimilation of the Serbs was faster in the areas where there were less of them, for example in [tajerska. When in the 18th and 19th century Turkish threat passed, many of the Serbs became a part of majority of the people. They lost both their national identity and religion. Exceptions were only the Serbs in Bojanci and Marindol (Bela Krajina) and some intellectuals from Ljubljana.
Срби у Словачкој XV од XX до века
Срби у Словачкој XV од XX до века
(The Serbs in Slovakia in the Period Between 15th and 20th Century)
- Author(s):Ljubivoje Cerović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Ethnohistory, Social history, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:207-218
- No. of Pages:12
- Summary/Abstract:In previous centuries, the Serbs used to live in various urban and rural areas in Slovakia. Living together with the Slovaks and other peoples on the ground of this Slovenian country, they cherished very rich cultural and historical heritage. At the same time, it represents the bridge between the Serbian and Slovakian people.
Срби у Мађарској – један поглед на савремену ситуацију
Срби у Мађарској – један поглед на савремену ситуацију
(Serbs in Hungary: A View to the Contemporary Situation)
- Author(s):Mladena Prelić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Inter-Ethnic Relations, Ethnic Minorities Studies, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:219-229
- No. of Pages:11
- Summary/Abstract:This work presents a view to contemporary situation of a national minority in the neighbouring state - the Serbs in Hungary. It involves a short review of social - demographic characteristics of a community, its place and institutions. There is also the question of ethnic identity, ways and possibilities of its maintenance. There have been important processes of social transformation concerning the Serbs in Hungary in recent years. The outside plan includes the process of transition of the Hungarian society and status changing of national minorities. The insi de plan represents changing of characteristics of the very Serbian community. These changes demand, among others, changing of the identity strategy of this community. New problems and finding new answers show to dynamic processes of ethnic identification in contemporary conditions.
Односи Србије и Велике Британије 1878-1886. Према извештајима посланика из Београда и Лондона
Односи Србије и Велике Британије 1878-1886. Према извештајима посланика из Београда и Лондона
(Relations Between Serbia аnd Great Britain 1878 - 1886. According to reports of deputies from Belgrade and London)
- Author(s):Aleksandar P. Rastović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Diplomatic history, International relations/trade, 19th Century
- Page Range:231-263
- No. of Pages:33
- Summary/Abstract:Relations between Serbia and Great Britain in the period between 1878 and 1886 depended on Serbian reverence of the initial principle of the British foreign policy concerning the Balkans. That principle meant necessity of maintaining of set of relations and territorial sharing stated at the Congress in Berlin. That practically meant to unable Russian return to the Balkans by all means, which was the greatest British rival at that time. Russian influence would be active and crucial in solving the eastern issue. According to this, Great Britain formed its attitude towards Serbia. Serbia would have been important for Great Britain only if it had framed Britain's system of relations in the Balkans, i.e. if it had revered Berlin's agreement or threatened its existence. Prejudices, which had been formed earlier in the British public opinion and official policy towards Serbia as a tool in Russian hands, were kept in this period, as well. Even the smallest attempt or form of co operation between the Serbs and the Russians were reported to the government by British deputies. The British government estimated this as a sort of a tiny riot of Pan Slavs in Serbia, and considered it to have been threatening for British influence on the Balkans. British policy did not interfere with political life in Serbia. Only if British interests were endangered, did it interfere and that happened mostly by strengthening those circles in Serbia which were adorers of Russia Political contacts and relations were rare, whereas those concerning economics more developed and more frequent. That confirms the thesis that Britain was more interested in Serbia in the field of economics than politics. Long relations have been existing and some are starting. The Serbs do not know much about Great Britain, its culture and history. Not many educated people from Serbia spoke English or gained education in Great Britain. The youth of Serbia went to Switzerland, Russia, Germany and France to be educated. In that time, the only people who knew a lot about Great Britain, spoke English and tried hard to make close relations between two countries were ^edomilj Mijatovi} and a publicist Nikola Jovanovi} Amerikanac. The similar situation was in Great Britain. Serbia was for English people unknown and far away country. There were many prejudices about the Serbs and their country. So it is not astonishing that public opinion in Britain at that time was that the Serbs were savage and primitive people. Eventhough personalities such as Gledstone, Mayson, Miss Pauline Irbi and Arthur Evans were not rare. There were more and more respected people who made efforts to enabling two countries and their people to get to know each other better. They also gave their best for making powerful political, economical and cultural relations. After the Congress in Berlin, a new page was opened concerning relations between Serbia and Great Britain. That marked more intensive co operation between the two countries, between Serbian and English people.
Kdo so "Jugoslovani" v Avstraliji do leta 1990
Kdo so "Jugoslovani" v Avstraliji do leta 1990
(Who are "The Yugoslavs" in Australia until 1990.)
- Author(s):Breda Čebulj-Sajko
- Language:Slovenian
- Subject(s):Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:265-282
- No. of Pages:18
- Summary/Abstract:There are insufficient data about ethnic background of the Yugoslav emigration both in Australian and Yugoslav periodicals and literature. That is why this exposure presents an experiment about moving the "Yugoslavs" to Australia. Data about the Slovenians and the Serbs are cumulative with other data concerning other Yugoslav peoples. The most of emigrants from refugee camps got permanent visa for stay in the bigger towns and cities of Sydney and Melbourne. Some 16000 entry visas were confirmed from Yugoslavia until 1965. The most visas were issued in Yugoslavia compared to other European countries. So called chain migrations were intensive at that time. There are separate ethnic settlements in the states of Victoria and New Southern Wales. The biggest percent (62%) of employed women were among Yugoslavs. In the end of sixties, the biggest number of Yugoslav economic migration came to Australia. Until disintegration of Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia, the Yugoslavs were the biggest immigration group in Australia. In multicultural and ethnic diverse Australian community, new inhabitants differ a lot from previously inhabited people. Those differences are going to be bigger if minority cultures (in a wide sense of meaning) which can be recognised easily in every Australian town if they have nothing in common with the Anglo - Saxon culture of majority. Living together, with different ethnic background, was once directed to the ethnic policy of discrimination. Today, tolerance, pluralism and multi cultural policy are advocated. If we talk about two halves of the same society, about old and new Australians, we must not neglect the fact these new are very different among themselves.
Отвореност, мултикултуралност, толеранција, сигурност. Нова српска урбана емиграција у Онтарију (Канада)
Отвореност, мултикултуралност, толеранција, сигурност. Нова српска урбана емиграција у Онтарију (Канада)
("Candour, Multi Culturality, Tolerance, Security" - New Serbian Urban Emigration in Ontario (Canada))
- Author(s):Mirjana Prošić-Dvornić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Migration Studies, Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:283-307
- No. of Pages:28
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this paper is to focus attention on the latest flow of Serbian emigration, caused by occurrences following disintegration of Yugoslav State at the beginning of the nineties of the twentieth century. Research has been made in the period between 1995 and 1997 among emigrants of the Canadian province Ontario, primarily in the capital Toronto. That latest flow of emigrants varies according to its composition. A very important component is represented by a number of highly qualified experts belonging to the young and middle-aged. They came mostly from developed urban areas. Mostly the whole families came to Canada in a few years, either with strong intentions to change their residence for good or for long time. According to socio - demographic features and dense concentration of emigrants in the urban centres of Canada, this flow can be placed in the very rare category, even unique type of migrations of Serbian inhabitants to North America.