Gândirea militară românească sub amprenta clausewitziană
Romanian Military Thinking under the Imprint of Clausewitz
Author(s): Adrian Lesenciuc
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Security and defense, Military policy, Peace and Conflict Studies
Published by: Centrul tehnic-editorial al armatei
Keywords: Carl von Clausewitz; Romanian Military Thinking;Revolution in Military Affair (RMA);
Summary/Abstract: This book plays two roles: to suggest the possibility of re-reading military thinking - especially the Romanian one - after applying the ideological markers on the dominant schools of thinking, but especially after applying the markers for pointing out Clausewitzianism. These markers paint ideological "-isms" in different colours: Clausewitzianism, Anticlausewitzianism, Neoclausewitzianism and enable the interpretation of the radiography of military thinking outside ideological debris.
- Print-ISBN-10: 978-606-524-2
- Page Count: 96
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: Romanian
Gândirea militară românească înainte de Marea Unire. Proiecţia oficială prusacă vs. dezideratul şcolii franceze
Gândirea militară românească înainte de Marea Unire.
Proiecţia oficială prusacă vs. dezideratul şcolii franceze
(Romanian Military Thinking before the Great Union. Official Prussian Projection vs. French School Desideratum)
- Author(s):Adrian Lesenciuc
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Military policy, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:11-18
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Prussian influence; Romanian military thinking; Clausewitz;French army; Moltke
- Summary/Abstract:This chapter begins with a short review of the military thinking at the beginning of the 20th century, which mainly highlights the importance of the Prussian influence on the war. Moreover, the chapter includes the bases of the Romanian military thinking development programme. To conclude, the author writes about the development of the Romanian military thinking under the influence of the two schools of thinking: Prussian and French.
Gândirea militară românească după Marea Unire
Gândirea militară românească după Marea Unire
(Romanian Military Thinking after the Great Union)
- Author(s):Adrian Lesenciuc
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Military policy, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:19-26
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Romanian military thinking; Clausewitz;French military school; Marshall Foch
- Summary/Abstract:This chapter begins with a few aspects regarding the reorganisation of the Romanian Armed Forces in 1917 and the harmonisation with the French military school. Then, it goes through the first steps made towards a Romanian military thinking school and ends with a few conclusions regarding the sailing against the wind, which is, in the author's opinion, one of the most important features of the Romanian military thinking.
Carl von Clausewitz, Despre război. Deformări ideologizante
Carl von Clausewitz, Despre război. Deformări ideologizante
(Carl von Clausewitz, On War. Ideologising Distorsions)
- Author(s):Adrian Lesenciuc
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Military policy, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:27-36
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Carl von Clausewitz; On War;
- Summary/Abstract:The chapter begins with a short history of Carl von Clausewitz, the one who has fundamentally changed the physiognomy of war, and his main book, On War, a masterpiece dealing with the theory or philosophy of war. Then, the author addresses the delicate issue of various authors who failed to understand his ideas and, thus, started to distort them.
- Author(s):Adrian Lesenciuc
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Military policy, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:37-47
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Clausewitzianism; Neoclausewitzianism
- Summary/Abstract:This chapter approaches the emergence of the Clausewitzian ideas, Neoclausewitzianism and the Clausewitzian paradigm and the limitations of its horizon.
Postclausewitzianismul. Anticlausewitzianismul.
Postclausewitzianismul. Anticlausewitzianismul.
(Postclausewitzianism. Anticlausewitzianism.)
- Author(s):Adrian Lesenciuc
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Military policy, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:48-64
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Liddell Hart; Postclausewitzianism; Anticlausewitzianism;revolution in military affairs (RMA);
- Summary/Abstract:In this chapter, the author writes about the postclausewitzian conflictual environment, the revolution in military affairs, the new relations of power and the anticlausewitzianism as a counterideology, with Basil Henry Liddell Hart as the most prominent example in this respect.
Gândirea militară românească în raport cu gândirea clausewitziană
Gândirea militară românească în raport cu gândirea clausewitziană
(Romanian Military Thinking in Relation to Clausewitzian Thinking)
- Author(s):Adrian Lesenciuc
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Military policy, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:65-79
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Neoclausewitzianism;Postclausewitzianism; Romanian military thinking;
- Summary/Abstract:In this chapter, the author draws a comparison between the Romanian military thinking and the Clausewitzian thinking. First, he addresses the Clausewitzian heritage in terms of its reinterpretation according to Engels. Then, he writes about Neoclausewitzian and Postclausewitzianian positioning and the continuous warfare
Reflectarea operei lui Clausewitz in Gândirea militară românească
Reflectarea operei lui Clausewitz in Gândirea militară românească
(Clausewitz's Work Reflected in the Romanian MIlitary Thinking)
- Author(s):Adrian Lesenciuc
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Military policy, Politics of History/Memory
- Page Range:80-89
- No. of Pages:10
- Author(s):Adrian Lesenciuc
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Military policy, Politics of History/Memory
- Page Range:90-95
- No. of Pages:7