Петербургский апокриф. Послание от Марка
Saint-Petersburg Apocrypha. Epistle of Mark
Contributor(s): Oleg V. Sharov (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Archaeology, Ancient World, Middle Ages, 6th to 12th Centuries, Scientific Life
Published by: Издательский дом Stratum, Университет «Высшая антропологическая школа»
Keywords: history;archaeology;Great Migrations;Chernyakhov Culture;Goths;Late Antiquity;Early Middle Ages;
Series: Библиотека Stratum
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-9975-4079-3-9
- Page Count: 588
- Publication Year: 2011
- Language: Russian
Печальный отклик на Послание от Марка
Печальный отклик на Послание от Марка
(A sad Response to the Epistle of Mark)
- Author(s):Leo S. Klejn
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Obituary
- Page Range:15-16
- No. of Pages:2
- Summary/Abstract:Ad memoriam M. B. Shchukin
Воспоминания о Марке Борисовиче Щукине, его домашнем семинаре и старых добрых временах
Воспоминания о Марке Борисовиче Щукине, его домашнем семинаре и старых добрых временах
(The Memoirs about Mark Shchukin, his Home Seminars in Days of the Old and Good Times)
- Author(s):Sergey Yu. Kargapoltsev
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Obituary, Scientific Life
- Page Range:17-20
- No. of Pages:4
- Summary/Abstract:Ad memoriam M. B. Shchukin
Тайна аромата
Тайна аромата
(The Mystery of Aroma)
- Author(s):Petr V. Shuvalov
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Obituary
- Page Range:21-21
- No. of Pages:1
- Summary/Abstract:Ad memoriam M. B. Shchukin
Щукин Марк Борисович: Хронология научной жизни
Щукин Марк Борисович: Хронология научной жизни
(Mark B. Shchukin: a Chronology of Academic Life)
- Author(s):Oleg V. Sharov
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Obituary, Scientific Life
- Page Range:23-29
- No. of Pages:7
- Summary/Abstract:Ad memoriam M. B. Shchukin
Список печатных работ М. Б. Щукина
Список печатных работ М. Б. Щукина
(Mark B. Shchukin’s List of Published Works)
- Contributor(s):Lev M. Vseviov (Composer), Oleg V. Sharov (Composer), Sergey Yu. Kargapoltsev (Composer)
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Bibliography, General Reference Works, Ancient World, Middle Ages, 6th to 12th Centuries
- Page Range:31-37
- No. of Pages:7
- Summary/Abstract:Ad memoriam M. B. Shchukin
Археологическая кухня прошлого века
Археологическая кухня прошлого века
(Archaeological Kitchen of the Past Century)
- Author(s):Mark B. Shchukin, Michel Kazanski
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Ancient World, Scientific Life
- Page Range:39-191
- No. of Pages:153
- Summary/Abstract:Correspondence of M. B. Shchukin and M. Kazanski
Хроника жизни «Хронографа»
Хроника жизни «Хронографа»
(Chronograph’s Chronicles)
- Contributor(s):Oleg V. Sharov (Composer), Ekaterina V. Lurie (Composer)
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Ancient World, Middle Ages, 6th to 12th Centuries, Scientific Life
- Page Range:193-244
- No. of Pages:52
- Summary/Abstract:(Proceedings of the archaeological seminarium founded by M. B. Shchukin)
Территориально-административное устройство Боспорского царства при Фарнаке II по нумизматическим данным
Территориально-административное устройство Боспорского царства при Фарнаке II по нумизматическим данным
(Territorial-Administrative Structure of the Bosporus Kingdom under Pharnaces II, based on Numismatic Data)
- Author(s):Mikhail M. Choref
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Political history, Ancient World
- Page Range:247-259
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Bosporus; Mithridates; monogram; numismatics; Pompey; Rome; stater; Taurica; tetradrachm; Pharnaces; Chersonesos
- Summary/Abstract:The rule of Pharnaces II has much fewer written evidences than the reign of his father Mithridates VI. However, the numismatic material allowed us to illuminate the circumstances that allowed him to take the title of “great king of kings”, and to determine the administrative structure of the Bosporus Kingdom during his reign. North-Eastern Black Sea region during this period was a conglomerate of royal possessions, quasi-autonomous city-states and the Hellenized peoples united by the power of “the great king of kings”.
