Miejsca sporu. Księga dedykowana profesorowi Pawłowi Śpiewakowi
Matters of Dispute. A Book Dedicated to Professor Paweł Spiewak
Contributor(s): Piotr Kulas (Editor), Krzysztof Świrek (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Modern Age, 16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: politics; philosophy of politics; liberalism; utopia; the welfare state; inequalities; antisemitism
Summary/Abstract: The book dedicated to Professor Śpiewak contains texts of sociologists, philosophers and economists, who are his friends, associates and students. It combines reminiscence and scientific aspects, collecting articles referring to the main areas of Paweł Śpiewak’s interests: social memory and its political aspects, the idea and practice of the welfare state, the important questions of classical philosophy of politics, the sociology of the middle class and the situation of Poland between the influences of Western and Eastern Europe. The title “Matters of Dispute” underlines the fact that the book contains texts on complex issues, which cannot be definitely settled.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-4165-3
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-4157-8
- Page Count: 368
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: Polish
Najważniejsze publikacje Pawła Śpiewaka
Najważniejsze publikacje Pawła Śpiewaka
(The most important publications Paweł Śpiewak)
- Author(s):Paweł Śpiewak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century
- Page Range:20-29
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:politics; philosophy of politics; liberalism; utopia; the welfare state; inequalities; antisemitism
- Summary/Abstract:The book dedicated to Professor Śpiewak contains texts of sociologists, philosophers and economists, who are his friends, associates and students. It combines reminiscence and scientific aspects, collecting articles referring to the main areas of Paweł Śpiewak’s interests: social memory and its political aspects, the idea and practice of the welfare state, the important questions of classical philosophy of politics, the sociology of the middle class and the situation of Poland between the influences of Western and Eastern Europe. The title “Matters of Dispute” underlines the fact that the book contains texts on complex issues, which cannot be definitely settled.
- Price: 4.50 €
- Author(s):Piotr Sommer
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century
- Page Range:33-33
- No. of Pages:1
- Keywords:politics; philosophy of politics; liberalism; utopia; the welfare state; inequalities; antisemitism
- Summary/Abstract:The book dedicated to Professor Śpiewak contains texts of sociologists, philosophers and economists, who are his friends, associates and students. It combines reminiscence and scientific aspects, collecting articles referring to the main areas of Paweł Śpiewak’s interests: social memory and its political aspects, the idea and practice of the welfare state, the important questions of classical philosophy of politics, the sociology of the middle class and the situation of Poland between the influences of Western and Eastern Europe. The title “Matters of Dispute” underlines the fact that the book contains texts on complex issues, which cannot be definitely settled.
- Price: 4.50 €
- Author(s):Ireneusz Krzemiński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century
- Page Range:34-46
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Polish sociology; liberalism; transformation of the political system; qualitative research; public sphere
- Summary/Abstract:Th e essay presents memories about Paweł Śpiewak’s infl uence on the author of the text.In the centre of the refl ections lie the problems – personal, social, political ones – thatcomprised the moral challenge of their generation. Th e author describes reactions tothese problems, also scholarly ones, beginning with the experiences of March 1968, thechanging attitude to socialism – from turning away from it and not accepting socialismto the discovery of the Christian roots of the socialist thought – and ending with theletter of protest against the changes to the PRL Constitution in 1975, which eventuallyled to Paweł Śpiewak’s dismissal from the University of Warsaw. Th e text is concludedwith refl ections on faith and the presence of God and the friend’s conversion to Judaism– his father’s religion.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pamięć po liberalizmie: Paweł Śpiewak i Karl Mannheim o czasie w polityce
Pamięć po liberalizmie: Paweł Śpiewak i Karl Mannheim
o czasie w polityce
(Remembering liberalism: Paweł Śpiewak and Karl Mannheim about time in politics)
- Author(s):Marta Bucholc
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century
- Page Range:49-63
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:utopia; transformation; conservatism; liberalism; Karl Mannheim
