Историја и географија: Сусрети и прожимања
History and Geography: Meetings and Permeations
Contributor(s): Sofija Božić (Editor), Dragan Aleksić (Editor), Željko Bjeljac (Editor), Rajko Bukvić (Editor), Mirčeta Vemić (Editor), Andrej Borisovič Edemski (Editor), Zoran Janjetović (Editor), Milan Radovanović (Editor), Slobodan Selinić (Editor), Valter Cilincar (Editor), Saumitra Mukherjee (Editor), Imre Nadj (Editor), Mariana Nikolova (Editor), Dario Cesar Sanchez (Editor), Joao Fernando Pereira Gomes (Editor), Jelena Radovanović (Translator)
Subject(s): History, Social Sciences, Education, Geography, Regional studies, Historical Geography, Maps / Cartography, Sociology, Political history, Social history, Social development, Rural and urban sociology
Published by: Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije
Keywords: History; geography; Serbia; Middle ages; modern age; military; army; politics; geopolitics; borders; demography; environment; urbanization; Belgrade; maps; education; history of education; geography teaching;
Summary/Abstract: Веза између људских заједница и њиховог окружења привлачила је пажњу већ од најранијих почетака истраживања људског друштва. Прва историјска дела, настала из пера античких писаца Херодота и Тукидида, натопљена су географским описима и разматрањима, да би ренесанса по- ново подстакла, током средњег века пригушено, интересовање за природни амбијент у коме су се одвијала збивања из прошлости. Откривање дотле непознатих делова света, крајем 15. века, довело је до наглог повећања географских знања и до тога да се друштвено уређење заједница народа на новооткривеним континентима и понашање њихових припадника све чешће објашњава спољашњим факторима. Износећи своје погледе о људском друштву и различитим аспектима његовог постојања и функционисања, европски мислиоци модерног доба почели су да обраћају већу пажњу на природне услове: од енглеског историчара и теолога Питера Хејлина, преко Жана Бодена, Монтескјеа, Мишлеа, Карла Ритера, Ернста Курцијуса, Иполита Тена и других. Схватање (подстакнуто и Дарвиновом теоријом о пореклу врста) да су историјска збивања и географски фактори у међузависности, да се све што је везано уз људску популацију и битно за њу одвија на географском подручју, да су историјска догађања кључни фактор организације и преображаја простора, довело је најзад до издвајања посебне дисциплине, историјске географије, чијим се утемељи- вачем сматра немачки научник Фридрих Рацел. [...]
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-86-7005-125-6
- Page Count: 841
- Publication Year: 2014
- Language: English, Russian, Serbian
Подунавље и Посавина Србије у позном средњем веку. Историјско-географски аспекти истраживања
Подунавље и Посавина Србије у позном средњем веку. Историјско-географски аспекти истраживања
(Historical and Geographical Aspects of the Research of the Serbian Podunavlje and Posavina (The Danube and the Sava Region) in the Late Middle Ages)
- Author(s):Aleksandar Krstić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Historical Geography, Social history, Middle Ages, Social development, The Ottoman Empire
- Page Range:23-39
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Podunavlje (the Danube region); Posavina (the Sava region); Serbia; the Middle Ages; historical geography;
- Summary/Abstract:The period between the Battle of Kosovo (1389) and the formation of the eyelets of Buda (1541) and Temesvár (1552) was marked by the breakthrough of the Ottomans in the Danube region and their struggle with Serbia (until 1459) and Hungary to master this area. It is also the medieval period richest in sources for the study of social and economic history and historical geography of the Serbian Podunavlje and Posavina (the Danube and the Sava region). This paper presents a review of previous research on this issue, points out the main historical sources and problems that they put in front of researchers and presents the latest research results, in part resulting from the author’s research. The „land” (zemlja) in medieval Serbia was greater territorial and administrative unit, which included several župas (districts). In the area of northern Serbia, in Posavina, there was the “land” of Mačva, and in Podunavlje the “land” of Kučevo and Braničevo. More recent studies have defined the borders of specified areas and corrected earlier misconceptions about the propagation of the Hungarian government in northwestern Serbia in the late Middle Ages, caused by equalizing the Mačva “land” and the Hungarian Banat of Mačva (Macsó). The Hungarian Banat of Mačva was at that time confined to a narrow area next to the Sava with several fortresses and their districts. By change in the Hungarian-Serbian relations in the first half of 15th century, these regions were connected to the Serbian state until the Ottoman conquest in 1458/1459. Kučevo, which expanded between the rivers Velika Morava, Danube, Jasenica and the mountains of Avala and Kosmaj, was in administrative terms united with the “land” of Braničevo. However, during the 14th and the 15th century Kučevo survived as a particular geographical area. Comparing the data on settlements provided by Serbian charters with material from the Ottoman censuses – defters, one can get a picture of their continuity and discontinuity, which indirectly indicates depopulation during the warfare that led to the collapse of the Serbian state. Such research in the area of Braničevo shows that half of the villages of Braničevo completely lost their inhabitants during the Ottoman subjugation of Serbia. The comparison of the data of the medieval and Ottoman sources also showed a kind of continuity in economic centres – market places in the area of Braničevo. The Ottoman defters have shown that there were a large number of settlements in the Serbian Danube and the Sava region in the second half of the 15th and the first decades of the 16th century, but they were mostly small. Archaeological excavations provide valuable findings on the appearance of the settlements and way of life in the Danube and the Sava region. The Ottoman defters provide the insight into the economic structure in rural settlements during the second half of the 15th and early 16 century. The defters enable to obtain a relatively accurate picture of the proportional representation of crops in total production. On this basis, it may be noted that wheat was grown most of all the cereals (about 35%), followed by barley, rye, millet, oats. Among other crops, in addition to growing fruits and vegetables, followed by flax and hemp, vine was grown to a large extent.
- Price: 4.50 €
The Administrative Division of Bitolya (Monastir) Vilayet
The Administrative Division of Bitolya (Monastir) Vilayet
(The Administrative Division of Bitolya (Monastir) Vilayet)
- Author(s):Voin Bojinov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Governance, Public Administration, Political history, The Ottoman Empire
- Page Range:41-52
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Administrative division; Bitolya (Monastir); Kaza; Macedonia; Ottoman Empire; Sanjak; Vilayet;
- Summary/Abstract:The article traces the formation of Bitolya (Monastir) Vilayet and the development of the administrative division of the province. Based on tracts of contemporaries, some archive materials and research works of modern historians, this short study describes the internal borders of the Vilayet and aims to propose another look over the complex Ottoman administrative structure.
- Price: 4.50 €
Колаборација у окупираној Европи 1939–1945: компаративна анализа француског, грчког и српског искуства
Колаборација у окупираној Европи 1939–1945: компаративна анализа француског, грчког и српског искуства
(Collaboration in Occupied Europe, 1939–1945: A Comparative Analysis of French, Greek and Serbian Experience)
- Author(s):Aleksandar Stojanović, Dušan Bajagić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Military history, Political history, International relations/trade, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949)
- Page Range:53-88
- No. of Pages:36
- Keywords:occupation; collaboration; World War II; Vichy France; Serbia; Greece;
- Summary/Abstract:Collaboration is a social phenomenon that traces the history of war deep into the past, but the modern perception of which is largely shaped by the experience of the Second World War. Scientific study of the European experience of cooperation with the occupying forces took place over many years in the context of the Cold War ideological pressures on historiography, while the moral determination toward this phenomenon was often subordinated to current political and national interests. In the last two decades there has been an increase of research interest in the topic of collaboration in the World War II, as a significant improvement in the quality of the scientific production of this problem. The paper is a summarized overview of the results of recent historiographical research on the collaboration in the World War II on the territory of occupied France, Greece and Serbia. Originated from the original archival sources from the Serbian archives and the most current literature in English, this work is a contribution to the comparative study of collaboration in Europe during the World War II.
