Literatura i granice. Szkice o literaturze XX i XXI wieku.
Literature and Borders. Sketches on the literature of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Contributor(s): Barbara Gutkowska (Editor), Katarzyna Gutkowska-Ociepa (Editor), Agnieszka Nęcka (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Summary/Abstract: Tom Literatura i granice. Szkice o literaturze XX i XX wieku składa się z 12 artykułów poświęconych w większości granicom przedstawionym w literaturze, a jeśli wychodzą poza świat tekstu, to przede wszystkim poruszają zagadnienia podmiotowości i relacji autora do dzieła oraz jego samoświadomości. Zbiór stanowi więc klasyczną pozycję literaturoznawczą, z wyraźnym profilem historycznoliterackim i obejmuje analizy i interpretacje różnorodnych formalnie tekstów tak odmiennych autorów, jak Czechowicz, Witkacy, Dąbrowska Mrożek, Pustkowiak, Ligocka czy Iwasiów. Każdy interesujący się literaturą, antropologią czy historią czytelnik znajdzie tutaj próby udzielenia odpowiedzi na pytanie o granice literackości i tożsamości, rozmaitych (obyczajowych, językowych, emocjonalnych, narodowych) norm i ich przekroczeń. Wszystkie zaś ukazują ważną prawidłowość: że istnienie lub wyznaczenie jednej granicy nieuchronnie pociąga za sobą tworzenie się, narastanie, przeplatanie innych granic. I odwrotnie – przekroczenie jednej z niech całą mocą uwydatnia istnienie kolejnych, których konfiguracja się zmienia, ale które istnieć nigdy nie przestają.
Series: Studia literackie
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3142-3
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3141-6
- Page Count: 284
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Polish
Indeks osobowy
Indeks osobowy
- Author(s):Not Specified Author
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:277-283
- No. of Pages:7
Między awangardyzmem a egzystencją. O obrazie wojny w wierszu Józefa Czechowicza daleko
Między awangardyzmem a egzystencją. O obrazie wojny w wierszu Józefa Czechowicza daleko
(Between avant-gardism and existence. On the image of war in the poem daleko by Józef Czechowicz)
- Author(s):Marcin Całbecki
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:13-27
- No. of Pages:15
- Summary/Abstract:The article Between avant-gardism and existence. On the image of war in the poem „daleko” by Józef Czechowicz is an attempt at tracing the breakthrough that occurred in the poetry of the author of nuta człowiecza with relation to his rejection of optimistic worldview formed in the spirit of Cracovian avant-garde, and his adopting a distinct, nearcatastrophism tonality, which in time became a model for the works of the so-called second avant-garde. The turning-point seems to be the publishing of Czechowicz’s second volume, dzień jak co dzień. The article analyses the opening poem from this volume, entitled daleko. This work appears to be a meditation upon the condition of a man put against a borderline situation, as is the experience of war. Paradoxically, this work in not strictly a war poem, however, the imagery of Czechowicz discerns the nightmare of war in every, even neutral, landscape. This “infection” with war seems to correspond with the state of “total mobilization” observed by Ernst Jünger, which eliminates the boundary between the state of war and peace. In this situation, the sense of anxiety seems to dominate in this work, and the verbalized fear situates it in the spirit that is close to existentialism in its lay variant. In such a conceptualization, the subject of the poetic afterthought in Czechowicz’s work becomes nothingness, so strange for the doctrine of the Cracovian avant-garde, and later achievements of the author of Nic Więcej only support this thesis.
