Czytanie między językami. Szkice komparatystyczne z literatury polskiej i hiszpańskojęzycznej / Leer entre lenguas. Acercamiento comparativo entre la literatura hispánica y la polaca
Reading between Languages: Comparative Sketches of Polish and Spanish Written Literature
Contributor(s): Ewa Kobyłecka-Piwońska (Editor), Agnieszka Kłosińska-Nachin (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Comparative Study of Literature, Polish Literature, Other Language Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: comparative literature; Spanish literature; Polish literature; Latin American novel; transition to democracy; post-war poetry; migration; essay; Gombrowicz; Witkowski; Herbert; Szymborska; Colinas; Cercas
Summary/Abstract: The monograph aims to investigate the intertextual relations between Polish and Spanish written literature. The authors analyze the following issues: links between art and everyday life in Wislawa Szymborska’s and Carlos Bousoño’s poetry; the quest for harmony in the work of both Zbigniew Herbert and Antonio Colinas; characteristics of the literary essay written by Zbigniew Herbert, Octavio Paz and Rafael Argullol; the literary pictures of the political transformation in Poland and Spain (Cercas, Pilch, Karpowicz); the problem of grammatical gender in Polish-Spanish translation on the basis of Michal Witkowski’s novel; Witold Gombrowicz’s presence in Argentinian and Latin American contemporary literature, in particular, in its autofictional aspects and, finally, literary innovations in Alejandro Zambra’s literary work. // Czytać to porównywać, ponieważ każdy akt poznania odwołuje się do zjawisk znanych z poprzednich doświadczeń. Porównując, nie tylko poszerzamy pola tego, co znane, lecz przede wszystkim stawiamy w nowym świetle kategorie już przyswojone, podając je w wątpliwość dzięki odświeżającym kontekstom inności. To wstępne założenie przyświeca prezentowanym szkicom, których celem jest przyjrzenie się wielości związków między literaturami języka hiszpańskiego (zarówno hiszpańską, jak i hispanoamerykańską) a literaturą polską. W tak rozumianym akcie porównania rachunek zysków i strat jest zawsze dostatni: teksty tracą wprawdzie najbliższy i najbardziej oczywisty kontekst (w którym skądinąd funkcjonują w jakimś sensie wygodnie, a w każdym razie naturalnie), ale zyskują nową przestrzeń lektury i nowe możliwości oddziaływania. // Leer es comparar, porque cada acto de percepción remite a objetos ya incorporados a nuestro conocimiento desde experiencias previas. Así, el acto de comparar significa no solo ensanchar el ámbito de lo conocido sino también, y tal sobre todo, arrojar luz sobre lo conocido, poniéndolo en entredicho revalorizando sus fundamentos.Desde presupuesto básico, los autores del presente libro pretenden acercarse a la multitud de relaciones que se cruzan entre la literatura hispánica y la polaca. En esta lógica de “comparación universal”, el balance de ganancias y pérdidas es siempre positivo: si bien los textos pierden su contexto de recepción más cercano y evidente -donde funcionan de manera acomodada o natural- ganan, en cambio, un espacio de lectura nuevo y posibilidades de resonar más poderosamente.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8142-061-7
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8142-060-0
- Page Count: 192
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: Polish, Spanish
Dos poetas de posguerra (Wislawa Szymborska y Carlos Bousoño)
Dos poetas de posguerra (Wislawa Szymborska y Carlos Bousoño)
(Two PostWar Poets (Wislawa Szymborska and Carlos Bousoño))
- Author(s):Santiago Fortuño Llorens
- Language:Spanish
- Subject(s):Comparative Study of Literature, Polish Literature, Other Language Literature
- Page Range:19-34
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:post-war poetry; existentialism and interculturality
- Summary/Abstract:This study, the blending of postwar Polish writer W. Szymborska (1923–2012) poetry with Carlos Bousoño’s verses (1923–2015), contemporary first generation of postwar poets in Spain, shows common trends amongst both: life projected through the means of poetry and the manifestation of life happenings through artistic expressive modes. Along with the creation of the self, to literary fiction, they choose drawing on mythology, painting, the Bible, literature itself… as demonstrations of cultural universality.
