Зборник радова "Двадесет година Дејтонског мировног споразума"
Collection of papers "Twenty Years of the Dayton Peace Agreement"
The scientific meeting was held at Law Faculty of the University of East Sarajevo, on October 24, 2015 in Pale
Contributor(s): Radomir Lukić (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Dayton agreement;Bosnia and Herzegovina;
Summary/Abstract: Парафирање Општег оквирног споразума о миру за Босну и Херцеговину пре двадесет две године, у Дејтону, 21. новембра 1995. године, а потом и његово потписивање, 14. децембра у Паризу, најзначајнији су датуми у другој половини прошлог века за народе, националне мањине и грађане у Босни и Херцеговини. Они су омогућили крај грађанског рата и утврђивање мира, дали шансу за опстанак Босне и Херцеговине као политичке и државне заједнице и улили наду да ће та шанса да буде искориштена на добробит свих у Републици Српској, Федерацији Бо¬сни и Херцеговини, односно у Босни и Херцеговини као заједници два ентитета, три конститутивна народа и оних грађана који не припадају ни једном од конститутивних народа.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-99938-57-43-3
- Page Count: 880
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Serbian
Принципи владавине права у јуриспруденцији међународног суда правде - res iudicata у спору СР Југославије/Србије и Босне и Херцеговине
Принципи владавине права у јуриспруденцији међународног суда правде - res iudicata у спору СР Југославије/Србије и Босне и Херцеговине
(The principles of the rule of law in the jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice - res judicata in dispute SR Yugoslavia / Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author(s):Milenko Kreća
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Constitutional Law
- Page Range:1-16
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Меродавно право; Представаљање држава; Интернационалистичка теорија; Уставна теорија; Еклектичке теорије;
- Summary/Abstract:Рад се бави анализом теоријских схватања о томе да ли је уну¬трашње или међународно право меродавно у материји представљања државе у међународним односима. Правила унутрашњег и међународ¬ног права о положају и овлашћењима државних органа у међународним односима не морају се нужно поклапати, због чега је важно одредити примат унутрашњег или међународног права. Аутор посвећује посебну пажњу двема теоријама, интернационали¬стичкој и уставној, које дају различите одговоре на питање да ли је и у којој мери повреда формалних ограничења утврђених прописима уну¬трашњег права релевантна у међународном праву. Након анализе ових теорија, аутор анализира и еклектичке теорије, које се међусобно та¬кође значајно разликују.
Владавина права у међународној заједници: тенденције развоја
Владавина права у међународној заједници: тенденције развоја
(Rule of Law in International Community: Tendencies of Development)
- Author(s):Rodoljub Etinski
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):International Law, International relations/trade
- Page Range:17-41
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:Rule of law;International law;International relations;
- Summary/Abstract:The concept of rule of law, as the guardian of personal freedom, dignity and well being, cannot produce full effects without its extension to inter¬national relations. Freedoms and dignity of individuals are articulated at national and international level. The rule of law defends personal freedom against unlawful interferences of national authorities and private actors. On the other hand, the rule of law serves as a means for realization of basic freedoms and rights by the law. Trans-border social intercourses are plying raising importance in everyday life of individuals in all countries. Individual freedom is endangered not only from national authorities, but also from authorities of other states and international bodies. Advancing basic rights, especially economic and environmental rights require international cooperation and international regulation. It means that defense of personal freedoms and realization of fundamental rights cannot be complete with¬out international law. The rule of law presumes certain organization of state, certain qualities of the law and qualities of judicial system. There are significant differences between the organization of a state and the organization of international community in that respect. However, developments in international legal order in XX century, such as the establishment of various international courts, development of international protection of human rights, the establishment of the World Trade Organization as well as judicial responses to human rights violation by the UN Security Council disclose trends towards the rule of law in international relations.
Место ССП у правном систему придружене државе са освртом на Дејтонски мировни споразум и Устав БиХ
Место ССП у правном систему придружене државе са освртом на Дејтонски мировни споразум и Устав БиХ
(State of the SAA in the Legal System of Associated Countries with Reference to the Dayton Peace Agreement and the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author(s):Radovan D. Vukadinović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Constitutional Law, Governance
- Page Range:42-63
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Stabilization and association agreement;Harmonization;Implementation;Direct applicability;Direct effect;Constitution;Interpretation;
- Summary/Abstract:By entering into the force on 1 June 2015, SAA has opened a series of theoretical and practical issues. Determination of the place of the SAA in BiH law is “challenging” for at least two reasons. First, because the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, regardless of what it represents part of the international (peace) agreement, does not regulate the hierarchical place of international agreements (and SAA) in domestic law. Therefore, on the nature and place of the Agreement can only speak based on practices of the Constitutional Court and legal theory. In current practice, the Constitutional Court has recognized the direct application and primacy only international agreements on the protection of human rights. In the legal theory there is opinion on recognition of direct effect and other ratified international agreements. Another reason is the fact that, according to internal law and the Act on the conclusion and implementation of international contract, for the implementation of the majority of the tasks under the Agreement accountable entities.
Техника закључења међудржавних уговора под окриљем међународних организација
Техника закључења међудржавних уговора под окриљем међународних организација
(The Technique of Concluding International Treaties Under the Auspices of International Organizations)
- Author(s):Zoran Radivojević
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, International Law
- Page Range:64-80
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:International organizations;International treaties;Technique of concluding a treaty;Initiative;Drafting;Adopting the text;Authentication;Consent to be bound by the treaty;
- Summary/Abstract:The establishment of a number of international organizations and further development of their specific functions has brought about significant changes in the traditional technique of concluding international treaties. In effect, the role of state parties is prominent only at the end of the treaty process, when giving their consent to be bound by treaties, while most of the groundwork in the prior phases of proposing, drafting, adopting and authenticating the treaty text is exercised by international organizations. The prior activities of international organizations have engendered a new technique of concluding international treaties, by means of which the traditional treaty process has been gradually institutionalized and thus deprived of its strictly contractual nature. The elements of institutionalization are reflected in the fact that individual initiatives and actions of states are increasingly giving way to systematic activities of international organizations that encourage, propose and assist the member states in the process of concluding international treaties. The departure from the concept of con¬tractuality occurs in the phase of drafting the treaty because the prospective contracting states are not directly involved in the construction and writing of the provisional text of the treaty. This task is left to the professional bodies composed of independent individuals who are selected to perform the task in the capacity of experts in the specific field rather than state representatives. Despite the significant role they play in the treaty process, international organizations are not parties to the international treaties concluded under their auspices. A large number of treaty-related activities performed by international organizations are only administrative and technical in character. Therefore, they act as intermediaries or sponsors of the member states’ treaty activities. The exercise of this function facilitates the establishment and subsequent exercise of the rights and obligations assumed by the states upon concluding the treaty.
Легалност унилатералне хуманитарне интервенције
Легалност унилатералне хуманитарне интервенције
(The Legality of Unilateral Humanitarian Intervention)
- Author(s):Nebojša Raičević
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):International Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
- Page Range:81-103
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:Humanitarian intervention;Use of force;Human rights;UN Charter;International customary law;
- Summary/Abstract:The issue of legality of unilateral humanitarian intervention in con¬temporary international law gives rise to significant difference in opinions among states and scholars. It is primarily due to the fact that the international treaty law contains no rule which explicitly allows or prohibits this kind of intervention. In this legal situation, in order to explore the legality of unilateral humanitarian intervention, we need to analyze the provisions of relevant international treaties and international customary law. The most important international treaty for assessing the legality of unilateral humanitarian intervention is the UN Charter. Article 2(4) of the UN Charter prohibits the threat and use of force, except in case of self-defense or upon the Security Council authorization. Given that unilateral humanitarian intervention does not fall into these exceptions, it constitutes a violation of Article 2(4) of the UN Charter. The fact that the Security Council did not act in cases involving mass or serious human rights violations does not allow states and international organizations to take unilateral military action and breach the aforementioned prohibition of the use of force. Beside the UN Charter, the IHL and human rights treaties are also important for assessing the legality of unilateral humanitarian intervention. Although these treaties envisage many forms of international control over the observance and implementation of human rights, none of treaties allows for the use of armed force in case of human rights’ violation, even in situations involving large-scale violations of human rights. For the purpose of assessing the status of unilateral humanitarian intervention in international customary law, it is necessary to analyze relevant practice in this area and opinio iuris sive necessitatis. After analyzing these two elements, we may conclude that the right to unilateral humanitarian intervention does not exist in the contemporary customary law. Even if such a right had existed before World War II, it was abolished by the UN Charter peremptory norm on the prohibition of the use of force. It is indisputable that, in the aftermath of World War II, the international community did not establish a new customary rule which would provide for undertaking unilateral humanitarian intervention by amending the pro¬visions of the UN Charter.