- Summary/Abstract:Th e chapter discusses Paweł Śpiewak’s book Pamięć po komunizmie (1995) in light ofKarl Mannheim’s concept of utopia. Th e author refl ects on liberal and conservativerenditions of utopian mentality in Poland aft er 1989 and on their political consequences.In her analysis of a phenomenon which she defi nes as the return of asynchrony inPolish political and social life, she focuses on the exploration of the utopian sense oftime as represented by Polish conservatism.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pamięć liberała. Dyskusja o komunizmie i sprawiedliwości w społeczeństwie pluralistycznym
Pamięć liberała. Dyskusja o komunizmie i sprawiedliwości
w społeczeństwie pluralistycznym
(A liberal’s memory. Discussion on communism and justice
in a pluralist society)
- Author(s):Paweł Marczewski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century
- Page Range:64-74
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:democracy; liberalism; lustration; justice; John Rawls
- Summary/Abstract:Th e author argues that the dispute on whether lustration is in accordance with liberalideals of individual freedom and pluralism, an argument shown using the example ofthe exchange between Paweł Śpiewak and Andrzej Walicki, can be settled by referringto John Rawls’s idea of justice as fairness. Th e concept allows the author to assess whetherlustration is just – it provides theoretical tools to set aside individual responsibility and assess the eff ects that the communist system had on democracy in Poland aft er1989 and whether individuals who helped to sustain this system received unfair benefi tsresulting from their cooperation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Polityka pamięci: między siłą a sprawiedliwością
Polityka pamięci: między siłą a sprawiedliwością
(Th e politics of memory: Between force and justice)
- Author(s):Krzysztof Świrek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century
- Page Range:75-92
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:social memory; politics of memory; justice; public sphere; Friedrich Nietzsche; Paweł Śpiewak
- Summary/Abstract:Shaping social memory is a political task spread between two poles – the pole of force andthe pole of justice. On the one side, memory becomes the means of multiplying politicalpower. On the other, memory becomes the registration of that which refuses to be utilized,or even made sense of. What is possible between these two poles is resolution by confl ict– a poison which serves to cure the political community. Th e diff erent memory types willbe analysed using Friedrich Nietzsche’s, as well as Paweł Śpiewak’s, refl ections on interpretingthe diffi cult 20th-century history.
- Price: 4.50 €
Boston i Londyn na progu XXI wieku: socjalistyczne utopie dobrobytu
Boston i Londyn na progu XXI wieku: socjalistyczne utopie dobrobytu
(Boston and London at the beginning of the 21st century:
Socialist utopias of abundance)
- Author(s):Andrzej Waśkiewicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century
- Page Range:95-114
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:utopia; well-being; socialism; industrialization; de-industrialization; Edward Bellamy; William Morris
- Summary/Abstract:Th e paper discusses Looking Backward 1887–2000 by Edward Bellamy and News fromNowhere by William Morris, two novels written at the end of the 19th century as utopiasof abundance. In the fi rst one, universal well-being has been ensured by industrializationand social organization under state control. In contrast to the former, in the latter bookthe world has undergone an anti-industrial revolution and has come back to harmonywith nature, with no state coercion. Both visions have infl uenced the popular imaginationat the turn of the 19th century. Th ey exemplify attempts to achieve cultural dominationwhich Antonio Gramsci believes to be the precondition of future socialism.
- Price: 4.50 €
Czy mamy problem nadmiernych nierówności?
Czy mamy problem nadmiernych nierówności?
(Do we have a problem of excessive inequality?)
- Author(s):Ryszard Bugaj
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century
- Page Range:115-129
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:inequality in Poland; degressive tax; commercialization of social insurance; predicted rise of inequality; actions to reduce inequality
- Summary/Abstract:Aft er the 2008 crisis there has been an increase in the interest in inequalities. Measuringit is very diffi cult but the rise in the scale of inequality in the last 2–3 decades iscommon and indubitable. It is a consequence of the spread of the neoliberal model ofcapitalism, and especially the limiting of redistribution in the tax system. Th ere arereasons to assume that Poland’s Gini index has been understated, but inequalities inPoland are not extremely high. Th e are expected to increase. Th e state should take actionto reduce the scale of inequality.