Мираж европейской Сарматии на фоне истории текста и карт «Географии» Птолемея
Мираж европейской Сарматии на фоне истории текста и карт «Географии» Птолемея
(The Mirage of the European Sarmatia in the Context of the Text History and Maps of Ptolemy’s “Geography”)
- Author(s):Petr V. Shuvalov
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):History, Geography, Regional studies, Historical Geography, Maps / Cartography, Ancient World
- Page Range:261-275
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Ptolemy; stemmatology; maps; historiography
- Summary/Abstract:Works of O. A. W. Dilke, A. Diller, P. Schnabel, J. Fischer and others enable the author to conclude that the handmade maps are descendents of Ptolemy's maps. An alternative hypothesis (i. e. that the maps were a later product by the Byzantine scholars who used Ptolemy's text) seems to be not very well grounded.
Жилища позднезарубинецкого времени: состояние изучения и проблема источника
Жилища позднезарубинецкого времени: состояние изучения и проблема источника
(Late Zarubintsi Dwellings: State of Studies and the Problem of Source)
- Author(s):Yuri Yu. Bashkatov
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Ancient World
- Page Range:277-293
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Late Zarubintsi group; housing; blockhouse construction; carcass-pillar design; semi-dugouts; ground dwelling; Kiev culture
- Summary/Abstract:The author examines the current state of studies of the Late Zarubintsi culture dwellings and main ideas about them. He also introduces some new evidence from the South Bug River area and gives a comprehensive overview of dwellings belonging to all local versions of the Late Zarubintsi group of sites. Special focus is set on constructive features of the dwellings. He concludes that the blockhouse construction of walls prevailed and had a continuation on the latest sites of the Kiev culture.
Гривны c конусовидными окончаниями («тип Хавор») cамбийско-натангийской культуры: вопросы генезиса и хронологии
Гривны c конусовидными окончаниями («тип Хавор») cамбийско-натангийской культуры: вопросы генезиса и хронологии
(Neck-Rings with Cone-Shaped Terminals (Havor type) of Sambian-Natangian Culture in the Light of Origin and Chronology)
- Author(s):Olga A. Khomiakova
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Ancient World
- Page Range:295-314
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Kaliningrad region; Baltic Sea; early Roman period; Sambian-Natangian culture; Gothland; Havor; Celts; Germans; Baltic tribes.
- Summary/Abstract:Neck-rings representing a circuited form with cone-shaped terminals are the special rank of Sambian–Natangian Culture. They should be a sort of imitation of the gold Havor group’s ornaments. Such neck-rings appear during the period B2 in association with some other clothes fittings and personal ornaments which are thought to have similarities in Scandinavia. In addition, bronze neck-rings with cone-shaped terminals occur widely across the Balts territory.
Уздечный набор позднеантичного времени из Горгиппии
Уздечный набор позднеантичного времени из Горгиппии
(A Horse Harness of Late Antiquity from Gorgippia)
- Author(s):Andrey M. Novichikhin
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Cultural history, Ancient World
- Page Range:315-318
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Bosporan Kingdom; Gorgippia; horse harness; Sarmatians;Aspurgians;
- Summary/Abstract:A set of horse harness accessories was found in necropolis of the Bosporan polis Gorgippia in 1999. Harness details, first of all bronze snaffles, are analogies of some details of bridle from Sarmatian burials 1st—2nd centuries A.D. of the Kuban and Don region. This find proves the distribution of Sarmatian-like horse equipment in the antique cities of Bosporus State. Its occurrence can be connected with penetration of natives of the Sarmatian tribal environment into Bosporan cities, first of all the Aspurgians.
