Choroba – ciało – dusza w literaturze i kulturze
llness - Body - Soul in Literature and Culture
Contributor(s): Justyna Tymieniecka-Suchanek (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Western Slavic Languages, Eastern Slavic Languages, South Slavic Languages
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: llness; Body; Soul; Literature; Culture
Summary/Abstract: Projekt konferencji, jak również prezentowany czytelnikom tom jest pierwszą tego typu publikacją w Polsce, która podejmowała zagadnienie językowych/tekstualnych/kulturowych praktyk choroby, analizowała kontekstualizacje ciała chorego w odmiennych dyskursach niż paradygmatyczne critiques/clinique Gilles’a Deleuze’a czy Michela Foucaulta. Publikacja nie ma odpowiednika w literaturze krytycznej: derekonstruuje diagnozowaną przez filozofów, historyków, kulturoznawców, socjologów ciała zmianę paradygmatów kulturowych, kondycję nowoczesnego, ponowoczesnego, ucieleśnionego podmiotu, matryce nieobecnego-i-obecnego ciała chorego, jego artykulacje, mediacje w Ja-Podmiocie-Pisma-Ciała-Literatury, a jego symptomatologia pozwoliła diagnozować problematykę relacji ciała biologicznego i ciała tekstu, somatyczności i semiologii, symbolologii, tropologii, narracje sôma-sema Kultury (-r)/Literatury (-r), pisalności – konstruować projekt krytyki somatycznej, somatoestetycznej, modalności piszącego się ja w autoperformatywnych (subwersywnych) strategiach wytwarzania. Krytyka somatoestetyczna jest pluralistyczna, multiplikuje domeny konceptualne, operatory konstrukcyjne wielu dyscyplin, tworząc konglomerat wielu języków krytycznych (lingwistyki, komparatystyki, psychoanalizy, semioanalizy, feminizmu, gender, queer, culture stadies, pragmatyzmu).Performatywne reprezentacje Ja-Podmiotu-Pisma-Ciała-Literatury sondowane w odmiennych językach analitycznych pozwoliły kontekstualizować transkulturową, interdyscyplinarną, krytyczną mapę tekstualnych narracji, historii, skryptów sympto-/symbo-/semio-/troplogii choroby (m. in. gruźlicy, anoreksji, bulimii, depresji, uzależnień, chorób nowotworowych, syndromu stresu pourazowego) w somatoestetycznych domenach konceptualnych. Uczestnicy konferencji wypracowali tekstualną nozologię nowoczesnych i ponowoczesnych somatogennych modeli, ich artykulacje w Ja-Podmiocie-Piśmie-Ciała; kreślili heterotopie miejsc, przestrzeni kontroli (społeczno-politycznych i prywatnych) nadzorujących, wykluczających, represjonujących ciało: szpitala, domu (łazienki, kuchni, sypialni) rewaloryzowanych jako szczególne miejsca transgresji: życia/śmierci, zdrowia/choroby, nadmiaru/braku wolności, potwierdzając i wzmacniając stany zdekonstytuowanego podmiotu. Somatyczne doświadczenie aktualizowane przez piszące ciała autorów, mówiące, histeryzujące poetek/pisarek nie były konceptualizowane przez badaczy wyłącznie w dyskursach medycznych, systemie jednostek chorobowych, deskrypcji zespołu objawów, patologii. Autorzy wystąpień konsekwentnie poddawali krytycznemu czytaniu autoperformatywność, transgresywność tekstualnych chorób, matryce cielesnych identyfikacji czytającego/piszącego/oglądającego się podmiotu, interpretowali subwersywne praktyki ja. Autosomalna choroba Pisma – nałóg wytwarzania się, odciskania śladów Ja-Ciała w Alfabecie; egzystencjalna konieczność reprodukowania, kopiowania, kliszowania, multiplikowania się, wpisywania/przepisywania siebie-z-siebie wskazywała na uzależnienie od nieprzechodniego czasownika pisać się, sygnifikować się w procesie stymulacji pragnienia, pożądania Innego. Nadmiar wchłoniętych i niestrawionych słów wywoływał bulimiczne mdłości lub ich brak powodował permanentny, anorektyczny głód wyrażalności, konstruując autoperformatywne praktyki. Ponowoczesność formatowała strategie somatycznego doświadczenia podmiotu generowanego przez idiomatyczną fizjologię/symptomologię Ja.Ideologema chorego organizmu jest wyjątkowo labilna i operatywna: umożliwia rewaluacje autobiograficznych skryptów, deskrypcje modyfikacji podmiotów; diagnozuje problemy identyfikacyjne (zmienną markerów antropologicznych), pozwala prześledzić mapę zmian stratyfikacji społecznej, penetrować transformacje polityk państw (asymilacji/wykluczenia) adaptujących i kooptujących migrujące komórki do wewnątrz ciała społeczno-politycznego: nacje, kultury, systemy filozoficzne, religijne, a metaforyzowana kategoria mikrobiologicznej homeostazy w wielu projekcjach staje się surogatem marzeń o wolności jednostek, równości obywateli w demokratycznym systemie.Kontekstualizacje i dyskursywizacje tekstualnych reprezentacji i artykulacji choroby, ciała chorego w angielskiej, polskiej, romańskich i słowiańskich literaturach, filozoficznych tekstach, pismach współczesnych oświeconych, kodach amerykańskiej kultury filmowej prowokujące projekt krytyki somatoestetycznej generowanej subwersywnymi praktykami Ja-Podmiotu-Pisma-Ciała-Literatury-Filozofii-Kultury. Tom pokonferencyjny Choroba – ciało – dusza w literaturze i kulturze rewaluuje skrypt (-y) ciała chorego, tekstualne matryce chorób, reprezentacje doświadczeń ucieleśnionego podmiotu, restytuując