- Price: 6.00 €
Војногеографски положај Југославије на почетку Хладног рата (1945–1954)
Војногеографски положај Југославије на почетку Хладног рата (1945–1954)
(Military-Geographic Position of Yugoslavia at the Beginning of the Cold War (1945–1954))
- Author(s):Aleksandar Životić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Historical Geography, Military history, Political history, International relations/trade, Cold-War History, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:89-104
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Yugoslavia; East; West; geography; army; USSR;
- Summary/Abstract:The first post-war decade was filled with big foreign policy challenges for the newly established communist rule in Yugoslavia. Firmly siding with the Soviet Union, the subsequent sharp conflict, adherence to the Western world as a kind of way out of difficult situation and the subsequent normalization of relations with the Eastern bloc have caused the Yugoslav military-geographic position at the time. In the years of conflict with the western world Yugoslavia represented the most forward point on the west of the Eastern bloc and as such had a special status. The situation has completely changed during the conflict with the Soviet Union when it became an important bridgehead west to east. By its geographic, political, military and economic potentials Yugoslavia in these moments represented an important international factor, the space through which East and West communicated, as well as the space of potential conflict between them. In a way, its geographical location and military importance determined its role and fate during the Cold War.
- Price: 4.50 €
Друштвено-географске и економске карактеристике југословенске зоне Јулијске Крајине 1945–1954.
Друштвено-географске и економске карактеристике југословенске зоне Јулијске Крајине 1945–1954.
(Socio-Geographic and Economic Characteristics of the Julijska Krajina Yugoslav Zone 1945–1954)
- Author(s):Miljan Milkić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Military history, Political history, International relations/trade, Security and defense, Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:105-122
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Zone B; military administration; population; transportation; economy; tourism;
- Summary/Abstract:By the decisions of the Belgrade and the Devinski Agreement, the territory of Julijska Krajina was divided into Yugoslav zone (Zone B), in which the Yugoslav military administration had the government and the zone in which the Anglo-American military government administered (Zone A). On the basis of the Peace Treaty with Italy, the Free Territory of Trieste was formed, which legally represented internationally recognized state under the protectorate of the United Nations Security Council. The actual situation on the ground was such that the Zone A and Zone B, despite the existence of a common state, continued to evolve independently of each other. The Zone B was in the period from 1945 to 1954 turned toward Yugoslavia in all segments. In the Zone B lived Slovenian, Italian and Croatian population. All three nations had their own schools and cultural centres. Transport infrastructure in the Zone B was poorly developed and the traffic was usually carried out by sea routes. Economic development of the Zone B was significantly dependent on the assistance of Yugoslavia. Trade and international exchange of the Zone B was related to trade with Yugoslavia and to a lesser extent to the Zone A. At the end of this period, in October 1954, the Zone B was formally connected to Yugoslavia.
- Price: 4.50 €
Position of the Serbian Lands in the Global Geopolitical Concepts – Contribution to Understanding the Historical Fate of the Serbs in the 20th and 21st Century
Position of the Serbian Lands in the Global Geopolitical Concepts – Contribution to Understanding the Historical Fate of the Serbs in the 20th and 21st Century
(Position of the Serbian Lands in the Global Geopolitical Concepts – Contribution to Understanding the Historical Fate of the Serbs in the 20th and 21st Century)
- Author(s):Nebojša Vuković, Mirčeta Vemić
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Applied Geography, Political history, Recent History (1900 till today), Geopolitics
- Page Range:123-154
- No. of Pages:32
- Keywords:geopolitics; geo-strategy; Serbian lands; Eurasia;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper presents and analyzes the global geopolitical concepts of the 20th century distinguished scholars – geographers, geo-strategists and political scientists – A. Mahan, H. Mackinder, N. Spykman, J. Fairgrieve, S. Huntington, Z. Brzezinski, A. Dugin, and political-geographical and cultural-geographical position of the Serbian lands in those concepts. The aim is to demonstrate that many military and political challenges that the Serbian people faced in the past and the present century were primarily conditioned by the political-geographical and geo-strategic factors – the general geographic location of the Serbian lands, position relative to their neighbours and major powers and their geopolitical interests and concepts. In other words, this paper re-affirms the importance of political geography in the interpretation of important events in the past and present of the Serbian people.
- Price: 6.00 €
Polarization of Space in Serbia and its Peripheral Areas
Polarization of Space in Serbia and its Peripheral Areas
(Polarization of Space in Serbia and its Peripheral Areas)
- Author(s):Ondřej Žíla, Zdeněk Kučera
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Regional Geography, Applied Geography, Political history, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Geopolitics
- Page Range:155-179
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:polarization of space; regional differentiation; peripheral areas; Serbia; period 1990–2012;
- Summary/Abstract:This study discusses the progress and impact of the process of polarization of space and settlement at the level of territorial units (okrug – districts and opcinas) in Serbia from 1991 to 2011. With the help of analysis of selected data and referencing different literature, the study identifies, characterizes and then compares different peripheral areas in Serbia. The study analyzes, within the regional differentiation of Serbian territory after 1990, the extent to which this period differed from changes in the socialist era, i.e. whether the differences between core and peripheries deepened after 1990 and whether the position of individual regions in the country remained continuously maintained. The article is based on analysis of statistical data and demonstrates that the Serbian territory, at the macro-regional level, can be divided in two basic ways which manifest themselves in the long run: firstly, using the so called north-south zoning, which is mainly due to the physical and geographical conditions (polarity between mountain and lowland regions) and secondly, dividing the country based on a continuous zone of economic development, which is located in the north-south direction from Vojvodina across Novi Sad, Belgrade, Kragujevac and Niš and further along the South Moravia River. Within the regional differentiation of Serbia there are also identified and examined two main stages of development. Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija was not included in this analysis because of deficiency of relevant statistics data in the period under review.
- Price: 5.00 €
“Independent Kosovo” in the Context of the Declining American Hegemony
“Independent Kosovo” in the Context of the Declining American Hegemony
(“Independent Kosovo” in the Context of the Declining American Hegemony)
- Author(s):Tahir Mahmutefendić
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics, Political Philosophy, International relations/trade, Sociology of Politics
- Page Range:181-192
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Declining hegemony; Western civilization; Life cycle of civilization; Life cycle of hegemony; Extension strategy;
- Summary/Abstract:This article analyses short-term and long-term aims which US led international community wanted to achieve by recognition of Kosovo’s independence. Short-term goals could include releasing the political pressure from the Bush administration, establishing military bases in Kosovo and building a pipeline through the Balkans. In the long-run the recognition of Kosovo’s independence has a strategic goal to encourage secessionist movements in China and Russia, two the most likely challengers to a declining American hegemony. This is part of the extension strategy, whose aim is to postpone for as long as possible the decline stage of the American hegemony. In a wider context of the life cycle of civilizations, which is much longer than the hegemony cycle, it could also be part of the extension strategy to postpone the decline stage of the Western civilization.
- Price: 4.50 €
Историјски развој и модели регионализма у државама Европске уније
Историјски развој и модели регионализма у државама Европске уније
(Historical Development and Models of Regionalism in the European Union Member States)
- Author(s):Ana Jovanović, Darko Vuković
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Governance, Political history, Government/Political systems, Social development, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:193-221
- No. of Pages:29
- Keywords:regionalism; regionalization; historical development; models regionalism; European Union;
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of the analysis is focused on historical as well as on multidisciplinary approach to the study of phenomena, causes, development and consequences of regionalism in the EU member states. Essentially regionalism implies a social movement which by the politicization of certain territorial distinctiveness of the region and the resulting regional identity is aimed to obtaining a higher degree of political autonomy i.e. tо the realization of certain form of regional autonomy and the decentralization of government. With regard to the fact that territorial specificities of the region can be different, i.e. cultural-historical, ethno-linguistic, territorial and economic, the analysis indicates that there is no uniform rules of the historical development of regionalism in some European countries. While some regions as „historical“ have roots in ancient times, others were created during the feudal period and the formation of a series of territorially and functionally fragmented states forms, being an obstacle for the establishment of a centralized nation-state. We analyzed the process of creating the European nation-states during the 17–19 century and explained the centralized approach and hierarchical vision of the relationship between the central government and the regions, which was dominant in the territorial politics until the last decades of the 20th century. Special attention was paid to the development of regionalism and regionalization in many EU member states from the 1970s and current models of regionalism were analyzed. It was concluded that regionalism as a political movement, having different causes, inevitably established different requirements for a particular aspect of territorial autonomy with the specific legal and political content. Contemporary experience of regionalization indicates that the effects of regionalization as a mean of articulating and amortization of regionalist tendencies are dependent on the historical causes and conditions that have led to regionalism.
- Price: 5.00 €
Од демаркационе линије до међународно признате границе – Војска и дипломатија у борби за јужне границе Краљевине СХС 1919–1920.
Од демаркационе линије до међународно признате границе – Војска и дипломатија у борби за јужне границе Краљевине СХС 1919–1920.