Prednosti i nedostaci članstva u Evropskoj uniji
Prednosti i nedostaci članstva u Evropskoj uniji
(Advantages and Disadvantages of Membership in the European Union)
- Author(s):Bojana Lakičević-Đuranović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:104-116
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:European Union;Advantages;Disadvantages;Enlargement;Security;
- Summary/Abstract:The primary aim of this paper is to point out the advantages and dis¬advantages of membership in an international organisation such as the European Union, by highlighting various aspects crucial to the functioning of such systems. Today’s political orientation of the majority of European countries, and the whole world, is based on sharing what is common, primarily through trade and strengthening economic bonds, particularly after the Second World War. Therefore, countries join associations as a consequence of the need for a common trade policy and exchange of goods. In light of the present level of development of the Union, the relations between the Member States, institutional readiness and the relationship with the candidates, the question arises of what the advantages and disadvantages are faced by the countries candidates and potential candidates and whether these challenges are fundamentally different compared to the challenges faced by Member States in the period of their accession. From today’s point of view of the Balkan countries, and taking into account the inevitable fact that all forms of international cooperation take place on the basis of the economic development of a country, and economic development is what makes a country recognizable on the world map, it can be concluded that only by joining an organization that can assist it in fostering economic development, a country can expect a good international cooperation and a good life for its citizens. European funds will help regional development, modernization of agriculture, environmental protection, infrastructure development and quality education. Gradual enlargement has played a key role in the preservation of democracy and maintaining stability on the European continent. It is pointed out in the explanation of the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the European Union in 2012. Today, EU policies have a stabilizing effect on the Western Balkans and are the basis for democratic reforms in Turkey. This political transition leads to real changes in practice. Croatia’s accession is the best example-though torn by a conflict only two decades ago, the country is now a stable democracy, capable of taking on the obligations of EU membership and of adhering to EU standards. Montenegro, therefore, has the Croatian example, in its very neighborhood. From their experience in the EU integration a lot can be learned. It can also be seen whether EU accession really brings more advantages than disadvantages.
Међународно право између нормативности и деформализације
Међународно право између нормативности и деформализације
(International Law Between Normativity and Deformalization)
- Author(s):Duško Glodić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):International Law
- Page Range:117-130
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:International law;International legal personality;Normativity;Post-modernism;State;International organizations;Non-governmental organizations;Soft law;
- Summary/Abstract:International law and a legal system in its entirety are subjects to influence by social reality in which its norms are being formed and implemented. A dynamic nature of the international law is additionally specific due to its inherent capacity to produce effects at the international level with the aim to regulate international relations. The process of globalization also determines the effects and creation of the international norms and shows the tendency to influence the type of its legal sources as well as the institutional framework within which those norms are being implemented. Therefore, there are some theoretical approaches, collected under the so called post-positivist and critical schools that aim to justify the tendency brought by the globalization. The overall aim of those practices is to deformalize the nature and character of international law. Those teachings that are criticized in this paper tend to redefine the concept of sources and persons of international law. They particularly aim to promote the international non-governmental organizations and multinational corporations as active actors and persons of international law. The paper shows that those entities, although playing a significant role in different international fora, do not possess all necessary qualities to be treated as legal persons under the international law. They participation in the work of international organizations is subject to rules enacted by the international organizations in question. The paper concludes that, despite the strong tendencies to deformalize the international legal order, its normative nature is still preserved since the international law is a system of rules that defines its creation, effects of its norms and the criteria that an entity has to fulfill in order to be considered (recognized) as an international legal personality.
Финансијскоправни аспекти Споразума о стабилизацији и придруживању између европских заједница и њихових држава чланица и Босне и Херцеговине
Финансијскоправни аспекти Споразума о стабилизацији и придруживању између европских заједница и њихових држава чланица и Босне и Херцеговине
(Financial Legal Aspects of the Stabilization and Association Agreement Between the European Communities and Their Member States and Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author(s):Mile Vranješ
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:133-148
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Association and stabilization agreement;Bosnia and Herzegovina;European Union, Taxes;Customs;Prohibition of discrimination in taxation;
- Summary/Abstract:The Stabilization and Association Agreement (hereinafter: SAA) represents an agreement by which the European Union (hereinafter: EU) regulates relations with third countries and very often its implementation is identical with the period of negotiations on membership. However, SAA of Bosnia and Herzegovina (like other countries of South-eastern Europe) does not list as aim of the agreement the membership of Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter: BiH) in the EU. So, a state can have SAA concluded with the EU and never to become a member of the EU. Also, vice versa, a state can become a member of the EU without an SAA. SAA which BiH concluded with the EU, аs а pre-accessory legal document for the full membership of BiH in the EU, envisages certain legal and political obligations for the states parties and especially for BiH. BiH has to fulfill those obligations, although they are not always related to economy, in order to, in the near or distant future, become a full member of the EU. As such, the Agreement also contains the provisions on taxing, among which we especially emphasize those related to prohibition of discrimination in taxing. Those provisions should ensure to the entrepreneurs of the states parties to perform their businesses under equal conditions. They prepare BiH for tax rules in the EU, by inciting the changes of the system of indirect taxation in BiH, tax system of Republika Srpska, tax system of BiH Federation, tax system of Brčko District of BiH in order to adjust to those rules.
Aktuelna pitanja nadležnosti Ustavnog suda Bosne i Hercegovine iz Člana VI3A) Ustava Bosne i Hercegovine:najnovija praksa i mogući izazovi
Aktuelna pitanja nadležnosti Ustavnog suda Bosne i Hercegovine iz Člana VI3A) Ustava Bosne i Hercegovine:najnovija praksa i mogući izazovi
(Current Issues of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina Under Article VI/3A) of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina: the Latest Case-Law and Possible Challenges)
- Author(s):Miodrag N. Simović, Milena Simović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Constitutional Law
- Page Range:149-182
- No. of Pages:34
- Keywords:Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina;Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina;European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms;European Court for Human rights;Constitutionality
- Summary/Abstract:The provision of Article VI/3a of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina does not prescribe an explicit competence of the Constitutional Court to assess the constitutionality of a law or a provision of the law in Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, substantial term of competence, determined by the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina itself, prescribes titulus of the Constitutional Court for such a competence, especially when taking into account the role of the Constitutional Court as an organ supported by the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In earlier case-law of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina an issue was raised as to whether non-compliance of provisions of disputed Entity law with the law of Bosnia and Herzegovina leads to incompatibility with the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina and, thereby, with the principle of the rule of law under Article I/2 of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In reply to that question, the Constitutional Court has held that the laws of Bosnia and Herzegovina, adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, shall be considered as „decisions of institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina“ under Article III/3b) of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and passing of a law by the Entities or subdivisions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, contrary to the procedure prescribed by the state law, may bring into question compliance with provisions of Article II/3b) of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, according to which the Entities and any subdivisions thereof shall comply with, amongst other, the decisions of the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina. So, the Entities (or subdivisions thereof) shall comply with obligations prescribed under the laws adopted by the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The fact that those obligations have not been complied with may lead to violation of provisions of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Дејтонски споразум и радно законодавство
Дејтонски споразум и радно законодавство
(Dayton Agreement and Labor Legislative)
- Author(s):Željko Mirjanić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Constitutional Law, Civil Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
- Page Range:183-200
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Development of labor legislature;Harmonization of labor law;Social democracy;International human rights documents relevant for labor legislature development;
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of this legal analysis is the jurisdiction for enactment of labor legislature and international human rights documents which are relevant for development of labor legislation according to Dayton agreement, the principles of labor law established by constitutional provisions, as well as development and harmonization of labor legislature. International human rights documents which are mandatory according to Dayton Agreement are the international grounds and framework for development of labor legislature. Harmonization of labor legislature with those documents has marked the stage of development of labor legislature initiated at the beginning of this century. After the Stabilization and Association Agreement was ratified the development of labor legislation has been dependant upon the process of harmonization of labor law with the European Union law. The author stresses out the importance of social democracy in that process, having in mind that Dayton agreement provides for the implementation of democratic principles, and that legal regulation is a starting phase in establishing democratic relations. The perspective of the labor world is linked to development of social democracy and the road towards the European social model, and these values are at the same time the grounds of new model of economic development. Dayton agreement is a favorable ground for development of labor legislation, but here, as well as in other countries in this region, the consistent implementation of constitutional and law pro¬visions at force, is a bigger problem than enactment of laws that would be in conformity with European and international sources of labor law.