projekt (-y) poetyki (-k)/krytyki (-k) somatoestetycznej. Interdyscyplinarne ramy somaestetyki Richarda Shustermana eksplorujące wiele dziedzin warunkują pluralny wymiar krytyczny dyscyplin doświadczenia ciała w wymiarze teoretycznym, jak i praktycznym, ustanawiając etyczną odpowiedzialność podmiotów za autoreprezentację, warunki i jakość egzystencji przeciw opresji przygodności; dostarczają matryc do świadomych konstrukcji tożsamości; strategii do jego odpowiedzialnych modyfikacji – kulturę/filozofię self-help, która pozwoli neutralizować ideologiczne technologie corps, doktryny władzy-wiedzy, przemieścić polityki konsumpcjonizmu.Melioracyjne doświadczenie somatoreceptora łączące teorię z praktyką urasta do postprojektu ponowoczesnej filozofii życia, która przełamuje konstrukty estetyzacji generowane przez filozofów subersji/transgresji Pisma (ekstremistów: Michela Foucaulta, Gilles’a Deleuze’a; radykałów Rolanda Barthes’a Jacques’a Derridę), wyzwala ja w akcjach wywrotowych indywidualnego praktykowania ciała derekonstruującego, derewaloryzującego ideologemy piękna narzucone przez translacyjną kulturę – stosowalna somatotropia przeciw zawłaszczającym dyskursom.Somaestetyka mapuje zagadnienie relacji człowiek-maszyna, problematyzując idee techné generującego postestetykę, jako że współczesny człowiek jest udoskonalany przez protezy, implantacje, przeszczepy – w coraz większym stopniu pozostaje zależny od maszyn, a inżynierowie-robotycy nieustannie pracują nad projektami transformacji human body, działania których antycypują kolejny cultural turns. Shusterman wysunął hipotezę, że relacyjność biologicznego/technologicznego jest jednym z paradygmatów kulturowych i pozostaje w autozwrotnym/autosymetrycznym warunkowaniu, jednak pozostaje otwartym pytanie o konsekwencje bioetyczne dla cywilizacji (życia), które wymagają czujnej rewaloryzacji. W wymiarze indywidualnym, jak i społecznym ponowoczesna tożsamość operuje cyfrowo-analogowym ciałem: nawet tak oczywistej i powszechnie dostępnej przestrzeni komunikacji jaką jest skype – w aktach wirtualizacji, symulacji biologicznego ciała, wizualnym i oralnym współwytwarzaniu podmiotów – autoperformatywne konstruowanie świadomego leib stanowi filtr ochronny przeciw wydziedziczeniu z siebie, jeśli w taki sposób czytać idee Shustermana.
Series: Studia literackie
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-306-9
- E-ISBN-10: 83-8012-306-9
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-150-8
- Print-ISBN-10: 83-8012-150-8
- Page Count: 418
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Russian, Polish
Niewerbalny język szaleństwa w powieści Fratelli Carmelo Samonà
Niewerbalny język szaleństwa w powieści Fratelli Carmelo Samonà
(Nonverbal language of madness in the novel Fratelli of Carmelo Samonà)
- Author(s):Stefano Redaelli
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:17-34
- No. of Pages:18
- Summary/Abstract:Carmelo Samonà dedicated almost all his literary works, written between 1978 and 1990, in the period after the entry into force of Law 180 (Basaglia Law) which led to the closing down of psychiatric hospitals in Italy, to his experiences of living in the same house with a person suffering from a mental illness. Especially his novel Fratelli (Brothers) focuses on a close contact with insanity, outside the walls of psychiatric facilities. Insanity speaks a different language: the spoken one is reduced to some “parts of an evoked discourse”; the non‑verbal one is manifested by the body, through a game, a gift. The word — in its regression — is fragmented and fades away; gives way to archaic languages which encourage primary — emotive — communication that feeds on a wish to create a bond with another person. Writing is a tool used by Samonà to present insanity. Through cataloguing, describing and carefully organizing words, gestures and disorders of his ill brother, he reconstructs a detailed picture of insanity, identifies himself with a member of the family, copies his gestures and words and follows chaotic paths. Samonà balances on a blurred line of normality and insanity, health and illness. Writing constitutes a form of defence, a neurosis of perfection, an attempt to force the verbal chaos of insanity into a syntactic order, forming something normal out of abnormality. But writing fails here. And this is the most shocking feature of Samonà’s literary works: such a powerful and mastered tool as writing turns out to be improper. It has to be laid down, like arms, means of control and an attempt of normalisation. To communicate with insanity, the spoken language has to surrender, to go down, to remain in silence, silence which is a hermeneutic attitude focused on listening and a dimension open to accept difference. Other languages — nonverbal, affective — must be used here. And the word needs to be made flesh — an embrace which puts together everything that was crushed by the language — and needs to be made game, in order to experience states of mind impossible to be experienced through a spoken word.