- Price: 4.50 €
(Nie)przewidziane konsekwencje? Reforma edukacji oraz reforma nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego realizowane przez rząd PiS wobec obietnicy realizacji państwa dobrobytu
(Nie)przewidziane konsekwencje? Reforma edukacji oraz reforma nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego realizowane
przez rząd PiS wobec obietnicy realizacji państwa dobrobytu
((Un)intended consequences? Reform of education and reform of higher education implemented by the Law and Justice government and the promise of a welfare state)
- Author(s):Piotr Kulas
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century
- Page Range:130-154
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:welfare state; egalitarianism; social justice; education reform; higher education reform; public policy; Law and Justice
- Summary/Abstract:Th e main aim of the text is to discuss the expected consequences of the reform ofeducation and of higher education from the perspective of implementing the welfarestate. Th e welfare state is the main promise of the Law and Justice political agenda. Itsfulfi llment determines the support of the voters for this party. By analysing the possibleeff ects of each reform, the author considers whether the Law and Justice party is buildinga welfare state. He argues that, in spite of promises and the voters’ expectations,the consequences of these key public policies for the shaping of a welfare state will notbe egalitarian. Th e analysis is based on specialists’ discourse on the two reforms inreference to the idea of social equality. It is a critical study in the sociology of knowledge.
- Price: 4.50 €
Rozumienie teraźniejszości
Rozumienie teraźniejszości
(Understanding the present)
- Author(s):Grzegorz Hansen
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century
- Page Range:157-165
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:the spectator; the present; validity of judgments; impartiality; emancipation
- Summary/Abstract:Th e concept of uncommitted observation is being presented as a condition of understandingreality. In the case of social research the most diffi cult subject of understandingis the present. Th e essay by Foucault on Kant and the Enlightenment has been used asa starting point for analysing the concept of understanding of the present. From theanalysis of the context of the present events we move towards the conditions of claims of judgments being made to universal validity. Th e considerations are continued in thecase of observing the phenomenon of the pursuit of emancipation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Teizm Tocqueville’a
Teizm Tocqueville’a
(Tocqueville’s theism)
- Author(s):Igor Czernecki
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century
- Page Range:166-181
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Tocqueville; religion; civil religion; theism; deism; Pascal; Rousseau
- Summary/Abstract:In this essay I attempt to address the tension between a functional and substantial takeon religion in the works of Alexis de Tocqueville. I will argue that its correct understandingrequires going beyond the dichotomy of either reading in Tocqueville abouta Montesquieu-inspired civil religion or seeing in the author’s works an expression ofyearning for God, reminiscent of Pascal, and that this can be accomplished with thehelp of the concept of theism. To this end I confront Pierre Manents idea of la religioncivilewith examples from Tocqueville’s work that this idea fails to account for. I proposea synthesis of the two perspectives with the help of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s theologicaltreaties.
- Price: 4.50 €
Alexis de Tocqueville i mapa emocji demokratycznych
Alexis de Tocqueville i mapa emocji demokratycznych
(Alexis de Tocqueville and a map of democratic emotions)
- Author(s):Karolina Wigura
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century
- Page Range:182-202
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Tocquevill; emotion; passions; feelings; democracy; catalogue of emotions; mythologization of democratic politics
- Summary/Abstract:Th e article is devoted to the topic rarely discussed regarding the political refl ection ofAlexis de Tocqueville: emotions. Th e most important three arguments of the text arethe following. 1) Tocqueville not only describes American democracy as a new politicalsystem, but also attributes a new catalogue of emotions to it; 2) Emotions play animportant role in Tocqueville’s mythologization of democratic politics; 3) AlthoughTocqueville is infl uenced by Rousseau and Montesquieu when it comes to understandingemotions, his refl ection on the habits of the heart can be interpreted as a gradual openingtowards the cognitive, rational image of emotions that dominated thinking aboutemotions aft er Tocqueville.