Ustavna norma kao bitak i trebanje
Ustavna norma kao bitak i trebanje
(Constitutional Norms - What They Are and What They Have to Be)
- Author(s):Mirjana Nadaždin-Defterdarević
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:201-210
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Reality;Necessity/requirements;Reality and future prospects of the constitution;Human rights;Constituent nations;
- Summary/Abstract:The constitution is always an expression of a certain ideology and politics, just like the law in general. Behind its norms there is interest of the ruling class, who wants to shape up sociopolitical reality in accordance with its needs. Legal norms, and especially constitutional ones, are effective means to do it. The constitution refers to the social reality, existence, and turns it in the desired direction, justifying it as common interest necessary to maintain values; hence this choice becomes a necessity. The reality and prospects of the constitution thus become a reflection of the reality and necessity. Their balanced and harmonious relationship contributes to the value of the constitution and facilitates the implementation of its norms. Current solutions of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina that came about as a result of coerced political compromises, mark a stark contrast between what there is and what ought to be. The makers of the Constitution underscore the value of human rights as one of the most important values. Although the choice of this principal value is well based and indisputable, it is important to put it in the relationship with the social reality as a fact and establish how much this value, embodied in a constitutional norm, is really in touch with the current social reality for which it was created. This question is particularly pertinent regarding the applicability of the norm, along with the concept of constituent nations; the latter concept receives strong political support, and thus it strongly marks both the reality and the requirements of the current Constitution. In the social reality of Bosnia and Herzegovina, therefore, there are two contrasting concepts that co-exist and compete, two opposing concepts/values – the concept of human rights, and the concept of constituent nations. The first one is a value and need merely declared by a constitutional norm, whereas the other one has evolved into the very essence of the state and the society in Bosnia and Herzegovina – it is the social reality, value and necessity. Insisting on the concept of constituent nations, while ignoring how obsolete it has become, and seeing more and more affirmations of how damaging it is and how important would be to change it, makes the constitutional solutions contradictory, their application difficult, endangers the prospects of their implementation in the future, and the declared concept of the protection of human rights, as a value and a necessity, in some instances becomes completely absurd.
Утицај Охридског споразума на начела адекватне и правичне заступљености, употребу језика, симбола и писама, децентрализацију и образовање у Републици Македонији
Утицај Охридског споразума на начела адекватне и правичне заступљености, употребу језика, симбола и писама, децентрализацију и образовање у Републици Македонији
(Adequate and Righteous Representation as a Founding Principle of Employment in the Administration of the Republic of Macedonia)
- Author(s):Borče Davitkovski, Ana Pavlovska-Daneva, Dragan Gocevski, Elena Davitkovska
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:211-231
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:State and public administration;Principle of equality;Righteous representation;Selection procedure for administrative servants;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper elaborates on the theoretical aspects of equality and righteous representation of ethnic communities in public administration, as well as the implementation of these principles in the positive law of the Republic of Macedonia. The principle of equality is a constitutionally guaranteed right for all citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, thus this principle is applied in employment procedures in public administration. Following the constitutional amendments which incorporated the Ohrid Framework Agreement after 2001, the principle of equality faced a very complicated situation, needing to be implemented in parallel to respecting righteous representation of minority communities in public administration. This specific principle, although accepted as a democratic benefit, in time became a key for entrance i.e. employment in public administration. The paper provides a legal frame¬work through which this principle is implemented in positive administrative law: Law on General Administrative Procedure, Law on State Servants, Law on Public Servants (until 2015), Law on Administrative Servants, Law on Employees in the Public Sector etc. In conclusion, the paper presents an empirical analysis of the implementation of this principles in practice. The specifics of the situation in the Republic of Macedonia presented in this paper, argue how a democratic principle aiming to achieve righteous representation of all communities and strengthening the representative character of the administration, can be twisted and turned in to a mechanism for pure partisan and ethnic based employment.
Демократија у Уставу Босне и Херцеговине
Демократија у Уставу Босне и Херцеговине
(Democracy in the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author(s):Radomir Lukić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Constitutional Law
- Page Range:232-259
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:Consociational democracy;Majority democracy;Veto;Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina;Joint institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina;Parliamentary Assembly;Council of Representatives;Council of People
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of the paper is an analysis of the provisions on democracy in the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, using a dogmatic and normative legal method. The aim of the paper is to contribute to a decisive conclusion which type of democratic political order is determined by the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina and compare it with the corresponding theoretical model. Most of the elements established by the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina point to the conclusion that the partially modified model of consociational or consensual democracy is established by the Constitution, which is commonly applied in societies with segmented division, i.e. a high degree of social cleavage, and which does not allow for the emergence of a relatively homogeneous society, in order to have avoided the application of the majority democracy, which in such societies leads to the domination of certain segments of society or of certain social groups over another clearly different segments of society, that is social groups, and hence to a certain conflicts with unforeseeable consequences. The author sets up two assumptions: first, that consensual democracy is a theoretical and practically established model of a democratic political order, and, secondly, that Bosnia and Herzegovina is still, due to objective differences among the segments of its population, a divided society, and that the cleavage is ethnical, religious and political. Consequently, the consensual democracy model is still fully compatible with Bosnia and Herzegovina, while the majority democracy is not. The paper emphasizes the representation of the core social segments in the joint institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the mutual veto of these social groups and federalism, as elements of consensual democracy, and the degree of protection of human freedoms and rights as precondition for its realization.
Босанскохерцеговачки федерализам у светлости права на рецесију
Босанскохерцеговачки федерализам у светлости права на рецесију
(Federalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Light of the Right of Secession)
- Author(s):Darko Simović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Constitutional Law, Governance
- Page Range:260-277
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Bosnia and Herzegovina;Dayton Peace Agreement;Federalism;Secession;
- Summary/Abstract:Although the right to secession cannot be denied the element of democracy because it is founded on the right of people to self-determination, ac¬cording to the dominant thought in the theory of federalism, this right is in¬consistent with the authentic federal system. Despite such explicit theoretical viewpoints, comparative practice points to certain examples of federations which have proclaimed with their constitutions the possibility of federal units to unilaterally withdraw from a federation. Undoubtedly, the right to unilateral withdrawal of federal units significantly contradicts the legal nature of a federation which does not represent a mechanical formation of constitutive units bound by agreement, which make it up. However, the actual constitutionalization of the right to secession, as indicated by comparative law, is not an obstacle for normal functioning of federal systems. On the other hand, there are multiple examples of those federations which did not foresee the right to secession, but had in the meantime ceased to exist. Past experiences point to the fact that the survival of a federation is least of all a legal matter, but primarily a factual issue dealing with the relations between the centripetal and centrifugal powers. In that context, the federalism of Bosnia and Herzegovina was analyzed with the aim of establishing the effectiveness of the Constitution that was the result of the Dayton Peace Accords.
Bosna i Hercegovina - ustavna država?
Bosna i Hercegovina - ustavna država?
(Bosnia and Herzegovina - Constitutional State?)
- Author(s):Srđan Đorđević, Nikola Ivković
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Constitutional Law, Government/Political systems
- Page Range:278-295
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Constitutional state;Bosnia and Herzegovina;Dayton;Constitutional-political praxis;Constitutional sovereignty;
- Summary/Abstract:Atypical constitutional formula for Bosnia and Herzegovina occupies the interest of science for two decades. New dilemmas on constitutional-political and legal reality of this state appear. The paper deals with two issues. First, how to theoretically define the overall order and its particular segments. Second, the effort is necessary in order to create basis for qualitative change of the existing constitutional provisions. The main question is whether Bosnia and Herzegovina belongs to the circle of constitutional states. The authors start from the Häberle‘s theoretical model of the constitutional state.
Национално и грађанско у Уставу Босне и Херцеговине
Национално и грађанско у Уставу Босне и Херцеговине
(National and Civic in the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author(s):Slobodan P. Orlović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Constitutional Law
- Page Range:296-317
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Constitution of Bosina and Herzegovina (Dayton constitution);Political system;Civic;National;Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- Summary/Abstract:It is not simple to determine the nature of a legal and political act such as the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina (the Dayton constitution). The fact is that this act is not the fruit of the national sovereignty (a national constitution), yet the Constitution is result of the Peace agreement and the political will of international and domestic political representatives (with and without legitimacy). Such combination of creators of the Constitution has its continuation in a hybrid content of the Constitution. The Dayton constitution has been composed not only of civic (liberal) and national elements (norms), but also on other principles – ethnic and territorial, mixed structure of state’s authority which consists of citizens and foreigners, the right of presentation and national-territorial key, majority decision-making with veto power (protection of vital interests), basic principles of capitalist regime (private property and market economy) and on social rights (the International pact of economic, social and cultural rights). Traces of civic ideology can be recognized in the Preamble of the Constitution – respect of human dignity, freedom and equality, peaceful relations within a pluralist society, a common welfare and a protection of private ownership, all the way to mentioning citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina deciding about the Constitution. Besides citizens, the Constitution is also issued by Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs as constitutive nations (in community with „Others“), which is suggesting a national ideology in this document. That ideology is later worked out by a series of rights which members and representatives of those nations have. This sort of starting point of the Constitution, with the subsequent pro¬visions in the normative part, make it sui generis constitutional act which, somehow, pushes the borders of today’s constitutionality. The Constitution combines and reconciles civic and national, and this work is attempting to define which of these two views predominates.