- Price: 4.50 €
Choroba to inny — patologie bliskości w młodej literaturze włoskiej końca XX wieku na przykładzie opowiadań Simony Vinci
Choroba to inny — patologie bliskości w młodej literaturze włoskiej końca XX wieku na przykładzie opowiadań Simony Vinci
(The illness it’s the other — the pathologies of the intimacy in the young literature of the end of 20th century, on example of Simona Vinci’s narrations)
- Author(s):Barbara Kornacka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:35-48
- No. of Pages:14
- Summary/Abstract:The article entitled proposes an analysis of some stories from the collection of short stories In tutti i sensi come l’amore by young Italian writer of the nineties. The analyzed texts illustrate some deep and complicated relations between pathology and love, the last one understood as feeling of two persons, desire, passion, affection, parental affection or sexual satisfaction. The analysis shows tree types of such mutual dependence: sometimes this is the relation with the loved one which may cause some illness or disorders; sometimes the passion or the desire has the nature of a disorder; and finally, the illness is an inherent, constitutive element of the emotional relationship. Simona Vinci, in her subtle narrations, indicates the deeply human, almost archetypical character of the relation of illness and love.
- Price: 4.50 €
Choroba ciała, choroba społeczeństwa w Pamiętniku Albina Paola Volponiego
Choroba ciała, choroba społeczeństwa w Pamiętniku Albina Paola Volponiego
(Illness of the body, illness of the society in Memoriale di Paolo Volponi)
- Author(s):Joanna Janusz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:49-64
- No. of Pages:16
- Summary/Abstract:The theme of illness, as one of the most frequently used literary topoi, occurs very often also in Italian literature, becoming, especially at the beginning of the 20th century, the metaphor of the situation of the individual in the modern world. By the turn of the 20th century, the theme of illness indicates not only the condition of the individual, the physical disease, the state of poor health, but means as well the chronic inability to adapt himself to the social life.The debut novel of Paolo Volponi entitled Memoriale (first English translation by Grossman 1962 as My Trouble Began, Calder & Boyars 1967 as The Memorandum) also uses the topos of the social alienation of the character who is ill. The illness in the novel has two different faces: the classic one is that of the infectious disease ― the tuberculosis, and the other one is the 20thcentury theme of madness, seen as the particular condition of the industrialized society. Volponi analyzes the individual dimension of technological progress and accelerated industrialization as distinctive for the novels of letteratura industriale‑industrial literature, that is literary aesthetics created in Italy at the end of the sixties, focused on the analysis of the relationship between the society and the industry.The main character of the novel is 30 years old factory worker Albin Saluggia. The novel tells of the progression of the disease he suffers from and the mental illness, which becomes the way of defending himself against the dehumanized, annihilating factory work. The first‑person narrator of the novel though lacks credibility, and his picture of reality is partial, fragmentary, and distorted. Saluggia is a modern version of Don Quixote, subject to the madness motivated by the utopian vision of the happy postindustrial society and the technology that can alleviate the pain. It turns out that in the modern social organization animated by the futuristic ideal of machines the human anxiety cannot be cured. The escaping into illness character becomes the first of the series in Volponi’s writing, his state of mind is the way of defending himself and the expression of the protest against the illness that is not a simple disease that can be cured, but the much more dangerous illness of the system in which he is forced to live. Albin represents the features of the character of the 20th century vanguard literature. His alienation, constant state of conflict, rebellion and disagreement on the existing reality, active fighting attitude and the desire to change, but also absurdity of the situation in which he finds himself and mental illness make him similar to the expressionist characters.
- Price: 4.50 €
Afazja i teriomorfizm. Doświadczanie melancholii w powieści Vincenza Consolo: Nottetempo, casa per casa
Afazja i teriomorfizm. Doświadczanie melancholii w powieści Vincenza Consolo: Nottetempo, casa per casa
(Aphasia and theriomorphism. The experience of melancholy in the novel by Vinzenco Consolo: Nottetempo, casa per casa)
- Author(s):Aneta Chmiel
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:65-80
- No. of Pages:16
- Summary/Abstract:The characters of Vincenzo Consolo’s Nottetempo, casa per casa suffer from a sickness of the soul. A dysfunctional dualism of body and soul is made manifest first and foremost in the stories of two protagonists — old Marano, and Janu, the shepherd. The former, is infamous as a lycanthrope, the latter, plays the role of the billy‑goat (a leader of the herd). These two representations of mental disorders — a lycanthrope and a billy‑goat — become, on the one hand, symbols of the Sicilian rural community withering away, and, on the other hand, function as a metaphor for a melancholic poet, his suffering and alienation. Consolo draws the reader’s attention to the corporeality of the text itself and to the link between physicality and creativity: the rhythm of the body turns into the rhythm of his narration. Thus understood somatic‑ness, requires a novel approach to both, a human being and literature. Importantly, the author also believes in raising historical awareness through literature — against the achrony imposed by the ruling powers — especially when it comes to avoiding tragedies similar to those which happened in the course of the 20th century.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kryzys tożsamości a koncepcja zdrowia i choroby w powieściach Itala Sveva
Kryzys tożsamości a koncepcja zdrowia i choroby w powieściach Itala Sveva
(Identity crisis and a conception of health and illness in Italo Svevo’s novels)
- Author(s):Wiesława Kłosek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:81-97
- No. of Pages:17