- Price: 4.50 €
Granice przeszłości, granice przyszłości. O sytuacjach bez wyjścia na przykładzie reportażu Aleksandry Łojek „Belfast. 99 ścian pokoju”
Granice przeszłości, granice przyszłości. O sytuacjach bez wyjścia na przykładzie reportażu Aleksandry Łojek „Belfast. 99 ścian pokoju”
(Boundaries of the past. On dead-end situations on the example of the reportage by Aleksandra Łojek „Belfast. 99 ścian pokoju”)
- Author(s):Bernadetta Darska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:29-54
- No. of Pages:26
- Summary/Abstract:In the article Boundaries of the past. On dead-end situations on the example of the reportage by Aleksandra Łojek „Belfast. 99 ścian pokoju” I scrutinize the reality portrayed by the reporter in the context of various ways of understanding and experiencing boundaries. The situation in the Northern Ireland and entanglement in constant battle between memory and forgetting, between hatred and attempts at forgiving, constitute an exemplary situation of multiplying boundaries understood literally as separating some places from others, but also metaphorically as consequences of deeds that cannot be undone and considered as null and void. I am interested in pointing out the aforementioned boundaries and demonstrating that some relations generate a functioning in the shade of those boundaries, treated as doom and fate simultaneously.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ponad granicami. O korespondencji Sławomira Mrożka z Gunnarem Brandellem
Ponad granicami. O korespondencji Sławomira Mrożka z Gunnarem Brandellem
(Beyond borders. On the correspondence between Sławomir Mrożek and Gunnar Brandell)
- Author(s):Barbara Gutkowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:55-68
- No. of Pages:14
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of investigation conducted in the article is the correspondence that had been exchanged for thirty five years by Sławomir Mrożek and Gunnar Brandell - Polish, Central-European writer and Swedish, Western-European scientist and journalist. This geographical distinctionis especially important here, as neither deep and long-standing friendship, nor conspicuous intellectual affinity were able to eliminate the boundaries marked by the distinctness of experience of the influence of the twentieth-century politics and history upon their individual experience, as well as the way of viewing Polish and European matters.
- Price: 4.50 €
Między sztuką a życiem. O ideologii dandyzmu w 622 upadkach Bunga, czyli Demonicznej kobiecie Stanisława Ignacego Witkiewicza
Między sztuką a życiem. O ideologii dandyzmu w 622 upadkach Bunga, czyli Demonicznej kobiecie Stanisława Ignacego Witkiewicza
(Between life and art. On the ideology of dandyism inThe 622 Downfalls of Bungo; or: The Demonic Woman by Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz)
- Author(s):Kamila Kania-Błachucka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:69-97
- No. of Pages:29
- Summary/Abstract:The debut prose-work by Witkacy carries a large emotional and intellectual load, which is characteristic for a youthful piece of work, but simultaneously it addresses fundamental problems for the historical period and the artist himself. In the light of the events of the revolution of 1905, the role of art was sought once more in social engagement. Aestheticism and isolationism of the author became the object of criticism. It does not change the fact that Witkacy decided to make art and the artist the central problem of his first novel. Dandyism was born in the historical reality ignorant of avant-garde, mass culture, democratization, and relaxing moral standards. In many ways, the ideology of dandyism proved to be identical to the convictions of modernists. First and foremost, because dandyism seemed to be an unrealized ideal of modernism. The Downfalls is the story about consecutive attempts at delineating borders between art and reality, and simultaneously a record of constant overstepping of these barriers, as well as mutual interactions between the sphere of creation and every-day life. The dualism of life and art is the central problem of this novel. Every artist moves between these two spheres. The author, attempting to break the deadlock, reaches for the attitude of the dandy, which, by definition, preconceives transgression (crossing the cultural and social borders, eliminating sex differences in outfit and behaviour, erasing the differences between art and reality by immanent dramatization of the latter). The fact that dandy inspirations are transferred onto his writing technique proves that in Witkacy they are not merely a decoration.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pisanie bez granic. O krytyce literackiej w międzywojennych dziennikach Marii Dąbrowskiej
Pisanie bez granic. O krytyce literackiej w międzywojennych dziennikach Marii Dąbrowskiej
(Writing without borders. On literary criticism in interwar journals of Maria Dąbrowska)
- Author(s):Przemysław Kulawik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:99-126
- No. of Pages:28
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the present article is to demonstrate a critical-literary reflection which was contained in interwar journals of Maria Dąbrowska. The writer was a very strict judge of the twentieth – century literature. She felt the need of quick reaction to weak works of literature, and also directed many accusations at literary critics. Her activity in the interwar period can be divided into two terms: before and after the publication of Noce i Dnie. Undoubtedly, it was the success of the novel that contributed to the fact that Dąbrowska was writing about literature in a very daring way, frequently making critical remarks addressed at her fellow writers.