- Price: 4.50 €
Eksperyment Conrada (rozważania socjologa wokół powieści Josepha Conrada W oczach Zachodu)
Eksperyment Conrada (rozważania socjologa wokół powieści Josepha Conrada W oczach Zachodu)
(Conrad’s experiment (refl ections of a sociologist on Joseph Conrad’s novel Under Western Eyes))
- Author(s):Krzysztof Łęcki
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century
- Page Range:203-223
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:sociology of literature; thought experiment; morality; cognitive dissonance; authoritarianism
- Summary/Abstract:Joseph Conrad’s novel Under Western Eyes is treated as a form of a thought experiment.It is an attempt to interpret the situational dilemmas of an individual in an authoritariansocial system, and not – as it happens more oft en in the sociology of literature – thecharacteristics of an antiutopia system. Considering philosophical analyses (Arendt,Camus), historical testimonies (Custine), individual cases (Kronsky) and literary contexts(Hesse, Borges, Musil) as the system of reference, the author tries to reconstruct thepossible motivation (and rationalization) of the change in attitudes of an individualplaced between the imperative of conscience and the police state.
- Price: 4.50 €
Metamorfozy Johna Graya
Metamorfozy Johna Graya
(Metamorfozy Johna Graya)
- Author(s):Paweł Kłoczowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century
- Page Range:224-233
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:political philosophy; liberalism; axiological pluralis; value incommensurability; freedom; human nature; ecology
- Summary/Abstract:Readers following the intellectual biography of John Gray wonder about his frequentcareer changes. In spite of appearances, Gray is not a soft chameleon without an ideologicalbackbone. Despite changes, he maintains a strong identity based on the doctrineof the pluralism of incommensurable values. To use Kierkegaard’s famous trichotomy,one could claim that he chooses an aesthetic existence, sensitive to axiological pluralism,but also founded on anthropological pessimism.
- Price: 4.50 €
Georg Simmel albo mieszczaństwo w ruinie
Georg Simmel albo mieszczaństwo w ruinie
(Georg Simmel or the bourgeois in ruins)
- Author(s):Szymon Wróbel
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century
- Page Range:237-271
- No. of Pages:34
- Keywords:bourgeois; money; ruins; sociability; value; life
- Summary/Abstract:Th e following article is devoted to the thought of the German sociologist Georg Simmel.It is an attempt at drawing conclusions on the “bourgeois” and “bourgeois sociology”,understood as a certain “culture of life”. Th e author tries to avoid interpreting Simmel’sconcepts as a “classic of late modernity” and instead considers the intellectual eff ect ofSimmel’s work, i.e. attempts to start a refl ection on the post-bourgeois world. Th e mainthemes of the analysis are: sociability, money, life, value, ruins. As a result, the authortries to see in Simmel a daring “partisan thinker”.
- Price: 4.50 €
Rozważania o kwestii żydowskiej Sartre’a jako próba filozoficznej wykładni sensu antysemityzmu
Rozważania o kwestii żydowskiej Sartre’a jako próba filozoficznej wykładni sensu antysemityzmu
(Sartre’s Anti-Semite and Jew as an attempt at a philosophical explanation the sense of anti-Semitism)
- Author(s):Piotr Kendziorek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century
- Page Range:272-311
- No. of Pages:40
- Keywords:anti-Semitism; existential philosophy; Jewish issue; French social philosophy; Holocaust
- Summary/Abstract:Th e article aims to reconstruct in detail the argumentation of J.P. Sartre presented inAnti-Semite and Jew. Th e author emphasizes Sartre’s innovative conceptualization ofthe issue of anti-Semitism and its consequences for the situation of the Jews. Combiningin this context the phenomenological method with existential-ethical issues anda Marxism-inspired social analysis has been shown to be still intellectually productive.Simultaneously, the author points to the internal tensions between the diff erent aspectsof Sartre’s analysis and the speculative character of some aspects of his argumentation(which, as a result, have a weak empirical justifi cation).
