Horizons of children’s meanings. Creating a learning environment Cover Image
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Horyzonty dziecięcych znaczeń. Kreowanie środowiska uczenia się
Horizons of children’s meanings. Creating a learning environment

Contributor(s): Jolanta Bonar (Editor), Monika Wiśniewska-Kin (Editor), Anna Buła (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Library and Information Science, Education and training, School education, Sociology of Education
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: early school education; educational discourse; understanding of concepts; culture of education; early childhood education; learning environment; children’s creativity; supporting development; childhood; childrens understanding of the world
Summary/Abstract: The presented publications entitled Horizons of children’s meanings are an attempt to provoke reflection on tensions and non-obviousness of the essence and significance of contemporary debates on childhood and early education. The contemplations presented critically consider the condition of early education, the child’s potential and his ways of experiencing the world, the educational environment that develops the potential and competences of children, the creative nature of learning process and methodological aspects of child and childhood research. The second volume was inspired by discussions focused on three areas. They concerned a critical reflection on the culture of education embedded in the tradition of reducing education to a simple transmission of knowledge and beliefs, the educational environment that stimulates the development of children’s abilities and creativity understood as children’s interpreting, recognizing and inventing the world. Similarly to the first volume, we refer here to many theories within the constructivist discourse. Also, most Authors describe the subject from an interpretive perspective, regardless of the matters covered.

  • Page Count: 144
  • Publication Year: 2019
  • Language: Polish
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