(From Demarcation Line to the Internationally Recognized Border – The Army and Diplomacy in the Struggle for the Southern Borders of the Kingdom of SCS from 1919 to 1920)
- Author(s):Dmitar Tasić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Governance, Diplomatic history, Political history, International relations/trade, Period(s) of Nation Building, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:225-239
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Kingdom of SCS; the Paris Peace Conference; demarcation; army; Bulgaria; Albania; Strumica; Caribrod; Bosiljgrad; Podgradec;
- Summary/Abstract:The question of the constitution of the Kingdom of SCS is inseparable from the struggle for its international recognition. One of the important aspects of this process was the issue of borders. On the southern borders of the new state, there was the prevailing situation of neither war nor peace. While diplomats and experts at the green table in Paris tried to provide better boundaries for their country, the soldiers in the field endured great sacrifices for the same purpose. Occupations of Strumica, Caribrod and Bosiljgrad were the result of the implementation of a peace treaty with defeated Bulgaria. Events on the Yugoslav-Albanian border represented a continuation of the efforts of the Kingdom of Serbia to ensure itself better positions after the Balkan wars in highly complex military, political and economic conditions that characterized the emergence and further maintenance of the Albanian state.
- Price: 4.50 €
Милован Ђилас и питање разграничења између Србије и Хрватске 1945. године
Милован Ђилас и питање разграничења између Србије и Хрватске 1945. године
(Milovan Đilas, the Issue of Demarcation Between Serbia and Croatia in 1945)
- Author(s):Aleksandar V. Miletić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Political history, International relations/trade, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Geopolitics
- Page Range:241-261
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Vojvodina; Serbia; Croatia; Milovan Đilas; state commission; demarcation; republics; border;
- Summary/Abstract:The area where there has been the present-day border between Serbia and Croatia was in history repeatedly „shared” between the various government and administrative entities. Therefore, the dispute of the Croatian and Serbian (Vojvodina) communists had its roots deep in the past and in the ethnic mixing up of the terrain. The dispute culminated in the Second World War, so that it represented an internal problem for the new state government. In the middle of 1945 the AVNOJ Commission (National Antifascist Liberation Council of Yugoslavia) was determined for the demarcation between Vojvodina and Croatia. Milovan Đilas was appointed president of the Commission, a member of the Politburo and party and state official. The Commission on demarcation submitted its report to the Politburo and the Presidency of the AVNOJ, and its temporary proposal of demarcation became permanent as the inter-republic firstly and later the international border between Serbia and Croatia. Direct responsibility of Milovan Đilas lies in the Commission’s proposal for demarcation, but not in its application and subsequent fate.
- Price: 5.00 €
Сабори на југословенско-бугарској граници 1956–1958.
Сабори на југословенско-бугарској граници 1956–1958.
(Gatherings on the Yugoslav-Bulgarian Border 1956–1958)
- Author(s):Vladimir Lj. Cvetković
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Diplomatic history, Political history, International relations/trade, Cold-War History, Geopolitics
- Page Range:263-276
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Yugoslavia; Bulgaria; border gatherings; the Information Bureau emigration; the cold war;
- Summary/Abstract:The tradition of organizing border gatherings (trade shows) on the Yugoslav-Bulgarian border existed in the twenties of the 20th century and represented a form of cross-border cooperation between the two countries. Being rebuilt after the Second World War, it was rapidly re- suspended after the Yugoslav conflict with Stalin and long-term blockade conducted by the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries, including Bulgaria. On the initiative of Bulgaria, the tradition was renewed in 1956, but with the clear intentions of Bulgaria to use gatherings for propaganda and political influence on the Yugoslav citizens, which Yugoslavia after the initial disorientations, was trying to parry. Gatherings that were organized on the Yugoslav-Bulgarian border in the mid-fifties of the 20th century were a true expression of the Cold War atmosphere and the Cold War mindset. They show how a relatively small and clearly limited geographical area which by definition should be a place of separation, not meeting or connecting, with the presence of a large number of people, became a training ground for ideological competition between the two ideologically and politically opposing parties. Although Yugoslavia and Bulgaria were on the way of full normalization of bilateral relations, at the time when the practice of maintaining gatherings was rebuilt, all the circumstances surrounding the organization of these meetings showed, however, how the normalization was fragile and largely superficial and insincere and how the roots of the conflict (not just ideological, but also many others, inherited from the past) were deep and lasting.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ethno-Demographic Situation of the Population in Kosovo and Metohija in the Beginning of the 20th Century
Ethno-Demographic Situation of the Population in Kosovo and Metohija in the Beginning of the 20th Century
(Ethno-Demographic Situation of the Population in Kosovo and Metohija in the Beginning of the 20th Century)
- Author(s):Tamara Lukić, Nevena Ćurčić
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social history, Demography and human biology, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), The Ottoman Empire, Inter-Ethnic Relations
- Page Range:281-298
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Kosovo and Metohija; ethnic transformation; inter-ethnic relations;
- Summary/Abstract:The article is focused on the region of Kosovo and Metohija in the beginning of the 20th century, or the time until the beginning of the Balkan wars, when most of this region still belonged to the Ottoman Empire. In addition to Kosovo and Metohija, Kosovo villayet included Sanjak (south-western part of central Serbia), the Preševo Valley, the north-eastern part of Montenegro, northern part of Albania and north-western part of Macedonia. The task of this paper is to using the existing population data show by now far less known facts about the changes in the number of population and quality of life under the Ottoman rule. Emphasis is placed on the ethnic transformation of population, which proved to be a very important process which affected the historical development of population of Kosovo and Metohija in general. Special attention is dedicated to the written traces of interethnic relations and relations with Turkish authorities. Work results were obtained through literature sources, using analytic and synthetic methods, and comparing. with this article the knowledge of the processes in the Balkans has been enriched.
- Price: 4.50 €
Demographic Changes in the Kingdom of SCS and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Demographic Changes in the Kingdom of SCS and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia
(Demographic Changes in the Kingdom of SCS and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia)
- Author(s):Milka Bubalo-Živković, Bojan Đerčan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Political history, Social history, Demography and human biology, Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), Inter-Ethnic Relations, Sociology of Politics
- Page Range:299-317
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Demography; The Kingdom of SCS; The Kingdom of Yugoslavia;
- Summary/Abstract:Instead of the large Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, in 1918 new states were formed: Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (SCS). A joined state, the Kingdom of SCS, was formed on important routes between Europe and Asia. On the other hand, this region was characterized by an undeveloped society which was behind English society by a century and a half in terms of industrial development. The Kingdom was divided into 33 regions, between 1923 and 1929, and since 1929 it was comprised of nine banovinas and the City of Belgrade with Zemun and Pancevo which formed a separate administrative unit. This area was 248.665 km2 big and there were 13.934.038 inhabitants in 1931. Based on available data, changes in sex-age structure of population, as well as changes in religion, native language and ethnic composition were analyzed in this paper. Demographic changes were a consequence of the political and economic events and traditional way of life, which influenced the migration trends that will be also addressed in this paper.
- Price: 4.50 €
Suffering of Population in Bačka and Baranja in 1941 and 1942
Suffering of Population in Bačka and Baranja in 1941 and 1942
(Suffering of Population in Bačka and Baranja in 1941 and 1942)
- Author(s):Željko Bjeljac, Aleksandra Terzić
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Civil Society, Local History / Microhistory, Political history, Social history, Victimology, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:319-341
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:Bačka; Baranja; 1941–1942; civil victims of war; analysis; Hungarian occupation; raid;
- Summary/Abstract:This work is focused on the Bačka territory, historically-geographical region located in the northern part of Serbia. It covers the period from 11 April 1941, when, in The Second World War, Hungarian army entered the territory of Kingdom of Yugoslavia with the goal of conquering, creating the government and incorporation of Bačka to the Hungarian state, until the end of the 1942. Hungarian government and army, in this period, with the goal of straightening the lasting power in occupied Bačka, by using the military power, had created the state that should had brought the numerous economical and moral-political empowerment of the Hungarian element. They were making the arrests, repression, forcing the emigration and deportation of Serbian and Jewish population as well as doing the mass executions of civil population. The paper is methodologically based on data collected within the engagement of Survey bureau of the Council of AP Vojvodina named ,,The truth about the events in Vojvodina 1941–1948“. In this publication the civil victims are namely documented, by sex, age and location of death, as the analysis of the existing documents and publications is done. In this paper the historical representation of the events in Backa from 1941 to 1942 is conducted, as well as demographical analysis of the civil victims (sex, age, national structure).