Поводом новог нацрта Закона о општем управном поступку Републике Србије
Поводом новог нацрта Закона о општем управном поступку Републике Србије
(About New Draft Law on General Administrative Procedure of the Republic of Serbia)
- Author(s):Zoran Lončar
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:318-340
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:Administration;Administrative procedure;Law on Administrative Procedures;Administrative bodies;
- Summary/Abstract:Rules of general administrative proceedings in the Republic of Serbia,due to the quality of legal norms, have long and successful implementation in practice. Therefore, “Europeanization” of the administrative procedures hould not be an excuse for conceptual changes in the administrative procedure.Certain European legal principles relating to the work of administrative bodies can be incorporated into the existing rules of general administrative procedure, without their conceptual changes, what unfortunately has not been done not in the Draft Law on Administrative Procedure.Despite visible effort, full standardization of all European legal principles has not been carried out in the Draft Law on Administrative Procedure. Also,the assessment of the Draft Law should particularly include significant systemic non-compliance with other legal regulations in the field of public administration.If this concept of law remains, it will be necessary to revise the most important legal regulations, that are brought in the last decade, in the context of the reform of the state administration, beginning with the Law on State Administration, as the basic system regulation, the Civil Service Act, to the Law on administrative disputes, and dozens of other legal and sub-legal acts.
Босна и Херцеговина и уставно судсво
Босна и Херцеговина и уставно судсво
(Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Constitutional Review)
- Author(s):Marko Stanković
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Constitutional Law
- Page Range:341-354
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Bosnia and Herzegovina;Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina;Constitutional jurisprudence;Republic of Srpska;Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- Summary/Abstract:Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina is in many ways an original creation. Its greatest peculiarity is that the current Constitution of 1995 was passed in the form of an international treaty (or more precisely, an annex to the Dayton Peace Agreement), and thus its entities, Republic of Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, gained international recognition. In addition, almost all of the highest common bodies of Bosnia and Herzegovina have provided participation of all constituent peoples (Serbs, Muslims – Bosniaks and Croats), which is typical for a theoretical model of a confederation. The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina was conceived as a body that is supposed to protect the principle of constitutionality and specific federal-confederal arrangement, but also to perform some other, very diverse functions. This paper analyzes the composition and powers of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its position in the constitutional system.
Основа идеје правне сигурности као услов и последица постојања Дејтонског споразума
Основа идеје правне сигурности као услов и последица постојања Дејтонског споразума
(Basis of the Idea of Legal Security as Condition and Consequence of Dayton Agreement Existance)
- Author(s):Sava Aksić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:355-366
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Law;Justice;Sanction;Purpose;Bosnia and Herzegovina;Dayton Agreement;Interest;
- Summary/Abstract:The state where high level of legal security exists is an ideal of every kind of society. However, the legal security includes the quality of law as well as many qualities which refer to their normativism or appliance of Law. All these attributes may not leave space for any kind of abuse or, even worse, existence of wide discretionary authorizations which questions the idea of law as such. In country ruled by law, the idea of legal security is raised on the highest level of ethical norm. In constitutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republic of Srpska, collective and personal rights are on normative level, provided on the highest degrees. But by so-called Bonn’s authorizations, high and imprecise discretionary authorizations are given to OHR (Office of the High Representative), which were even more imprecisely interpreted by OHR. Considering this fact, Bosnia and Herzegovina became a classical protectorate.
Материјално обезбјеђење радника за случај незапослености као елемент права на рад у уставном систему Босне и Херцеговине
Материјално обезбјеђење радника за случај незапослености као елемент права на рад у уставном систему Босне и Херцеговине
(Material Protection of Unemployed Workers as an Element of the Right to Work in the Constitutional System of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author(s):Radislav Lale
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:367-385
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Right to work;Material security;Unemployment insurance;Risk of unemployment;Unemployed worker;
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of this paper is the right of the unemployed workers on material protection (security) in the constitutional system of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is one of the inseparable elements of the right to work, based on the compulsory social insurance. The author explains the legal notion of the risk of unemployment as one of the most complex social risks which affects or can affect wide circle of persons. The conclusion of the paper is that future, possible revision of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina should bring the explicit definition of the right to work as a fundamental principle of the labor and social law, including the right to material protection in the case of unemployment.
Специфична расподела фискалних овлашћења у Босни и Херцеговини настала Дејтонским мировним споразумом
Специфична расподела фискалних овлашћења у Босни и Херцеговини настала Дејтонским мировним споразумом
(Specific Distribution of Fiscal Powers in Bosnia and Herzegovina Created by Dayton Peace Agreement)
- Author(s):Suzana Dimić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Law on Economics, Public Finances, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting
- Page Range:386-395
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Fiscal powers;Bosnia and Herzegovina;Public revenues;Tax system;Indirect taxation;Direct taxes;
- Summary/Abstract:Distribution of fiscal powers between different levels of government within a state is formed according to the rules adopted in the contemporary theory of public finance. It is usual that the central government has the ultimate authority over the establishment, implementation and determining the amount of public revenues. The Dayton Peace Agreement, and the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina as one of its annexes, created complex fiscal arrangements. The establishment of the tax system and the creation of the tax policy are the full responsibility of the entities, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Srpska, while the Brcko District was also awarded a degree of fiscal autonomy. This led to the creation of three different tax systems in Bosnia and Herzegovina. There have been changes in the distribution of fiscal powers, which led to the introduction of the system of indirect taxation. Transfer of the powers in the area of indirect taxation to the state level, as well as the introduction of value added tax, have been done in order to ensure the functioning of common economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In order to eliminate negative consequences of different tax treatment, especially in the areas of personal income tax and corporate profit tax, the trend of convergence of different legal solutions has been noticed recently.
Полицијски систем БиХ - од Дејтона до данас
Полицијски систем БиХ - од Дејтона до данас
(Police System in BiH from Dayton until Present-Day)
- Author(s):Stevo Ivetić, Aleksandar Miladinović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law, Security and defense, Criminology, Penal Policy
- Page Range:396-417
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Reform of the Police;MUP RS;Package of police law;Directorate for Coordination of Police Agency;
- Summary/Abstract:The starting point of this work are the provisions of the Dayton Peace Agreement relating to the establishment of a secure environment in BiH, after which the cross section of the post-war security system in BiH. After that, given the constitutional framework of security and policing system in BiH, from 1995 until today, with all the changes in this domain, including domestic and international initiatives for change (reform). The aforementioned monitors display the relevant parties and actors who take part in what will be called ‘police reform in BiH, with the introduction of the most important elements of the given proposal. It is inevitable that in this segment of the show and the role of the international community and the OHR. At the end, the review of the current legislative and institutional framework of the police system in BiH, as well as suggestions to improve current methods of cooperation of police subjects in BiH.
Ревизија Устава Босне и Херцеговине кроз одлуке Високог представника
Ревизија Устава Босне и Херцеговине кроз одлуке Високог представника
(Review of Bosnia and Herzegovina Constitution Through High Representative's Decisions)
- Author(s):Milan Pilipović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Constitutional Law, Governance
- Page Range:418-443
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:High Representative;Annex X;Decision;Declaration;Review;Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina;Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina;Legal drafting;
- Summary/Abstract:The position and authorities of the High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina are regulated by the Annex X of the Dayton Peace Agreement. The authorities of the High Representative, contrary to the Annex X, were expanded by declarations of the Peace Implementation Council, especially, inter alia, the Bonn Declaration. Based on these authorities, the High Representative passed a set of decisions, thus changing the Bosnia and Herzegovina Constitution and the Republic of Srpska Constitution, directly affecting their constitutional legal orders. The High Representative reviewed the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, acting as the constitutional and legislative power, imposing acts which established new authorities for Bosnia and Herzegovina, and founding new Bosnia and Herzegovina institutions. The High Representative’s legal decisions were incorporated into the legal order of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the course of reviewing the constitutionality of some of the statutes passed by the High Representative, did not have a joint conception, in other words, the judges’ opinions were contradictory and exclusive, and from the aspect of legal theory, even highly problematic. It is only political and expert bodies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, who should create law, while possible reviews of constitution, which entirely depends on the political will of the representatives of entities and constituent peoples, should be realized in compliance with the constitutionally prescribed procedure.