- Price: 4.50 €
Poza granicami słowa. O przestrzeni języka jako metafizycznej przestrzeni mitu miasta w Snach i kamieniach Magdaleny Tulli
Poza granicami słowa. O przestrzeni języka jako metafizycznej przestrzeni mitu miasta w Snach i kamieniach Magdaleny Tulli
(Beyond the boundaries of words. Language space as a metaphysical space of the myth of the city in Sny i kamienie by Magdalena Tulli)
- Author(s):Anna Szóstak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:127-150
- No. of Pages:24
- Summary/Abstract:The article Beyond the boundaries of words. Language space as a metaphysical space of the myth of the city in Sny i kamienie by Magdalena Tulli in its reflection upon the metatextual world of the novel combines considerations upon language and designatum with the superordinate – proving of which is the main assumption of the author – category of myth. The boundaries of words and reality in such a conceptualization are no longer sharp and clear-cut, both spheres permeate and overlap at various levels and planes, influence and cocreate each other. For it seems that Tulli takes for granted the real existence of both spheres, which only in metaphysical space of myth do form a sense-saturated whole and unity. The imaginary project, idea, in this case of a city, actualizes itself by means of word-forming Logos, a creation thanks to which, on the basis of a pattern or a matrix, the domain of matter is shaped. The myth, remaining a universal formula of describing reality, understood after Claud Lévi-Strauss as bricolage, here refers also to the embodiment of ideational project and identification of meanings connected with it, which are reserved only for insiders– in the novel by Tulli, the inhabitants of our capital city, who know its topography and history, and above all who preserve its image in language, symbols, and metaphors.
- Price: 4.50 €
Przekroczyć granicę getta. O Dziewczynce w czerwonym płaszczyku, Tylko ja sama i Dobrym dziecku Romy Ligockiej
Przekroczyć granicę getta. O Dziewczynce w czerwonym płaszczyku, Tylko ja sama i Dobrym dziecku Romy Ligockiej
(To cross the border of ghetto. On Dziewczynka w czerwonym płaszczyku (The Girl in the Red Coat), Tylko ja sama and Dobre dziecko by Roma Ligocka)
- Author(s):Natalia Żórawska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:151-180
- No. of Pages:30
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the present study is the interpretation of The Girl in the Red Coat, Tylko ja sama, and Dobre dziecko by Roma Ligocka from the perspective of the Holocaust literature. The article demonstrates that Ligocka, as a writer belonging to post-Holocaust generation, in her novels includes autobiographical threads strictly connected with the problem of Extermination. She investigates this matter from the point of view of a child, a teenager, and an adult woman who carries the stigma of Holocaust. The ordeal of the Second World War, her own and her mother’s experiences, health problems, as well as the post-war, communist reality all gave rise to the fact that wounds from the past and traumatic events influence on the writer’s present life. Ligocka proves that there are borders that cannot be overcome, such as cultural, psychological, religious, or barriers of descent. The author of the present article demonstrates that on the plane of both form and content, post-trauma is the key aspect for text interpretation. The article, therefore, constitutes an attempt at outlining the problem of feminine Holocaust prose against books by Roma Ligocka, as well as at inscribing her in the research conducted within trauma studies and contemporary investigations into Extermination.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Życie to nie są jakieś tam frywolitki”. O Jolancie Sylwii Chutnik i Pięćdziesiątce Ingi Iwasiów
„Życie to nie są jakieś tam frywolitki”. O Jolancie Sylwii Chutnik i Pięćdziesiątce Ingi Iwasiów
(„Życie to nie są jakieś tam frywolitki”. On Jolanta by Sylwia Chutnik and Pięćdziesiątka by Inga Iwasiów)
- Author(s):Agnieszka Nęcka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:181-198
- No. of Pages:18
- Summary/Abstract:For at least two decades the prose writers have been holding a dialogue with culture, demonstrating, among others, that the burden of experience cannot be left behind, and social conditions in which we grow up determine our present days and influence our future. The protagonists of feminine stories (as well as the writers themselves) test boundaries of various kinds: the possibilities of linguistic articulation, emotional expression, controverting the story or female endurance (mental and physical). It is sufficient to recall two novels published in 2015 (Jolanta by Sylwia Chutnik and Pięćdziesiątka by Inga Iwasiów) to see that the writers are not afraid to deal with difficult subjects and they try to prove that modern women, by developing various strategies of survival (the most important being the tactics of chameleon and the tactics of dodging), are strong, even if they do not come away unscathed from adversities.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Jeżeli jeszcze miała coś swojego, było to jej ciało – jedyne, co mają zwierzęta”. O Nocnych zwierzętach Patrycji Pustkowiak