- Price: 5.00 €
Changes in the National Structure of the Republic of Macedonia
Changes in the National Structure of the Republic of Macedonia
(Changes in the National Structure of the Republic of Macedonia)
- Author(s):Mirjanka Madzević, Biljana Apostolovska Toshevska
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social history, Social differentiation, Demography and human biology, Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Migration Studies, Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:343-357
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:population; ethnic composition; migrations; natural increase; regions; Republic of Macedonia;
- Summary/Abstract:In terms of demographic characteristics, the Republic of Macedonia features a heterogeneous ethnic structure that is a result of the socio-historical conditions and the demographic processes that took place in the past. The highlighted changes in the components of the number dynamics of the population, especially in the latter half of the twentieth century up to today, brought to serious changes in the very ethnic structure of the population. The decades of reduction of the overall natural increase among the Macedonians, with simultaneous emigration of the young population of working and reproductive age out of the country, resulted in slower growth rate of the Macedonians. At the same time, with the rest of the ethnic groups, the relative higher natural increase kept their inflow in the total population at a higher level. Here, the migrations and other additional factors should be added, which affected the participation of some of the minorities in the total population, and thus the changes in the ethnic composition. As a result of all of these processes, a permanent reduction of the share of Macedonians in the total population is evident, and on the other side there is an increase in the joint participation of the other nationalities. The stated changes are reflected on the future ethnic composition of the population in the Republic of Macedonia, and to some extent, other demographical structures.
- Price: 4.50 €
The Role of the Population Migration in the Region’s Labor Potential Formation
The Role of the Population Migration in the Region’s Labor Potential Formation
(The Role of the Population Migration in the Region’s Labor Potential Formation)
- Author(s):Nina Loginova, Ksenija Zazulina, Olga Chernova, Yury Shukshin, Aleksandra Akashkina
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy, Demography and human biology, Economic development, Migration Studies, Human Resources in Economy, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:359-368
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:migration; the Republic of Mordovia; population; immigration; emigration;
- Summary/Abstract:The article (on the case of the Republic of Mordovia) examines the role of the population migration in the region’s labor potential formation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Националне мањине у Србији 1945–1961: Политички значај
Националне мањине у Србији 1945–1961: Политички значај
(National Minorities in Serbia 1945–1961: Political Significance)
- Author(s):Slobodan Selinić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Social history, Demography and human biology, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Inter-Ethnic Relations, Ethnic Minorities Studies, Sociology of Politics
- Page Range:369-394
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:National minorities; Serbia; the Albanians; the Bulgarians; the Hungarians; the Romanians; the Slovaks; the Turks;
- Summary/Abstract:According to the census of 1953, nearly a million and a half members of minorities lived in Serbia, i.e. about one-fifth of the population of Serbia. In Vojvodina, the minorities accounted for 38% of the population, and 71% in Kosovo and Metohija. The most significant minorities were: the Albanians, Hungarians, Romanians, Slovaks, Bulgarians and Turks. In Kosovo and Metohija, in 1948 the Albanians accounted for 68.4 % of the population, in 1953 – 64.9 % and in 1961 – 67 %. In Vojvodina, in 1953 the Hungarians accounted for 25.4%, the Slovaks 4.28 % and the Romanians 3.3% of the population. The Bulgarians were approximately 66 % of the population of six municipalities of the districts of Pirot and Vranje. Since, except for the Slovaks, other minorities largely collaborated with the fascist occupier during the Second World War, the liberation of the country in 1944/45 was met with discontent among many minorities, but the greatest resistance was offered by members of the Albanian minority during armed insurrection from December 1944 to February 1945. Even during the conflict between Yugoslavia and IB there were enemies of Yugoslavia among minorities, although the commitment to the IB had a mass character only with the Bulgarians. After normalization of relations between Yugoslavia and the countries of the Eastern bloc, the minorities were the subject of great interests of their home countries and diplomats in Yugoslavia. Impacts from the mother countries were spread on the minorities by correspondence, relationships with family, sending publications and promotional materials, visits, but the influences from the West also reached the minorities through the activities of the church, western missions in Yugoslavia or minority immigrants. Official government policy towards minorities was based on the principle of equality and assurance of the minority rights. The government was trying to ensure equality of minorities even in terms of their participation in government bodies, to ensure that as many minorities are affiliated in the SKJ (Communist League of Yugoslavia), SSRN (Socialist Alliance of Workers), AFŽ (Antifascist Women’s Front), the National Youth and other organizations, so that the minorities were represented in these organizations and in authorities generally in proportion to their share in the total population.
- Price: 5.00 €
Простор као судбина: живот женског становништва у градским и сеоским насељима у Србији током друге половине 20. века
Простор као судбина: живот женског становништва у градским и сеоским насељима у Србији током друге половине 20. века
(Living Area as Fate or Destiny: The Life of Female Population in Rural and Urban Areas of Serbia in the Second Half of the 20th Century)
- Author(s):Vera Gudac-Dodić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Social history, Gender history, Social development, Rural and urban sociology, Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010)
- Page Range:395-406
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:female population; settlements; everyday life; way of life; village; town;
- Summary/Abstract:The life of the female population in post-war Serbia and during the second half of the 20th century was affected by a plethora of various factors with the differences in lifestyles of women being particularly differentiated between rural and urban areas. In the rural areas and rural environment patriarchal relations had persisted for a long period of time, which were reflected in various walks of life of a female and were manifested at different levels. In the cities and urban areas significant changes took place in a female everyday life, her status as well as the perception of the female by the environment. With the introduction of the modern urban lifestyle, urban patterns of behaviour were accepted. Noticeable contrasts that existed in relation to the woman between the two wars, her overall status and life in rural and urban areas during the socialist era were mitigated, but in no way were they completely anulled or overcome.
- Price: 4.50 €
Territorial-Demographic and Functional Organisation of the Negotinska Krajina Settlement Net
Territorial-Demographic and Functional Organisation of the Negotinska Krajina Settlement Net
(Territorial-Demographic and Functional Organisation of the Negotinska Krajina Settlement Net)
- Author(s):Ljiljana Živković, Slavoljub Jovanović
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Human Geography, Applied Geography, Social development, Demography and human biology
- Page Range:407-421
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:natural features; population; settlement transformation; regional development; revitalisation;
- Summary/Abstract:The research results presented in the paper refer to the territorial, demographic and functional organization of Negotinska krajina which is, in many ways, specific area in north-eastern Serbia. The researched area is a complex territorial system according to its position, economical and demographic areal and functional development. Physical and geographical basis is no longer a limiting factor of the inner structure and functional differentiation of Krajina. The effect the basis has on the development of Krajina is double: direct and indirect. The direct effect that the natural elements (configuration, climate, water, biogeographical and pedological features) have on city and village location can be seen in the possibility of their territorial and functional spreading. The indirect effects are realized through influencing population position and economical resources and their evaluation.
- Price: 4.50 €
The Invention of the Balkan Identities: Finding the Founding Fathers and the Myths of Origin – The Montenegrin Case
The Invention of the Balkan Identities: Finding the Founding Fathers and the Myths of Origin – The Montenegrin Case
(The Invention of the Balkan Identities: Finding the Founding Fathers and the Myths of Origin – The Montenegrin Case)
- Author(s):Dragana Lazarević
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Political history, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Period(s) of Nation Building, Politics and Identity, Identity of Collectives, Wars in Jugoslavia
- Page Range:423-443
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Nation-building; separate identity; Montenegrins; Doclean Narrative; misinterpretation; probabilistic terminology; Western academia;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper examines the accelerated process of nation-building in Montenegro in the aftermath of the wars in Former Yugoslavia and its separation from Serbia in 2006. Whilst its theoretical premises that are based on the Hobsbawm’s theory of the novelty of the nation are widely accepted by the majority of scholars interested in the Balkans, there appears to be a great discrepancy in the practical application of the theoretical postulates. The paper gives a general overview of the misinterpretation of the theory in the post-1990 narrative of the early Montenegrin history that is widely distributed by the supporters of the appellation of a separate identity of the latest South Slav nation. In the form of summary, the paper points out to the unrestricted use of the probabilistic terminology which cannot be confirmed either by the primary sources or by the material evidence in situ. Even though the attempts to create a separate Montenegrin nation predate the 1990s period, as pointed out by a number of scholars native to the region on many occasions, its academic self-fulfillment was enabled only when the Western promoters of the new Montenegrin identity undertook the task of presenting to the West the deliberate misinterpretation of the sources in order to justify the role of the (mainly) Anglo-Saxon academia in supporting the political reasons beyond the break-up of Yugoslavia. The case-study of the Doclean Narrative, created by the selective reading of the sources is a prime example of how to justify the nation as a political construct.