- Summary/Abstract:Italo Svevo, an Italian writer, who lived at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, elaborates on discourse about health and illness dichotomy on three levels on which develops the subject’s identity: individual, social and universal. Main characters of the analysed novels (A Life, Old Age, Zeno’s Conscience) personify disintegrated subject who is aware of their own physical, mental and moral decay. Illnesses, obsessive self‑analysis lead them to find the truth about themselves which is accordingly displaced and does not lead to synthesis and integration of disintegrated subject.Svevo also depicts subject’s crisis in a context of bourgeois civilisation’s crisis. On the subject’s social plane the protagonists polemicize with the order of the bourgeois world but they are not able to go beyond the limits of social identity.In his reflections on the human condition at the turn of the century, the Italian writer identifies life with the terminal illness. In the ongoing process of civilization, an individual loses their humanity and their intelligence changes into destructive power which is driven against themselves.The opposition of health and illness which is constantly present in Svevo’s novels makes him an analyst of the most important illnesses of individual, society and mankind in his period. The illness’s category becomes a metaphor which means a state of identity crisis. On the other hand, the category becomes a tool for knowing and a stage which lead to health recovery. Apocalyptic vision of the end of the world which ends the last novel, shows the possibility of health recovery only under the condition of total annihilation of mankind — incarnation of illness. It may be a new beginning announcement and some kind of rebirth but Italo Svevo does not say whether a reborn mankind is better.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Krwiopuszczare, purgare, klisterisare” O Chorym z urojenia Moliera
„Krwiopuszczare, purgare, klisterisare” O Chorym z urojenia Moliera
(Clysterium donare, postea segniare, ensuite purgare On The Imaginary Invalid by Moliere)
- Author(s):Małgorzata Rygielska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:101-116
- No. of Pages:16
- Summary/Abstract:The author of this paper interprets one of Moliere’s last plays The Imaginary Invalid through the prism of the following characters portrayed there: two physicians Mr. Diafoirus and his son Thomas Diafoirus, the apothecary Mr. Fleurant and the patient Argan. The author analyzes the language aspect of the play and both its literary and theatrical means of expression. However, what she finds specifically interesting in the play authored by Jean Baptiste Poquelin is the clash of the remains of scholastic medicine with the latest medical discoveries of that time, e.g. those relating to blood circulation and modern philosophical conceptions, among which the apotheosis of reason is dominant. Examples of hygienic and medicinal practices that are supposed to also have a prophylactic effect, and thus prevent diseases, are, inter alia, phlebotomy, laxatives and enema. A point of reference for Moliere are also healing practices used at the royal court, the nature and frequency of which (public or private) were reflected in the court hierarchy and social standing. Another problem is a relationship between physical ailments and patients’ mental attitude as well as their assessment of the reality as well as intentions and sets of behavior represented by people surrounding them.
- Price: 4.50 €
Anoreksja/bulimia a tekst. Przypadek Amélie Nothomb
Anoreksja/bulimia a tekst. Przypadek Amélie Nothomb
(Anorexia/bulimia and text. Amélie Nothomb’s case)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Kotowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:117-130
- No. of Pages:14
- Summary/Abstract:In her works, contemporary Belgian writer Amélie Nothomb, known in Poland for numerous translations, often refers, indirectly or directly, to nutrition disturbance and correlates writing with physiology. Exploiting the strategy of autofiction and its psychological superstructure, author creates her own literary and non‑literary identity. The intimacy of anorexia experience, which is shared with a reader, gives even more credibility to auto creation of author. At the same time, process of writing remains in relationship with sick body.
- Price: 4.50 €
W poszukiwaniu „ja”. Henryk Elzenberg, Stanisław Brzozowski i Karol Ludwik Koniński wobec choroby, bólu i cierpienia
W poszukiwaniu „ja”. Henryk Elzenberg, Stanisław Brzozowski i Karol Ludwik Koniński wobec choroby, bólu i cierpienia
(In the search of „I”. Henryk Elzenberg, Stanisław Brzozowski and Karol Ludwik Koniński towards illness, pain and suffering)
- Author(s):Maciej Michalski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:133-147
- No. of Pages:15
- Summary/Abstract:The paper presents three different representations of illness and pain in spirituals autobiographies of Henryk Elzenberg, Stanisław Brzozowski and Karol Ludwik Koniński. „Kłopot z istnieniem” by Elzenberg shows more distant attitude, where subject is well hidden behind discourse and the illness is only an inspiration to make some general philosophical reflections on subjectivity. „Pamiętnik” by Brzozowski is an evidence of very dramatic struggle with pain, time and death and a testimony of a tension between different attitudes toward life and author’s work. „Uwagi” by Koniński is also very dialectical, but the subject seems to find a support and basis in God and religion. A searching of „I”, attempts to constitute the self, subjectivity, are common for all of them. The experience of illness and pain is both a catalyst and a reference point in this self-creational projects.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Jasny uśmiech gruźlika” Wokół Opowiadania szwajcarskiego Jarosława Iwaszkiewicza
„Jasny uśmiech gruźlika” Wokół Opowiadania szwajcarskiego Jarosława Iwaszkiewicza
(The bright smile consumptive. Around Opowiadanie szwajcarskie by Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz)
- Author(s):Monika Ładoń
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:148-161
- No. of Pages:14
- Summary/Abstract:The text concerns the creative ways of tuberculosis in three late texts by Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz: Sława i chwała, Opowiadanie szwajacarskie and Kochankowie z Marony. The considerations are focused around Opowiadanie szwajcarskie, one of the novel, which is rarely interpreted. The authoress argues that it is possible to find in Opowiadanie szwajcarskie the various and contradictory elements. On the one hand this story uses romantic metaphor of tuberculosis, which returns us to earlier books by Iwaszkiewicz, even pre‑war Brzezina. On the second hand there are transgressions of romantic metaphor as the prefiguration of Kochankowie z Marony.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Thinspirations”. Choroba, literatura i kobiecość
„Thinspirations”. Choroba, literatura i kobiecość
(“Thinspirations”. Illness, literature and femininity)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Szopa
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:162-173
- No. of Pages:12
- Summary/Abstract:The main aim of this essay is to analyze cultural myths of feminine diseases, such as hysteria, anorexia and bulimia nervosa, from the feminist perspective. Since anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, both being amongst the most life-threatening diseases of our times, became the metaphor of Western culture, we can assume that “hysterization” of female body, using Michel Foucault’s term, has been replaced by the phenomenon of “slenderization.” Feminist researchers, however, ask whether eating disorders could be seen as a new expression of feminine insubordination towards patriarchal practices of disciplining women’s bodies.