W harmonii z naturą i kosmosem? O poezji Antonia Colinasa i Zbigniewa Herberta
W harmonii z naturą i kosmosem? O poezji Antonia Colinasa i Zbigniewa Herberta
(In Harmony with Nature and Universe? On Poems by Antonio Colinas and Zbigniew Herbert)
- Author(s):Maria Judyta Woźniak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Comparative Study of Literature, Polish Literature, Other Language Literature
- Page Range:35-58
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:Antonio Colinas; Zbigniew Herbert; contemporary poetry; comparative literature; harmony
- Summary/Abstract:There exists a deep spiritual union between poems by the Spanish author, Antonio Colinas (born 1946), and those written by Zbigniew Herbert (1924–1998), which is reflected by, among others, seeking harmony in nature and the universe. Although the poetic concept of the two authors often runs in various directions, a comparative analysis gives rise to a dia¬logue which reveals at some points surprising similarities and striking differences. When contemplating nature and arrangement of the universe both authors arrive at a conclusion that in fact the world is not an order, and what may be found in it, instead of the desired sense, is an emptiness which, however, for Colinas as opposed to Herbert, unveils the desired sense to the human being. What Herbert mostly sees is the union of suf¬fering between the human being and nature, whereas Colinas can notice a trace of some order in the omnipresent death.
Un esbozo comparativo de la ensayística de Zbigniew Herbert con textos hispánicos
Un esbozo comparativo de la ensayística de Zbigniew Herbert con textos hispánicos
(A Comparative Sketch of the Essays of Zbigniew Herbert with Hispanic Texts)
- Author(s):Amán Rosales Rodríguez
- Language:Spanish
- Subject(s):Comparative Study of Literature, Polish Literature, Other Language Literature
- Page Range:59-83
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:literary essay; travel literature; Polish essay; Spanish essay; Spanish-American essay
- Summary/Abstract:A re-reading of some of Zbigniew Herbert’s essays is proposed in base of a comparison with texts by Octavio Paz and Rafael Argullol. The following topics are commented: characteristics of the literary essay, the travel as geographical displacement and spiritual experience, the relationship between the individual and history, and the moderately skeptical view of Western culture, present, in different degrees, in the three authors.
Literackie obrazy transformacji. „Poturbowana prawda” w Oszuście Javiera Cercasa, Spisie cudzołożnic Jerzego Pilcha i Sońce Ignacego Karpowicza
Literackie obrazy transformacji. „Poturbowana prawda” w Oszuście Javiera Cercasa, Spisie cudzołożnic Jerzego Pilcha i Sońce Ignacego Karpowicza
(Literary Pictures of the Transition to Democracy. “Battered Truth” in The impostor by Javier Cercas, Spis cudzoloznic by Jerzy Pilch and Sonka by Ignacy Karpowicz)
- Author(s):Agnieszka Kłosińska-Nachin
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Comparative Study of Literature, Polish Literature, Other Language Literature
- Page Range:85-104
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:comparative literature; The impostor by Javier Cercas; Spis cudzołożnic by Jerzy Pilch; Sońka by Ignacy Karpowicz
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the article is to compare three literary pictures of the political transformation presented in The impostor (2014) by Javier Cercas, Spis cudzołożnic (1993) by Jerzy Pilch and Sońka (2014) by Ignacy Karpowicz. These novels emphasize their discursive character, thereby revealing that the history is always a narration, not an uninfected series of events. The transformation is shown in conjunction with the theme of historical memory and imposture. The transition to the democracy revealed the new ways of falsifying history, in which the culture got involved on the basis of mass communication.