„Jeżeli jeszcze miała coś swojego, było to jej ciało – jedyne, co mają zwierzęta”. O Nocnych zwierzętach Patrycji Pustkowiak
(„Jeżeli jeszcze miała coś swojego, było to jej ciało – jedyne, co mają zwierzęta”. On Nocne Zwierzęta by Patrycja Pustkowiak)
- Author(s):Emilia Wilk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:199-226
- No. of Pages:28
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the article has been to present Tamara Mortus – the protagonist of Nocne Zwierzęta by Patrycja Pustkowiak – who exhibits autodestructive behaviour, struggles with addiction to psychoactive substances and with animalism manifesting itself in the lack of possibility to fix a boundary between what is human and what is feral. In consequence, Tamara represents a type of person who is excluded from society, called homo sacer, devoid of human values, therefore a human-reject. Probably, in Nocne Zwierzęta, the boundary between the human and the feral is overstepped due to the fact that –just like an animal – Tamara was able to pounce on her prey and kill it, but –like a human being – loses herself in melancholic reclaimings, unceasingly experiencing loss (from the most earthbound things to existential values, which in general cultural opinion are elusive). Moreover, in Tamara’s life, a non-trivial role is played by the feeling of unremitting emptiness connected mainly with her alcoholism, and also by very strongly exposed corporeality, as well as the impossibility of finding herself in the contemporary consumptive world. All the above-mentioned factors make us think of Tamara as of an empty and worthless woman, or, to put it colloquially, a “blown egg”.
- Price: 4.50 €
Baśń bez granic. O Czerwonym Kapturku we współczesnej literaturze i poza nią
Baśń bez granic. O Czerwonym Kapturku we współczesnej literaturze i poza nią
(Fairy tale without borders. On Little Red Riding Hood in contemporary literature and beyond)
- Author(s):Joanna Wawryk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:227-258
- No. of Pages:32
- Summary/Abstract:Little Red Riding Hood is a fairy tale which has been functioning in countless versions, retellings and their translations. In a wider perspective, it is a text that undergoes actualizations and transformations in contemporary culture. The present article aims to diagnose the current situation of the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood in literature, and to indicate other spheres in which it functions. The main research data are contemporary works that re-interpret traditional fairy tales. A context for them is provided both by earlier texts (i.a. Little Red Riding Hood in the version by Ch. Perrault and Brothers Grimm), and by current extraliterary phenomena. The post-modern variations of the story offer its new readings, which has been demonstrated, among others, on the basis of works belonging to different genres. In the case of fairy tale, an important matter is its dual addressee (an adult and a child), therefore the works dedicated to the youngest recipients have been referred to. In order to validate the thesis on the borderlessness of fairy tale, numerous extraliterary domains of high and popular culture have been presented, where references to the story about Little Red Riding Hood can be identified.
- Price: 4.50 €
Po cichu. Po polsku. Po łacinie. O debiucie Kamasutry
Po cichu. Po polsku. Po łacinie. O debiucie Kamasutry
(In quiet. In Polish. In Latin. On the debut of Kama Sutra)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Tomaszewska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:259-275
- No. of Pages:17
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of the present article is the history of European debut of the infamous Indian treaty of the sage Vatsyayana, Kama Sutra. Special attention has been directed at circumstances connected with the translation of the work into the Polish language, presenting the most important editions announced from the year 1922 to 1985. The translator of the first Polish edition is still unknown, what is more, in the version prepared by him, following the pattern of the German copy, the text was partially written in Latin. This fact, together with earlier interferences in the plot performed by other translators, is an example of problems not only with censorship, but also with language. By means of modification to language structure, a boundary was drawn between a text accessible and a text inaccessible to the reader. Moreover, each translator adopted different methods and selected different fragments. The article demonstrates the scope of this phenomenon, and its influence on the present form and status of Kama Sutra. Also, the issue of transgressing the borders of custom has been dealt with, which is related to the publication of the work in richly illustrated editions.
- Price: 4.50 €