Сукоб пореских закона у погледу пореза на доходак Федерације БиХ, Републике Српске и Брчко Дистрикта БиХ
Сукоб пореских закона у погледу пореза на доходак Федерације БиХ, Републике Српске и Брчко Дистрикта БиХ
(Domestic Personal Income Tax Law Conflict - Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Srpska, Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author(s):Đorđe Marilović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Law on Economics, Public Finances, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting
- Page Range:442-457
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Domestic double taxation;Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina;Republic of Srpska;Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina;Personal income tax;Tax law conflict;
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper, internal double taxation is analyzed in regard to income taxes in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Srpska and Brčко District of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Residency rules are compared, since it is an important principle on which jurisdiction to impose income tax is based. The lack of domestic tie-breaker rule is evident, which can be explained by constitutional status and competences of the entities (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Srpska) and the District to tax income of individuals in a sovereign manner. Therefore, existing unilateral measures are considered, such as providing for credit method. Although double taxation can lead to undesired effects in economy and individual behavior, there is a possibility of indirect harmonization of local legal systems. The fact that it is officially stated that the reason for excluding certain categories of income from taxation is tax competition (whereas those categories are already exempt in the competing jurisdiction) confirms the previous statement. This leads to the conclusion that harmonizing tax laws does not necessarily happen through local tie-breaker rule provisions, for local tax jurisdictions’ competition can bring about significant tax harmonization. The author concludes that signing trilateral convention for the prevention of the double taxation of income between the three tax jurisdictions could solve the existing problem of possible double taxation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Маргиналије уз радни текст Грађанског законика Републике Србије
Маргиналије уз радни текст Грађанског законика Републике Србије
(Marginal Notes on the Preliminary Draft of the Civil Code of the Republic of Serbia)
- Author(s):Gordana Stanković
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:461-478
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Codification;Codification of civil law;Process norm;
- Summary/Abstract:Legislative work on the preparation of the Civil Legal Code of the Re¬public of Serbia, which started in December 2006, brings into discussion a question whether the future codex should possibly include norms which belong to the domain of civil procedure. From the view of legal systematic, the answer to this question is simple since civil law and civil process law are two separate branches of law belonging to different parts and fields of the legal system. Regardless of clear division which exists from the view of systematics of legal order be¬tween the civil material and civil process law, it is possible for the norms regulating civil-legal relations to be found in the process law, as well as the process norms to be found in the law arranging certain field of the civil law for various legislative or legal-political reasons. In the work, the author critically analyzes normative solutions from the existing laws regulating the civil law material and in the future codification of civil law, and which for various reasons include process regulations or by its own regulations non-critically directly go into the field of process law and cause unwanted and unexpected implications in the process area and points to the use of inadequate terminology of the civil procedure in certain legal texts. The author considers that during the future codification of civil law on one hand efforts should be put into the editors correctly completing their task and while editing material-legal norms they should take care of process implications of certain material-legal solutions, avoid the unnecessary going into the sphere of civil procedure, correctly legal-technically edit the material legal norms and while doing this take care of use of correct legal- technical terms from the sphere of civil procedure. On the other hand, efforts should be made for all the process rules to be standardized and included into the basic law regulating a corresponding field of the civil court procedure and in this way make conditions for the future codification of civil process law.
Najnovije izmene u parničnom zakonodavstvu Republike Makedonije u domenu posebnih parničnih postupaka prema Noveli Zakona o parničnom postupku iz 2015. godine
Najnovije izmene u parničnom zakonodavstvu Republike Makedonije u domenu posebnih parničnih postupaka prema Noveli Zakona o parničnom postupku iz 2015. godine
(Latest Amendments in Macedonian Civil Procedure Regarding the Separate Civil Proceeding According to the Amendments of Civil Procedure Act from 2015)
- Author(s):Arsen Janevski, Milka Rakočević
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:479-490
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Civil procedure;Civil Procedure Act;Small Claims Procedure;Procedure for Issuing a Payment Order;Procedure in Commercial Disputes;
- Summary/Abstract:Subject matter of this article is the novelties regarding the separate civil proceedings in the Macedonian civil procedure system that were introduced by the Law on Amendments of the Civil Procedure Act from 2015. The article is focused on the elaboration and analysis of the new legislation regarding the small claims procedure, procedure for issuing a payment order and procedure in commercial disputes. The authors give an overview and critical review of certain legal solutions provided by the amendments to the Civil Procedure Act from 2015. The article particularly sets interest to the most important and at the same time the most arguable amendments in relation to the separate civil proceedings such as the introduction of the mandatory mediation in procedure in commercial disputes, considerable increase of the ratione valoris element in small claims procedure, issuance of court payment order, procedure regarding the objection against a notarial payment order, etc.
Pravni pojam luka i pristaništa u bosanskohercegovačnom plovidbenom zakonodavstvu
Pravni pojam luka i pristaništa u bosanskohercegovačnom plovidbenom zakonodavstvu
(The Legal Concept of Ports and Whafrs in Bosnian-Herzegovian Legislation of Navigation)
- Author(s):Dragan Bolanča
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Maritime Law
- Page Range:491-502
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Legislation of navigation;Ports;Wharfs;Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina;Republic of Srpska;Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina;District of Brčko of Bosnia and Herzegovina;Republic of Croatia;
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper the author analyses the legal concept of ports and wharfs in four law acts in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Maritime and Inland Navigation Act of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992), as lex specialis and Inland Navigation Act of Republic of Srpska (2001), Inland and Maritime Navigation Act of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2005) and Inland Navigation Act in District of Brčko of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2008), as lex specialis. In conclusion the specific differences of mentioned law solutions are enacted and author proposes changes de lege ferenda.
Aktuelnosti pitanja naknađivanja nematerijalne štete
Aktuelnosti pitanja naknađivanja nematerijalne štete
(Current Issues of Compensation for Non-Pecuniary Damage)
- Author(s):Branko Morait
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:503-528
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Personal rights;Non-material damage;Harmonization of court practice;
- Summary/Abstract:Constitutional predispositions have caused legal development of the post Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina. Modernization and harmonization of civil law have been developing rapidly but it has stopped suddenly, because of the reduction of support from international community. Internal harmonization is affirmed less than harmonization of domestic law to EU acquis. At the moment, the equalization of the court praxis in civil law matters shows up as necessary precondition for establishing rule of law.
Три разлога за измјену Закона о условима и поступку за прекид трудноће Републике Српске
Три разлога за измјену Закона о условима и поступку за прекид трудноће Републике Српске
(Three Reasons for Reform of the Law on Conditions and Procedure for Breach of Pregnancy in the Republika Srpska)
- Author(s):Stanka Stjepanović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Psychology, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:529-537
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Prenatal psychology;Child;Abortion;Health;Woman;
- Summary/Abstract:The medical science proves that the life begins at the moment of conception, and that the child in the mother’s bowel feels not only the pain but also everything which happens in the mother’s ambience. The legal science, on contrary, claims that the life begins with the birth. Considering these claims, there are at least three key reasons for the reform of the legislation on breach of pregnancy the first and the most important reason lays in the necessity for harmonization of the law with the medical science. The second reason would be the protection of the women’s health as well as the off¬spring. The third, demographic reason also could not be neglected, since the rate of mortality in the Republika Srpska is higher than the birthrate.
Концепт заштите од насиља у породици - деманти смисла
Концепт заштите од насиља у породици - деманти смисла
(The Concept of Protection Against Family Violence - Denial of Meaning)
- Author(s):Slobodan I. Panov
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law, Studies in violence and power, Family and social welfare
- Page Range:538-560
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:family violence;
- Summary/Abstract:Пројектован човек у овој цивилизацији је хибрид пантелеона (им¬ператив да у свему буде као лав, да се сам запосли јер држава није за¬дужена да решава то егзистенцијално питање – како је говорио екс-др¬жавни чимбеник, да је увек смирен, перфектно естетизован),2 Махатме Гандија (да је увек несклон реторзији,3 да је јачи и богатији смирено¬шћу и од најјаче или најсилољубивије војске која после 11. септембра реагује реторзијом...) и Маљевичевог белог платна или црног квадрата на коме ће се уписивати хуманизам постмодерне.