- Price: 4.50 €
Nieznośny ciężar ciała. K moři Petry Soukupovej
Nieznośny ciężar ciała. K moři Petry Soukupovej
(Unbearable body weight. K moři Petry Soukupovej)
- Author(s):Dorota Żygadło-Czopnik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:177-184
- No. of Pages:8
- Summary/Abstract:The article relates to issues of the body in contemporary culture, as seen in the debut novel by a Czech writer, Petra Soukupová. She has been hailed in the Czech Republic as “the best‑selling author of her generation”. An original talent has revealed itself in the Czech literature. In the center of the author’s story in the prose of K moři, there are the lives of several protagonists: ordinary people mutually connected by formal familial ties, nevertheless quite distant to each other despite of them. The narrative of Petra Soukupova’s first book is carried out somewhat against the body, its imperfection, transience, and fragmentation. The protagonists, confined within the limits of their bodies, realize first of all their own mortality, temporality, and limits.
- Price: 4.50 €
Choroba jako doświadczenie istnienia. Egzystencjalistyczna proza Vladana Desnicy
Choroba jako doświadczenie istnienia. Egzystencjalistyczna proza Vladana Desnicy
(Disease as an Experience of the Existence. Existentialist Prose of Vladan Desnica)
- Author(s):Marzena Maciulewicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:185-194
- No. of Pages:10
- Summary/Abstract:Article is a proposal of an analysis of disease motive in existentialist prose of Vladan Desnica. Work is based on a novel Proljeća Ivana Galeba and two selected narratives: Posjeta and Oproštaj. It starts with a short characteristic of this Yugoslavian writer’s existentialist prose and its reception by both Yugoslavian and Polish literary critics. The main part of the work is an analysis of created world with particular emphasis on character’s construction and a specific narrative. It ends with a reflection on the meaning and the function of disease motive in application to existentialist prose.
- Price: 4.50 €
Choroba jako obcy w metaforze ciała politycznego. Rozwój strategii kooptacji i adaptacji „chorego” elementu społecznego — analiza na podstawie tekstów kultury anglosaskiej XVII i XXI wieku
Choroba jako obcy w metaforze ciała politycznego. Rozwój strategii kooptacji i adaptacji „chorego” elementu społecznego — analiza na podstawie tekstów kultury anglosaskiej
XVII i XXI wieku
(Disease as the Other in the body politic metaphor. Development of co‑optation and adaptation strategies,
as found in select Anglo‑American works from 17th and 21st centuries)
- Author(s):Maciej Paprocki
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:197-213
- No. of Pages:17
- Summary/Abstract:The article follows and develops Archambaults’ statement that the body politic was not “an inert, neutral literary topos,” but rather “[one] capable of betraying certain political inclinations”. Accordingly, the author presents how in the 17th and 20th centuries the body politic paradigm struggled to encompass the experience of disease and in which way the Anglo‑American political discourse attempted to homogenise the social stratum associated with disease, that is, the silenced and excluded ones. The main point of the author is that the homogenising body politic discourse fails to address the needs of a pluralistic society; hence, it is being replaced with social designs more welcoming to seemingly discordant forces within contemporary society.
- Price: 4.50 €
Problemy ukraińskiego maskulinizmu. Choroba alkoholowa w Moscoviadzie Jurija Andruchowycza
Problemy ukraińskiego maskulinizmu. Choroba alkoholowa w Moscoviadzie Jurija Andruchowycza
(Ukrainian masculinity and its discontens. Alcoholism in Yuri Andrukhovych’s The Moscoviad)
- Author(s):Mateusz Świetlicki
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:214-227
- No. of Pages:14
- Summary/Abstract:The author of this article examines the Soviet and post–Soviet alcoholism of men in The Moscoviad — Yuri Andrukhovych’s second novel published 1992, right after the collapse of communism. Starting with a description of homo sovieticus and the role of alcohol in the USSR, the author indicates that alcohol abuse was an abysmal social problem in the Soviet Union. What is more, by presenting the data concerning the Soviet and post-Soviet Ukrainian alcohol abuse, he argues that after a temporary increase of Ukrainian men’s life expectancy in the mid-1980s, it has gradually decreased in the last 26 years. By analyzing the issue of alcoholism in Andrukhovych’s novel, the author shows its importance in achieving stereotypical hegemonic masculinity.
