Языковой монументализм в России XX века. Диахроническая экспликация научных парадигм
Monumentalisation of Language in the 20th Century Russia. Diachronic Explication of Scholarly Paradigms
Author(s): Jaroslaw Wierzbiński
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Eastern Slavic Languages
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: Soviet Union (USSR);Russia;totalitarianism;soviet onomastics;
soviet toponymy;stalinism;
Summary/Abstract: This book subscribes to the analysis of the Russian language in the 20th century and addresses a wide spectrum of notions from the Russian cultural and linguistic reality of this century, that is in the context of Soviet mass culture. The present author focuses on the issues central to the formation of reality after 1917 and on shaping the Russian language at the time, its vocabulary in particular, which represents the people’s mentality at the time. The time concerns ideological and rhetorical picture of the world presented, mainly the view of language and its manifestation in Russia after the revolution. This research shows an interdisciplinary orientation. Linguistic analyses were extended by issues relevant to semiotics, culture studies, sociolinguistic and psycholinguistics in reference to different communicative contexts. The theoretical basis is enriched by cognitive linguistics. Based on its primary assumptions and concepts, this work discusses the most important aspects of the Russian linguistic presentation of reality. This work shows a contemporary insight into the Russian language of the 20th century, offering a perspective from the turn of the century and in the context of ongoing changes in Russia.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-7525-710-6
- Page Count: 263
- Publication Year: 2012
- Language: English, Russian, Polish
- eBook-PDF
- Table of Content
- Introduction