- Price: 4.50 €
Rozmowy Polaków przy wódce. Rok 1951
Rozmowy Polaków przy wódce. Rok 1951
(Conversations of Poles drinking vodka. Th e year 1951)
- Author(s):Marcin Zaremba
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century
- Page Range:315-327
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:1951; public opinion; Stalinism; Julia Brystygier
- Summary/Abstract:Th e aim of the article is to discuss the most important topics of private conversationsof Poles during the culmination of Stalinism in 1951. Th e “pępkowe” (navel) ritual(a celebration of the birth of a baby, usually held among men) has been used as thestarting point for the analysis. Despite the public opinion being suppressed, frightened,the topics for conversation were numerous. Th ey included, among others, conversationsabout shortages and queues, the polio epidemic, show trials, the expected outbreak ofWorld War III, changes to the borders, collectivization. Th e article also discusses theonly known sociological study from that time, commissioned by Julia Brystygier.
- Price: 4.50 €
- Author(s):Piotr Kłoczowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century
- Page Range:328-332
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Jan Kott; Tadeusz Kantor; Kaddish; theatre
- Summary/Abstract:Jan Kott’s Kaddish: Pages on Tadeusz Kantor is the last book published during his life.Th ese pages on Tadeusz Kantor remain, to this day, one of the most poignant descriptionsof what might be called “the experience of Kantor”. Hidden within them is a fundamentalphilosophical question: what can save the memory of the theatre – the imageor the Logos/Word? What can save Tadeusz Kantor’s Th eatre of Death? Jan Kott’sanswer, hidden in his Kaddish, is as follows: the theatre of Kantor can be saved in its essence, in its meaning, only by the Word, the Logos. Th is is a biblical answer. I wouldlike to begin with Jan Kott. Th ree Poles are spoken of as having left a signifi cant markon the territory of theatre, in the second half of the 20th century: Tadeusz Kantor, JerzyGrotowski and Jan Kott.
- Price: 4.50 €
Nieco rzeczy mglistych
Nieco rzeczy mglistych
(Some hazy matters)
- Author(s):Marek Zaleski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century
- Page Range:333-341
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:economy of friendship; inspiration; muse; poetry
- Summary/Abstract:What determined the friendly closeness of Czesław Miłosz and Iosif Brodski? In theauthor’s opinion, affi nity in appreciation of the role of poetic inspiration was one ofthe reasons for this. Th is seemingly anachronistic category gains new interpretations.Both believe that inspiration is an adventure in which the unpredictability of the linguisticgesture manifests itself. Inspiration is characteristic of meaninglessness, the logicof reaction to which the rule of the excluded middle does not apply. It is an aff ect anda linguistic impulse that opens space for new metaphors and allows epiphany insights.
- Price: 4.50 €
Koniec mitu Zachodu & Koniec mitu Wschodu
Koniec mitu Zachodu & Koniec mitu Wschodu
(The end of the myth of the West and the end of the myth of the East)
- Author(s):Jarosław Kuisz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century
- Page Range:342-351
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:West; myth of the West; transformation of the political system; law; society; politics
- Summary/Abstract:Th e article presents an attempt at describing and analysing the post-communist mythof the West. During the period of the People’s Republic a conceptual complex wasformed which contributed to the multilayer fascination with the culture of the Westerncountries, in particular the Western European countries and the United States of America.Th is conceptual complex performed various functions in the social reality, in particulara legitimizing, mobilizing and symbolical function, and thus exerted a signifi cantinfl uence on the process of transformation from communism to liberal democracy. Inthe conclusions, the author emphasizes the possibility of describing and analysing the“mirror refl ection” of the presented phenomenon, which is the post-communist mythof the East.
- Price: 4.50 €
- Contributor(s):Piotr Kulas (Editor), Krzysztof Świrek (Editor)
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century
- Page Range:353-357
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:politics; philosophy of politics; liberalism; utopia; the welfare state; inequalities; antisemitism
- Summary/Abstract:The book dedicated to Professor Śpiewak contains texts of sociologists, philosophers and economists, who are his friends, associates and students. It combines reminiscence and scientific aspects, collecting articles referring to the main areas of Paweł Śpiewak’s interests: social memory and its political aspects, the idea and practice of the welfare state, the important questions of classical philosophy of politics, the sociology of the middle class and the situation of Poland between the influences of Western and Eastern Europe. The title “Matters of Dispute” underlines the fact that the book contains texts on complex issues, which cannot be definitely settled.
- Price: 4.50 €