Легализација на бесправните објекти во правниот систем на Република Македонија
Легализација на бесправните објекти во правниот систем на Република Македонија
(Legalization of Illegal Buildings in the Legal System of Macedonia)
- Author(s):Rodna Živkovska, Tina Pržeska
- Language:Macedonian
- Subject(s):Constitutional Law, Law on Economics
- Page Range:561-580
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Legalization;Illegaly built objects;Building permit;Ownership;Property law;Administrative procedure;Administrative dispute;Buildings;Electronic communication networks and equipment;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper shows that in the legal system of Republic of Macedonia, be¬fore 2011, provisions regulating the process of legalization of illegal buildings were found in various laws: Law of Ownership and Other Real Rights from 2001, Law of Construction from 2005, Law of Real Estate Cadastre from 2008 and Law of Real Estate Cadastre from 2013. Regarding the pro¬visions in these laws the paper highlights the fact that they didn’t lead to systematic solution of the persisting problem. The first attempt for systematic solution of the problem of illegal buildings is the implementation of the Law for Regulating the Illegally Built Constructions from 2011. This Law regulates the manner and proceedings for deter¬mining legal status of illegal constructions. The types of illegal constructions are classified as: constructions of importance for the Republic, constructions of local importance and health facilities for primary, secondary and tertiary health services. The proceeding for legalization is administrative, and it is initiated on demand of the interested party – the holder of the illegal construction. The decision of the authorized body is a legal base for registration of the right of ownership in the real estate cadastre. Compensation for the legalization is also due, and it must be paid before the decision is rendered. The legalization of illegal buildings on agricultural land is regulated by the Law of Agricultural Land from 2007 (more precisely the Amendments of the Law from 2011 and 2012). Subject to legalization are buildings for agricultural production that comply with the conditions determined by law. The legalization is done in administrative proceedings by the municipalities. If the conditions determined by law are met, a decision for legalization is rendered and the compensation for legalization must be paid. The comparative analysis in the paper shows that the problem of legalization of illegal construction is a pressing issue in many of Macedonia’s neighboring countries. Serbia and Croatia have passed special laws regulating the status of illegal construction. In Montenegro the Law for legalization of Informal Settlements is in parliamentary proceedings. The jurisdiction for regulating the status of illegal constructions in Bosnia and Herzegovina falls on the cantons. Laws for regulating the status of illegal constructions are also passed in Greece, Bulgaria and Albania. The paper also shows that in Western European countries legalizations of illegal construction have been executed in Italy, Portugal, Spain and other countries.
Наследноправнта положба на брачниот партнер во современите законодавства
Наследноправнта положба на брачниот партнер во современите законодавства
(Inheritance Law Position of Spouse in the Modern Legislations)
- Author(s):Dejan Mickovik, Angel Ristov
- Language:Macedonian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:581-601
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Inheritance law;Spouse;Succession;Marriage;
- Summary/Abstract:In modern legislations legal heirs shall be determined on the basis of kinship, marriage and other key factors related to the deceased. Today, unlike in the past, the importance of the marriage has increased in the succession. The main reason for the improvement of the inheritance position of the spouse are the changes in the marriage, family and family relationships arising from the transformations in the modern societies. These changes have a significant impact on the improvement of the inheritance position of the spouse in inheritance law reforms.
Lične službenosti
Lične službenosti
(Individual Usufruct)
- Author(s):Duško Medić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:602-617
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Individual usufructs;Private property;Fruitfulness;Usage right;Occupancy right;
- Summary/Abstract:Law on the Essential Property Relations of the former socialist Yugoslavia did not standardize personal usufructs, but the possibility of their existence was predicted. This was a consequence of the opinion that the individual usufruct does not represent a basic property-legal relation. Proprietary Law of the Republika Srpska regulates them in detail and in modern way, which is important, since the change of property relations and economical market conditions allow the application of those usufructs effectual in practice. That way their re(affirmation) in our legal system as individual usufructs and primarily their fruitfulness can have a multiple function and wide social importance. Private property has acquired a justified place in our society again, and for that reason we can see further enlargement of the aforementioned usufructs. Individual usufruct has a very wide range of appliance. Practical application of the aforesaid usufructs facilitates their implementation and accomplishment of the important goals in private law (especially in family and hereditary relations) and in certain cases in the pubic law.
Савремене тенденције у примени ГМ хране - осврт на српско законодавство
Савремене тенденције у примени ГМ хране - осврт на српско законодавство
(Modern Trends in the Application of GM Food - Review of Serbian Legislation)
- Author(s):Vidoje Spasić, Dragan Vujisić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Agriculture
- Page Range:618-641
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:Biotechnology;Plant varieties;Breeder;Genetic engineering;GMOs;GM food;
- Summary/Abstract:One of the most prominent and important issues today is the market and use of GM foods in the world. In some countries the use of such food is legalized, whereas in some other ones, it is highly debated about this matter and there is strong resistance to its introduction into legislation and real life. Proponents of the use of GM foods for human and animal consumption justify it by highlighting the elimination of hunger and poverty in the world, because the population is constantly growing and food resources can not meet this growing trend. Since traditional agricultural methods are not sufficient, it is necessary to apply new biotechnological methods in the form of genetic engineering. GM food represents GMO products whose genes have been modified by inserting genes from species that are neither related nor similar. In the past years, Serbia has adopted several laws in this area, and a new one is being drafted. Existing laws are modern, positive and progressive, as they improve the legal position of breeders of new plant varieties.These regulations also contain explicit provisions that protect food security and prohibit the trade and use of GM foods. However, these provisions are later in an in¬direct way neutralized. Thus, there is a possibility of acquiring the breeder’s right on genetically modified plants, what can lead to legal production and use of GM food. In addition, although something might be prohibited by law, it can still be approved by the Ministers, which is not a good solution. Although there are certain advantages of GM foods, there are, however, way more negative effects of its use on humans, animals and the ecosystem. Some experiments conducted on animals have already demonstrated that. However, the key concern and the fear is that there is still no reliable evidence on the consequences of the use of GM food and that some of the consequences will be visible only after a long period of time. Then, it may be too late for any discussion about this matter.
Rights to Legal Representation of Children in Conflict With the Law
Rights to Legal Representation of Children in Conflict With the Law
(Rights to Legal Representation of Children in Conflict With the Law)
- Author(s):Bistra Netkova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Criminal Law, Criminology
- Page Range:642-649
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Legal representation;Children;Criminal justice system;
- Summary/Abstract:Legal aid/legal representation is an essential element of a fair, humane and efficient criminal justice system that is based on the rule of law. The right to legal representation is a precondition of children’s access to justice. Children left alone without any independent legal counsel are not only deprived of their voice, but are also subject to numerous abuses as they are often intimidated and not aware of their rights, although these are guaranteed by almost all of the countries in the world. The right to legal representation of children in conflict with the law is proscribed by the ICCPR, the ECHR, and specifically regarding children only the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). However, even though these international instruments provide a consistent of standards on child‐friendly measures for the provision of legal assistance to children, they do so in a very general manner. Only the Council of Europe Guidelines on Child-Friendly Justice, gives specific guidance on how lawyers, paralegals, should interact with child clients and their families, with child and other victims, with the police and prosecuting agencies, or with courts or tribunals designated to adjudicate cases. Therefore, there is much space for future development of possible international legal document that will address this issue in more specific manner.
Зеленашки уговор
Зеленашки уговор
(Usury Contracts)
- Author(s):Milica Panić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:650-665
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Law on Obligations;Nullity;Partial nullity;Usury contracts;
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper we will discuss current issues related to the green contract regulated by Art. 141 of the Law on Obligations, as a contract that someone uses by means of a state of emergency, serious material status, insufficient experience, frivolity, addiction treaties for himself or a third person, the benefit which is in obvious disproportion to what he has given or done, or do. We will specifically look at the relationship between the green contract and the excessive damage, i.e. the justification of the existence of both institutes in our law. Considering the economic situation in the country, we will pay special attention to the loan agreement and the loan, i.e. the amount of the contractual interest rates. We will also analyze the solutions of the countries in the region, and of course, the court ruling on this issue. As far as methods are concerned, we will use a positive, historical, and comparative methods.
Institut nužnog nasljedstva : Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine, versus Republika Srpska
Institut nužnog nasljedstva : Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine, versus Republika Srpska
(The Institution of Necessary Part of Inheritance : Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Vs. Republic of Srpska)
- Author(s):Boris Krešić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:666-679
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Inheritance Act;Necessary part of inheritance;Successor;Inheritance Law;
- Summary/Abstract:Adoption of the “new” Inheritance Acts in Bosnia and Herzegovina led to different solutions regarding the institution of necessary parts of inheritance. Inheritance Act in the Republic of Srpska does not define registered partner as successor, while the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Act on Inheritance defined a child from partial adoption as a relative necessary successor. Both laws in a uniform manner determine the size of the necessary parts of inheritance in a way that a necessary part of the absolute necessary successors is one half of what they would inherit by the law, while a necessary part of the relative necessary heirs is one third of what would be inherited by the law. Institution of exclusion from the necessary inherited share, in terms of specifying the conditions for exclusion is not the same in both acts. The legislator in RS does not recognize the perpetration of a crime against the integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina or humanity and values protected by international law as conditions for the exclusion. Furthermore, the lack of work and honest life, as conditions for exclusion must be met cumulatively. The difference that exists in terms of exclusion is that, according to FBH Act, the indication of the basis for the exclusion is considered a condition of validity of the exclusion in the Federation. Deprivation of necessary parts of inheritance is also mostly identically regulated in both laws. The difference exists in terms of conditions to be met by an adult person on whose behalf a deprivation is executed. Both laws continue to govern deprivation analogously, according to provisions of the law relating to the exclusion from the necessary parts of inheritance which can lead to inadequate solutions in practice. A particular problem in the Act of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina reflects the institutions of deprivation or exclusion through a marriage contract. The adoption of new laws on inheritance is not contributing to better inheritance and legal position of necessary heirs, but rather opened new questions and set new differences between entity laws.