Gender w przekładzie. Tłumaczenie na język hiszpański powieści Lubiewo Michała Witkowskiego
Gender w przekładzie. Tłumaczenie na język hiszpański powieści Lubiewo Michała Witkowskiego
(Gender in translation. Translating Lovetown by Michał Witkowski into Spanish)
- Author(s):Anna Wendorff
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Comparative Study of Literature, Polish Literature
- Page Range:105-119
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Michał Witkowski; Lovetown; literary translation; grammatical gender; gender studies
- Summary/Abstract:This article attempts a closer look at the issue of grammatical gender in translation. The analysis of this concept is based on Michał Witkowski’s novel Lubiewo (Kraków: Korporacja Ha!art, 2005 [2006]) and its Spanish translation by Joanna Albin (Lovetown, Barcelona: Anagrama, 2011). The author of the article aims to analyse problems of grammatical gender translation which stem from the differences between the Polish and Spanish grammar systems, and how the gender specific elements in the Polish text were rendered in the target language, especially in the fragments in which Spanish did not have the grammatical gender equivalent and the translator had to compensate for it in a different fragment.
Diálogos con lo marginal. Witold Gombrowicz en la literatura argentina contemporánea
Diálogos con lo marginal. Witold Gombrowicz en la literatura argentina contemporánea
(Dialogues with Margins. Witold Gombrowicz in the Contemporary Argentinian Literature)
- Author(s):Ewa Kobyłecka-Piwońska
- Language:Spanish
- Subject(s):Comparative Study of Literature, Other Language Literature
- Page Range:121-141
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Witold Gombrowicz; world literature; Argentinian novel; Argentinian criticism; César Aira
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the article is to present Witold Gombrowicz as an Argentinian writer. His inclusion in the Argentinian literary canon is analysed by applying the methodological tools provided by the theory of “world literature”. Different interpretation of his literary output, proposed by the Argentinian criticism, are also investigated. Finally, the study centres on the possible links between Gombrowicz’s aesthetics and Cesar Aira’s literary and critical works.
Roberto Bolaño y Witold Gombrowicz: dos rebeldes de las letras
Roberto Bolaño y Witold Gombrowicz: dos rebeldes de las letras
(Roberto Bolaño and Witold Gombrowicz: the Rebels of Literature)
- Author(s):Natalia Sadowska
- Language:Spanish
- Subject(s):Comparative Study of Literature, Polish Literature, Other Language Literature
- Page Range:143-163
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Bolaño; Gombrowicz; comparative literaturę; extraterritoriality; autofiction
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the present work is to provide examples which are clear illustration of the connection between Polish and Hispanic literature, in this case incarnated by the figures of Roberto Bolaño and Witold Gombrowicz: two writers known for the rebellious nature of their poetics and the urban legend of controversial which was created around their lives. Therefore, the following work proposes the approach to the life and work of both authors with the purpose of indicate relations between them, both literary and biographical, thus prove the connections which exist between Polish and Spanish letters.
Formy powrotu (do pisania). Powiedzmy… Alejandro Zambra
Formy powrotu (do pisania). Powiedzmy… Alejandro Zambra
(Ways of Going Home (and Back to Writing). Say… Alejandro Zambra)
- Author(s):Arkadiusz Żychliński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Comparative Study of Literature, Polish Literature, Other Language Literature
- Page Range:165-190
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:Alejandro Zambra; comparative literature; literary evolution; progress in/of literature
- Summary/Abstract:The article starts with the striking observation that the writing of Alejandro Zambra, a distinctive contemporary Chilean writer of the middle generation, can be treated both as a string of intriguing experiments sounding various ways of (a personal going back to) writing, and as a convenient frame of reference to discuss the notion of the progress in literature. Accordingly, a comprehensive analysis of Zambra’s literary work intertwines with questions concerning the spectrum of literary innovations, the conditions of the possibility of producing new narrative dispositives, the limitations of formal inventiveness, and the regulative function of the cognitive value added.