- Price: 5.00 €
Agriculture as a Historical-Geographical Basis of Identity of the Russian People
Agriculture as a Historical-Geographical Basis of Identity of the Russian People
(Agriculture as a Historical-Geographical Basis of Identity of the Russian People)
- Author(s):Yury Vladimirovich Filippov, Anna Alexandrovna Firsova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Agriculture, Applied Geography, Ethnohistory, Social history, Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:445-450
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:agriculture; identity; Russian Plain; factors;
- Summary/Abstract:This article provides a historical and cultural analysis of the phenomenon of identity formation of the Russian people on the basis of study of agriculture as a historical-geographical factor which had a significant influence on the processes taking place in the Russian plain at the appointed chronological period.
- Price: 4.50 €
History and Geography of Public Health in Moscow Region
History and Geography of Public Health in Moscow Region
(History and Geography of Public Health in Moscow Region)
- Author(s):Svetlana M. Malkhazova, Natalia V. Shartova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Applied Geography, Social history, Health and medicine and law, Family and social welfare, Demography and human biology, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:451-467
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:population health; Moscow region; environmental impact;
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the results of a retrospective analysis of changes in population health (end of XIX – beginning of XXI centuries.), which was made for a more detailed and in-depth assessment of modern medical-geographical situation in the Moscow region (the beginning of the XXI century). Using comparative geographical and cartographic research methods analyzed indicators characterizing demographic characteristics, morbidity, pollution, socio-economic characteristics and the health care system. The changes in the population, transformed from a rural to urban, and its age structure. Changed components that regulate the natural movement of population, natural population growth in the region was replaced by natural wastage. In contrast to the current situation in the past, there was a very clear territorial confinement of the high prevalence rates for all pathologies to counties with developed industry and deterministic sources of environmental pollution. Currently, in the Moscow region such relationships are ambiguous, due to the total multifactorial influence on public health.
- Price: 4.50 €
The County Towns of Mordovian Region in the Russian Empire Structure
The County Towns of Mordovian Region in the Russian Empire Structure
(The County Towns of Mordovian Region in the Russian Empire Structure)
- Author(s):Victor Makhaev, Lyudmila Lemaykina
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social development, Rural and urban sociology, Sociology of Culture
- Page Range:471-479
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:county town; Russian Empire; structure;
- Summary/Abstract:In the present work the spatial organization, lifestyle of citizens, the types and images of the county towns in the context of the Russian imperial culture are examined. These days, the interest to the towns of this type, the provincial culture as a whole has increased. Imperial culture intensified contradictions between center and the provinces. Towns of Mordovia had existed in different sub-civilizations but the meaningful “code”, established at their base, predetermined immutable features of the urban fabric and way of life of citizens for a few centuries. These towns, created by the state, were not to promote industry, trade or culture. They were a part of the administrative network and performed control functions, broadcast power in the province.
- Price: 4.50 €
Идеологија и урбани простор: преименовање градова и улица у Србији 1944–1950.
Идеологија и урбани простор: преименовање градова и улица у Србији 1944–1950.
(Ideology and Urban Space: The Renaming of Cities and Streets in Serbia From 1944 to 1950)
- Author(s):Nataša Milićević
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):History of ideas, Political history, Rural and urban sociology, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Sociology of Politics, Politics of History/Memory
- Page Range:481-497
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:ideology; urban space; renaming of towns and streets; symbols; Serbia;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper, through the process of renaming urban toponymy, analyzes the impact of the ruling ideology in shaping the urban space in Serbia in the first years after the World War II. The renaming of old, bourgeois urban toponymy and the construction of new, communist one was carried out systematically and gradually, just as the new Yugoslav state and society was being built. The revolutionary government was aware of the symbolic radiation offered by urban area. Therefore, it was trying by renaming to adapt it to the symbols of the new Yugoslav state and provide another way for spatial and collective expression of the identity of the society. When renaming towns and streets, two main types of intervention were carried out. The first is related to the maintenance or restoring old names, and the other on the renaming of existing towns and streets. The government comprehended this kind of intervention in the urban space very seriously. This means that it legally regulated it and provided to a number of factors (the city government, the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Education, as well as the Communist Party) to participate and monitor the process of renaming. The government did not conduct extensive intervention in the renaming of cities and did not have that intention, because the old names, some of the ancient and medieval period or somewhat later time, were not in contradiction with the newly established value standards. It completely changed the names of only those cities that, in its opinion, had the dubious symbolic value, such as those containing monarchist words (Kraljevo or Caribrod) or they were ideologically problematic (Petrograd) and wanted to highlight the importance of some individuals of the Socialist Movement (S. Markovic and J. B. Tito). The renaming of streets was much more radical and expansive. It was carried out systematically and gradually. First they changed the names of streets in the city centres, then in the wider center, and then those on the periphery. New name of the street depended on its importance. The most important figures, events and concepts of the new Yugoslav state were given the most important streets. Instead of the various layers of civil street toponymy, the new layers of Communist street toponymy were created. These new layers symbolized the Yugoslav and international socialist and communist movement, the National Liberation War and revolution, Slavic rapprochement and the like. The names of streets that did not collide with just the aforementioned ideological values were not changed. The renaming of the streets up to 1948 had a striking ideological and political content and intention to break with inherited civil toponymy. After 1948, in particular after 1950, the need prevailed to regulate the parts in an urban area and to enable faster and easier their communication networking. Moreover, these are the streets that were on the outskirts of the city, and often did not have official names. With the renaming, an entirely new meaning to the urban area was establishing, and with a new meaning new symbols of representation of society and its values.
- Price: 4.50 €
Прилог проучавању урбанизације у Србији непосредно после Другог светског рата
Прилог проучавању урбанизације у Србији непосредно после Другог светског рата
(A Contribution to the Study of Urbanization in Serbia Shortly After the Second World War)
- Author(s):Ivana Dobrivojević Tomić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Social history, Social development, Rural and urban sociology, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Migration Studies
- Page Range:499-517
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:rural-urban migrations; urbanization; ruralization; the Communist Party; Serbia; Yugoslavia;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper represents an attempt to analyze migration and urbanization processes in Serbia and Yugoslavia in the first decade after the Second World War. Special attention was paid to migratory movements, the explosive growth of Belgrade, the communal situation and communal problems in cities. It is based on sources stored in the Archives of Yugoslavia, the Archives of Serbia, the former Archives of Josip Broz Tito and the Historical Archives of Belgrade, as well as articles published in the Politika, the Borba and the NIN.
- Price: 4.50 €
Изазови урбанизације престонице под утицајем фактора неизвесности
Изазови урбанизације престонице под утицајем фактора неизвесности
(The Challenges of Urbanization of the Capital Under the Influence of the Factor of Uncertainty)
- Author(s):Nataša Danilović Hristić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Local History / Microhistory, Social history, Social development, Demography and human biology, Rural and urban sociology
- Page Range:519-533
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:urbanization; city; population; uncertainty; implementation;
- Summary/Abstract:The development of Belgrade as the urban centre and the capital of Serbia is a process that is conditioned as by its specific geographical location so by the intensive historical events, and the consequences and impacts of the development refer to the urbanization of other settlements in Serbia. The urban planning is by nature turned primarily toward the future, but the knowledge, experience and lessons of the past can significantly contribute to better understanding of the real solutions, avoiding mistakes and a special dedication to a certain topics. Scenarios and strategies for future development must mitigate the extent of the determinateness, given the uncertainty and unpredictability as key determinants of life in this region. The problems of the city of the XIX and the XX century were also transferred in modern times, which speak of their complexity and the lack of will to seriously and fully commit to. In 1910, traveling the eastern countries, Le Corbusier wrote a few short notes about Belgrade, noting its „amazing position“, but describing it as an „indefinite and disorganized“. Building a city on this bases, we again re-evaluate its position and importance in the state and the region, the historical facts that led to the current look, growth and expansion, economic and demographic conditions, all with the aim to recognize its creative potentials.