Ранняя фаза черняховской культуры
Ранняя фаза черняховской культуры
(Early Phase of Chernyakhov Culture)
- Author(s):Oleg V. Sharov
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Ancient World, Migration Studies
- Page Range:321-340
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Chernyakhov culture; Wielbark culture; chronology; Brest-Trishin; Dancheny; Ruzhichanka; Kosanovo; Wolagiewicz-Schindler's classification of ceramics
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses possibilities to prove some genetic links between Wielbark and Chernyakhov cultures. The author argues that this issue can be solved with the help of chronology, by distinguishing early horizones of finds on such representative cemeteries as Dancheny, Kosanovo, Ruzhichanka, Cherniliv Russky and Toki. The findings led to the following conclusions:1. Wielbark culture played a crucial role at the initial stage of the Chernyakhov culture. This manifests in a group of early Wielbark burials in Chernyakhov cemeteries, which forms the initial core of the latter, and in a number of categories of various objects and items of jewelry that existed throughout the Chernyakhov culture.2. The second horizon is marked by ties with the population of the Rhine-Elbe region, where settlements and burial grounds yield large quantities of handmade ware, forms of which are later found throughout the whole area of the Chernyakhov culture in wheel pottery. The same region gave various types of ware of Leuna-Hassleben horison to the Chernyakhov culture.3. The second and third horizons are marked by the Danish Wave: these are Monstruoso fibulae, iron combs, glass beakers, Bügelknopffibeln with a comb. All of these components merged together and transformed during the period C1b—C2, so that we see the classic Chernyakhov culture in the first decades of the 4th century, and it is difficult to single out the roots it stems from.
Женский костюм черняховской культуры с двупластинчатыми фибулами
Женский костюм черняховской культуры с двупластинчатыми фибулами
(Feminine Costume of the Chernyakhov Culture with Two-Plate Fibulae)
- Author(s):Anna V. Mastykova
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Cultural history, Gender history, Ancient World
- Page Range:341-365
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:The Chernyakhov culture; late Roman period; fibulae with two plates; Eastern Germanic peoples; women’s clothing; elements of “masculine” and “feminine” clothing
- Summary/Abstract:The author studies Chernyakhov feminine costume, which is typical for the Eastern Germanic peoples of the late Roman times. It is characterized by presence of a pair of crossbow fibulae or fibulae with two plates. The fibulae are arranged in pairs on the shoulders or chest, but there are known cases where a burial contained three and even four fibulae. The number of these items is determinative for the typology of the Eastern Germanic clothing, suggested by M. Mączyńska (Tempelmann-Mączyńska 1989). This typology is used in this study to examine Chernyakhov burials with two-plate fibulae.
Об амфорах типа «Делакеу»
Об амфорах типа «Делакеу»
(On Amphoras of “Delakeu” type)
- Author(s):Boris V. Magomedov
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Ancient World
- Page Range:367-372
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Chernyakhov culture; amphora; Sinope; Federates;trade;
- Summary/Abstract:Amphoras of “Delakeu” type were produced on the outskirts of Sinope. From the middle of 4th century they completely prevail on the southern settlements of the Chernyakhov culture, and they are practically not known in other places. In the autor’s opinion, this is the result of the agreement of Constantine I with Goths dated by AD 332. After the agreement the Sinopean wine in specially made big amphoras and other goods began to come in large quantities to the Chernyakhov territory by trade and as component of compensation for federates’ detachments.
Клад у села Мошны
Клад у села Мошны
(A Hoard near Moshny Village)
- Author(s):Nikolai A. Alexeenko, Maxim Ye. Levada
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Ancient World
- Page Range:373-395
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:Chernyakhov culture; foederati; Roman copper coins
- Summary/Abstract:The paper publishes a hoard of Roman coins found accidentally in 2005 near Moshny village (Cherkassy administrative area, Ukraine). Apart from one coin of Mithridates VI, the hoard consists of coins of the period from Constantius II to sons of Theodosius I, basically of AD 383—388, of the same nominal value (AE2) and mainly copper, which is unusual for the area of the Chernyakhov culture. The authors think that the hoard of Moshny tells about involving of Gothic foederati into active coin circulation in the Roman Taurica.