- Price: 4.50 €
«Подполье» как болезненное состояние души
«Подполье» как болезненное состояние души
(The Underground As a Sore State Of Soul)
- Author(s):Irina Titova
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:231-245
- No. of Pages:15
- Summary/Abstract:This article discusses the peculiarities of the human perception of the world in the underground. The focus of attention is the spiritual underground which is a link in the following three works — Notes from Underground by F. Dostoyevsky, Moscow‑Petushki (also published as Moscow to the End of the Line) by V. Erofeyev and Monologue from a foxhole by J. Pilch. The author considers the image of the underground and points out similarities and differences in the psychological and behavioral complex of the three characters. She analyses the peculiarities of the form of construction of each work and its direct connection to the content. On the bases of the analysis, the author of the article indicates the reasons which make each character go to the spiritual underground and concludes that the metaphorical image created by Fyodor Dostoevsky has a great impact on the modern literature.
- Price: 4.50 €
Художественная феноменология боли в произведениях Льва Толстого и Антона Чехова (Смерть Ивана Ильича — Палата № 6)
Художественная феноменология боли в произведениях Льва Толстого и Антона Чехова (Смерть Ивана Ильича — Палата № 6)
(The phenomenology of pain in Leo Tolstoy’s and Anton Chekhov’s works (Death of Ivan Ilyich and Ward No.6))
- Author(s):Natalia Kazmerchak
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:246-253
- No. of Pages:8
- Summary/Abstract:The article constitutes an attempt at the comparative analysis of the works L. Tolstoy and A. Chekhov (Death of Ivan Ilyich and Ward No.6) from the perspective of artistic phenomenology. The problem of pain is considered, on the one hand, as a defining phenomenon of human psychophysical state, but on the other also, as the factor allowing the development of the spiritual sphere. The study, based on the assumption that the experience of pain constitutes being in a state of transition and activates the consciousness of a character providing the opportunity of seeing the essence of things, is to convince that the ideas of the aforementioned writers are still up to date, at the time of spiritual indifference and cultural phenomena simulation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Próba czytania choroby księcia Myszkina w kluczu koncepcji duchowości ciała Alexandra Lowena
Próba czytania choroby księcia Myszkina w kluczu koncepcji duchowości ciała Alexandra Lowena
(The attempt of reading the disease of prince Myshkin in the context of the concept of Alexander Lowen’s spirituality of the body)
- Author(s):Anna Przybysz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:254-265
- No. of Pages:12
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this article is an attempt to re‑read the text of The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. The disease, which in the meta‑work of the Russian novelist is an ever‑present element, is presented in this article from a new perspective, due to the Alexander Lowen’s Spirituality of the Body, theory which is based on a belief in inseparability of soul and body. The author tries to show that Myshkin’s epilepsy can also be interpreted as a value lackingnegative element by exposing its edifying strength, which causes cathartic shock in people around the prince. A deep analysis of the text of the novel in the proposed interpretative key shows that both the Lev Nikolayevich’s insanity and epilepsy contain in themselves an immanent part of the disease, which can be read as a positive creative element in the novel.
- Price: 4.50 €
Szaleństwo jako jeden z wyznaczników koncepcji człowieka w twórczości Leonida Andriejewa
Szaleństwo jako jeden z wyznaczników koncepcji człowieka w twórczości Leonida Andriejewa
(Madness as a distingvishing feature of the concept of human being in Leonid Andreyev’s works)
- Author(s):Paulina Charko-Klekot
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:266-281
- No. of Pages:16
- Summary/Abstract:The article attempts to present L. Andreyev’s views concerning madness and insanity. The studied material encompasses the following works: Thought, The Life of Vasily Fiveysky, and The Red Laugh. In the analysed texts madness appear to be on the one hand, presented as an attempt to defend oneself and escape from the unfavourable Fortune, and on the other hand, it is a curse and a result of actions taken in the outer world. The complexity of Andreyev’s characters indicates conceptual relativity of madness and a difficulty precisely to determine its scope.
- Price: 4.50 €
Arcybaszew, śmierć i mucha. O Sali nieuleczalnie chorych słów kilka
Arcybaszew, śmierć i mucha. O Sali nieuleczalnie chorych słów kilka
(Artsybashev, death and fly. Several words about Untreatable patients ward)
- Author(s):Justyna Tymieniecka-Suchanek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:282-289
- No. of Pages:8
- Summary/Abstract:This article examines the problem of man’s attitude towards death, it analyses antithesis: natural (the world of ill people) — artificial (figure of the physician) and describes the symbolism of a fly in the Mikhail Artsybashev’s story Untreatable patients ward. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that fly as an insect of “inferior world” — the world of decomposition and death — performs completely different role: the fly transforms into a symbol of life and vital force. It changes into a mediator between life and death. The fly anticipates a “rebirth” of the boy, the only character in the story who will recover.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wampiryzm — choroba — wynaturzenie we współczesnej literaturze rosyjskiej
Wampiryzm — choroba — wynaturzenie we współczesnej literaturze rosyjskiej
(The Vampirism ‑ Illness — Degeneration in Contemporary Russian Literature)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Arciszewska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:290-304
- No. of Pages:15
- Summary/Abstract:The article The Vampirism — Illness — Degeneration in Contemporary Russian Literature presents the analyses of the vampire motives in the contemporary Russian novels, whose authors present the vampire motives in many aspects. The author of the article discusses the specific of the conception of the vampire’s types of Sergey Lukjanienko, Oleg Divov, Andrey Bielanin, Victor Pelevin, Sergey and Marina Diachenko and the motives connected with, such as illness, degeneration, deviation, epidemic. The author emphasizes the dissimilarity of the presentation of these motives relative to the traditional idea of the vampire presented in the rich literature about vampires.