- Price: 4.50 €
Стварне и симболичке историјско-географске одлике Булевара краља Александра: студија случаја сече платана
Стварне и симболичке историјско-географске одлике Булевара краља Александра: студија случаја сече платана
(Real and Symbolic Historical and Geographical Features of a Belgrade Boulevard: Case Study of Plane Trees Cutting)
- Author(s):Nataša Simenunović-Bajić, Aleksandra Majdarević
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Architecture, Applied Geography, Local History / Microhistory, Social history, Rural and urban sociology
- Page Range:535-555
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:historical characteristics; geographical characteristics; identity; urban environment; boulevard;
- Summary/Abstract:The longest street in Belgrade (7.5 km) that stretches from downtown, from Nikola Pasic Square to the road that leads to Veliki Mokri Lug, through four Belgrade municipalities, has changed its name several times. It was called Roman Via Militaris, then Constantinople road, Alley at the golden cannon, Marko’s Street, Fiseklija, King Aleksandar Obrenovic Street, Boulevard of the Liberation, Boulevard of the Revolution and King Aleksandar Boulevard. Name Boulevard of the Revolution was changed in 2002 to King Aleksandar Boulevard, but these days people have still used the old name (attached through film representation of life in this street in the end of the 20th century) or a shortened Boulevard. It’s quite difficult for people to get used to the new name. Historical and geographical characteristics are relating to the identity of the boulevard before the World War II, after the World War II, during the 90’s of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century. Except identifying and explaining the main historical and geographical characteristics, objective of the study is to reach deeper into symbolism of meaning of the famous boulevard identity. To achieve this, we chose case study of plane trees cutting in 2010. The importance of public space, collective memory, belonging to the urban environment and public media discourse are going to be analysed in a variety of qualitative methods.
- Price: 5.00 €
Генеза периурбаног подручја Новог Сада на примеру Ветерника
Генеза периурбаног подручја Новог Сада на примеру Ветерника
(The Genesis of Periurban Area of Novi Sad in the Example of Veternik)
- Author(s):Olivera Dobrivojević, Željko Bjeljac
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Local History / Microhistory, Social history, Social development, Rural and urban sociology
- Page Range:557-578
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:genesis; history of development; periurban area; Veternik;
- Summary/Abstract:Suburbs with non-agricultural population, which have no city functions, are formed in the closest gravitational sphere of the cities. One of the examples of such settlements is Veternik, a settlement in the gravitational area of Novi Sad, which was formed shortly after the World War I. The subject of the research is an overview of the development of Veternik as a typical suburban settlement. Considering the location, history, population, migration characteristics and features of the Veternik settlement, the goal is to discuss the development of the periurban area of Novi Sad.
- Price: 5.00 €
Impact of Natural Conditions on the Regional Historical Development (Based on the Example of the Mordovian Land of the XVII Century)
Impact of Natural Conditions on the Regional Historical Development (Based on the Example of the Mordovian Land of the XVII Century)
(Impact of Natural Conditions on the Regional Historical Development (Based on the Example of the Mordovian Land of the XVII Century))
- Author(s):Valery Yurchenkov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social history, Social development, Environmental interactions, 17th Century
- Page Range:583-593
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:existential crisis; people; authorities; 17th century; historical development;
- Summary/Abstract:The development of the Mordovian region in the early XVII century under conditions of an existential crisis, caused by extreme climatic situation, is analyzed in the article. The impact of changes in natural conditions on the regional historical development, which resulted in a series of “lean years” and a sharp surge of national discontent with the policy of the State, is considered. Ways of overcoming the crisis, proposed by the people and authorities, are comprehended.
- Price: 4.50 €
Geographical-Historical Analysis of the Impact of the 1883 Eruption of Krakatau Volcano on Weather in Serbia
Geographical-Historical Analysis of the Impact of the 1883 Eruption of Krakatau Volcano on Weather in Serbia
(Geographical-Historical Analysis of the Impact of the 1883 Eruption of Krakatau Volcano on Weather in Serbia)
- Author(s):Milan Radovanović, Radomir J. Popović
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Physical Geopgraphy, Human Geography, Environmental Geography, Social history, Environmental interactions, 19th Century
- Page Range:595-610
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:volcanic eruption; weather; Krakatau; Serbia;
- Summary/Abstract:The eruption of Krakatau volcano in 1883 is one of the most powerful eruptions in the past nearly 150 years. Based on the average air temperatures in Belgrade from 1881 to 1886 and average maximum and minimum air temperatures in Šabac from 1883 to 1885, we have tried to analyze whether the mentioned eruption had an impact on weather and climate conditions in Serbia. Bearing in mind that the mentioned measurements were not standardized, we have also tried by analysis of the former official state media to determine whether there are potential signs of possible connection. It turned out that neither measured data nor news reports indicate unusual weather conditions. In other words, there is no evidence that would indicate that an extremely powerful eruption of Krakatau in 1883 caused any weather disturbances over Serbia.
- Price: 4.50 €
Вишенаменски канал Дунав–Сава
Вишенаменски канал Дунав–Сава
(The Multipurpose Canal Danube–Sava)
- Author(s):Uroš Rakić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Agriculture, Social development, Economic development, Environmental interactions, Transport / Logistics
- Page Range:611-637
- No. of Pages:27
- Keywords:the multipurpose canal Danube–Sava; development of the river transport; groundwater regime; Special Nature Reserves in Serbia;
- Summary/Abstract:The Republic of Croatia is planning to build a canal to 2016 to connect the Danube (near Vukovar) and the Sava (near the village Sikirevci, near Slavonski Šamac). The canal will be 61.4 kilometers long. The idea of building a canal was 278 years old. The oldest documentation of the construction of the Danube–Sava originates from 1737. The multipurpose canal Danube–Sava should have three functions: to irrigate 35750 hectares of agricultural land, to carry out the surface drainage of around 173000 hectares and underground drainage of around 62 000 hectares, to serve for boating and tourism. The canal should shorten the path to Western Europe for 417 km (sailing time would be shorter for 48 hours), and a road to the east would be shortened by 85 km. It is assumed that the construction of the canal will contribute to the development of the river transport in the Republic of Croatia. There are many factors that are now threatening the Sava River as a natural resource: the work of industrial plants and oil industry, hydropower (in Slovenia), the discharge of wastewater, mining of river sediments, intensive farming and construction, the construction of the Sava–Danube canal and the restoration of the nautical road along the Sava. The World Conservation Union has launched a three-year project biodiversity Protection of the navigable area of the sava river basin. In December 2002, four countries signed an international framework agreement for the establishment of an international regime of navigation and sustainable water management of the river basin, and the measures to be taken against floods, ice hazards, droughts and pollution. The main challenge for the management of the Sava River is to enable economic development to sustainable use and protection of the natural resources in the basin. This project is expected to help to identify, define and manage the environmental and landscape diversity along the Sava River, in line with the EU directives on birds and habitats with the implementation and integration of the environmental values. It is assumed that the trenching of the canal will change the groundwater regime on the territory of Croatia. Possible change in the groundwater regime in Serbia could have disastrous consequences. On the territory of the Republic of Serbia, according to the Institute for Nature Conservation, there are nine natural areas, and four of them are along the river Sava: the Special Nature Reserves Zasavica, Obedska Bara, Morovićko-Bosutske forests and the landscape of outstanding features Veliko Ratno Ostrvo (Great War Island).
- Price: 5.00 €
The Analysis of the Territory Economic Development Planning for Cultural Landscape (by the Example of Republic of Mordovia)
The Analysis of the Territory Economic Development Planning for Cultural Landscape (by the Example of Republic of Mordovia)
(The Analysis of the Territory Economic Development Planning for Cultural Landscape (by the Example of Republic of Mordovia))
- Author(s):Anatoly A. Yamashkin, Stanislav Yamashkin
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy, Environmental Geography, Applied Geography, Maps / Cartography, Economic development
- Page Range:639-657
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:territory economic development; cultural landscape; electronic landscape map;
- Summary/Abstract:The article (on the case of the Republic of Mordovia) examines the geo-environmental analysis of the processes of the territory economic development planning for cultural landscapes. The landscape electronic map is perceived as a basic model of geographic information system. Author describes geo-systems of Mordovia; stages of their economic development, geo-ecological zoning.