Древнейший христианский храм Восточной Европы эпохи Великого переселения народов
Древнейший христианский храм Восточной Европы эпохи Великого переселения народов
(The Oldest Christian Temple in Eastern Europe, the Great Migration Time)
- Author(s):Yuri Yu. Shevchenko
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Cultural history, Ancient World, History of Religion
- Page Range:397-414
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Liturgical device; the Eucharist (communion); the throne; Chilter-Koba Tauris
- Summary/Abstract:The Ai-Todor temple of Chilter-Koba cave monastery in the Crimea has an ancient throne adjacent to the inner wall of the apse, which consists of flow systems: a cup-shaped cavity and a drench gutter. This finds analogies in three earliest Byzantine thrones of Jerusalem and among the sites of 2nd — 4th centuries. Since Christianity evolves in Tauris during the Gothic Wars of 264 and 275, one can date these liturgical devices in Chilter-Koba to this time.
Погребения эпохи великого переселения народов и раннего средневековья из курганов степного Прикубанья
Погребения эпохи великого переселения народов и раннего средневековья из курганов степного Прикубанья
(Burials of the Great Migration epoch and the early Middle Ages in barrows in the Kuban steppe)
- Author(s):Natalia Ju. Limberis, Ivan I. Marchenko
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Ancient World, Middle Ages, 6th to 12th Centuries
- Page Range:417-441
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:Kuban region; polychromatic style; sword; cauldron;armour;
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the materials of the two richest burials in barrows in the Kuban steppe, dated from the Great Migration epoch. The detailed analysis of the multiple inventory items (polychromatic objects, buckles and belt decorations, cauldrons, weapons, etc) makes it possible to date the burial in Kalininskaya to the first half of the 5th century, and the burial in Malay — to the middle of the 6th century.
Причерноморские элементы на памятниках Верхнего Подонья середины I тыс.н.э.
Причерноморские элементы на памятниках Верхнего Подонья середины I тыс.н.э.
(Black Sea Cultural Elements on the Upper Don Region Sites in the Middle of the 1 Millenium A. D.)
- Author(s):Andrei M. Oblomskii
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Ancient World, Migration Studies
- Page Range:443-462
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:The Upper Don region; Northern Black Sea region; the Hun period; the trade route
- Summary/Abstract:The article examines connections between the population of the Upper Don and the Northern Black Sea regions in 5th century A. D. Black Sea region traditions are represented in the Upper Don by the Late Antique and barbarous cultural elements. On the Upper Don settlements, wheel-made pottery and products of ferrous metal were produced using Late Antique technology. In this region, 3 burials associated with Black Sea region by grave goods and details of funeral rite were studied. A small series of Upper Don hand-made polished vessels is of Late Antique Tanais origin. Some ornaments (earrings, fibulae of different types, bracelets) find analogies in the Lower Don, Crimea and Northern Caucasus. Tanais traditions are represented by a stone house built on the hillfort Chertovitskoje-3. All these data testify the presence of a population from the Northern Black Sea region in the Upper Don in 5th century A. D. This population enabled operation of the trade route from the Azov Sea by the Don River to the Oka region.
Фибулы типа Удине-Планис
Фибулы типа Удине-Планис
(Fibulae of the Udine-Planis Type)
- Author(s):Igor O. Gavritukhin
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Ancient World, 6th to 12th Centuries
- Page Range:463-490
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:fibulae of the Udine-Planis type; Italy; Crimea; Dnieper region
- Summary/Abstract:The author examines the history of studies of the fibulae of Udine-Planis type, and distinguishes series of such fibulae. The Italo-Germanic series (ca. 490—530 s.) was related to the Ostrogothic kingdom in Italy. The Balkan-Pontic series was shaped under the influence of the Ostrogothic samples; after 530-s. an important production centre developed in Bosporus. The Danube-Dnieper series (ca. 6th c.) was formed in the Lower Danube area; this and the Middle Dnieper area have evidences of local production.