- Price: 4.50 €
Proces twórczy jako jeden z symptomów PTSD. Studium przypadku — twórczość Marii Arbatowej
Proces twórczy jako jeden z symptomów PTSD. Studium przypadku — twórczość Marii Arbatowej
(Creative process as one of the symptoms of PTSD. Case Study — Writings of Maria Arbatova)
- Author(s):Magdalena Sieklucka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:305-318
- No. of Pages:14
- Summary/Abstract:Among Psychoanalytics, psychiatrists and other clinical researchers, who investigate the influence of trauma on humans well‑being and life quality, there is often conclusion that one of the result of traumatic event is re‑experiencing it once again through recurrent and intrusive recollections of the event. Such a statement suggests that there may be a connection between traumatic event, which occurred in writer’s life and his or her writings, where he or she recalls and analyses difficult and painful experiences.The article is an aim to proof the thesis, that creative process may be a one of the symptoms of Post‑Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The detailed analyze of Maria Arbatova writings is an example, which exemplifies present issues.
- Price: 4.50 €
Dzień oprycznika Władimira Sorokina, czyli o chorej Rosji, która „wyzdrowiała”
Dzień oprycznika Władimira Sorokina, czyli o chorej Rosji, która „wyzdrowiała”
(Day of the Oprichnik by Vladimir Sorokin about sick Russia, which “recovered”)
- Author(s):Andrzej Polak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:319-331
- No. of Pages:13
- Summary/Abstract:This article is devoted to one of the last novels by Vladimir Sorokin. Day of the Oprichnik can be read as a warning against the changes taking place in Russia, that are evidence of progressive disease of the state and society. In this work the introduction of oprichny system encourages their rebirth. State described by Sorokin has a hierarchical structure. At the very top of it is the Monarch who is supported by selected squad kromieszników. The remaining part of population (including the nobility) is strictly subordinated to them. Monarchy governments are based on repression and violence, sanctioned in addition by religion. Author of the article indicates the inspiration of Sorokin. Described by him new Russia is the realization of solutions suggested by the Kremlin ideologues — Alexander Dugin, Gleb Pavlovsky and Vladislav Surkov. Their proposals, which are the foundation of Sorokin dystopia, derive directly from the theory of euro Asians, calling for support of socio‑political relations not on the Western tradition, but on hostile to it Asian civilization. Sorokins Russia is therefore a sick country, concealing his weakness under the hood of oprichnina and old Russian or pseudo old Russian customs.
- Price: 4.50 €
Choroby człowieka współczesnego. Niny Sadur Wieczna zmarzlina
Choroby człowieka współczesnego. Niny Sadur Wieczna zmarzlina
(The illnesses of contemporary human. Nina Sadur’s Вечная мерзлота)
- Author(s):Marta Niedziela-Janiik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:332-342
- No. of Pages:11
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of this paper is the attempt of analysis and characteristic of modern society’s illnesses. Author concentrates on such problems, as unemployment, alcoholism, poverty, homelessness, sexual deviations and shows the fall of moral value and, subsequently, the fall of humanity. The callousness and cruelty lead to the most difficult choices, which allow to keep the rest of dignity or take to total decay of society.
- Price: 4.50 €
Choroba nowotworowa w dobie ponowoczesności
Choroba nowotworowa w dobie ponowoczesności
(Neoplastic disease in the postmodern age)
- Author(s):Maria Karpińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:345-361
- No. of Pages:17
- Summary/Abstract:The essay analyses a neoplastic disease, diagnosed as one of the greatest threats for contemporary world, and its representation in postmodern culture. Malicious tumor, considered a death sentence, deceitful and unexpected yet common menace is also defined as a civilization disease, identified with affluence of the western civilization seen as an artificial world existing far from Nature (according to this theory all products of ultra‑modern technology are considered carcinogenic). The post modern image of neoplastic disease (cancer) is then confronted with contemporary cult of health what in consequence leads to discussion on responsibility for illness which (as described by Ronald W. Dworkin and Susan Sontag in their works on the subject) in the modern world is usually attributed to the sick person themselves. This explains the attempts to connect disease with its victim’s personality leading to concept of “cancer personality” and to disappearance of a language people could use to talk about illness as a result making it a social taboo (“tabooisation of disease”). The second chapter of the work is devoted to the analysis of different attitudes toward the creation of narration in confrontation with terminal (neoplastic) illness represented by Susan Sontag and Anatole Broyard in their texts on the subject. Finally the last chapter deals with the neoplastic disease as a factor transforming the nomadic perception of time in postmodern society in which the illness provides a person with an opportunity to feel “settled in time” again.In general the work presents the complex image of a neoplastic disease (cancer) in postmodern culture as well as the new “narrative environment” experienced by the sick and the healthy alike.