- Price: 4.50 €
Мировые империи на средневековых исламских картах
Мировые империи на средневековых исламских картах
(World Empires on Medieval Islamic Maps)
- Author(s):Irina Genadijevna Konovalova
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Historical Geography, Maps / Cartography, Middle Ages, Islam studies
- Page Range:661-671
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Islamic medieval maps; classical school of Arabic geography; Islamic world;
- Summary/Abstract:Рад је посвећен картографској традицији исламске географије од 9. до 10. века у контексту државних/просторних/владајућих односа о којима се активно расправља у тренутним историјско-географским дискурсима. Главна пажња је посвећена опису светског система царстава, држава и земаља на мапама и у текстовима главних представника тзв. „класичне школе арапске географије“ из 10. века. Са њихове тачке гледишта, царска државност – за разлику од „држава“ и „земаља“ – створена је органском комбинацијом три фактора: религије, културе и моћи. Заправо четири царства која су навели арапски географи – Калифат Абасида, Византијско царство, Кина и Индија – у целини кореспондирају са цивилизацијским областима формираним на основу ислама, хришћанства, конфучијанизма и хиндуизма. Овај систем царстава је хијерархизован: Византија, Индија и Кина су не само стубови светског поретка већ делом и темељ на коме је свет ислама – врх хијерархије – растао. Унутрашњи простор исламског света је такође формирао хијерархију: Иран је симболизовао суштину исламског простора, редукован на калифат Абасида, док су друга два калифата, Фатамиди и шпански Омејади, једноставно искључени. Таква геополитичка структура је била тесно повезана са персијским пореклом оснивача „класичне школе арапске географије“, који су користили ову геополитичку конструкцију да представе своју домовину као центар света. Тако су исламске средњовековне мапе представљале не само уопштене географске информације већ су биле облик политичког дискурса: оне су манифестовале моћ кроз приказивање светског поретка.
- Price: 4.50 €
European Maps of Kosovo and Metohija as the Primary Core of Old Serbia from the 16th to the 20th Century
European Maps of Kosovo and Metohija as the Primary Core of Old Serbia from the 16th to the 20th Century
(European Maps of Kosovo and Metohija as the Primary Core of Old Serbia from the 16th to the 20th Century)
- Author(s):Mirčeta Vemić, Suzana Lović Obradović
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Historical Geography, Maps / Cartography, Modern Age
- Page Range:673-699
- No. of Pages:27
- Keywords:Old Serbia; Kosovo and Metohija; Serbs; Albanians; atlas;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this paper is delimitation and territorial origin of Old Serbia with its primary core Kosovo and Metohija in the historical, ethnic, cultural, geopolitical and national respect from the time of the Turkish invasion of the Balkans, as well as its withdrawal. This was accomplished by analysis and comparison of geographic, ethnographic, historiographic, memorial, political, military and other maps of the leading European cartographers from the 16th to the 20th century, who had a high government official titles, such as ‘The Cosmographer of the Republic’, ‘The Royal Geographer’, ‘The Imperial Geographer’, or were military architects, high-ranking General Staff officers, Princes, Consuls, Professors, scientists, etc., which implies a high level of their knowledge and great seriousness in the authorization of their map. Forty historical and historiographical maps of the Dutch, Venetian, French, Austrian, German and Serbian cartographers were analyzed, which were collected, systematized and published in the form of the atlas in 2007, “An Atlas of Old Serbia – European maps of Kosovo and Metohija” by M. Vemić and M. Strugar. It is clearly and indisputably shown on all analysed maps that Kosovo and Metohija have always been the Serbian territory, and never Albanian. These two geographic areas are represented on the maps only in the natural historical and ethnical boundaries of state creations of the Serbian people, even over a long period of decline of the medieval Serbian state under the Turkish rule, in 1459. Until the middle of the 19th century, main separate boundary, that is, ethnographic border between fixed Serbian and Albanian settlements was on the rivers of Valbona (Crnica) and Crni Drim (northern Albania) that were considered both as geographical borders of Albania and (Old) Serbia, but also as a language-speech line that divided the Albanians of northern Albania from the Metohija Serbs.
- Price: 5.00 €
Historiographic Analysis of Novi Sad on the Topographic Maps
Historiographic Analysis of Novi Sad on the Topographic Maps
(Historiographic Analysis of Novi Sad on the Topographic Maps)
- Author(s):Nevena Ćurčić, Vuk Garača, Mlađen Jovanović
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Historical Geography, Maps / Cartography, Military history
- Page Range:701-722
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:topographic maps; military surveys; historiographic analysis; Novi Sad;
- Summary/Abstract:Novi Sad was presented on a large number of detailed topographic maps since The First Military Survey of the Habsburg Empire (1763–1785) until the second half of the 20th century. Over time, the drawing of maps was improved and, in addition to that, the countries to which Novi Sad belonged had changed. Thus, depending on the time when they were drawn, their publishers and purposes, the topographic maps differed in the way they displayed contents, details, and according to the content that was represented on them. In accordance with that, the need of analyzing the historiographic contents of topographic maps of Nov Sad has arisen, along with connecting them with the historical circumstances and the circumstances of their creation. This paper deals with the topographic maps of Novi Sad, covering the period from the second half of 18th c. to the second part of the 20th c. The aim of this paper is to highlight the differences in presenting the content of topographic maps, depending on various factors. This work aims to analyze each section in details, explain their mutual comparison to the different parameters, and find and explain certain procedures used when presenting the contents on the available topographic maps. In order to complete this work, cartographic, historiographic methods and comparative analysis were used.
- Price: 5.00 €
Настава земљописа у основним школама у Србији у XIX веку
Настава земљописа у основним школама у Србији у XIX веку
(Teaching of Geography in Elementary Schools in Serbia in the 19th Century)
- Author(s):Slađana Anđelković, Slavoljub Jovanović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, School education, History of Education, 19th Century
- Page Range:727-742
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:teaching; geography; elementary school; historical approach;
- Summary/Abstract:Teaching of geography in elementary schools in Serbia in the XIX century is examined in the paper from the historical, pedagogical and methodological-didactic aspects. We believe that the study of this issue will contribute to the enrichment of historical and pedagogical-didactic knowledge of the teaching of geography as a forerunner of modern geography teaching in elementary school, as well as the clearing up of under-known facts from the history of the development of geography teaching in elementary school, but also the school and education in Serbia. The central issues of the paper are considered through a descriptive study of material from the primary and secondary sources and the theoretical analysis of the teaching problem: the representation of the subject of geography in the curricula, the goals and objectives of the subject, the organization of classes, tools, methods, textbooks, reports of the superintendent on the state of the geography teaching in elementary schools. Knowledge we obtained, we have tried to perceive in the context of the meanings they have for understanding and creating the modern conceptions of geography teaching in elementary school.