Особености законског уређивања друштва са ограниченом одговорношћу у Босни и Херцеговини
Особености законског уређивања друштва са ограниченом одговорношћу у Босни и Херцеговини
(The Peculiarities of Legal Regulation of a Limited Liability Company in Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author(s):Đorđe Perišić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:680-697
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:A limited liability company;Constitutive act;Administration;Stake;Share;
- Summary/Abstract:А limited liability company, as one as, a form of company, represents a very important and frequent form economic organization everywhere in the world, as well as in our country. This form of the company was introduced into the legal system of the former Yugoslavia by the Commercial code for the Kingdom of Yugoslavia from 1937 and it was regulated again only bu the 1988. Law on enterprises of the SFRJ. After a collapse of a common state, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, company law was found within the competence of the Entities and the Brcko District, so that limited liability company was governed by entity laws on enterprises or company. In the period from 1988. until now, the legal regulation of a limited liability company has suffered some change, which were largely the result of adjusting the existing legal framework of the European Union regulations. The changes mainly concerned the manner of management of the company and issues related to core capital. In that sense, the most active was the law-marker of Republic of Srpska. By the Law of Companies of the Republic of Srpska of 2008. the two-tier system of managing the company was replaced by unicameral, and the most significant changes related to do fixed capital were related to do reduction of the minimum amount of the monetary part of the share capital, which in the Republic of Srpska since 2013., is 1 KM. When comparing the ways of regulating a limited liability company in the laws on companies of Republic of Srpska, the Federation BiH and the Law on Enterprises of the Brcko District, there is a lack of uniformity, this raisin the issue of the need for harmonization of the legal regulation of a limited liability company within BiH.
Zamjena kazne zatvora novčanom kaznom
Zamjena kazne zatvora novčanom kaznom
(Substitution of Sentences of Imprisonment With Fines)
- Author(s):Miloš Babić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law, Penal Policy
- Page Range:701-714
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Imprisonment sentence;Fines;Punishment;Criminal Code;
- Summary/Abstract:In his paper, the author discusses the criminal institution of substitution of sentences of imprisonment with fines, which was, in a somewhat different manner, first introduced to our criminal legislation by the 2000 RS Criminal Code. By relevant 2010 amendments to the criminal legislation, this institution was then accepted also by other criminal laws in BiH, which expanded the possibility to have this substitute so as to include all imposed sentences of up to one year of imprisonment. The paper particularly points out that there exist rather different approaches and readings of the provisions regulating this substitute, which has led to its different application and uneven positions of the sentenced perpetrators of criminal offenses who have received identical sentences of imprisonment. The extent of this different treatment in the application of this institution is best illustrated by the fact that it has been a subject of discussion at the BiH Constitutional Court, whose positions differ significantly from those of other courts (including the position taken by the FBiH Supreme Court) concerning the practical application of the institute. Finally, the author warns of serious criminal consequences that may be caused by the position allowing judgments imposing a sentence of imprisonment to be altered and a new judgment to be delivered instead, imposing but a fine. A question arises here as to which of the punishments is relevant with regard to the statute of limitations, what is the moment the period of statute of limitations starts to run, and also the question which of the punishments is entered into criminal record, which again entails the issue of legal consequences of conviction, and ultimately the issue of the execution of the sentence of imprisonment in case of failure to pay the newly-imposed fine.
Dete kao žrtva ubistva u pravu Srbije
Dete kao žrtva ubistva u pravu Srbije
(Child as a Murder Victim in the Serbian Law)
- Author(s):Dragan Jovašević
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law, Criminology, Victimology
- Page Range:715-728
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Life;Deprivation;Law;Criminal offence;Murder;Child;Responsibility;Punishment;
- Summary/Abstract:Violent offences directed against body integrity of other persons are in¬disputably considered as the most dangerous forms and aspects of criminality. They are known as the offences against body integrity or “blood offences”. Due to its significance, nature, characteristics and consequences, the crime of murder, for which all contemporary legislations prescribe the most severe types and measures of punishment, particularly stands out among these criminal offences. There are three types of murder. They include: 1) ordinary (common) murder, 2) murder committed under mitigating circumstances and 3) murder committed under aggravating circumstances, for which the most severe punishment is prescribed – the punishment of long – term or life – time prison. All contemporary criminal legislations are familiar with various forms and aspects of the crime of murder, depending on the division criteria. Murders committed out of various (different) motives that inspired their perpetrators to cause the death of another person, particularly stand out among other types of murder. Depending on its nature, type, contents and characteristics, perpetrator’s motive, may appear either as an aggravating or as a mitigating circumstance. This paper discusses the term, characteristics, and elements of the crime of murder in the cases when the attribute of child as the element of their description, from both – theoretical as well as practical aspect.
Европски стандарди и казнени систем Републике Србије
Европски стандарди и казнени систем Републике Србије
(European Standards and Penal System of Republic of Serbia)
- Author(s):Dragan Jovašević, Marina M. Simović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law, Penal Policy, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:729-745
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Criminal act;Perpetrator;European standards;Penalty;Court;Method of setting penalties;
- Summary/Abstract:When it comes to social reaction measures towards perpetrators of criminal acts all contemporary states recognize several different types and measures of criminal penalties in their systems. In that way it is possible to accomplish individualization of criminal penalties by type and measure for every perpetrator of a specific criminal act, in accordance with its psychological characteristics, but also level of social threat caused by the degree and intensity of that consequence. Still, in the system of criminal sanctions different types of sanctions that deprive or limit the perpetrators of criminal acts of their constitutional rights, and rights and freedoms recognized by law are the most applied ones. However, that system of sanctions must be at all levels synchronized with relevant European standards.
Trgovina ljudima u krivičnom zakonodavstvu Republike Srpske
Trgovina ljudima u krivičnom zakonodavstvu Republike Srpske
(Trafficking in Human Beings in the Criminal Law of the Republic of Srpska)
- Author(s):Ivanka Marković
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Criminal Law
- Page Range:746-758
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Trafficking in human beings;The forms of exploration of the victims of the trafficking in human beings;
- Summary/Abstract:The 2013 Law on the Amendments of the Criminal Law of the Republic of Srpske reformed the criminal provisions on the trafficking in human beings. The Law was enriched with the incriminations such as trafficking inhuman beings, trafficking in juveniles, and organizing of a crime group for the committal of the criminal offences of the trafficking in human beings,trafficking in juveniles. The criminal offence trafficking in human beings for the purpose of prostitution has been renamed as the criminal offence of allegation of prostitution. In this way the process of the harmonization of the criminal law legislation with the international standards has been completed.At the same time, this led to the division of powers between the state and the entities in this sphere of the criminal law.The author analyses the above mentioned criminal offences, and explains whether there is criminal-political justification for certain legal provisions.The particular attention has been devoted to the fact that the mode of enforcement of the criminal offence trafficking in juvenile is an aggravating circumstance.
Разлози и могући ефекти реформе кривичног поступка према малолетницима у Републици Србији
Разлози и могући ефекти реформе кривичног поступка према малолетницима у Републици Србији
(Reasons and Possible Effects of Reforms to Juvenile Criminal Procedure in the Republic of Serbia)
- Author(s):Vladimir V. Veković
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law, Criminology
- Page Range:759-774
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Juvenile criminal law;Criminal proceedings against juveniles;Accession negotiations;Republic of Serbia;European Union;
- Summary/Abstract:Problems encountered during the ten-year implementation of the Law on Juvenile Offenders and Criminal Protection of Minors and recommendations of the European Commission in the report on screening for Chapter 23 − Judiciary and Fundamental Rights, have indicated clearly the need to adopt a new law that will fully regulate the position of juvenile criminal justice in the Republic of Serbia. Accordingly, the Draft Law on juvenile offenders and the protection of minors in criminal proceedings has been made in 2015 and presented to the public, which will bring significant and substantial innovations in our juvenile criminal law. Planned changes in the criminal proceedings against juveniles are fully in line with modern trends in science of juvenile criminal law, the most important universal and regional documents in this field, solutions in comparative juvenile criminal law, the European Court of Human Rights, as well as the highest standards of the European Union. The author points out that the activities in the legislative field are necessary to build an adequate institutional framework, strengthen the administrative capacity and ensure effective practical application of improved normative solutions. Coordinated and effective action on these interdependent levels undoubtedly can: a) contribute to the successful prevention and combating of crime in this age categories of offenders; b) facilitate the achievement of the objective of the proceedings against a juvenile − exercise its best interest; and c) have a positive impact on the dynamics of the negotiation process for Chapter 23, and therefore the faster accession of our country to the European Union.