Конструктивные особенности больших двупластинчатых фибул с накладками из могильника Суук-Су
Конструктивные особенности больших двупластинчатых фибул с накладками из могильника Суук-Су
(Constructive Features of Large Fibulae with Two Plates and Overlays from Suuk-Su Graveyard (Crimea))
- Author(s):Alexey G. Furasiev
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Middle Ages, 6th to 12th Centuries
- Page Range:491-507
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Early medieval Crimea; Goths; costume;fibulae;
- Summary/Abstract:The author analyzes two groups of fibulae with two plates (with decorative overlays) from the Crimea. He distinguishes two groups and two stages in the evolution of this ornament: “A” — small integral fibulae made from one casting block with forged plates; “B” — large composed fibulae consisting of riveted details (bow and plates). Group “A” is much older, dated by 550—610/620 AD. Group “B” dates to 590—650 AD and is synchronous with artefacts of late 6th - 650 AD.. The main evolution trends for fibulae are that they grow in size and change the method of manufacture.
О центрах власти у славян: днестровские клады VII века
О центрах власти у славян: днестровские клады VII века
(About the Centers of Power among the Slavs: Hoards of the 7th Century in the Dniester Basin)
- Author(s):Michel Kazanski
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Cultural history, Social history, Middle Ages, 6th to 12th Centuries
- Page Range:509-526
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:chiefdoms; Sclavini; Antae; the Dniester-Prut interfluve;Byzantine influence;
- Summary/Abstract:The article treats a small group of hoards in the Dniester basin, in the territory of the Prague culture, correlated with the Sclavines of the 5th — 7th centuries. These are the findings in Krylos, Zalesye, Velykyi Kuchuriv. Apparently, they mark a center of power, corresponding to the area of dense Slavic settlement. Byzantinization of the chiefs’ elite is evidenced for the Balkan Slavs in the 7th century. The hoards in the Dniester basin also demonstrate a strong Byzantine influence on the material culture of the Slavic chiefs’ elites.
Хронология и периодизация вещевого комплекса культуры псковских длинных курганов
Хронология и периодизация вещевого комплекса культуры псковских длинных курганов
(Chronology and Periodization of the Pskov Long Barrows)
- Author(s):Elena R. Mikhailova
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, 6th to 12th Centuries
- Page Range:527-554
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:culture of the Pskov long barrows; chronology; periodization
- Summary/Abstract:The chronology is based on dates of artefacts and data of the radiocarbon analysis.Period I (late 5th — the middle of 6th century) is marked by subjects of the late Roman time or the early migration period; it is the time when the Pskov long barrows were formed. Period II (middle 6th century — turn of 8th/9th centuries) is the time of consecutive development of this culture. It can be divided into 2 phases: IIА (second half of 6th—7th century) and IIВ (8th century). Period III (9th century — early 11th century) — the finale of this culture, marked by presence of the Old Russian artifacts.
Куда «запаздывают» монеты? (К вопросу о роли монет в датировке раннесредневековых памятников Восточной Европы VI—VIII вв.)
Куда «запаздывают» монеты? (К вопросу о роли монет в датировке раннесредневековых памятников Восточной Европы VI—VIII вв.)
(How could coins “be late”? (Towards the role of coins in dating of early medieval sites of 6—8th cc. in Eastern Europe))
- Author(s):Oleksii V. Komar
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Middle Ages, 6th to 12th Centuries
- Page Range:555-566
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:chronology; absolute dating; coin limit; Byzantine solids; archaeologisation
- Summary/Abstract:Absolute dating of complexes with help of coins is one of the oldest theoretical problems of archaeology. A number of correction factors were proposed in order to solve the problem of life time of a coin before its archaeologisation. Behaviour of Byzantine solidi of the 5th—8th centuries A. D. in societies outside of Byzantium can be traced by European monetary hoards and Chinese tombs with exact dates. Both examples give a wide span between the date of coin age and its archaeologisation, and also demonstrate that a foreign coin is never the youngest artefact in the complex.