- Price: 4.50 €
Историјски, географски, политичко-правни простори и деловање Министара просвете Краљевине СХС
Историјски, географски, политичко-правни простори и деловање Министара просвете Краљевине СХС
(Historical, Geographical, Political and Legal Spaces and the Operation of Ministers of Education of the Kingdom of SCS)
- Author(s):Dušan Bajagić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Political history, Higher Education , History of Education, State/Government and Education, Interwar Period (1920 - 1939)
- Page Range:743-771
- No. of Pages:29
- Keywords:Kingdom of SCS; historical; geographical and political and legal space; the Ministry and the Ministers of Education; university and college education; organization and operation;
- Summary/Abstract:Applying the method of quantitative and qualitative analysis of primary documents (laws and bylaws), the relationship of historical, geographical and political and legal spaces and operation of Ministers of Education of the Kingdom of SCS was examined on the example of the institutions of the university and high education. The presence of historical, geographical, political and legal spaces required the existence of different legal systems in the provisory and after in the period to 1929, i.e. unfinished tendency to establish a unique legal space essentially determined the vertical and the horizontal organization of the Ministry of Education, and with it the action of the Minister to the University of Belgrade and the University of High Schools in Zagreb. The existing political and legal conditions determined the decision-making process of Ministers of Education toward the organization and the functioning of the University in Belgrade and Zagreb, which included a wide range of provisions that appeared in the double role: the role of the circumstances (environment) of decision-making and the role of deciding cases. Deciding on these particular colleges and higher education institutions is determined by political and legal regulations, on the one hand, and the characteristics of these institutions and their position in the educational system, on the other hand. At the time of the Kingdom of SCS, the diffusion of Belgrade University and the University of High Schools in Zagreb was very determined by different legal systems conditioned by the presence of historical, geographical and political and legal spaces. Acting of the Ministers of Education towards the two most important centres of higher education was consistent with the autonomy of the University of Belgrade that is, the University and College in Zagreb with respect of provincial autonomy in Croatia and Slavonia. After the abolition of the Provincial Administration, the University of Zagreb got the same form of autonomy as well as the University of Belgrade, and the effect of Ministers of Education continued accordingly. On the basis of autonomy, acting Ministers at the University of Belgrade and the University and College in Zagreb, in practice, confirmed the development of the organization and administration, as well as the construction and application of scientific and educational base. Ministers of Education of the Kingdom of SCS, in the course of their mandates and within the jurisdiction they had, for the University of Belgrade and its faculties, contributed to the development and construction of either faculty or university in general. The basics of the University of Belgrade with the Philosophical, Law and Technical faculty were placed before the First World War, during the Kingdom of SCS they were expanded by establishing three faculties: Agriculture, Medicine and Orthodox Theology. Among the Ministers of Education, Svetozar Pribićević contributed most to the development of some faculties and the University as a whole. Consistent application of the provincial autonomy in Croatia and Slavonia first, and then the autonomy of the University of Zagreb resulted in multiple development and construction of this center of higher education in the Kingdom of SCS. After the liquidation of the Provincial Administration of Croatia and Slavonia, the Economic-Commercial High School was developed especially owing to the Minister of Education Stjepan Radić, which was in accordance with the program of the Croatian Peasant Party to reform education, in part related to higher education from the time before 1918. Later, with the establishment of the autonomy of the University of Zagreb, the most were in favour of the establishment of new institutions, the development of scientific and educational base, the choice of part-time teachers and education commissions. During the term of office of the Minister of Education Milan Grol, the establishment of new institutions and the development of scientific-educational foundation were mostly fueled at the Faculty of Philosophy. Considering the effect of all Ministers of Education in the Kingdom of SCS, it is possible to conclude that the Ministers of education of the Yugoslav Democratic Party had the major contribution to the organization, administration building and advancing scientific and educational foundations at the University of Belgrade and the University of Zagreb.
- Price: 5.00 €
Настава географије на Београдском универзитету 1945–1960.
Настава географије на Београдском универзитету 1945–1960.
(Geography Teaching at Belgrade University From 1945 to 1960)
- Author(s):Dragomir Bondžić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Higher Education , History of Education, State/Government and Education, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989)
- Page Range:773-789
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:University of Belgrade; geography; classes; professors; the Communist Party;
- Summary/Abstract:Teaching and research work in geography at the University of Belgrade had a long tradition and relied on the work of Jovan Cvijić at the end of the 19th and the early 20th century and his disciples and followers in the interwar period and during the first decades after the World War II. Apart from the need to overcome the war damage, new political and socio-economic circumstances resulting from the arrival of the Communist Party to power and the implementation of revolutionary changes had an important influence on the development of the geography teaching after the World War II. The new conditions, along with the steady progress of scientific knowledge, contributed to the frequent changes in curricula and teaching organization. The holders of the teaching and scientific research, international cooperation and the creation of new cadres of geography were still disciples of Jovan Cvijić (Borivoje Ž. Milojević 1885–1967, Petar Jovanović 1893–1957, Vojislav Radovanović 1894–1957, Sima Milojević 1894–1969) who by the end of the 50’s died or retired and were replaced by younger geographers. The life and work of teachers after the war was under the strict supervision of the party organization, which followed their positions and during the 50’s it even interfered in solving their personal conflicts.
- Price: 4.50 €
Српске школе у Румунији у функцији очувања националног идентитета
Српске школе у Румунији у функцији очувања националног идентитета
(Serbian Schools in Romania in the Function of Preservation of National Identity)
- Author(s):Zorica Stanisavljević Petrović, Slađana Anđelković
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):School education, History of Education, Sociology of Education, Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:791-806
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Serbian schools; teaching; extracurricular activities; national identity; Romania;
- Summary/Abstract:The issue of development and fostering of national identity is crucial to every nation, and particularly for the youngest members of the people who live in another state. In addition to other factors that act towards the preservation of religion, native language, tradition and culture, with the family, the school has a very important role as an institution in which it is in a planned, systematic and organized way influenced on the formation and development of a young person. The main objective of this paper, in the historical context, is to emphasize the role and importance of the Serbian schools in Romania in the process of preserving the national identity of the Serbian population. Realization of the role of school in this process is monitored through the description and analysis of learning content and extracurricular activities that are aimed at preserving the religion, nurturing mother tongue, culture and tradition in the three different types of schools: Serbian Orthodox elementary schools, the first Serbian lower secondary school and the Serbian section of high school in Timisoara. Although these schools operated in different time periods and were intended for different age groups of students, the results of the study have indicated their outstanding contribution to the preservation of tradition, culture and religion of the Serbian population in Romania. From the standpoint of preserving the national identity of students in modern Serbian schools in Romania, the experiences of these schools are important pedagogical legacy that in perspective should be developed and nurtured.
- Price: 4.50 €
Утицај научних дисциплина војне историје и војне географије на израду ратних планова у Краљевини Србији
Утицај научних дисциплина војне историје и војне географије на израду ратних планова у Краљевини Србији
(The Influence of Scientific Disciplines of Military History and Military Geography on the Development of War Plans in the Kingdom of Serbia)
- Author(s):Ivan B. Mijatović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Historical Geography, Applied Geography, Maps / Cartography, Military history
- Page Range:807-823
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Military History; Military Geography; art of war; Serbia; army; Serbian Army; war doctrine; military doctrine; war plan;
- Summary/Abstract:War and warfare are related to human existence and actions. All have been during the course of time set into an actual frame subjected to multiple natural and social influences and laws. It is exactly the laws that can be precisely analyzed in leading warfare and other military actions, from training armed forces to preparation and selection of battlefield, application of military techniques and decisions on the level of tactics represented in actions, ways and means for achieving clearly oriented results on the level of smaller military units and strategy, as well as system of military knowledge and skills on preparation and leading war on the level of larger military units. Therefore achievements of history and geography are necessary for actions of military system, because with their achievements they indirectly support leading, decision making and organizing military activities during peace and war time. Military history and military geography have had, from the beginnings of institutional studying of military sciences, a significant position in Art of war as disciplines (branches) even though their point of origin is in their parent sciences – history and geography. In its core it is not just using the results of these sciences, since through theory and practice of warfare these sciences (history and geography) have been formed and transformed as special scientific disciplines that have been integrated into military theory and practice. During the sixty years work of School of Artillery and Military Academy, significant subjects with their place in the processes of educating of military personnel were the studying of history and geography in several forms. That studying had a principal goal, to acquaint cadets by learning history with events from the past, and by learning war practices to get them to make observations on certain experiences and lessons from the previous wars that would enable them easier understanding and give them ideas for resolving future war situations. From the perspective of geography, main goal was to enable cadets by learning and applying what they`ve learned to study those geographic features that have influence on leading, organizing and planning military actions and using armed forces in particular military situation. Learning national history and history of liberation wars of Serbia was supposed to nurture freedom traditions of Serbian people and by that influence developing patriotic feelings and strengthening morale of the future officers, and in the classes on Military Geography cadets were studying farther and nearer geographic regions, foremost on the level of strategy and tactics. Typical example of symbiosis of Military History and Military Geography in the Serbian Army, and their influence on creating war plan is represented by the preparations for the liberation of Old Serbia and Macedonia in the First Balkan War.
- Price: 4.50 €
Historical and Geographical Background for the Origin of Folk Arts and Crafts in the Nizhny Novgorod Region
Historical and Geographical Background for the Origin of Folk Arts and Crafts in the Nizhny Novgorod Region
(Historical and Geographical Background for the Origin of Folk Arts and Crafts in the Nizhny Novgorod Region)
- Author(s):Anna Alexandrovna Firsova, Yury Vladimirovich Filippov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Visual Arts, Ethnohistory, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:825-829
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Arts and crafts; painting on wood; consciousness;
- Summary/Abstract:This article gives an overview of the historical and geographical background for the origin of folk arts and crafts – in particular – the art of painting on wood in the Nizhny Novgorod region, the study of range of factors which contributed to the formation of Khokhloma painting – the hallmark of Russian folk art – is given.
- Price: 4.50 €
(About the Authors)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:English, Serbian
- Subject(s):Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life
- Page Range:831-839
- No. of Pages:9
- Price: 4.50 €