- Price: 4.50 €
Postmodernistyczne patologie w socjokulturowych refleksjach końca XX wieku
Postmodernistyczne patologie w socjokulturowych refleksjach końca XX wieku
(Postmodern Pathologies in Social and Cultural Thought at the End of 20th Century)
- Author(s):Beata Waligórska-Olejniczak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:362-375
- No. of Pages:14
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the presented article is to select specific cultural pathological changes from theoretical reflection of the end of the 20th century, to show the picture of the human being entangled in the net of technological and social changes influencing the process of reception and understanding art and everyday reality. Taking into account the methodology defined in this way we focus on the dynamics and wide range of selected key problems. The issue of the disease is treated here metaphorically as a kind of symptomatic disfunction, abandoning the accepted ways of conduct and world perception. Consequently, we perceive as pathologies such social and cultural phenomena as “communication ecstasy”, “identity bulimia”, the problem of consumption, reification, carnavalisation noticeable in all aspects of culture etc.
- Price: 4.50 €
Chora ludzkość — diagnoza i terapia (propozycja Eckharta Tollego)
Chora ludzkość — diagnoza i terapia (propozycja Eckharta Tollego)
(Ill humanity — diagnosis and therapy (Eckhart Tolle’s proposal))
- Author(s):Anna Gomóła
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:379-394
- No. of Pages:16
- Summary/Abstract:Eckhart Tolle is currently one of the most popular spiritual author and teacher. His books have been translated into more than thirty languages while his lectures are available online and on DVD. Tolle is referred to as ‘a soul therapist, a propagator of spiritual awakening’, ‘spiritual guide’ and, most frequently ‘spiritual teacher’. It is this form of activities that his reflections on the human condition are subordinate to. What he seeks to explain is the cause of human suffering and how to remedy it. Tolle’s thought is a syncretic one, i.e. the author refers to a variety of philosophical and religious traditions where he searches for leading ideas (or those that he believes to be the most important in a particular message). As regards both human condition and the whole of humanity, Tolle is interested in what is called the mind. The author refers in this respect mainly to Eastern spiritual traditions and argues that the cause of human suffering lies in the mind, the importunate noise of which prevents one from finding inner peace and stillness. Human problems are caused by both the ego, i.e. the illusory sense of self, i.e. a false ‘I’ constructed on the basis of living conditions, and the pain‑body, or ‘a negative energy field’, which is a kind of separate, invisible entity, “the dark shadow cast by the ego”. Liberation from suffering is possible only by becoming aware of both false ego structures (and thus liberation from one’s identifying with them), and emotional detachment from the pain body’s claims.
- Price: 4.50 €
Moje ciało, tożsamość, choroba. Dyskurs męskości w American Psycho i Podziemnym kręgu
Moje ciało, tożsamość, choroba. Dyskurs męskości w American Psycho i Podziemnym kręgu
(My body, identity, illness. Discourse of masculinity in „American Psycho” and „Fight Club”)
- Author(s):Agnieszka Nieracka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:397-406
- No. of Pages:10
- Summary/Abstract:The‑turn‑of‑the‑century human bodily identity is involved in a number of paradoxes inherited from various concepts of ‘existential connection’ between the physical and the psychic. Let us emphasise the contemporary expressiveness of body image in culture, the characteristic overvaluing of the body in the discourse of masculinity in contemporary cinema. The overvaluing at the same time unveils a serious crisis of masculinity (as a spectacle) visible in the analysed films. Presented images of male bodies are accompanied by ‘uncertain’ identity — the protagonists are, after all, men who, in addition to experiencing a cultural crisis, are ill. Bateman’s actions are influenced by the logic of anorexia (American Psycho) and the Narrator in Fight Club is a schizophrenic suffering from chronic insomnia. It was not my intention, however, to analyse the film protagonists (at least it was not the most important aspect), instead I attempted a close reading of the narrative construction. Analysing formal structures of the films, I reflect on the level of film expression. Constructions of the film space‑time reveal the conflict of split personality (a particular kind of ‘spatialisation’ of this conflict) as well as lead to reflexivity, self‑awareness of the cinema. After all, subjective narrative, gaze circulation present in both films, leads to disgrace of male gaze.
- Price: 4.50 €
Szpital jako przestrzeń filmowa
Szpital jako przestrzeń filmowa
(Hospital as a film space)
- Author(s):Barbara Kita
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature
- Page Range:407-417
- No. of Pages:11
- Summary/Abstract:Hospital as a multi‑faceted and ambivalent space enables manifestation of different forms of protagonist identity and opens various possibilities of film representations. It was only the postmodern discourse, open to the types of characters and groups which had been nonexistent in the mainstream cultural reflections, that enabled meaningful presence of the diseased. Thus ‘the alien’, ‘the other’, ‘the untypical’ — that which does not fit in the modern order of reality — has been demarginalized. Three films created the basis for my observations on hospital as an institution of supervision, on hospital space as an ambivalent space of passage and, at the same time, a place of closure and exclusion, of peculiar dehumanization of a hospital subject — a human being. An inspiration for this reflection, along with the film examples whose action takes place in a psychiatric hospital (which is very significant), are Michel Foucault’s thoughts on the nature of panopticon and madness, as well as Zygmunt Bauman’s writings on the condition of the diseased in the postmodern world. The hospital space, apart from being conditioned by a closed and imposing order institution, can also be seen as an ambivalent space owing to extreme emotions it evokes.
- Price: 4.50 €