Развој кривичноправног реаговања на криминалитет са освртом на улогу полиције
Развој кривичноправног реаговања на криминалитет са освртом на улогу полиције
(Development of the Criminal-Legal Reactions to Criminality With Respect to the Role of Police)
- Author(s):Uroš Pena
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law, Criminology
- Page Range:775-787
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Criminal legislation;Police;Prevention;Repression;Police work in the community;
- Summary/Abstract:It is necessary to rethink the role of the police in society since the criminality is in constant increase in the modern society. At the end of the 20th century great changes occurred in the concept of police regarding its organization and management. Traditional police model is not sufficient answer to the challenges of struggle against criminality. Traditional police tactics of the combat criminality have quite limited impact on its control. There is need for development of the new concept. The traditional concept is based on the bureaucratized police organization. The reform of the criminal legislation in 2003 also influenced this process. It led to dynamic and more important role of the police in combating criminal. Both Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina followed the process.
Реформа кривичног законодавства у области сузбијања тешких облика криминалитета у Републици Српској и Босни и Херцеговини
Реформа кривичног законодавства у области сузбијања тешких облика криминалитета у Републици Српској и Босни и Херцеговини
(Reform of Criminal Legislation in Combating Serious Crime in Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Heruegovina)
- Author(s):Mile Šikman
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law, Security and defense, Criminology
- Page Range:788-808
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Criminal law;Criminal procedure;Organized crime;Terrorism;
- Summary/Abstract:Serious forms of crime are a term that is more and more used in criminal law reforms. At the same time, this represents one of the most complex issues for at least two reasons: first, the very notion of serious crime is quite questionable and subject to debate on different levels and secondly, criminal incriminations and procedural mechanisms are extremely sensitive areas of criminal and procedural law which encompass serious forms of crime. More¬over, the noted area is under significant influence of the internationalization of criminal law, whereas numerous international legal instruments are treating this issue. In this regard, the paper will present an analysis of the criminal justice response to organized crime and terrorism, as ‘synonyms’ for serious crimes. This analysis will include the development of norms of substantive and procedural criminal law in the last 20 years (since the Dayton Peace Agreement up to present). Special emphasis will be on the period after adoption of new criminal laws and the Criminal Procedure Code (2003), which introduced not only new sanctions, but also established a new concept of investigative proceedings (for investigations) and introduced a new subjects of criminal proceedings. The above mentioned norms (organized crime, terror¬ism and crimes related to it, organized crime groups, terrorist groups, etc.), as well as introducing special investigative actions, are the key components of the criminal justice response to serious forms of crime.
Значај кривице у примени васпитних мера
Значај кривице у примени васпитних мера
(The Importance of Guilt in the Implementation Educational Measures)
- Author(s):Dragan Blagić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Education, Criminal Law
- Page Range:809-818
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Guilt;Education measures;Juveniles;
- Summary/Abstract:It is necessary to emphasize that despite the existence of differences in terms of age and maturity, as well as other properties of minor in comparison to adults, the fact is that the principle of guilt in some way is represented in the juvenile criminal law. Thus, a juvenile offender for an offense may be imposed criminal sanction if guilty, namely for his offense can be attributed to guilty because only then such an unlawful act constitutes a criminal offense. Unlike educational measures, where guilt is not legally prescribed as a criterion for pronouncing, with the juvenile prison sentence in article 28 ZOMUKD provides the requirements for its implementation, and a high degree guilt subjective criteria necessary for the application juvenile prison sentence.
Права лица осуђених на казну затвора у кривичном законодавству Републике Србије
Права лица осуђених на казну затвора у кривичном законодавству Републике Србије
(Rights of Persons Sentenced to Imprisonment in the Criminal Enforcement Legislation of the Republic of Srbija)
- Author(s):Zdravko Grujić, Ivan D. Milić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law, Criminology, Penal Policy
- Page Range:819-830
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Imprisonment;Rights of prisoners;Special rights of the convicted;Criminal executive legislation;
- Summary/Abstract:The authors of this paper critically analyze the norms which regulate the rights of persons sentenced to imprisonment in the criminal executive legislation of the Republic of Serbia which, after the adoption of the new Law on Execution of Criminal Sanctions, in pertinent part changed compared to solutions that are preceded to the applicable law. Volume of guaranteed rights and special rights (benefits) of prisoners, was, on the basis of previous regulations, in correlation with the type of institution in which the prison sentence is executed. The new law, to a large extent, derogated this principle. The paper presents a comparative analysis of the applicable provisions of the previous law on enforcement of criminal sanctions regulating the right of visits and reception of parcels, but also the provisions of the execution of imprisonment for the criminal acts of organized crime that apply in relation to specific categories of prisoners and which are, basically, considerably reduced in relation to the legal rights of „ordinary“ prisoners. In the concluding remarks of the paper authors present the views of the possibilities of realization and protection of the basic rights of the prisoners, as well as on the directions of further development of the criminal executive legislation in this area.
Zaštita prava lica u ekstradicijskim postupcima s posebnim osvrtom na primjenu načela Non-refoulement (u slučaju postojanja rizika od povrede člana 3 Evropske konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda)
Zaštita prava lica u ekstradicijskim postupcima s posebnim osvrtom na primjenu načela Non-refoulement (u slučaju postojanja rizika od povrede člana 3 Evropske konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda)
(Protection of Rights of People in Extradition Procedures With Special Overview on Implementation of Principle Non-refoulement (In Case of Risk of Violation of Article 3 of European Convention on Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms))
- Author(s):Vladimir M. Simović, Anita Kunić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:831-851
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Extradition;Confinement;Deportation;Protection of rights;Non-refoulement;
- Summary/Abstract:Convention extradition procedures, as legal actions between interested states, are political relations with legal purpose and include responsibility of respect of all international regulations on human rights incorporated in domestic legal order. In that sense, binding legal source is also practice of the European Court of Human Rights that contains numerous relevant decisions in the field of extradition and refugee law that often intertwine in the procedures of this field. In extradition procedures accused or convicted persons often refer to non-refoulement principle, pointing out that there is a risk of violating Article 3 of the European Convention for Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (prohibition of torture). On the other hand, European Court for Human Rights has set high criteria in gaining the right not to be extradited in order to avoid being a “safe harbor” for perpetrators of criminal act and with that efficient prevention of crime with international element.
Континентално-адверзијално утврђивање чињеница у кривичном поступку
Континентално-адверзијално утврђивање чињеница у кривичном поступку
(Continental-Adversial Establishing the Facts in the Criminal Proceedings)
- Author(s):Ivan Ilić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:852-867
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Legally relevant facts;Indications;Fact-finding;Establishing the facts;Adversial criminal proceedings;Continental criminal proceedings;
- Summary/Abstract:In order to achieve an immediate and total (final) aim of the criminal proceedings, it is necessary to find answers to questions that have been raised in the criminal request. It is about the existence of the crime, the offender, and the fulfillment of the conditions for the application of criminal sanctions. In addition, it is sometimes necessary to take a decision on the existence of the conditions for the conduct of criminal proceedings. The decision can be made after determining all the relevant circumstances of the case. Fact-finding is one of the important characteristics of the type of criminal procedure. As each criminal matter is different, as the real event from reality, which took place in the past, in criminal proceedings establishes different types of facts. In criminal proceedings, sometimes there is a need to evaluate the credibility of a source of knowledge about the relevant legal facts. This is achieved by determining the auxiliary facts. The differences between the continental-European and Anglo-American criminal procedure, among other things, are reflected in the subjects of establishing the facts. While in the continental proceedings it is on the Court, in the adversial proceedings the facts establishes the jury. The author first deals with the notion and the types of facts, which are determined in criminal proceedings. Then the basic characteristics of modern types of criminal proceedings are presented. After that, the author deals with subjects participating in establishing the facts, according to the pro-visions of the Serbian Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) from 2011. After detailed analysis of the CPC provisions, the conclusion is that the adversial procedure, which introduced by adopting CPC from 2011, remained out of an important element – the existence of the jury. Thus, a hybrid is created, something like continental-adversial type of criminal procedure, which is reflected on the fact-finding, as well as the achievement of the objective goals of the procedure.
Нека спорна питања која се односе на доказну радњу испитивање сведока у ЗКП-у Републике Србије
Нека спорна питања која се односе на доказну радњу испитивање сведока у ЗКП-у Републике Србије
(Some Disputable Issues Concerning Probation of Witness in the Criminal Procedure Act of the Republic of Serbia)
- Author(s):Nikola Vuković
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:868-880
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Questioning witnesses;Denial of testimony;Anonymous witness;Protected witness;Protected person;
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of this paper are vexed questions related to the examination of the witness, which may occur in practice. The paper is visually structured in given items in order to achieve better intelligibility. Each item has its own article to deal with. The paper also presents solutions from Criminal Procedure Code of the Federal Republic of Germany. Brief reference is made to the relevant decisions of European Court of Human Rights regarding the institution of anonymous witnesses. Finally, the author points out on the differentiation between the terms from the CPC of the Republic of Serbia (2011) and the Law on the program of Protection of Participants in Criminal Proceedings (2005).